Chapter 269 Plan
"Haha, Sect Leader Ning's family has a great cause, so I would be disrespectful to refuse such a small amount of money." Hu Yanzhen patted his thigh and looked at the expressionless Ning Fengzhi with a proud face.

"Here, there are 20 gold coins in this savings card." Ning Fengzhi touched the ring with a cold tone and threw a golden card to the other party. He didn't care about the gold soul coins. What he cared about was his face and Haotian. Poor performance from the academy.

He had been building momentum for Haotian Academy from the first day, but he never expected that the other party's performance would be so ugly, embarrassing him as well.

Gu Rong, who was standing beside Ning Fengzhi, also showed his unswerving expression. He was not concerned about face, but worried about Ning Rongrong's safety. Can such a team really ensure the safety of his teammates?

I heard that Rongrong had suffered an accident before, and now Gu Rong could still see from her subconsciously frightened expression that she had not gotten rid of the psychological shadow of the past, which showed that the Haotian Second Team could not give her a sufficient sense of security.

Neither he nor Sword Douluo had any direct descendants, so Ning Rongrong really treated her as his own granddaughter.

"Master Ning, please don't forget that in addition to the bet with Master Huyan, there are two unfinished bets between us. I'm looking forward to it." Saras said with a cheerful voice while finishing the attack.

The second team of Haotian of Elephant Armor Academy lost so miserably, which showed that they had no chance against the other two teams. It was a certain fact that they had collected 60 gold soul coins.

"We'll talk about the bet when the time comes. My reputation, Ning Fengzhi, is obvious to the entire Tiandou Empire." Ning Fengzhi looked at Salas with a cold voice, "But today's Elephant Armor Academy has some methods that are not like those of the Elephant Armor Sect."

"Oh, our Wuhun Palace will never treat our friends badly. If Sect Leader Ning is envious and arranges for a few direct clan members to join our Wuhun Palace, he will naturally enjoy the corresponding treatment."

Saraspi looked to the left with a smile and responded that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

If the Qibao Glazed Sect favors their Spirit Hall like the next four sects, it will not only be a strong blow to the Tiandou Empire's alliance of forces, but also a great help to the Spirit Hall itself.

Flowing output and iron-clad assistance.

Even His Majesty the Pope would be so moved by the world's number one auxiliary weapon, Wuhun, that he would give up his previous grudges, right?

Hearing Saras's almost overt wooing, the first person whose face darkened was Tiandou Emperor Xueye. The Wuhun Palace's wooing of Tiandou Empire's casual cultivators was enough to annoy him.

Now even the pillars of the country like Qibao Glazed Sect are poaching, and they are poaching in front of him. Does Saras still take him as the emperor seriously?
"The Qibao Glazed Sect has been rooted in the Tiandou Empire for generations. It has no plans to leave home, nor does it want to seek skin from a tiger. Bishop, you should pay attention to the competition. It is not certain whether we will win or lose the two bets between you and me!"

Ning Fengzhi, who observed the change in Xue Ye's expression, didn't hesitate and directly pushed back against Salas. How could the matter of siding with him be vague? If it left a thorn in Xue Ye's heart, wouldn't it mean that the other party's petty ideas would succeed.

"Oh, Sect Leader Ning is so stubborn that he won't look back until he hits the wall." Salas chuckled meaningfully and said, "You can't seize today's opportunity, tsk tsk. I hope you won't regret it in the future. Don't say it was unforeseen. .”

At this moment in the arena, seven people from Hu Yanli holding elephant shields forced Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu to a corner of the arena. Under Hu Yanzhen's gaze, they still did not carelessly and chose to use the safest method.

While compressing the opponent's space, it also consumes the opponent's soul power bit by bit.

In this way, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu only felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and anger. The opponent's rogue tactics made it impossible for them to seize any chance of comeback.

"Okay, Tang Shi, Tang Fuhu, you two, get down here, referee, Haotian Team [-] surrenders." Yu Xiaogang shouted with a gloomy face.

"Haotian Team [-] surrendered and Xiangjia Academy won." Because Yu Xiaogang was the registered leader of Haotian Team [-], the referee directly announced the result of the game.

The two people with angry faces jumped off the stage and came to Yu Xiaogang angrily, "Why surrender? How can Haotian Academy surrender! Although they are a bunch of trash, both of our fourth soul skills are useless, so it may not be possible. No chance!"

"Huh, you are a team of seven people." Yu Xiaogang retorted angrily, "If you hadn't chosen to advance regardless of the team, how would the people from Elephant Academy have the chance to rush in!"

"And the opponent is playing so steadily, what chance do you have of winning if you continue to fight? It will only expose more of your own intelligence, which will be harmful to the next game."

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu looked directly at Yu Xiaogang, his eyes spitting fire. They were not convinced that Yu Xiaogang, a leader who was not even a soul sect, was a partial leader!

"What Yu Xiaogang said is right. There is no point in continuing the fight. It's better to prepare for the next game." Tang Gang walked between the three of them and separated the two sides. He first persuaded Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu to retreat, and then changed the subject and looked at Yu Xiaogang.

