Chapter 274 The Spirit
The eighth day of the qualifiers,
The auditorium was still packed with people, and before they knew it, a quarter of the way through the qualifying rounds had passed. At this moment, most of the spectators had found their favorite qualifying teams, including old and strong teams, as well as newcomers and dark horses.

"Hey, Brother Lan Fu, which teams are you optimistic about?" The middle-aged wealthy businessman Boss Wang discussed with great interest, "There are several teams that are evenly matched today, and I can't make up my mind either."

"Oh, there is actually a team that Brother Wang cannot confirm. They must not be ordinary people." For some reason in the past two days, Lan Fu was in a much happier mood than before. His face was no longer dull, and he was more interested in the competition. It's not just about one team.

"That's natural. Didn't you see that the auditorium is going to be even more crowded today? Everyone was attracted here because they heard that there was a competition between strong teams." The wealthy businessman took out today's schedule and pointed it to Lan Fu who was standing aside.

"Look, there are three games today that should be exciting. They are Haotian Team [-] versus Canghui Academy, Tiangong Team versus Thunder Academy, and Tianji Team versus Kamikaze Academy."

The wealthy businessman clicked on the schedule with great interest, "Look, Canghui Academy's team in the first game told me, and I have carefully investigated it. Canghui Academy's team has 1 Soul Sect and 6 Soul Lords. It's so weird. His soul skills are probably spiritual soul skills."

"The second Haotian team opposite has one more soul sect, and the best weapon in the world, the Haotian Hammer. On the surface, the odds are quite high, but Brother Lan Fu, you have reminded me that Can Meng Shi Nian said no There must be some means, so I will defeat Canghui Academy."

Hearing that Boss Wang next to him actually suppressed Canghui College, Lan Fu looked at him carefully, with surprise in his eyes, "Brother Wang has a unique vision. In this case, I will try to suppress him."

"Haha, Brother Lan Fu is also a happy person. If you have time tonight, I will arrange the whole process."

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders." Lan Fu nodded lightly, and then looked at the match between Thunder Academy and Tiangong Team with some doubts, "I don't remember that this Tiangong Team doesn't even have a soul sect. I'm afraid it will be against Thunder Academy. There’s quite a big gap in strength.”

"That's true." Boss Wang also nodded, "The odds of this game should be the highest today, and the bets are also the least. I personally think that Thunder Academy will win, but this does not mean that the game is not good to watch."

Boss Wang, who felt that the relationship between the two was closer, did not hide Lan Fu's intention, "This Tiangong team uses a variety of things. I suspect that there should be a big force behind them, and it is not like a team of casual cultivators with no support."

"So I guess they may come up with more exotic weapons. Although they will lose, the game will not be boring."

"What you said makes sense." Lan Fu nodded, and then looked at the last highlight, "The main body of Tianji must be the team of the Soul King Captain, and I don't know which company will recruit their captain Du Hengkong in the end. ?”

"Either the Tiandou Imperial Family or the Wuhun Palace, these two are the most likely. Let's see what Du Hengkong values ​​more." Boss Wang sighed with emotion and then changed the subject, "Speaking of which, Shenfeng Academy was also unlucky to meet this... The best team on paper.”

"So Brother Wang is more optimistic about Tianji Noumenon?" Lan Fu asked with some emotion, "Shenfeng Academy has a vague reputation as the first among the Five Elements Colleges. I don't think the odds are very different. After all, the quality of Tianji Noumenon's team members is It’s uneven.”

"No, Brother Lan Fu, listen to me and bet heavily on Tianji's body, you will definitely gain a lot." Boss Wang's always cheerful face stopped smiling for the first time, and his voice was full of seriousness.

"That Du Hengkong's martial spirit is not a parallel import. It is a genuine top-grade martial spirit. It is even the top among top-grade martial spirits."

"So you know Brother Wang, what kind of martial spirit is that?" Lan Fu was very curious. He had also watched the previous Tianji body competition. Du Hengkong felt like a beast martial spirit, but his body did not have any tendency to transform into a beast.

"That's a very rare martial spirit..."


Against Canhui Academy, which had only one soul sect, Tang San and others had no objections to Yu Xiaogang's arrangement after seeing the opponent's specific soul power cultivation level.

Tang Gang also had no intention of interfering. In his opinion, no matter what weird tricks the opponent used, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu could easily win the game with their absolute strength.

In particular, Yu Xiaogang also specially adjusted his tactics, requiring Tang San as the center not to tie the straw rope to the Tang lion Tang Fuhu, but he must supply Oscar's recovery sausage to everyone in the front row at the first moment of the game.

At the same time, in addition to restoring the big sausage, Oscar must also make a flying mushroom sausage for Tang San as soon as possible to prevent unexpected situations from happening.

Everything was ready. Under the leadership of Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu, Haotian Team [-] stepped onto the stage. On the other side, Canghui Academy also arranged for people to take the stage with the smile of Shi Nian.

