Chapter 270 Daughter
"The plan is very simple, just use a shotgun to test the lethality of soul masters with different soul power levels and different martial spirits at different distances, and then choose the next step depending on the situation. At worst, just use the air cannon to increase the distance and admit defeat."

Vick replied nonchalantly that their Tiangong team was the team with the least pressure because they didn’t need to worry about qualifying and could completely let themselves go in the game.

Although all of their soul masters are not as powerful as those strong teams, their martial souls are all Wind Demon Wolf, and the effect of their first soul skill, Wolf Roar, can be fully maximized.

The 60% movement speed bonus for all members cannot just go wherever they want, but they can definitely advance, attack, retreat or defend. They can use the various weapons in their hands to disgust the opponent, but if the opponent wants to counterattack, they can only say shit. Bar.

"That's it. Let's go with the original plan. Remember to take good care of the captain of Thunder Academy." Liu Erlong thought for a while and realized that powerful weapons cannot be used in advance. The shotgun is already powerful enough.

Moreover, the soul power of the seven little guys is not as powerful as the Soul Lord, so they can't expect too much.

"It's okay, Vice President." As if he could read the other person's thoughts, Vic touched the back of his head and smiled innocently, "In addition to powerful weapons, we can also use special weapons, which will definitely make Thunder Academy miserable. Don’t worry.”

If they were allowed to freely use all weapons, they would not be afraid of any team in this competition, not even the Soul King. Vic's face was full of confidence.

Even if he cannot use powerful weapons, it is not impossible to defeat a Thunder Academy. Vic, who wanted to show off in front of the vice-dean, directly overturned the original plan and waved to the other team members, preparing to prepare a big meal for the Thunder Academy.

Seeing the reaction of the little guys, Liu Erlong smiled and promised, "Come on, if you defeat Thunder Academy, I will take you to have fun in Tiandou City for half a month after the competition and then go back."

The qualifying round lasts for a month, and there is a promotion round later, so there is plenty of time.


Wuhun Palace, Pope Palace,
The weather here is like spring all year round. Unless there is an accident, the sky is always clear and clear, and there are never any such weather conditions as dark clouds and rain.

Not only because this mountain is the gathering place of spiritual veins and a unique spiritual land, but also because the soul masters living on this mountain already have the ability to easily change the celestial phenomena.

If the mountain is not high, there will be immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be dragons.

The golden sunshine rippled in the water of the swimming pool on the second floor of the Pope's Palace. Bibi Dong sat in front of his desk with a solemn expression. The stack of files in front of him had already bottomed out in a short time.

Although there are many things in this position, Bibi Dong can handle them very quickly at this moment. He only needs half an hour in a day.

At the door, the little fox with a sad face came up with a thick stack of new files. After Miga left, it was her turn to be Bibi Dong's secret.

"These are the last batch for today. You can mark them while I watch from the side." Bibi Dong stood up with a smile, pulled the little fox to the seat, and pointed to the last stack of files.

She didn't drag Hu Liena to do chores, but more to let her get in touch with and familiarize herself with the matters related to the Wuhun Palace in advance. They are both saints, so they can't be ignorant of everything.

"Um, me?" Hu Liena pointed to herself and said in disbelief. The files in front of her were real and important affairs of Wuhun Palace, without any falsehood. It would be too early for her to directly perform the duties of the Pope, right?

"Well, they are all insignificant matters anyway. You don't need to feel any pressure. Just give orders according to your ideas." Bibi Dong nodded lightly. She didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing, otherwise she wouldn't be able to handle it well. So fast.

The reason why Hu Liena was asked to handle it was more so that she could truly understand the current situation of Wuhun Palace.

"Teacher, I actually don't think my senior brother is much better as a saint child than me, a saint girl." Hu Liena looked at the file carefully and carefully filled in the annotation orders, her face was tense, she was really afraid that she had made a mistake somewhere.

"Oh, he is too lazy to do it. I think you are quite suitable." Bibi Dong looked on and nodded lightly. Nana did a good job. After a week and a half of training like this, she should not need to work anymore. Let Nana Just do it for her.

In this way, she no longer needs to sit in the center all the time. Whether it is Poseidon Island or the world next to the World of the Undead, she is very interested in it, but she just lacks the time.

"By the way, teacher, senior brother, I haven't seen him for a month. Has he gone to the Secret Realm of the Dead?" There was obvious loss and longing on the little fox's face. Life without senior brother is so boring.

"No, he has been in seclusion in the back mountain of the college." Speaking of light, Bibi Dong paused. She also missed him very much after not seeing him for a long time. At that time, he agreed to go into seclusion for a hundred days. Why does it feel like time is passing so slowly now?
After learning that it would be two months before he could see his senior brother, Little Fox turned to look at Bibi Dong bitterly, "Teacher, how about you let Xie Yue and I go to the competition? I guarantee that no one will take away the championship. .”

"What competition are you two participating in?" Bibi Dong reached out and flicked Hu Liena's head.

"Ah!" The little fox cried out in pain and covered his head pitifully.

"Stop pretending." Bibi Dong, who is very aware of her own strength, has no intention of being deceived by the little fox's acting skills. "Why are you two joining in the fun of this competition? Are you going to play?"

