Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 275 The Origin of Martial Soul Fusion Skills

Chapter 275 The Origin of Martial Soul Fusion Skills


Amber Qing and the other seven turned to look at Miga. They were no strangers to the spiritual aspect. After all, training in the three aspects of spirit, energy, and spirit was a daily course at the East Spider Academy.

Then they looked at the ring again, and sure enough they felt a strange mental fluctuation.

At this moment, Shen Xinshui, the captain of Canghui College, was looking at Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu with an arrogant expression, "What about the Soul Sect of the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit? Our Canghui College is invincible in this competition!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the silver-white round gem in his hand above his head. The fourth soul ring on his body lit up. At the same time, the third soul rings on the other six people also lit up at the same time.

The next moment, seven colorful lights shot up into the sky at the same time. With Shen Xinshui, the captain of Canghui College, as the core, they merged into a huge colorful light pillar. As the light pillar broke through the sky upward, it also expanded to the surroundings, completely covering the seven people of Canghui Academy. hidden.

On the arena, the seven figures from Canghui Academy had disappeared, leaving only a colorful light beam 7 meters away standing on the field.

"Is this the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique!?" Xue Ye, who was in the middle of the VIP table, stood up directly, unable to hide the shock on his face.

"No, the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill has never been seen in history. This should be just a fusion of pure soul skills." Ning Fengzhi, who has the highest say in the field of gem martial souls, explained.

"To be precise, this should be called the seven-in-one fusion skill, but even so, the power of the fusion of six thousand-year soul skills and one hundred-year soul skill is probably beyond everyone's imagination!"

Martial soul fusion skills require extremely high compatibility between martial souls, and since this is innate, it is extremely difficult to change it the day after tomorrow.

Pure fusion skills, on the other hand, have lower requirements for the compatibility of martial souls and greater requirements for the compatibility of soul skills. Although they are operable, it is difficult but not impossible.

Ning Fengzhi's speech also awakened everyone in the VIP table. The seven people from Canghui Academy no longer concealed their martial soul types. They were actually seven control types. No wonder so many people had changed!

. . .

"That should be a seven-in-one fusion skill." Miga curled his lips and concluded, "Pure soul skill fusion is just the sum of quantitative changes. A seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill is impossible. Even if it exists, it is not as powerful as you imagine. So high."

Others didn't know the truth about martial soul fusion skills. She followed the light and saw that she could even perform martial soul upgrades similar to martial soul fusion skills. How could she not know the core logic of it.

"Why do you say that, Sister Miga?" Hu Boqing and others asked curiously. Logically speaking, there are double martial soul fusion skills and trinity martial soul fusion skills, so it is possible to increase the number.

There are even many people in Douluo Continent who speculate that if there is a martial soul fusion skill for more than five people, I am afraid it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a magical skill!
"Martial soul fusion skills have an upper limit, and they are not rootless water, but have roots." After seeing through the tricks on the stage, Miga no longer focused on it, but waited for Amber Qing next to him. People talk about the knowledge of martial soul fusion skills.

"The key to whether the martial soul fusion skill can be used depends on the degree of fit. What is the degree of fit? Look at this." Miga touched his belt, took out a stack of landscape paintings, pulled out a few crappy ones, and took the rest back into the storage soul guide. .


Miga took out a painting and tore it into two parts. Then he aligned the torn paintings and placed them in front of Amber Qing and others. "Look, these two fragments of paintings can be 100% aligned to form a complete painting."

"This is the same as the spirit fusion technique. The so-called compatibility actually refers to the integrity of the source. The purpose of the spirit fusion technique is to temporarily restore the complete painting by tracing the source."

"Just like the most famous spirit fusion skill, the Netherworld White Tiger. The Netherworld White Tiger did exist. It was a divine beast that was as powerful as a god. If converted into a spirit, it is stronger than a top-level spirit. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a god-level spirit. .”

"But just like gods must ascend, our world has extremely serious restrictions on this. Not only is it extremely difficult to break through the 99th level limit, but even if you become a god, you cannot stay for a long time."

"So, there will be no soul masters with god-level spirits in the world. Maybe it was possible before, but it is definitely not possible now. But this restriction also has loopholes. This loophole is the soul fusion skill." Miga picked up the two residual paintings again. .

"Look, you guys, the complete painting world is not allowed, but what if it is a residual painting? The Nether White Tiger Martial Spirit is impossible, but what about the White Tiger Martial Spirit and the Netherworld Spirit Cat Martial Spirit?"

"The source of martial soul fusion skills is the powerful life that once existed. Because it was powerful, it was restricted by the world, so the power of martial soul fusion skills is so strong!"

"At the same time, there must be a complete painting before there is a residual painting." Miga took out a painting again, this time tearing it into three parts, "Look, this is the trinity martial soul fusion skill."

"In the same way, even if there are seven-in-one martial soul fusion skills." Miga took out the last painting and tore it into seven parts. "Their ultimate goal is to gather it into a complete painting."

