Chapter 276 Sea Realm
"Yes, it is actually a large-scale soul skill in a similar field." Miga praised with some surprise. This kind of soul skill that forcibly pulls people into the environment can be said to have a full control effect, and the rotation effect is not inferior to the fusion of martial arts. Even better.

It's a pity that the people at Canghui Academy are too scientific, and their shortcomings are very obvious. Some of them are like the martial soul fusion skills of Elder Ju and Elder Ghost. Although they have full control, they lack teammates who can output kills.

"Ah?" Hu Boqing and others looked at the arena carefully and found that there was still a bright light and nothing could be seen clearly. Then they looked at Miga in confusion, "Sister Miga, can you see clearly?"

"It's just a layer of hiding fog woven by spiritual power. When your spiritual power reaches the sea level, you can be like me." Miga smiled when he saw the curious eyes of the seven people.

"Sea Realm." Hu Boqing and the others looked at each other with frustration on their faces. Flowing Realm, Lake Realm, Sea Realm and Real Realm were the simple levels used by East Spider Academy to classify mental power.

Among them, the flow state is the simplest and belongs to the entry level. It means that mental power can flow freely throughout the body and allow complete introspection of oneself.

The lake realm requires the accumulation of mental power to a certain level. At this stage, multitasking and fine mastery of soul skills will be much easier than before, and one's own memory will also increase significantly.

The seven of them are all in the lake realm, and most of the classmates in the entire grade are like this, but their progress is different.

As for the sea realm, it is required to open the Niwan Palace and shape the spiritual sea. The spiritual power can be freely released and even directly control objects. Even the amber clearing still lacks a lot.

Not to mention Hu Boqing, the teachers and students of East Spider Academy combined have less than ten people who are in the sea realm. To be precise, many of the titled Douluo elders in Wuhun Palace are still in the lake realm in a strict sense.

"So this mental control method is quite scarce. The other party's seven-in-one fusion technique is very effective but too single." Miga shook his head, smiled when he saw the curiosity on the faces of the little guys next to him, and began to give They described the battle inside.

. . .

"The situation inside is very simple." Liu Erlong looked at the curious Vic and others and relayed the situation with a smile.

"The people from Canghui Academy were just like at the beginning of the game, standing motionless with their gem martial souls in hand. The four soul masters from Haotian's second team had collapsed to the ground with pain on their faces. It seemed that they were trapped in an illusion and couldn't extricate themselves. ”

"As for the remaining three people, the control soul master has good mental strength and is very calm. He stands motionless. The two soul masters, um, have already started to fight with each other."

Liu Erlong shook his head, "The two of them have the advantage of soul power, but it's a pity that they are not calm. It seems that they think each other is a member of Canghui Academy. Tsk, tsk, they are really cruel."

"Haha, it looks like they are trying to drag that unlucky control soul master into the battle." Liu Erlong waved his hand and commented objectively.

"If they are calm and restrained, Haotian Team [-] will still win when Canghui Academy's fusion skills are over. But otherwise, Haotian Team [-] will lose."

After listening to Liu Erlong's story, Vic and others looked at each other in confusion, "Vice Dean, what should we do if we encounter this situation?"

"You?" Liu Erlong shook his head indifferently, "The mental power of the Lake Realm combined with the visualization of the Quiet Moonlight Diagram can break the illusion. After all, the mental power of the members of Canghui Academy is strictly speaking, even the Lake Realm is strong enough."

The Quiet Moonlight Diagram is a visualization method similar to the Eight Scenery Gods, but it is simpler. It is a reward that every East Spider Academy student receives after arriving at the lake. Daily visualization can purify one's own mental power and attract the moonlight at night. The power accelerates the spiritual improvement.

Even if students perform better, they can also learn the Great Sun Golden Light Diagram. It is said that if you can combine the two diagrams into one and understand the Sun and Moon Synchronic Light Diagram, you can easily touch the door to break through the sea realm.

"That's good, don't worry, Vice President, none of the juniors in the Flood Realm meet the standards for leaving school." Vic took a long breath, and lost all worries as he considered the situation on the field and suddenly thought of something.

"Vice President, you said that if we sell some of our weapons to Canghui College at a high price, will it be able to make up for the other party's shortcomings?"

Obviously, Canghui Academy's seven-in-one fusion technique is very effective, and it is also a spiritual realm other than soul power. It can be said that the control effect is full.

It is the best partner when paired with the experimental weapons in Vic's hands.

Although most weapons are very powerful, only weapons that can hit people are good weapons. The speed and reaction of a soul master are far beyond ordinary people. If it were not for his extraordinary talent and hard training, he would not be able to hit the vital point, let alone hit the target. The side is pretty good.

This is also the reason why these weapons that do not require soul power support are not planned to be equipped to ordinary people.

But if the enemy is firmly fixed by the controlled soul skill and changes from a moving target to a fixed target, there will be no worries at all. It doesn't even matter if the members of Canghui Academy stand still, they only need to reach out and pull the trigger. .