"Teacher, Xie Yue and I are only 22 years old. Isn't it just right to participate in the competition?" The little fox raised his head and grabbed Bibi Dong's arm and begged cutely, "The main reason is that as a saint, I want to contribute to Wuhun Palace. ah."

"Soul Saint is going to participate in a competition where there are not even many Soul Kings. Thank you for having the nerve to say it." Bibi Dong did not accept Hu Liena's coquettishness at all, "But if you are bored, I have something to do here."

"What kind of work? Are you leaving Wuhun City?" The little fox's eyes lit up and he stared at the teacher.

"Yes." "I'll go, Xie Yue and I will go together." Before Bibi Dong could explain in detail, the little fox nodded quickly and took his brother with him.

"Don't you ask what it is?" Bibi Dong gently smoothed Hu Liena's golden curly hair and joked.

"Hey, teacher, can you still trick me? Don't worry, teacher, whether it's digging holes through walls or killing people and setting fires, we can do whatever you want!" Hu Liena patted her chest and promised, fearing that Bibi Dong would change her tune.

"How did you know that I asked you to kill people and set fires?" Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena and asked in surprise.

"Murder and arson?" Hu Liena was also stunned. It was really true. She was just talking.

Bibi Dong, who saw Hu Liena's reaction, also understood and continued, "After some time, you can follow Qing Yuan to encircle and suppress the Qibao Glazed Sect. Remember to behave well."

This beheading operation is very important. Whether these threats can be eliminated cleanly is the key to Wuhun Palace's ability to quickly unify the continent.

Letting Nana and Xie Yue follow them is not only to let them experience the big scene, but also to accumulate merits.

Qian Daoliu is also a big-hearted guy. Seeing that all groups have enough manpower, he actually arranged for the agouti and Tianfeng to assist Qian Renxue as the fifth group to go to Tiandou City to deal with Xue Ye to complete Li Daitao's plan.

In this way, the problems of Tiandou Empire, Xingluo Empire and the three upper sects have been solved, and there will not be much obstacle left for Wuhun Palace to unify the continent.

"That old guy Qian Daoliu wants to push Qian Renxue to the top. If you don't want to be pushed down, just behave well." Bibi Dong gently patted Hu Liena on the shoulder and reminded.

"Axue?" A rare hesitation appeared on Hu Liena's face. Axue is her good friend. "Teacher, do we have to compete on opposite sides?"

Seeing Hu Liena's reaction, Bibi Dong fell silent, "Think about it, there is only one pope, and after Wuhun Palace unified the continent, the pope's power will be much greater than it is now."

"If you want me to inherit your position, teacher, I will definitely work hard." Hu Liena clenched her fists and responded firmly.

"No, actually I don't value the position of Pope." Bibi Dong shook her head gently, "Otherwise I wouldn't have planned to abdicate after Wuhun Palace unified the continent. It's just that this position has great benefits, and I want to give it up. Just for you."

"With the support of resources from the entire continent, you and Xie Yue can undoubtedly go further."

"That's it. Thank you teacher for your kindness to me." Hu Liena bowed respectfully to Bibi Dong seriously, "I'm really glad to be your student. You are as warm as my mother in my heart."

"It's just that I value feelings more than interests. Ashue is a good friend of mine and I don't want to be on the opposite side of her. Since she is a direct descendant of the Qian family, it is understandable that she will succeed the pope. And I believe she will not forget it after she becomes the pope. Mine."

Speaking of this, Hu Liena looked up at Bibi Dong anxiously. She was ready to be scolded, but there were some things she had to say even if she was scolded. Of course, if the teacher insisted, she would not agree with him without any discount. Ashue competes for the position of pope.

But unexpectedly, there was no dissatisfaction or anger on Bibi Dong's face, but she just looked at Hu Liena with a slightly complicated expression.

"Forget it, since this is your choice, I won't say anything more. I will help you exchange the position of Saintess with Qian Daoliu for enough benefits. You must also work hard to make contributions in this war and strive to break through level 90 as soon as possible. .”

Bibi Dong gently rubbed Hu Liena's little head and said softly. In her mind, Hu Liena was just like her biological daughter, even closer than Qian Renxue.

This is not to say that she transferred Qian Xunji's hatred to Qian Renxue, but she was relatively indifferent to it.

After all, at that time, she was still far from letting go of her hatred for Qian Xunji. When she looked at Qian Renxue, she thought of the painful past and felt grudges in her heart.

But as time went by, as she vented all the negative emotions in her heart from Qian Xunji, she became more indifferent to Qian Renxue.

She has no hatred towards Qian Renxue, otherwise she would not be at all repelled by Qian Renxue's arrival.

But similarly, she had no love for Qian Renxue, because before she came out of her psychological shadow, the vacancy of love in her heart had already been given to the youngest female student Hu Liena.

There is nothing wrong with Qian Renxue's feeling. It was indeed Hu Liena who took away the care and love that should have belonged to her.

However, Qian Renxue was not hysterical because of this. She just longed for warmth. She could not get the care of maternal love, but she had the care and love of Guang, Xie Yue, Nana and others.

So she didn't have too many extreme emotions towards Bibi Dong, but deep down in her heart, there was always a sense of regret that she had lost something.

"Grandpa, do I have to fight for the position of pope?"

At the same time, Qian Renxue also looked at Qian Daoliu and asked seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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