Chapter 273 Medicine

Killing Yu Xiaogang would have no effect and would only attract the attention of Haotian Academy's senior officials.

This was clear to Shi Nian from the beginning, after all, it was not Yu Xiaogang who was competing.

And looking at his stupidity, I seriously suspected that if he killed Yu Xiaogang, the dog-headed strategist of Haotian Academy, the strength of Haotian's second team would probably increase in the opposite direction.

As for the regular team members who killed them, Shi Nian was not sure. After all, the Haotian Sect was behind the Haotian Academy, and he was also very worried about breaking ground on Tai Sui.

After all, it is said that the corpses were destroyed and no trace was left. Who knows if the Haotian Sect, a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, has any extraordinary means.

From the beginning, Shi Nian followed Yu Xiaogang just to find out the specific situation of Haotian Team [-]. After all, Haotian Team [-] was the first strong team that Canghui College would face next and should not be underestimated.

But now Yu Xiaogang is mentally weak, and has a ready-made nightmare mark on his body, which makes Shi Nian have some special thoughts.

"Hey, Yu Xiaogang." Shi Nian bent down and bang!He slapped Yu Xiaogang twice unceremoniously.

Yu Xiaogang, who felt the stinging pain in his cheeks, heard Shi Nian's cold words before he had time to hate the other person, "Do you want to live or die?"

"You don't dare to kill me. I am a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, the biological son of Yu Yuanzhen, and the leader of Haotian Academy. Aren't you afraid of being chased by the Shangsan Sect?" Yu Xiaogang held back his teeth from fighting. retorted shakily.

Of course he doesn't want to die, let alone can't die. At least there is hope for him to live. If he dies, there will be nothing. The only trace he will leave in the world is the ridiculous name of a master, and it will quickly disappear with time.

"Hmph, do you think I don't know? The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has announced that you will be completely eliminated. As for the Clear Sky Sect, you are just an outsider with the Pig Head Martial Spirit, and you are not a direct descendant of the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit. You will live and die after missing. It won’t attract much attention if it’s unknown.”

Shi Nian raised his leg and kicked Yu Xiaogang to the ground, then pressed his boot on his chest, "Become a dog for me, or die, you choose one."

"What did you say?" Yu Xiaogang blushed and said sadly.

"Oh, isn't that too rude?" Shi Nian suppressed the evil smile on his face and spoke again, "Use your life in exchange for obeying my instructions and fully cooperating for the next month."

"My purpose is very simple, just to let Canghui College win. Haotian Team 5 has already lost one game. It doesn't matter if they lose another game. Anyway, as long as they lose no more than [-] games, they can qualify."

"You have a beautiful idea!" Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened in anger. The second team of Haotian lost to Canghui College and was directly approaching the warning line. He had no way out!
"Well, I've seen too many people like you. It's useless to talk to you in a nice way. I'd better give you something practical." The smile on Shi Nian's face faded, and there was playfulness in his eyes.

"You still don't know how you will die in my hands, right? In fact, you are already very familiar with it, I just need to strengthen it a little bit."

Shi Nian's eyes moved, and Yu Xiaogang followed his gaze and saw marks appearing on his legs again. A shiver ran down his spine after probably thinking about what Shi Nian was going to do.

"It seems that you have already made a guess." Shi Nian nodded with satisfaction, "It's what you think. It seems that you haven't experienced it for a long time. After all, as long as you don't sleep, the nightmare mark will not be controlled by anyone. It’ll be triggered.”

"No, don't." Yu Xiaogang, whose body was convulsing subconsciously, raised his trembling hands and looked at Shi Nian in horror, "Everything is negotiable, no."

Shi Nian put his palm on Yu Xiaogang's forehead, and the next moment he fell to the ground and fell asleep, "No need to discuss, I think only if you deeply feel the pain enough, then you will be obedient."

Afterwards, Shi Nian walked to the entrance of the alley to confirm again that no one was there, and then began to carefully consider the plan he had just thought of. What should Yu Xiaogang, the leader of the Haotian Second Team, do to ensure that Canghui College had the best chance of winning.

But in the far distance, in a shadow, a pair of golden eyes took in all of this. He neither went to the Haotian Academy station to notify the rescue, nor turned around to leave, but just watched everything indifferently.

"Can Meng Shi Nian, Wuhun Nightmare, Yu Xiaogang, what will happen to you if you fall into his hands?" Only the person involved could hear the slight whisper in the darkness.

"Ahhh! Why aren't you awake yet?" Looking at the completely decomposed lower body, Yu Xiaogang's face was completely deformed, and his hoarse words were full of despair.

The lower part of his body was completely ulcerated, and densely packed bugs could even be seen squirming, hatching, and laying eggs inside, exuding a strong stench.

The most terrifying thing is that Yu Xiaogang still retains 100% awareness of his lower body. Even his head was tightly fixed by shackles, and he watched his lower body go from being intact to being devoured by all kinds of disgusting bugs.

In front of him, an upright human-shaped wolf stood there, with green eyes less than 20 centimeters away from Yu Xiaogang's face.

