Chapter 266

The seven players from the Haotian Second Team were undoubtedly eye-catching, and the cheers from the spectator seats were very high and enthusiastic.

On the one hand, the strength of Haotian Academy has already gained a reputation in the last competition. On the other hand, the members of Haotian Team [-] seem to be on the younger side, but their soul power is not bad at all. This has caused many people to speculate. Will this team be another dark horse in this competition?
The Soul Master Competition is undoubtedly one of the best ways for civilians to get in touch with Soul Masters. Even wealthy spectators can participate in the game betting and tightly bind their emotions to the performance of a certain team.

The soul masters in this world are the absolute ruling class. If they want to truly cross the class and move from the bottom to the upper class of society, there is no other way but strength.

However, in Douluo Continent, if you want to obtain extraordinary power, you cannot avoid the path of soul master no matter what.

Strength cannot be obtained through hard work. Although the martial soul and innate soul power awakened at the age of 6 cannot determine the lower limit of a person's life, it can basically lock in the upper limit of a person.

All struggle and effort are just to bring a person closer to this upper limit.

This was undoubtedly a despairing reality until Wuhun Palace brought some changes, and new roads sprang up around the original single-plank bridge.

. . .

On the large arena, the seven members of the Elephant Academy were extremely eye-catching. After all, the seven towering men stood together, and their momentum steadily dominated the other teams.

The average civilian audience may not understand the advantages of martial souls, and they may not even be able to see the number of soul rings clearly, but they can clearly see the size difference between the two sides.
The tallest men in the Elephant Armor Academy are all over 1.8 meters tall and weigh more than 200 kilograms. In comparison, the members of the Haotian Second Team, who are already younger, feel as weak as bean sprouts.

Regardless of martial arts, a normal person would probably hide as far away as possible when seeing such a person. Anyone who has had experience in fighting with heavyweights knows this very well.

"Captain, there is indeed only one new face in the Haotian Second Team opposite. It seems that the sect leader's prediction is correct." Hu Yanba, the vice-captain of the Elephant Academy, stared at the Haotian Second Team carefully and identified.

"Well, then go as planned. You also heard what grandpa said yesterday. If we lose, everyone will suffer. Cheer up and let everyone see the strength of our Elephant Academy!"

Captain Hu Yanli raised his arms and shouted, and the others roared loudly, "Elephant Academy, we must win, we must win, we must win!"

Game start,
"Brothers, activate the martial spirit!" Along with Hu Yanli's shout, more than 20 yellow and purple spirit rings appeared.

It can be seen that Hu Yanli, Hu Yanba and Hu Yanshan at the front are all four-ring soul masters, while Hu Yanxi, Hu Yanqi, Huyan Gai and Hu Yanshi at the back are all three-ring soul masters.

The brothers Hu Yanli mentioned were not empty words. They were indeed brothers of the same generation in the Jia Sect. Even their names could be combined into one sentence: "Strengthening the mountains and overwhelming the world"!
On the other side of Haotian's second team, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu took the lead and stood at the front to release the Haotian Hammer spirit. Two black-haired young men with almost identical looks were behind them.

A pair of black animal ears stood up, and at the same time, there were shiny black hairs like satin sprouting from their faces. Looking at their apricot pupils, you could tell that they were leopard martial spirits.

In the middle was Tang San, and the last two were Ning Rongrong and Oscar. Oscar didn't say anything and just started making the big recovery sausage.

Most of the sausages were prepared for the five companions in front, and the rest were provided directly to himself and Ning Rongrong to ensure that their soul power reserves were always in sufficient condition.

Ning Rongrong was holding the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. With a touch of her hand, two yellow soul rings shone simultaneously, and four rays of light pierced the sky. The targets were Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu at the front.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the distraction control method Fa Ning Fengzhi have been taught to her. This technique can release soul skills for multiple people at the same time and can also exercise mental strength. It is the secret of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

She is not yet proficient in the second-level three-aperture control method of distraction control method, and the first-level two-aperture control method is more secure.


In the audience, although the majority of civilians were just watching the fun, there were also quite a few "experts" who could see the ropes.

They are generally wealthy, and their investment in the competition is not small, so they are particularly interested. However, most of these people's soul power level is not high, and their understanding of the team is relatively one-sided.

Therefore, while watching the game, they will discuss the content of the game with the spectators nearby.

Among them, sitting in the front row of the auditorium, a middle-aged man with a big belly wearing gold and silver was having a heated discussion with a thin old man wearing round thick-lensed glasses next to him.

"Brother Li, I think the Elephant Armor Academy has a better chance of winning. You see, three of their soul masters are fourth-ring soul sects. Compared to the other side, there are only two. There is still a big difference."

The middle-aged man looked at the arena with a smile, and the metal ring inlaid with blue and green gemstones on his hand clicked crisply.

"Although Haotian Academy was the third runner-up last time, it is still the second team on the field. I think it will be difficult for them to qualify in the qualifiers. After all, in addition to the academy this year, there are also many powerful casual training teams joining the competition. It’s so intense.”

"No, Boss Wang is still shallow." The thin old man stared at the rear of Haotian Team [-] and took a long breath after carefully identifying it. "The martial arts of Haotian Team [-] will completely overwhelm Elephant Academy."

"First of all, their team members are very well matched. They have two powerful attackers, two agility attackers, one control player, one support player, and one food player. It can be said to be a pretty standard matchup."

"Secondly, the martial arts of Haotian's second team are even more incredible. Don't tell me you don't know the name of the Haotian Hammer."

"The spirit of the Clear Sky Hammer is indeed powerful, but it can't be two against three, right? And the spirits of the other members of the Haotian Second Team don't seem to be outstanding." The middle-aged man asked with some confusion. He could hear what the old man surnamed Li said. Obvious confidence.

