Chapter 268 Gambling

The second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer.

This is a secret that few people know about Tang San. To be precise, only four people in the world besides Tang San himself, Tang Hao, Yu Xiaogang, Tang Xiao and Tang Chen, know about it.

Likewise, this was the trump card that Yu Xiaogang and Tang San had negotiated for the competition. The trump card that was originally planned to be used in the finals was now forced to be revealed. Not only was Tang San filled with reluctance, but Yu Xiaogang in the audience was even more so.

"Damn it, if I had known that Elephant Armor Academy was so difficult to deal with, I should have sent Xiao Wu and Yu Tianheng up there. This would at least be a better situation than the more precarious situation where Tang San exposed his trump card."

Yu Xiaogang clenched his fists as he looked at the critical situation of Haotian's second team in the ring. Compared to the two brothers Ying Feng and Ying Lie, Yu Tianheng and Xiao Wu would never be easily eliminated by each other.

With his own soul power cultivation and powerful martial soul, Yu Tianheng can not only break free from the restraint of the soul master level, but may even fight back.

And Xiao Wu even had the teleportation soul skill to easily escape and support Tang San.

"Okay, let's watch the game first." Tang Gang and the other three also had unwavering expressions on their faces. They knew the situation of Haotian's second team as well as Yu Xiaogang.

If Yu Xiaogang hadn't done something to show weakness to the enemy, the situation on the field would never be so disadvantageous.

Although Tang San's second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer, really surprised them, and they suddenly realized the preferential treatment given to them by Dean Tang Xiao, they still had to deal with the matter.

Tang San was just a soul master, and the Clear Sky Hammer didn't have a soul ring attached to it. Opposite him, Hu Yanli was still the captain of the Elephant Armor Academy, the strongest of the three soul masters, and there were two soul masters coming behind him quickly.

Therefore, it is still unrealistic for Tang San to save the situation by himself, unless... . .

Torso bone soul skill!

Tang San's face turned pale as he poured one-third of his maximum soul power, maximum physical strength, and maximum mental power into his torso bones.

Most of the soul power in his body was already consumed. Even with the boost Ning Rongrong gave him, the soul power in his body did not exceed two-thirds. All of a sudden, his limbs were as empty and weak as noodles, and he almost couldn't hold the Hao in his hand. Sky hammer.

But even though his soul power was consumed so much, Tang San still had a determined look on his face. He believed that with his firm belief and his luck in two lifetimes, he would be able to achieve the results he wanted at this critical moment.

quack quack!
For some reason, a crow flew across the sky on the Soul Fighting Stage, which was originally bustling with people. When Tang San heard the sound, he couldn't help but feel a chill on his back, and his expression changed drastically.

No, logically speaking, at this critical moment, he shouldn't trigger the Peak Moment effect and use the Clear Sky Hammer with three times the attack to directly kill Hu Yanli who fell from the sky, right? !
Before Tang San could carefully confirm the effect of the torso bone soul skill, with a subtle sound of breaking through the air, before Hu Yanli was still in mid-air and had not yet fallen, a lump of wetness accurately landed on Tang San's forehead, and then from the center of his eyebrows. The center slowly slipped.

When his nose smelled that familiar fishy smell, Tang San gave up completely. It was obvious that Goddess of Luck didn't give him a kiss, but threw him a brick.

What's even more terrible is that Hu Yanli has fallen from the sky at this moment, and the killing is right in front of him.

Tang San, with a strong sense of crisis in his heart, couldn't help but wipe the disgusting thing off his forehead. He could only tighten his grip on the Clear Sky Hammer and pour all the remaining soul power into it.

At the same time, eight purple-black spider spears on his back tore through his clothes and came out, then slammed into the ground to provide Tang San with more power!

As long as he can block Hu Yanli's pressing kill, he can retreat with the agility of the Eight Spider Spears. When the time comes, he can find an opening and eat two Oscar's recovery sausages and still have to fight.

"Is that an external soul bone?!"

Tang San, who revealed another trump card, instantly aroused more intense attention than before. After all, it was not surprising that the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit appeared in the Second Clear Sky Team.

Only a few soul masters and everyone at the VIP table understood the preciousness of twin martial souls.

Soul bones are the rarest external soul bones. This stone undoubtedly stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone present focused their attention on Tang San.

Envy, greed, surprise, all kinds of emotions are reflected in these eyes.

Even everyone at the VIP table leaned forward, not to mention Salas, even Hu Yanzhen, Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi and others had more or less desire in their eyes.

This is an externally attached soul bone that is independent of the six basic soul bones. Compared with other soul bones, externally attached soul bones can evolve and grow with the soul master, so there is nothing inappropriate about it.

If he hadn't been completely refined, the greed on Prince Xuebeng's face would have been barely concealed. Just thinking about the Clear Sky Sect and the other party's Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit, the strong fear and greed merged into a complex and contradictory strange emotion.

"He actually has an external soul bone. How many secrets does this guy have?!" Teng Wanchun and the other two looked at each other, both seeing the other's ignorance, but they could see from Yu Xiaogang's reaction that this guy Undoubtedly knows everything.

"Yu Xiaogang, why didn't you tell us these things in advance? Is it because you don't trust us?" Teng Wanchun's voice was full of dissatisfaction.

