Chapter 267 Tang San is in danger!

The Shrek Seven Monsters once had a match with the Eastern Spider Beasts in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. In that match, their soul skills were all seen by Mega.

Coupled with the obvious shortcomings of Elephant Armor Academy, it is almost certain that Tang San's thousand-year soul skills will not be retained.

Mijia told Hu Yanzhen clearly about this. The opponent's control-type martial spirit had good toughness, but the plant-type martial spirit was afraid of elemental damage.

However, the shortcomings of the Elephant Armor Academy's martial spirit were revealed at this moment. The diamond mammoth martial spirit did not have elemental attack capabilities.

In this regard, Miga did not hesitate to give Hu Yanzhen a little gadget as one of the two trump cards of Elephant Armor Academy.

. . .

The target was indeed him. Hu Yanli looked at the three green light balls coming towards him and became convinced. To be on the safe side, the three soul sects each had one of the two items.

Then without any hesitation, he took out a flaming jade tablet full of patterns from his arms and pointed it at the spider web restraint that Tang San had spent most of his soul power to release. At the same time, he poured all his soul power into the jade tablet with all his strength.

The next moment, as the pattern on the jade tablet was filled with the light of soul power, a crimson flame light spurted out from it, and the combination of talismans was faintly visible.

With a roar, the flaming light ball turned into a huge fire python and flew out, opened its mouth full of flaming fangs, swallowed three green light balls in one gulp, and then flew towards Tang San along the path it was bound by the spider web. past.

What it is? !Tang San, who released the cobweb restraints three times in a row, looked pale from exhaustion. He had just taken a large recovery sausage from Oscar through the Blue Silver Grass and stuffed it into his mouth. Before he could chew it and swallow it, he stared at the oncoming enemy with wide eyes. fire python.

He spent most of his body's soul power to release a thousand-year soul skill, and now it's over without even making a sound?

Before Tang San could recover from the shock, Hu Yanli shouted, "Do it!"

At this moment, the four members of the Elephant Armor Academy understood and performed the same soul skills on the four front rows of the Haotian Team 4, and the four purple soul rings lit up with a dazzling light at the same time.

The third soul skill, Suppression!

The four heavyweight men actually jumped up in the air very nimbly, their whole bodies covered in purple light, and they volleyed down directly towards the four Tang Lions.

The members of the Elephant Armor Academy are already much heavier than the opposing Haotian Team [-]. After being possessed by the martial soul, their weight has increased significantly. Coupled with their own surge in strength and defense, the power of this move is enough to defeat any soul of the same level. The division is ready.

Moreover, this move not only takes into account the aggressiveness, but also has excellent control. The opponent who is locked will feel a strong sense of oppression and have difficulty moving, and can only be forced to withstand the attack.

Faced with the Thousand-Year Soul Technique attack from Toujia Academy without any reservation, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu remained calm, their Thousand-Year Soul Rings lit up at the same time, and they waved the Clear Sky Hammer and directly faced Hu Yanba and Hu Yanshan, who were both soul sects.

As direct members of the Haotian Sect, they are not afraid of attacks from any soul masters of the same level!
However, the expressions of the two brothers Ying Feng and Ying Lie changed drastically when faced with each other's crushing attack. Their martial spirit was Ghost Shadow Leopard, an agility attack beast martial spirit that was extremely good at bursting out.

They had no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation with the strength system. Coupled with the opponent's heavyweight suppression and their own inability to move their feet to take advantage of their speed, they were afraid that they would be hit hard if this attack continued.

"Tang San!" In response, they directly chose the only way to survive, shouting to Tang San behind them while pulling the bluesilver grass around their waists.

Although their feet couldn't move, Tang San could help them avoid the overwhelming attack by pulling them back through the blue silver grass.

Compared to them going straight to the end, Tang San's expenditure of some energy seemed insignificant.

However, Tang San, whose eyes were covered with purple meaning at this moment, looked solemn, and did not pay attention to the two brothers Ying Feng Ying Lie's plea for help. His eyes were fixed on the oncoming fire python and Hu Yanli who followed closely with a ferocious smile on his face. Three people.

That's right, the first purpose of the pressure tactics arranged by Hu Yanli was not at all the two agility attack systems of Haotian Team [-], but to temporarily restrict the four front rows of Haotian Team [-] with the help of pressure control.

Whether he can eliminate the opponent's meritorious service is not important to Hu Yanli at all. He just needs time to deal with the control-type soul master of Haotian's second team and the two auxiliary food-types behind him.

At this moment, Tang San was in an isolated and helpless state. His four teammates in the front row were forced into a 4V1 with overwhelming soul skills and were unable to move. The actual combat abilities of Ning Rongrong and Oscar behind him were negligible.

Logically speaking, if Tang San helped the two brothers, Shadow Wind and Shadow Hunter, escape from danger, calling them back to defend would sound like a good strategy.

However, Tang San could use a lot of energy to pull the two of them out of the killing range, but he couldn't do without the physical strength to pull the two of them directly back to him!
Is it faster for a person to run on two legs, or to be pulled by a companion with a rope?
The most important thing is that there is a cyan light surging on the surface of Hu Yanli's body. At this moment, he is like a flexible fat man, sprinting at a jaw-dropping speed!

