Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 272: Meeting Time Again

Chapter 272: Meeting Time Again
As the sun sets, the fifth day of qualifying comes to an end.

The bustling spectators walked out of the eight exits of the stadium, with many cheering and some dejected.

The fat-bellied wealthy businessman surnamed Wang also walked out along with the flow of people at this moment, with an unchanging smile on his face.

But at the end of his sight, the familiar thin old man was walking away dejectedly. Following the big loss on the third day, he wanted to find a team of dark horses with high odds to make up for the loss today.

As a result, the casual cultivator team with two soul sects actually lost to Canghui Academy with only one soul sect. As a result, they lost their pants.

"Those who are lucky and gamblers, this Brother Li will not come again tomorrow." The middle-aged wealthy businessman turned to look at Lan Fu aside, "Brother Lan Fu, I think you seem to know a lot about Canghui College today. , I kindly gave Brother Li a few words of advice, do you have any insights?"

"I know the team leader of Canghui Academy. He was a spiritual martial spirit in Can Meng, and now he is probably a soul saint. Seeing how confident he is, how can Canghui Academy be simple?"

Lan Fu adjusted his square glasses upwards. He had talked a lot with this wealthy businessman named Wang in the past few days. The other party told him a lot of little-known information about the team, and he didn't mind returning favors in return. .

"By the way, Brother Wang and Brother Li have a close relationship?"

"Like Brother Lan Fu, we met by chance."

"Then how do you confirm that he won't come tomorrow?" Lan Fu asked the middle-aged wealthy businessman with some curiosity. If the other party is a gambler, even if he loses everything today, there may not be a way to make money, especially in this situation. when.

"For a person like him, who is not a soul master but is still so old, he can't get back the interest if he lends money to him. No one will lend money to him." Brother Wang, a wealthy businessman, shook his head with a deep look.

"People like him will naturally calm down if they don't get money. It's better than having a tragedy in front of the two of us, isn't it?"

"It seems that Brother Wang's identity is unusual." Lan Fu slowed down and looked at the other person carefully with his eagle eyes under his thick glasses.

"Brother Lan Fu, isn't it the same?" The middle-aged wealthy businessman was still smiling, "Since we are so destined, do you want to have dinner together? I'll treat you."

"No need." Lan Fu shook his head and moved his gaze to the other side, "I still have something to do."

Following Lan Fu's line of sight, the middle-aged wealthy businessman saw Haotian Team [-] walking out of the exclusive exit for the participating teams. Thinking back to Lan Fu's usual focus, he was thoughtful in his heart.

However, he didn't show any signs of it, instead he waved to him following Lan Fu's wishes, "Then you have free time later, brother Lan Fu, I'll leave first, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

. . .

Yu Xiaogang's expression on Haotian's second team was solemn. Haotian College's opponent on the 8th day was Canghui College.

Judging from the performance of Canghui students today, the opponent's attack was very strange and very worrying.

In addition, Tang San was seriously injured on the third day of the qualifying match, so he had no choice but to arrange for Xiao Wu to take the top spot.

We will meet a strong team the day after tomorrow, and I don't know what Tang San's situation is like?
As if he saw Yu Xiaogang's concerns, Tang Gang comforted him, "Don't worry, I stopped by to see Tang San this morning. The doctor said he will recover in two days and it will not affect the game."

Tang San was Tang Gang's junior, and Dean Tang Xiao specifically asked him to do it, so how could he not take it seriously?
"I'd better go check on him and tell him about the situation at Canghui College today." Yu Xiaogang hesitated for a moment and decided to go and take good care of Tang San alone, so that he could stabilize the relationship between master and disciple. relation.

"Okay, then I will take the others back to the hotel first." Tang Gang waved his hands reassuringly after hearing this, and went back with the other teachers and team members. The hotel and the clinic are not too close.

And as Yu Xiaogang was Tang San's only teacher and the life instructor of Haotian Team [-], if he cared about it, Tang Gang wouldn't have anything to worry about?

As for Canghui Academy, Tang Gang and others don't care much. On the one hand, the current team leader is Yu Xiaogang. Having rights also means that he has to bear most of the responsibilities.

On the other hand, Tang Gang could feel that the seven people at Canghui Academy were using spiritual methods. Although they were a bit strange, they were not on the right path after all. Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu had obvious advantages in soul power levels and martial arts. The effect will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Let's go to the market to buy some meat first. Yu Xiaogang didn't go directly to the clinic. He hadn't finished eating yet, so he ate first and packed a portion for Tang San.