"Look at the little girl at the back." The thin old man clapped his fist, "That's the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. The auxiliary effect of the three-ring soul sect is not inferior to that of the four-ring soul sect. From this, it seems that the advantages of the Elephant Armor Academy are all false. of."

"It seems that I'm going to make a lot of money with my 2000 gold soul coins. The odds of Haotian's second team are 1 to 1.4." "The world's best auxiliary weapon, the Spirit Seven Treasures Glazed Tower." The middle-aged man touched his drum He frowned, "Have the three upper sects also begun to cooperate with each other?"

"Hey, this shows that the dark horse of the Haotian Second Team is of excellent quality. If I follow them and buy it, I will definitely make a lot of money." The thin old man turned his head and looked at the market in the distance.

"By the way, I don't know which side Lan Fu bought? He was very accurate in the first two days. It would be good to hear his opinion."

"Brother Lan Fu, isn't he here?" The middle-aged man waved to another neighbor who came from the market, "Brother Lan Fu, which side did you buy?"

The person who came was a middle-aged man wearing a gray robe and covering his face with a scarf. He also wore glasses with lenses in front of his eyes, but the lenses were square.

"Oh, I bought Elephant Academy." The middle-aged man who called himself Lan Fu had a hoarse voice, and for some reason, there was frustration in his voice when he came back.

"Oh, you two are serious, why don't you believe in the sign of Haotian?" The thin old man said with unconcealed pride in his voice, "It seems that I am the only one who made a profit this time. "

Seeing the proud look of the thin old man, the middle-aged wealthy businessman was still smiling. He was not short of this gold soul coin. If the opponent's team could really come up with unexpected methods, it would be worth it.

Besides, the Elephant Academy doesn’t necessarily feel like losing. The wealthy businessman put his hand into his loose sleeves and touched it, looking at Lan Fu.

"By the way, Lan Fu, you have your own reasons for buying Elephant Armor Academy. What do you like about him?"

Under the thick square lenses, Lan Fu looked at the two teams that had begun to collide on the field and shook his head, "I'm just not optimistic about Haotian's second team."

"Clearly there are regular members of Team Haotian who did not play, which shows that they underestimated the enemy and were careless. Moreover, the two spirit masters of Haotian Hammer Spirit like to fight alone, and their integration with their teammates is very average."

"That's right. It's not just the Elephant Armor Academy that has a single flaw in its martial arts. Haotian Team [-] also has flaws. It depends on who of the two sides can seize the opportunity better." The middle-aged wealthy businessman nodded and said nothing.

I saw him leaning forward, his back lifted off the backrest, his eyes fixed on the ring, with an expression of great interest on his face.

This is a live competition, and the cultivation level of both parties is at least Soul Master. If you don't watch carefully, it is easy to miss a lot of things.

"What's there to question? Haotian Team [-] is sure to win, okay? Doesn't their retention of strength just show their confidence in their own strength?" The thin old man retorted unconvincingly.

It's just that the middle-aged wealthy businessman Boss Wang and Lan Fu were staring at the ring silently and didn't say anything more to him, because the Elephant Armor Academy and Haotian Team [-] had already collided.

The formation of the Haotian Second Team is a standard 412 formation, but the Elephant Academy is a bit strange. The people hold up the sparkling diamond elephant shields and rush towards the Haotian Second Team in a flat "herringbone" shape. .

They have no auxiliary system, no control system, everyone is a power system macho with Diamond Mammoth Martial Spirit.

Hu Yanli, the strongest one, was in the middle, while the other two soul sects were on both sides. They looked menacing, like a hill pressing towards everyone in Haotian's second team.

"Am I on your side?" Tang Shi looked at Tang Fuhu.

"Okay!" Tang Fuhu agreed and turned to shout to Tang San behind him, "Tang San, control the big man in the middle of the opponent."

After hearing Tang Fuhu's order, Tang San frowned slightly, but his hand movements were not slow at all. More than a dozen fist-thick bluesilver grass emerged from the floor beside him, and six of them spread indistinctly along the ground towards the other six. A teammate.

At this time, Tang Shi Tang Fuhu led the two brothers Ying Feng and Ying Lie to separate and meet the Soul Sects on both sides of the Elephant Armor Academy, leaving a wide passage in the middle.

The third soul skill, spider web restraint.

Tang San flicked his hand, and three balls of green light flew towards Hu Yanli, Hu Yangai and Hu Yanshi in the middle of the Elephant Armor Sect.

This was the basic tactic they usually trained. Tang San would limit the opponent's attrition, while Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu would defeat the rest of the opponent first, and then finish off the remaining ones.

This method of defeating them one by one can just make up for the shortage of frontline combatants caused by Haotian's second team's auxiliary system and food system's double back row.

Tang San's spider web restraint came from the Man-Faced Demon Spider in 2000. It is among the best among millennium soul skills. In addition to the problem of high soul power consumption, the toxicity and controllability of the soul skill are impeccable.

What's more important is that the blue silver grass bound by the spider web is extremely tough, and has a restraining effect on the sky for a soul master like Diamond Mammoth who only knows how to use brute force.

Even Hu Yanli, the most powerful soul sect on the opponent's side, would find it extremely difficult to break away with brute force.

The most important thing is that Tang San's third soul skill, Spider Web Binding, was used for the first time in the qualifiers. It was caught off guard and had a miraculous effect.

But for some reason, Tang San always felt subconsciously uneasy, his eyes filled with purple meaning, unconsciously searching for the source of the uneasiness.

The faces of Hu Yanli and the others were not at all surprised when they saw the green light ball emitted by Tang San, but instead showed a bit of prepared surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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