Chapter 261 Waiver
"I have three strategies to ensure that Haotian Team [-] successfully advances to the finals."

"Ha." Tang Gang and the other two teachers looked at each other and sneered. Haotian Team [-] had the ability to advance to the finals, and they couldn't refute that Haotian Team [-] couldn't advance.

"Just tell me your plan."

"First of all, we can't just play seven of them, we also have to prepare three reserve players."

Reserve team. . .Tang Gang was speechless when he heard Yu Xiaogang's words. In a sense, Haotian Team [-] should be the reserve team of Haotian Team [-].

It was only because Dean Tang Xiao cherished their talents and Haotian's second team was really outstanding that they were allowed to form a separate team to participate in the Soul Master Competition, and they also had to reserve team members. Was Yu Xiaogang worried about Tang San's safety or scolding the three of them? Straw bag?

"Seven students don't have anything to worry about. Our trip this time is simple. We will go directly to Tiandou City to compete. Nothing will happen." Teng Wanchun explained to the seven of them.

"I'm thinking about unexpected situations during the game!"

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang, you should just talk about your three strategies." Xuefeng on the side brought the topic back on track.

"My three strategies are to attract jade, to show weakness to the enemy, and to wait for work." Yu Xiaogang proudly said the result of a month of hard thinking.

? ? ?Tang Gang looked at Yu Xiaogang with confusion on his face, what is this guy talking about?

Seeing the confusion on other people's faces, Yu Xiaogang felt even happier. Only the stupidity of others could bring out his genius.

"First of all, let's start the game. We should not arrange all the main players to play in the early stage of the qualifiers. We only need to arrange four main players to ensure victory, and the other three main players will be replaced by three reserve players."

"In this way, other powerful teams will reveal a lot of important information such as their soul power levels, specific soul skills, etc. in the early games, but we will hide the top secret information of three important players."

"In this way, our Haotian Second Team will undoubtedly have an overwhelming intelligence advantage against those strong teams in the later stages of the qualifiers."

Tang Gang, who was a little bored at first, carefully thought about Yu Xiaogang's first plan and felt that it did make sense, "What about the next one?"

"The second plan is to show weakness to the enemy. We should not pursue the first or second place in the qualifiers. It is best to qualify in the third or fourth place. In the middle, we can even admit defeat on our own initiative when facing those tough and strong teams."

"This will not only avoid exposing too many trump cards, but also reduce the attention of other teams and pave the way for the promotion and finals."

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang felt even happier when he saw everyone focusing their attention on him, and continued with excitement in his voice.

"The last plan is to wait for work. Other teams will inevitably be exhausted after fighting one after another, but our three main players have always been in perfect condition. When the time comes to collide with strong teams, we can naturally greatly improve our chances of winning!"


Heaven Dou City, Spirit Temple.

Platinum Bishop Salas looked at the secret letter just sent from the headquarters with suspicion. He had checked the details of the letter three times and even verified it with the headquarters. Everything proved that it was a direct order from Pope Bibi Dong.

But the content above puzzled him, which is why he checked it repeatedly.

Da da da!
A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Salas rubbed his temples. What kind of medicine was being sold in the Pope's gourd?Do this before the start of the competition qualifiers.

"Come in." Salas raised his head and saw that it was his female secretary Oles who came in, and asked curiously, "Is there anything important?"

"Sir, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, Hu Yanzhen, brought his grandson Hu Yanli to ask for a meeting. In addition, Lord Miga and the members of the Eastern Spider Beasts also happened to arrive."

"Well, I'll be there right away." Salas nodded lightly. These two things were within his expectation, but he didn't expect them to come together so coincidentally.

"There's one more thing." Salas reminded him with a louder voice.

"You can't call Miga directly. You have to call him Elder." Salas looked solemn. He had witnessed the other person's talent with his own eyes three years ago.

The Pope gave her the status and honor of an elder, not because of preference, but because she would definitely become a titled Douluo, and the time would not be too long.

Therefore, it was necessary to change his words in advance and ask the elder to build a good relationship. He also reminded Oles after seeing that Orais had been with him for a long time.

"Don't be nervous, that person is not an arrogant person." Salas shook his head, "I'll go and sort it out first. If you want to take them to the big conference room, it's better to meet each other before the competition starts. Don't fight as a family. It’s a family.”

Hu Boqing and others were a little surprised when they saw Hu Yanzhen and Hu Yanli's father and son arriving together in the large conference room. They didn't look like people from Wuhun Palace.

Hu Yanzhen and Miga immediately focused on each other. Without deliberately restraining their aura, both of them subconsciously sensed the dangerous aura on the other's body.Before the two of them could speak, Orais took the initiative to introduce in the middle: "Here is Elder Miga, and Dongzhu Beasts, a team participating in the preliminary round of Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy."

"This is Hu Yanzhen, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, and his grandson Hu Yanli. Their Elephant Armor Academy will also participate in this qualifier."