"Your idea is good, but what can Canghui Academy pay us?" Liu Erlong turned his attention to Vic.

There are many covetous forces in the world who are coveting the various technologies and products of the East Spider Soul Master Academy, but there are only a few here and there that the Wuhun Palace makes money from external transactions.

Now that the war is approaching, if these weapons are caught off guard, they will undoubtedly give the other party a more severe blow, but if you and Canghui Academy have to risk leaking information.

It is true that this risk is controllable, but what kind of compensation can Canghui College provide them, and the benefits are enough to offset the risk losses involved?

"Um, I'm sorry, Vice President, I didn't think about it that much." Vic thought for a moment, lowered his head and apologized to Liu Erlong. He was thinking more from a practical perspective. "Actually, you're right. If these weapons are paired with soul control skills, the actual effect will definitely increase significantly." Liu Erlong said thoughtfully as he looked at the scene in the arena.

You must know that the teams that can participate in the qualifiers are definitely the best among soul masters of the same level in the entire Douluo Continent. Otherwise, Guang would not have arranged for Vic and others to come here under the alias Tiangong Team to test weapons.

Looking at the performance of Canghui Academy, they can even directly make most of the Soul Sects brain-dead. Even the more advanced Soul Sects will be blinded by the illusion and kill each other.

It is true that the seven-in-one fusion skills are extremely difficult to reproduce, but these weapons actually do not require strong mental control.

Just let the other party's consciousness fall into an illusion and let his real body stand still in place to achieve the purpose of forceful control.

Even the illusion can be very simple, and the time and stability can be reduced. You only need to pull the other party's consciousness into the illusion, and control the other party for a few seconds at most.

"Vice dean, what do you mean?" Vic looked at Liu Erlong who was deep in thought with confusion on his face.

"You can try trading, but the reward for the transaction cannot be gold soul coins alone." After thinking about it, Liu Erlong opened his eyes and replied, "Such spiritual fusion skills definitely did not come out of thin air. The other party should have a high level of spiritual skills. Taught by a spiritual master."

"If you can get enough materials to bring back, perhaps His Highness can turn your wishes into reality."


The joys and sorrows of people are not the same,
Most of the audience looked at Caiguang on the stage with confused expressions. Others in the VIP seats looked curious after hearing Ning Fengzhi's description.

In the rest area of ​​Haotian College, the originally lazy Tang Gang and others had already stood up.

"Brother Gang, what should we do? Do we need to stop the game to prevent accidents?" Xuefeng asked with worry on her face. This posture looked wrong. If members of Haotian's second team suffered heavy losses, she would not dare to do so. Imagine.

"Calm down, Canghui College doesn't have the guts to kill you." Tang Gang frowned, then turned to look at Yu Xiaogang.

"Yu Xiaogang, can you tell the secrets of Canghui Academy?"

"It should be a seven-in-one fusion technique." Yu Xiaogang told Tang Gang uncertainly about the limited information he knew.

The good news is that the opponent obviously has 7 control-type soul skills, which have no direct lethality.

The bad news is that the opponent's soul skill seems to be in the spiritual realm. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be huge.

"No, I can't let the children bear the risks of unknown fields." Pretending to be hesitant, Yu Xiaogang suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Gang and the others, "No matter what the situation is? I suggest you just admit defeat and bear the responsibility!"

Looking at Yu Xiaogang with a determined look on his face, Tang Gang and the other three had obvious surprise in their eyes. You must know that the only unlucky person would be Yu Xiaogang if they gave up early now.

Tang Shi's seven people avoided harm in the unknown field, and the three of them did not have to bear responsibility. Only Yu Xiaogang once again failed beyond prediction and stood directly on the edge of the cliff of the warning line.

This is not like the waste master in their impression.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang's heart was full of bitterness. Of course he knew the consequences of admitting defeat, but after being caught by Shi Nian, he had to take the loss.

Since the cost is unavoidable, he can only recover the losses as much as possible from other aspects.

Completely eradicating the nightmare mark through time is only one of them. Establishing a good image of caring for students can also gain points for others.

In the end, he knew very well that Tang Shi, Tang Fuhu and Tang San had been drugged by him, and this battle was certain to be lost. Giving in early could not only prevent the three of them from making a fool of themselves in public, but also minimize the suspicion on himself.

"Well, since it is Yu Xiaogang's suggestion as the team leader, I have no objection. What about you two?" Tang Gang looked at Yu Xiaogang with a little more respect in his eyes, and the same was true for the other two.

"Referee, our Haotian Team [-] admits defeat and requests that the game be terminated directly!"

Hearing the voice from Yu Xiaogang's side, the referee who was paying close attention immediately left the field, and the strong soul pressure tore the colorful light beam directly apart.

The mental fog that originally blocked most people's sight broke directly, revealing the scene in the ring.

The seven members of the Canghui Academy still stood in the center in their original appearance, while the seven members of the Haotian Second Team behaved very strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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