"However, Yu Xiaogang, asking you to be the team leader is not a random command. Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu are the captains and deputy captains, with the highest soul power levels. The team's tactics should be based on them."

"I..." Yu Xiaogang, who subconsciously wanted to refute, could only lower his head when he saw Tang Gang's stern eyes and the pressure of soul power around him. There is no doubt that he will take the blame for the disastrous defeat of Haotian Team [-] this time. .If he wants to continue to be the team leader, then he has to listen to Tang Gang's words, otherwise he won't be the team leader until more than two games.


"This Haotian Team [-] wants to play tricks, but it's a pity that the skills are not good enough." Liu Erlong, who was fumbling with a few gadgets in the Tiangong team's rest area, looked at the Haotian College rest area and commented softly.

Being able to easily detect the strength of a few little guys, she naturally knew Haotian Academy's original plan, and they were the ones who were playing tricks on the qualifiers.

However, she did not recognize Yu Xiaogang. After all, Yu Xiaogang had changed so much. He had gained weight, his face had changed a long time ago, and he still had a sense of weakness all over his body.

After all, he couldn't sleep every night, and sometimes he had to expend energy to vent his desires. Only when Yu Xiaogang's energy and energy were strong could he be a ghost.

If it was Xiaogang, maybe he wouldn't have done such a bad job. Looking at the fat leader Liu Erlong of the Haotian Second Team whose soul power level was not as high as that of a student, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

I don't know how Yu Xiaogang is doing now. She herself has put down that relationship a long time ago, otherwise she wouldn't have broken through to the Title Douluo without any distractions.

However, thinking of what her sworn brother Flanders told her many years ago, Liu Erlong suddenly became curious. What on earth made Flanders make such a comment on Yu Xiaogang? Could it be that she was really a good judge of people in the past? ?

However, Yu Xiaogang disappeared from her sight a long time ago, and she almost forgot about it. Just looking at the low-level leader of the Haotian Second Team, Liu Erlong unconsciously thought of him again. .

He said that he has not been in contact with Flanders for a while. How about going to see Flanders after this competition. The war is about to happen. At this time, recruiting him to join the Wuhun Palace is just the right time to make a successful career and rise to the top. In addition, Yu Xiaogang's situation Flanders may also know.

Forget it, it's better to disappear now. After this competition, her schedule is very busy. She will wait for the war to end before looking for him. After all, war is very cruel and accidents can easily happen.

Even she herself cannot guarantee safety. Titled Douluo is indeed the highest rank among the tenth rank of soul masters, but it is also a new beginning.

Liu Erlong tapped the armrest of the seat and thought in boredom. In the past few years, her heart has been a little tight in order to break through the title Douluo, so she is now assigned to such a relaxing job as a half-holiday, so she can have a good time before the big battle. relax for a moment.

Should I go to the first team of the Qibao Glazed Sect or the first team of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect? This is a question?
If Yu Luo Mian was still alive, she would naturally go to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to end everything, but Yu Luo Mian was already dead, so it would be meaningless to go to the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

Moreover, she heard that Sister Qingyuan planned to join the Qibao Glazed Sect's team, so it felt good to join her. After all, this kind of team battle would be very comfortable with a teammate whom she completely trusts back to back.

The reason why Qingyuan plans to go to the Qibao Glazed Sect is also very simple. On the one hand, she has set fire to Tianlei Mountain and does not want to go there again. On the other hand, she heard that the Qibao Glazed Sect is as rich as the country and has more treasures. I also want to get more benefits.

Most of the elders in the team that besieged Tang Chen didn't have the courage. After all, if Tang Chen didn't like anyone and dragged him to the underworld, there would really be no place to cry.

The team in the Star Luo Empire was not bad either. Although the martial soul fusion skill Netherworld White Tiger was famous, the wealth of an empire was equally coveted.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is said to be as rich as any country, but in fact it cannot compare with an empire. At most, it only has the wealth of a kingdom or a principality.

But when it came to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Liu Erlong took the schedule and looked through it carefully. On the seventh day, Tiangong College's opponent was Thunder College, and the captain of Thunder College was Yu Tianxin.

Yu Tianxin, Liu Erlong's face was cold, and her eyes were full of coldness when she remembered who the other party was.

Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng are direct descendants of the same generation of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, but they are not born to the same parents, and their grandparents are not even the same, so their relationship is very ordinary.

Yu Xiaogang is Yu Yuanzhen's biological son, and Yu Tianheng is Yu Yuanzhen's biological grandson, so Yu Tianheng is Yu Xiaogang's biological nephew.

Yu Tianxin's biological grandfather is Yu Luo Mian, which means Liu Erlong is Yu Tianxin's biological aunt by blood.

However, Yu Tianxin was very arrogant and even looked down upon his uncle Yu Xiaogang, considering him a waste that would bring shame to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, let alone Liu Erlong who was not even on the family roster.

If the other party looks down on me, why should he pursue the so-called recognition of his ancestors with shame?Liu Erlong asked Vic who was standing aside, "Vic, what is your battle plan against Thunder Academy?"

(End of this chapter)

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