But something strange is that four of the previous participating players were directly removed from the field, and four reserve players who had never appeared before were placed on the field.

The strangest thing is that after the Canghui Academy team was possessed by martial arts spirits, not only did the spirit rings displayed not include new spirit sects, but there was one person who did not have the best spirit ring matching.

However, not many people noticed this. Yu Xiaogang's eyes fluctuated for a moment, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Tang Gang and the others were still lazy and did not cheer up to watch the game.

There are 5 arenas in the venue, and five games are played by ten teams at the same time. There will be no more than 4 rounds in a day. The audience in the auditorium all looks towards their favorite team.

At the VIP table, everyone turned their attention to the first arena. After all, it was a match for Haotian Team 412, so necessary attention was always indispensable.In the arena, Haotian's second team is still in the standard [-] position, but Canghui Academy's position is very weird. It can be said that it is a weird formation that almost everyone present has never seen.

Their Soul Sect captain stood at the front, and the other six team members stood in a hexagon closely behind.

"There is actually a Soul Lord with a yellow third soul ring. This Canghui Academy seems to be playing tricks."

"That's right, they actually stood together deliberately to facilitate our performance."

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu looked at each other to confirm each other's intentions, and were ready to lead the entire team to defeat the opponent with overwhelming force as soon as they heard the game started.

If they can defeat each other as quickly as possible, their defeat to Elephant Academy will be wiped out. The two of them will prove to everyone that the failure last time was only due to the failure of their teammates, not the two of them!

"I remember that the team members of Canghui Academy used to have the best spirit ring ratio. Now it seems that they have a new look. Do you want to be more conservative?" Tang San suggested looking at the opposite side with some surprise. He also learned from the experience in the clinic. Enough homework.

"I am the captain, Tang San." Tang Shi turned around and glanced at Tang San coldly, "You are also a Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit. Can you be a little manly? Those who are timid are the same as your useless Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. Sample."

"Game start!"

"Everyone, charge for me!" After hearing the referee's voice, Tang Shi waved his arms, and everyone in Haotian's second team charged forward.

This time they also learned the lesson from before, and they did not rush into a swarm to attack each other. Everyone pressed forward at a roughly consistent speed, and the basic formation of 412 remained unchanged.

Oscar's restored sausage and flying mushroom sausage were immediately delivered to Tang San at the transfer station.

Compared with the aggressive momentum of Haotian Team [-], the members of Canghui Academy still stood still, looking like they were frightened at first glance.

"What is this Canghui Academy doing? The level has dropped so much?" Salas was a little dissatisfied when he saw this. Letting Haotian's second team use their momentum to sweep away the decline was not what he wanted to see.

Ning Fengzhi, who originally saw that his daughter was not in the team, heard this and moved his head from casually watching other arenas to watch carefully, but then there was no joy on his face, but his pupils shrank and stared at the players of Canghui Academy in surprise.


On the field, seeing the soul masters of Haotian's second team arriving at their scheduled positions with excitement on their faces, Shen Xinshui, the captain of Canghui Academy, took three steps back with a slight smile on his face.

The other six team members took a step outward according to the pre-rehearsed drill. As the hexagon expanded in a circle, Shen Xinshui stood right in the center of the hexagonal formation.

It can be seen from the skillful movements of the seven people that they are very skilled in practicing this set of movements. The formation is not chaotic at all and is very standard.

After standing up, the seven people raised their right hands at the same time, and their martial spirits appeared in the center of their palms in front of everyone's attention. They were seven beautiful gems.

Not only do they have different shapes, but they also appear in all the colors of the rainbow. As their martial arts show up, a colorful halo surrounds them all.

In the rest area under the stage, Shi Nian also showed a happy smile. With his strength, his status in Canghui College was no less than that of the dean, but he personally led the team.

The reason is very simple. The seven people on the field are his disciples who have been carefully taught by him. He is even confident that Shen Xinshui will be a blockbuster in the finals!
Most of the other people's expressions were surprised and confused. Not only were gemstone martial arts rare, but their effects were also the most uncertain among all martial arts. Even Xue Ye and Salas in the VIP seats were also confused.

Only Ning Fengzhi stared at the ring with a complex expression. The Qibao Glazed Pagoda was also a gem-type martial spirit, and it was also the ultimate gem-type martial spirit. As the sect master, he naturally knew the many mysteries of the gem-type martial soul.

If he guessed correctly, the Canghui Academy team should be using it. . .

"What kind of soul skill is this?" Dongzhu Baishou and Tiangong team who were watching the battle in the rest area were also puzzled. Apart from the fact that it was very beautiful, they didn't quite understand what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of Canghui Academy.

Mi Jia and Liu Erlong carefully observed the seven people from Canghui Academy and noticed the clues, "This feeling is the application of spiritual power!"

(End of this chapter)

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