He was usually the one who taught Tang San the control skills step by step. Although he didn't have the title of master and apprentice, he still had the actual status of master and apprentice. He didn't expect that the other party would treat him like an anti-thief, which was really heart-breaking.

But before Yu Xiaogang could answer, the sound of collisions on the field interrupted the conversation of several people.

. . . "External soul bone!" Hu Yanli was shocked in mid-air. He didn't expect that Haotian Academy's family wealth was so rich. Fortunately, he didn't have no trump cards.

Hu Yanli took a deep breath, his face expressionless, and all he could see was Tang San. The second purple thousand-year soul ring behind him lit up directly, and he was covered in silvery white heavy armor.

The fourth soul skill, mammoth possession.

It greatly improves its own defense and strength, and the diamond heavy armor on its body will also greatly increase its own tonnage.

At the same time, the soul power of his head flashed, and a golden bone mammoth helmet tightly wrapped his head, and at the same time, the golden light on it spread to all parts of Hu Yanli's body.

The 8000-year-old soul bone in his head greatly improves his defense and strength.

Hu Yanli, who originally weighed just over 200 kilograms, more than doubled after being possessed by the martial spirit. With his first soul skill, the bronze wall and iron wall condensed into an elephant shield, the weight directly exceeded 500 kilograms.

But now, Hu Yanli, whose whole body was covered with heavy armor, already weighed nearly a thousand kilograms, coupled with the increased power of his second soul skill, fourth soul skill and soul bone skill.

To put it bluntly, even a Soul King would suffer big losses if he tried to attack him, let alone Tang San, a level 36 Soul Lord.

The rumbling sound in the air and the twisted ripples visible to the naked eye all hinted at one thing. Hu Yanli's killing move was not at the same level of damage as the others'!

. . .

He had to use his strength skillfully, and he couldn't go head-to-head. Feeling the whistling airflow hitting his face, Tang San realized clearly in his heart that his Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit had no soul ring and was not qualified to go head-to-head.

But when he opened his eyes wide and used the Purple Demon Eyes with all his strength, trying to find the flaw in the opponent's power, Tang San suddenly felt a soreness in the corners of his eyes.

The wetness on his forehead that he had no time to care about was accidentally divided into two parts evenly on the bridge of his nose due to the push of the airflow, and then covered Tang San's eyes.

Tang San could bear the pain and stench, but his 4K-level ultra-micro-level Purple Demon Eyes directly turned into a mosaic that was inferior to 360P.

How could he be so unlucky?Tang San's face was distorted, his hands were clenching the Clear Sky Hammer, ready to use force, and he had no time to deal with the bird droppings that blindfolded his eyes.

Give up?How could it be possible? Tang San, who was forcing himself to stay calm, chose to close his eyes tightly, his ears slightly flapping in a regular manner, using Xuantian Bao's basic technique of Hidden Weapons - identifying the location by listening to the sound.

Fortunately, Hu Yanli's strength when it fully exploded was very rough. In this critical situation, Tang San still successfully found the flaw in the opponent's strength.

Xuantian Baolu, control the crane and capture the dragon!
Tang San blasted the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand using a special technique, and the ghostly ghosts of a dragon and a crane lingered on the Clear Sky Hammer.

With four ounces of force, even if he couldn't retaliate, at least he could deflect most of the opponent's attacks onto the ring!

Gritting his teeth, Tang San quickly calculated so that he, who had barely received Hu Yanli's blow, could use the increased agility of the Eight Spider Spears to find an opening to eat the large recovery sausage.

In this way, even if the game fails to come back and ends in failure, at least he will not be killed directly by the opponent in the most embarrassing manner like the two brothers of Shadow Wind and Shadow Hunter.

Do not seek success, but seek no fault.

Very similar to his teacher Yu Xiaogang's desire to be the official team leader, Tang San is also very ambitious about the position of captain of the Haotian Second Team.

However, at the critical moment when the Clear Sky Hammer and Hu Yanli were about to collide, Tang San suddenly felt a familiar strangeness emerge from his hands. . .

Everyone watching the battle felt the ground shake. The arena was crushed and shattered by huge force, and the gray smoke and dust obscured the specific conditions inside.

The hurried referee waved his hand, and a gust of breeze blew away the smoke and dust, revealing a large pit about ten meters in diameter, and Hu Yanli stood up at the bottom of the pit.

Below him was Tang San, who was as motionless as a dead dog. You could see that his condition was very miserable, and he was lying on his back in a coma.

Although there were no obvious serious injuries on his body, five of the eight spider spears behind him were broken.

The referee who carefully checked Tang San's condition breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the injuries of the three members of Haotian Academy were not serious, they were just knocked unconscious by gravity.

"Tang San of Haotian's second team was knocked out in a coma, and the game continues."

Hearing the referee who had taken Tang San off the ring speak, Hu Yanli and the two teammates who came over looked at each other, staring at Oscar and Ning Rongrong not far away with ferocious smiles on their faces.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar, who felt that this scene seemed familiar to them, turned their heads without hesitation and shouted, "Referee, we admit defeat!" while hurriedly jumping off the ring.

The only remaining Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu looked behind them in disbelief after easily repelling their opponents with one hammer. How long had it been before all their teammates were gone?
"Why, aren't you two cowards who want to surrender?" Hu Yanli and four other teammates came to support, provoking maliciously, no matter how awesome the Clear Sky Hammer is, can it still do 2V7?

(End of this chapter)

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