It was looking straight at Yu Xiaogang. The more painful the expression on Yu Xiaogang's face, the happier his ugly wolf face became.

"I can't bear it, please kill me and give me a happy life..."

. . . "Brother Wolf, no, Ancestor Wolf, I was wrong. I am not a human being. I deserve to die. Please forgive me. I will build an ancestral hall for you and burn incense for your hangover..."

. . .


Seeing Yu Xiaogang suddenly opening his eyes and sweating profusely, Shi Nian was amazed and said, "It seems that your dream is very interesting. I originally wanted you to experience it as completely as possible, but I didn't expect that you This guy can’t bear it so well.”

"It's such a pity." Shi Nian's face was filled with regret. It's a pity that Yu Xiaogang couldn't fully bear such a nightmare. What's even more pity is that now he can't peep into other people's nightmares. He must reach the Title Douluo level to have this ability.

"Shi, Master Shi Nian, I was wrong. I am willing to say whatever you say. Please don't activate this soul skill." After Yu Xiaogang saw his surroundings clearly, he knelt directly towards Shi Nian.

After experiencing hell, he discovered that the world is actually heaven!

"Then tell me the details of everyone in Haotian's second team, including their martial spirits, specific soul power levels, specific soul skills, and what trump cards they have?"

Shi Nian smiled with satisfaction when he saw Yu Xiaogang's reaction. These literate people were like this. Once they were allowed to recognize the reality, they would be even lower than dogs.

"Team Haotian currently has 7 regular members and 3 reserve members..." Yu Xiaogang trembled and kept talking to Shi Nian like he was pouring beans, for fear that he would be dissatisfied and come back again. hell.

"The three soul sects, except for your apprentice Tang San, are all in good condition in the clinic. Even Tang San's condition is not bad. By the way, doesn't he have a soul bone?" Shi Nian looked at Yu Xiaogang and narrowed his eyes.

"He, he has four soul bones..." Yu Xiaogang, who felt a chill in his back, spoke quickly, not daring to hold anything back.

"That's it. That means you are in charge, Master. Can we get all the Soul Sects down and the three reserve members up?" Shi Nian asked while touching his chin. There is only one Soul Sect in their Canghui Academy. .

"This, I'm afraid this really won't work." Yu Xiaogang, who was afraid that he would be dissatisfied again, hurriedly explained, "In addition to me and other teachers from Haotian College, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu have to play no matter what. If I insist on doing this, I will He was directly dismissed from his position as team leader!"

"The two soul sects are in some trouble. What about the three reserve members?" Shi Nian looked at Yu Xiaogang and asked.

"I will try my best, no, I will definitely arrange for the three of them to play." Yu Xiaogang was a little hesitant at first, but when he saw Shi Nian's eyes, his tone immediately became firm.

"That's okay, by the way, Tang San and you have a master-disciple relationship, right, otherwise you wouldn't have given him two pieces of rubbish leg bones." Shi Nian looked at Yu Xiaogang with a voice full of amusement.

"What do you think Tang San and Haotian Academy would think of you if they knew about the stupid things you did?"

"I, I." Yu Xiaogang's face turned pale. He not only thought of Tang San's reaction, but also thought of his father Tang Hao's reaction!

Not only would Tang San alienate him, Tang Hao would even kill him!
"You don't want others to know, right, Yu Xiaogang? And you have also tasted the taste of nightmares. No matter how miserable most people are, there is only one way to die. If you die in a nightmare, you will experience all kinds of extremes." An imaginary way to die.”

Shi Nian's voice was cold and filled with cruel pleasure, "Besides cooperating with me, you have no other choice."

With that said, Shi Nian found a small medicine bottle and handed it to Yu Xiaogang, "You said Tang San's injury is almost healed, right? Divide the medicine powder inside into three parts and give them to Tang Shi, Tang Fuhu and Tang San."

"I, this, you can't do this!" Yu Xiaogang could hardly hold the small bottle tightly. He couldn't imagine the consequences of this. "Kill them, we will all die!"

"What are you thinking about?" Shi Nian rolled his eyes at Yu Xiaogang, "I don't have the guts to kill the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul soul master named Tang. This is a powerful laxative that is effective against soul masters and will suppress their souls." Show your strength.”

In this way, the control systems of the two soul sects of Haotian's second team, Tang San's twin martial souls, and the ten thousand year soul bones and external soul bones don't have to worry at all. All unstable factors have been removed. Canghui Academy also has If you have the trump card, why not worry about winning.

"You remember, you must let them eat it that morning. After the operation is successful, you and I will have nothing to do with each other. I will even completely take back the nightmare mark on your body."

Yu Xiaogang, who was still hesitating about the risks, raised his head directly after hearing that Shi Nian would completely recycle the nightmare mark, and the hope and desire in his eyes almost overflowed.

"Even these two days, you can sleep peacefully and recuperate. It's very cost-effective to use such a small thing to remove such a big hidden danger in your body." Shi Nian patted Yu Xiaogang's shoulder. In addition to the big stick, there was also a carrot hanging on it. before his eyes.

"But if something goes wrong, you will experience a thousand ways to die in an endless nightmare."

(End of this chapter)

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