Since Tang Gang said that Tang San was almost good, there was no need to eat light food and eat more to boost his performance in the morning.

Having made up his mind, Yu Xiaogang quickened his pace, but he didn't notice that there were far fewer pedestrians around him.

The destination of the route he took was not the market, but a remote and uninhabited alley, but Yu Xiaogang didn't realize it. From his perspective, he was taking the route to the market.

"Huh? Why is it so deserted?" Yu Xiaogang, who was thinking in his mind, suddenly sniffed his nose and wondered why the familiar scent that he had just entered the market was gone, and there were so few people here.

As Yu Xiaogang became suspicious, he began to observe his surroundings carefully, but found that some details were blurred, and some inconspicuous handwriting could not be seen clearly no matter how carefully Yu Xiaogang looked, no matter how far or near.

"No." Yu Xiaogang reacted suddenly. He seemed to have encountered this kind of situation before. Is this?Before he could think about it, a feeling of dizziness appeared in his mind.

The surrounding scene also spun and shattered. Looking up again, Yu Xiaogang suddenly found himself in a silent, remote dead end.

There were high, damp and dark walls in front of him and on both sides. When he turned around, an old man in white stood at the only exit, looking at him with interest and saying.

"Originally, I just wanted to see if I could find a chance to learn the tactical secrets of Haotian Academy. I didn't expect that you, a guy with such a low soul power level, would dare to be alone."

"The most important thing is that you actually have the mark of a nightmare that has been gestating for more than ten years. It's completely beyond my expectation." The old man in white stared at Yu Xiaogang's legs carefully and sighed.

"What?" Yu Xiaogang also subconsciously looked at his legs. At this moment, his legs lit up with purple light, and a fist-sized mark could be seen vaguely through his pants, like a grimace.But it doesn't look like a human being, more like a beast. The most important thing is that Yu Xiaogang looked at it and finally remembered where the familiar feeling came from. This was the horror that had troubled him for more than ten years and prevented him from sleeping normally. nightmare!
"Who the hell are you?!" Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth and looked at the other person with a face full of anger. There was no doubt that the other person was related to the so-called nightmare mark, but he didn't have the slightest impression of the other person.

"I, Canmeng Shinian, have you ever heard of it?" The old man in white smiled slightly and touched his chin to recall carefully, "I did plant this nightmare mark. I was just a soul saint at that time, so I remembered it."

The old man in white clapped his hands and said, "You are Flanders's good-for-nothing brother. You spoke nonsense to me at that time, so I gave you a small punishment."

"In the days of residual dreams, Flanders?" Yu Xiaogang, who got the key word, suddenly fell into memories. He and Flanders didn't have many interactions more than ten years ago. The only time he went to the Star Dou Forest to win the third prize was Soul ring.

"It's you!" Yu Xiaogang's eyes turned red as the person who competed with them for a seat in the small restaurant realized that all the pain he suffered was not an accident, but a terrifying curse imposed on him.

Yes, it was from that day on that he suffered from nightmares!

"You call this a small punishment. Do you know what kind of torture I have endured? Do you know what kind of pain I have suffered!" Yu Xiaogang pointed at the old man in white with a ferocious look on his face.

At this moment, anger overwhelmed everything else in his mind. He even forgot about the difference in soul power between the two, and directly possessed the martial soul and took out a stainless steel nail rake and smashed it directly.

What was strange was that Shi Nian showed no intention of resisting Yu Xiaogang's angry blow. The rake passed across his body as if it were a phantom, and Yu Xiaogang didn't feel any real feedback.

The next moment, Yu Xiaogang returned to the end of the alley again, and Shi Nian appeared at the exit of the alley again. This time Yu Xiaogang discovered that the outside of the alley behind Shi Nian was blank, and the sky directly above the alley was still blank.

Is this an illusion? !Yu Xiaogang, who sensed the falseness, reacted, and then felt deeply helpless.

"What an ugly pig-headed martial spirit, not beautiful at all." Shi Nian shook his head looking at Yu Xiaogang's performance, "But you have wronged me about the nightmare mark."

"It stands to reason that the nightmare mark I gave you will slowly dissipate over time, and the effect will become weaker and weaker."

"You're talking nonsense!" Yu Xiaogang retorted with wide eyes.He has personally experienced it over the years, and the effect has not only not diminished.It’s even becoming more and more realistic!
"Why should I lie to a waste like you?" Shi Nian shook his head, "There is no doubt that you did something to cause the nightmare mark to change. What does it have to do with me?"