Tang San could naturally pull the two Yingfeng and Shadowhunting brothers out of danger, but with both his strength and soul power declining at the same time, he had to face the powerful fire snake and the soul sect Hu Yanli alone. .

In the rest area, Miga nodded slightly. The Fire Snake Magic Talisman and the Wind Spirit Magic Talisman both probably have the power of soul skills close to a thousand years. They are similar to soul rings and can take effect as long as soul power is injected into them.There are disadvantages. The idiot-style operation is difficult to control precisely, and the soul power consumption is larger. Compared with the soul ring, the delay is larger. However, the talisman can be reused more than 20 times. It is not bad to use it as a soul skill to make up for its own shortcomings.

After all, these two things are gadgets she made in her spare time. Whether they are disposable paper charms or reusable jade charms, the key is accuracy, which is not difficult at all for her who has reached the pinnacle of power control.

With these two things, the Elephant Armor Academy could not only easily break through Tang San's soul control skills, but also quickly rush in front of Tang San to complete the beheading tactic.

Moreover, the talisman is not a machine. Its power comes from Hu Yanli's own soul power, so it does not violate the rules of the competition.

. . .

"Huh?!" In the audience, the middle-aged wealthy businessman and Lan Fu next to him opened their eyes and shrank almost at the same time. The outbreak of the Elephant Academy was not only beyond the expectations of the Haotian Team [-], but also beyond their expectations.

"No!" The thin old man on the other side stood up from his seat after a slow reaction. This script is wrong!Just when he was thinking about making a lot of money, why did the situation turn one side towards the Haotian Second Team? !
"I didn't see it. Brother Lan Fu has such outstanding vision. I admire him." The middle-aged wealthy businessman stared at the ring intently and said friendly compliments.

"Actually, I don't know the methods of the Elephant Armor Academy." Lan Fu looked at the fire snake in front of Hu Yanli and the green light on his body that seemed to be the wind element. He didn't hide his doubts. The reason why he bought the Elephant Armor Academy was not because of the elephant. College A.

"That seems to be Wuhun Palace's new method. As the Elephant Armor Sect is the closest four sects, it's not surprising." Regarding Lan Fu's frankness, the middle-aged wealthy businessman hesitated and gave a particularly accurate opinion.

Hu Yanli and the fire snake were so fast that Xiao Ao had no time to make flying mushroom sausages. The only way was. . .

Tang San, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, was using his brain power with all his strength. He didn't care at all about the two Shadow Wind and Shadow Hunter brothers who were about to suffer great misfortune. Instead, he made almost the same move as the two of them, "Rong Rong!"

Ning Rongrong, who was originally planning to buff the two brothers Shadow Wind and Shadow Hunter, was startled when she heard Tang San's cry for help. Now she only knew two orifices, and she couldn't assist three people's three orifices at the same time.

However, at this critical moment, Ning Rongrong, who had no time to think, directly shifted the auxiliary target, directly chose to activate all the spirit rings, and three beams of light flew directly towards the nearest Tang San.

After all, she had only known Ying Feng Ying Lie for less than a month, and they had known Tang San for at least two years.

Strength increased by 40%,

Speed ​​increased by 40%,

Soul power increased by 40%.

Before the fire snake, three new forces surged out of Tang San's body. Tang San breathed a sigh of relief, the first two BUFFs were nothing more, and the final increase in soul power just covered the decline in his soul power.

Blue Silver Grass!
As soon as Tang San joined his hands, more than a dozen strands of blue silver grass shot up from the ground in front of him, condensing into a half-meter-thick grass wall between him and the fire snake. Of course he knew that blue silver grass was weak to fire, but it was better than fire. He should just use his physical body to defend himself against the Fire Snake!

The fire snake exuding high temperature hit the blue-purple grass wall without hesitation and then exploded. The grass wall fell apart in just the blink of an eye, and the red flames raged along the cracks.

Tang San, who had gained increased speed and strength, was running the Ghost Shadow Tracing Step at full speed, weaving through the aftermath of the flames.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, he avoided all the flames and did not suffer any substantial damage. This is undoubtedly an impossible thing for a control-type soul master.

At the same time, two screams rang out, and the two abandoned brothers Yingfeng Yinglie were knocked unconscious by Hu Yanxi and Hu Yanqi from the opposite side.

Tang San, who had escaped the aftermath of the last flame with a donkey roll, didn't have time to catch his breath and take another big recovery sausage from Oscar, Hu Yanli was already in front of him.

The second soul skill is mammoth strength.

The third soul skill, Suppression!

Without giving Tang San a chance to breathe, Hu Yanli jumped up and directly locked onto Tang San, preventing him from moving and using the Ghost Shadow Trap, falling from the sky and hitting Tang San like a meteorite.

Let him enjoy the treatment of the two brothers, Shadow Wind and Shadow Hunter!
"You bastard, you still want to trick your grandpa, get down here." Hu Yanli fell from the sky with a proud face, but thinking of grandpa's stern instructions yesterday, he still kept a close eye on Tang San's condition, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

"You forced me to do this!" Tang San raised his head and faced Hu Yanli. There was no fear on his face, only anger. He didn't expect that it was only the third qualifying match and he was about to reveal his trump card.

The next moment, the spirit ring on Tang San suddenly disappeared, and a hammer that was very similar to Tang Shi Tang Fuhu appeared in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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