Elder? !Hu Yanzhen hurriedly pulled the grandson next to him and bowed to show respect, "It turns out that I am disrespectful in front of you. I, Hu Yanzhen, came here this time with the intention of joining Wuhun Hall on behalf of the Elephant Armor Sect and the Elephant Armor Academy."

No wonder he saw that the other party was so young, and his feelings were like those of an elder. Hu Yanzhen took a deep breath. As for the weak soul power aura of the other party, he automatically concluded in his mind that the other party's ability to hold breath was quite high.

Then I felt happy again. It seemed that the Salas people were quite nice, and they specially found an elder to show respect.

"I am not your crown prince, I only obtained the position of elder by exception." Miga shook his head slightly to avoid the other party's bow, and at the same time waved his hand to indicate to Hu Boqing and the others to sit wherever they wanted.

After all, with these little guys running all the way from Wuhun City, the legs of these little guys are probably weak.

"Not Your Majesty?" Hu Yanzhen looked at Orais with some doubts, but the respect on his face did not change at all. After hearing Orais' simple explanation, he also reacted, and the compliment on his face became even stronger.

"It turns out that you are Elder Miga, the champion of the last competition. I have also heard about your deeds in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena. You are well-deserved for the position of elder."

"Your Excellency praised it." Miga responded calmly with a smile on her face. Naturally, she would not deny the other person such compliments, and then looked thoughtfully at Hu Yanli aside.

The opponent looks quite majestic, with a not ugly white paint on his face. He is undoubtedly a power soul master. Elephant Armor Sect, is the martial soul an elephant?
"This is my grandson Ali, a level 43 fighting spirit sect. In our Elephant Armor Sect, he has the best talent in hundreds of years. I think he has the hope of surpassing me and becoming the first titled Douluo of our Elephant Armor Sect. He is also the captain of our Elephant Academy team in this competition."

Hu Yanzhen was also familiar with it. When he saw Orais turning around to arrange the waiters, he stretched out his big hand the size of a cattail leaf fan and patted his grandson on the shoulder and introduced him.

He naturally knew about the East Spider Soul Master Academy, and it would not be harmful to his future development to let Ali get to know him more and become familiar with each other.

"Hello, my name is Hu Boqing. I am the captain of the Eastern Spider Beasts. Please give me your advice during the qualifiers." Hu Boqing looked at the opponent seriously, and the other team members also introduced themselves solemnly.

They have made a lot of progress in the past two years. Not only did they travel around the mainland, they also participated in the trial of the Undead Secret Realm after returning. Of course, what worried them the most was the latest arrangement of the dean.

"Relax, aren't we just arranging for your two teams to compete as one? It's time to eat and drink. It's time for dinner. Give me two whole lamb set meals. I want an extra roasted leg of lamb. I want Chef Zhang. The wine is made by myself." Miga looked at Oles next to him and ordered.

"Would you like some, too?" Miga looked at Hu Boqing, Hu Yanzhen and others and asked.

"I want."

"I want two legs of lamb, too."

. . .The seven little guys had been hungry for a long time. When Miga started talking, they all put down their restraints and stopped being polite.

Although Hu Yanzhen on the opposite side was a little strange, he didn't mean to be unsociable. The most important thing was that they both liked roasted lamb legs.

What does it mean for the second team to become the first team?Hu Yanzhen was a little puzzled, but before he could ask any more questions, Salas walked into the conference room after taking care of himself.

"Lord Salas*2."

"Mr. Platinum Bishop*8."

Seeing the 10 people who all stood up and saluted with clasped fists, Salas was quite satisfied and did not forget to return the salute in the direction of Miga, "You are so polite, Mr. Elder, please sit down."

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two parties was harmonious, Salas was not polite and directly asked Miga his most doubtful matter, "I heard that His Highness the Pope has arranged for the first team of the Eastern Spider Academy to abstain. I don't know why?"

Yes, this was the content of the secret letter, and it was also the reason why Salas repeatedly verified that the first seed, the previous champion Dongzhu Team, who had automatically advanced to the finals, voluntarily abstained.

And Bibi Dong also arranged for the platinum bishops of the two empires to make this known to the world before the official start of the qualifiers.

The captain of the East Spider Team was Miga, so it was right to ask her. Salas, who originally thought that something unexpected might happen to the East Spider Team, gave up this guess after seeing Miga himself.

"It's nothing. The students of Dongzhu Academy don't need the false reputation of champions. What they need is enough training. If I participate in the competition next time, the championship will definitely be mine. The competition will be too boring. Let seven of them compete from the beginning. It's just right. ."

Miga's voice is full of confidence. With her ability, it doesn't matter if she competes alone, but what does this false reputation mean for personal growth?

"In addition, the dean and the others are also considering the competition itself. If my Dongzhu team abstains, I believe the atmosphere of the competition will undoubtedly be more lively, because everyone will have a chance to win the championship, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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