With that said, Shi Nian stepped forward and carefully observed Yu Xiaogang's legs with great interest, and even used his hands to explore and examine them carefully.

Yu Xiaogang wanted to fight back, but everything he touched was an illusion. He even became a little annoyed by his movements. With a wave of his hand, Yu Xiaogang was as immobile as a clay wood sculpture.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that not only your soul power, but also your physical and mental health would be even worse. If the gap hadn't been so big, I wouldn't have been able to be so relaxed." Shi Nian mocked while carefully checking Yu Xiaogang's condition.

"This fluctuation seems to be a soul bone?" Shi Nian touched his chin hesitantly, "But the soul bone is too rubbish. Could it be a ten-year soul bone? With a sense of resentment, you kid actually used evil Bone refining method?!"

"Tsk, tsk, I probably know what's going on." Shi Nian, who quickly sorted out his thoughts, looked at Yu Xiaogang and mocked, "You brought it upon yourself. The evil method of bone refining must have resentment that affects the soul master's practice."

"You guys found a new way to use the evil method of ten-year soul beasts to refine bones. Although the ten-year soul beasts are weak and have little resentment and the soul bones are easy to completely refine, you never thought that the nightmare mark and the soul bones would be completely integrated."

"This will cause your nightmare mark to change from temporary to permanent, and it will grow as your soul power level increases."

Shi Nian looked at Yu Xiaogang with a strange look on his face, "It's just that I don't quite understand. A trash thing like a ten-year soul bone is not as powerful as the soul master himself. After refining, in addition to occupying the precious soul bone space, it will also provide you with a trash soul skill." What’s the point?”

"Your own qualifications are poor. If you refine the waste soul bones of a waste soul beast, wouldn't it be more waste than waste? I don't want to make any progress in this life!"

After listening to Shi Nian's taunts, Yu Xiaogang's angry red face suddenly turned into a pale despair, "You mean, refining 4 soul bones is the only way to improve my soul power." The root of?!”

"Well, you can't say that, you are just a waste." Shi Nian mocked, "Without these four useless martial soul soul bones, it would be difficult for you to become a soul master. Now you can at least become a martial soul master in a month." The palace has received 90 more gold soul coins."

Hearing the words Wuhun Palace, Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened with sadness and anger on his face. He actually wanted to take advantage of Wuhun Palace, but who knew that the bastard who made the deal with him had figured this out.

Not only did they no longer give him any soul master subsidies, they also gave him a huge sum of one million gold soul coins. In a sense, a large amount of the funding for this year's soul master competition came from him, Yu Xiaogang, but he ended up footing the bill. It's the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect.

At the same time, according to Nian Nian, although these four soul bones helped Yu Xiaogang accelerate the accumulation of soul power during the period of Soul Sect, they also thickened the bottleneck thickness of level 40, allowing Yu Xiaogang to achieve the goal of Soul Sect. The remaining hope was completely destroyed.

What's even worse is that because of the soul bone, the originally temporary nightmare mark rooted in the soul bone has become permanent. This is the source of Yu Xiaogang's constant torture over the years.

Yu Xiaogang collapsed to the ground holding his thighs with a look of disbelief on his face. His suffering actually came from himself. Is it the retribution of his evil bone refining method? !
Although he instinctively wanted to refute what Shi Nian said, the details of his memories emerged one after another before his eyes.

It seems that after he refined the leg soul bone, the nightmare began to inexplicably strengthen. The most important thing was that the content of the nightmare changed. The protagonist changed from a frightening fantasy in his heart to the soul beast he had actually tortured.

More importantly, he thought of his apprentice Tang San, who was stuck at the level 30 bottleneck for a long time after refining two leg soul bones.

This also proves from the side that the side effects of refining soul bones for ten years are real. At this moment, the master of theory Yu Xiaogang verified the authenticity of this theory with the bloody lessons of himself and his apprentices.

"You are still called a master. I don't know if there is something missing in my head when Haotian Academy lets you be the team leader." Shi Nian sighed after remembering Yu Xiaogang's identity.

"Yes, you can't kill me. I'm the leader of Haotian Academy, and I'm still a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!" Yu Xiaogang, who hurriedly grabbed the life-saving straw, threatened Shi Nian sternly.

"Ha, as long as you die without a complete body, who can prove that your death was related to me?" Shi Nian looked at Yu Xiaogang who was curled up in the corner and looked ugly.

"But your mental weakness is beyond my expectation. Keeping you alive is more useful than dead." Shi Nian said thoughtfully as he looked at Yu Xiaogang and suddenly thought of something.

(End of this chapter)

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