Miga controlled two paintings divided into 2 parts and 7 parts to float in front of everyone, "Do you think there is a difference between these two paintings?"

"The power of martial soul fusion skills does not depend on the number of people, but on its origin?" Miga shrugged. "Of course, there are advantages to having more people. At least there are more soul masters to provide soul power, but this is no different from the fusion skills on the stage. It is just a superposition of quantity, and there is no qualitative change."

. . .

"Hmph, let's see our two brothers destroy this fancy thing!" Tang Shi's face became solemn when he saw this majestic colored light. He instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

The other party was obviously accumulating energy for a powerful soul skill, and the Haotian Sect was not without such a soul skill. He and Tang Fuhu had also heard of the hammer-shaking world used by the elders.

Therefore, his and Tang Fuhu's first reaction was not to slowly wait for death, but to attack with all their strength as quickly as possible!

Just don't know why?He felt that today's soul power was not flowing as smoothly as before, and he felt a slight pain in his stomach. He wondered if it was the effect of the other party's soul skill.

Seeing that the fourth spirit ring on the captain and deputy captain was activated directly, the two brothers Shadow Wind and Shadow Hunter did not hesitate to choose to activate the third spirit ring to follow.

Tang San, who was feeling bad at the back, had no better way. Unable to do nothing, he chose to activate his third soul skill, Spider Web Binding, to shoot at Shen Xinshui.

And he also felt that something was wrong with his condition, but he, who was familiar with pharmacology, did not ignore these details like Tang Fuhu and Tang Shi. Instead, he felt familiar. Someone had drugged him?

Looking at the opponent's iron-headed appearance, Shen Xinshui's face remained smiling. There is no doubt that their seven-in-one fusion technique is very powerful, but there are seven of them. Even if they have trained many times, they still need some time to adjust and accumulate. force.

Moreover, their fusion skills are not exactly physical attacks, which means that if the opponent is a top-notch agility attack type and launches a rush attack at the beginning of the game, they are still a little bit risky.

However, the opponent took into account the formation and the four people in the front row did not go all out to accelerate. This opportunity disappeared. Coupled with the teacher's tricks, he could clearly feel that Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu on the opposite side were in poor condition. They were worse than before. The soul power intensity of the competition seems to be weaker.

"Fools from Haotian Academy, you should feel honored." Thinking of this, Shen Xinshui seemed to see the champion waving to him, and looked at the two Tang lions and Tang Fuhu who were already approaching. There was no fear on their faces, only cruel pleasure.

"Because you are the first opponent to taste the illusion of our Seven Asuras, you will perish in your own pain. Goodbye."

As soon as he finished speaking, the colorful beam of light rapidly expanded in all directions, not only engulfing everyone in Haotian's second team, but also completely wrapping the arena in colorful light.

The scene in front of Tang Shi and others began to blur. It was obvious that Canghui Academy's fusion skill called Seven Shura Illusion was a youthful version of Pin Xixi's nightmare soul skill that imitated that time.

"This is an illusion!" Tang San looked at the obviously inconsistent illusion in front of him and quickly activated the Purple Demon Eyes with all his strength.

It is true that only the Purple Demon Eyes of the Mustard Seed Realm can see through illusions, and Tang San was still far from the Mustard Seed Realm.

In contrast, although entering the subtle realm cannot break the delusion, it allows Tang San to clearly observe many flaws in the illusion and distinguish reality from illusion.

After all, the seven people at Canghui Academy are still young and have little experience. The illusions they create are completely incomparable with those who are more experienced at that time.

Therefore, not only did Tang San see that the illusion was very false, but the others did not fall directly into the painful illusion and lose their fighting power as Shen Xinshui expected.

They just stayed there with their eyes blank, holding their heads in their hands from time to time, and wailing from their mouths.

Among them, Oscar and the other three reserve team members performed the worst and were about to collapse to the ground. Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu's howls were full of energy, and they even waved their hammers to create wind. Looking at Shen Xinshui and others, their hearts beat with fear.

"Boss, what should we do? If we can't make the opponent's two soul sects lose their actual combat capabilities, it will be difficult to win when our soul skills are over."

One of the people from Canghui Academy pointed out the key point. Although the duration of the Seven Shura Illusion is not too short, it is obvious that if it is just an illusion of pain, the opponent will lose up to four people.

Because the seven of them had to stay put to maintain the illusion, they couldn't spare any extra people to attack the remaining three and eliminate them.

If the illusion ends, their seven control systems will be as powerless as weak little sheep facing the two soul sects with the world's best offensive weapons and martial arts.

"Don't panic." Shen Xinshui tried to calm down and shook his head, "The mental toughness of a top-level soul master seems to be much stronger than that of an average soul master. In addition, the opponent is a soul sect, so it is normal for it to be difficult to deal with."

"It's not that I don't have a solution for this." Shen Xinshui took a long breath. The silver-white round gems in his hand flashed one after another, and the original painful environment began to change.

(End of this chapter)

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