Chapter 277 The Inner Ghost
Can Meng was a Soul Saint at that time, so he couldn't spy on other people's nightmares, nor could Shen Xinshui's Seven Shura Fantasy, which was created by the combined efforts of seven people.

To be precise, they used the soul skills of the soul rings as the core, affecting the soul power and spirits of seven people to inspire this seven Shura illusion fusion skill.

It can be seen from the fact that the seven people have to stay in place motionless that their control of this fusion technique is actually very stiff and reluctant.

Therefore, the Seven Shura illusion created by Shen Xinshui and others is much different from that of the past, and they even have little control over the details of the illusion.

To be honest, their use of fusion skills is like using Hu Yanli to activate the talisman. They know it but don't know why.

The only strong point is that Shen Xinshui, as the core, can control the intensity and tendency of the illusion to a certain extent.

Strength is easy to understand, and the meaning of tendency is also very simple. At the beginning, Shen Xinshui wanted to activate the most fearful thing in the seven people's hearts, but Shen Xinshui had no idea what this feared thing was and how far it could reach it.

The actual situation is that the four unlucky soul masters saw Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu beating them violently in the illusion. Naturally, they fell to the ground in fear and fear after being beaten violently.

Tang San saw the flaws in the illusion by observing many details with the Purple Demon Eye, but he could not break through the illusion as he had never broken through the Mustard Seed Realm.

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu were even simpler. The people who appeared in their illusions were similar in strength to them, so although they swung the hammer into the air, they did not suffer much damage.

But one thing is that no powerful soul master above the soul king appears in everyone's fantasy!

Is it because the seven people are not afraid of high-level soul masters or have never seen high-level soul masters?No, it was because the intensity of the illusion was as high as that of the Soul King. Even because of Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu's own resistance, the opponents in the illusion even shrank in strength.

If the situation continues like this and the three of them cannot be eliminated before the illusion ends, Canghui Academy will definitely lose.

However, this fusion skill was performed by seven people after all. As the only soul sect, Shen Xinshui was the absolute core. He could still forcefully change his tendency towards the illusion.

For example, through illusion, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu could see each other as themselves, and even drag Tang San into the battle circle together.

Of course, the difficulty of this intersection between reality and illusion has skyrocketed, which not only further increases the consumption of the seven people, but also further reveals the flaws in the illusion.

Originally, even if Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu didn't have the Purple Demon Eyes, they could tell something was wrong through calm observation.

However, these two angry guys were already red-eyed, and their reason had already been thrown out of the window. Tang San, who was already able to distinguish between reality and illusion, became the biggest victim!
Because it was useless for him to be sober alone. If he didn't hit Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu, it didn't mean that they would treat him lightly.

Even subconsciously, the two of them felt that the guys from Canghui Academy shouldn't have too much strength, so the fight between them gradually slowed down and turned into a joint beating of Tang San.

How powerful is the Clear Sky Hammer really?
Until now, Tang San, who had never attached a soul ring to the Clear Sky Hammer, had a very vague perception of the Clear Sky Hammer, and his specific strength was only a vague estimate.

Even when he arrived at Haotian Academy, under Tang Xiao's deliberate arrangement, he did not have a direct conflict with his classmates who were in the Haotian Hammer Martial Spirit.

And today, Tang San had the honor to taste the pain of two Clear Sky Hammers attacking from both sides!
His Eight Spider Spear had just been broken and was still recovering, and all he could rely on was the Blue Silver Grass. Although the control system restrained the power attack system, it also depends on the difference between the soul power level and the quality of the martial soul, right?

Soul Sect versus Soul Lord, Clear Sky Hammer versus Blue Silver Grass, still 1 versus 2. . .

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the scene was one-sided. Tang San's Blue Silver Grass could only delay the situation for a while, but it could not change the pain of the Clear Sky Hammer's presence.

Flesh and blood torn, muscles and bones shattered?

No, no, no, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu, who were deeply influenced by Haotian, were far more capable than this. The surging concussive force not only broke Tang San's body-protecting soul power as easily as an egg, but also caused Tang San to be beaten. The body immediately lost consciousness and could not control it.

Yu Xiaogang gave in quickly, so after the colorful light was torn apart, everyone saw Tang San being blasted directly into the air by two Clear Sky Hammers.

Then Tang San, half of his body numb, couldn't control his sphincter at all. As soon as the valve opened, the overwhelming feeling in his stomach spurted out!

The sight of him spinning and spraying in the sky should be familiar to those who are old students of Notting College.

Only this time, Tang San was in the preliminaries that attracted much attention. . .

"How could this happen?!" Yu Xiaogang, Tang Gang and others were stunned. They could not imagine what they saw in front of them.

The audience in the auditorium were also dumbfounded, "Is Haotian's second team fighting among themselves? How much hatred and resentment does it have to hit your teammates with a hammer and directly knock them out?"

"Sect Master Ning, that person should be named Tang San. I remember you seem to be quite optimistic about him?" Salas looked at Ning Fengzhi and asked with a smile.

In the previous qualifiers, Ning Fengzhi not only built momentum for Haotian Team [-], but also praised the control system the most.

Hearing Salas' sarcasm, Ning Fengzhi, who had always smiled elegantly, looked at Tang San who fell off the ring with a face as deep as water without saying a word. He seemed to have misjudged the wrong person.

Maybe Tang San did know some good gadgets called "hidden weapons" that would be useful to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, but that was all.

Calmly, Ning Fengzhi re-evaluated Tang San's value and how he would treat him in the future, and an elegant smiling face reappeared. . . .

"What an unlucky guy." The pot-bellied Boss Wang looked at Tang San who fell off the ring and commented. His voice was a little regretful but mostly cheerful. He and Lan Fu had earned the victory of Canghui Academy.

"You deserve it. Such a morally corrupt person also wants to become famous through the competition. Notoriety is not enough." Lan Fu, whose voice was always calm, was full of joy at this moment. The eagle eyes under the square glasses were staring at Tang San and Yu Xiaogang. .

If the master and apprentice become famous in the soul master competition, Flanders will resent God for being unfair!
That's right, Lan Fu is just a pseudonym, his true identity is Flanders who was stabbed in the back by Yu Xiaogang, his sworn brother.

I think he took people to Hanhai City for more than a month to inspect, and when he came back, he found that Shrek Academy was empty except for Zhao Wuji who looked helpless, Ma Hongjun who was hopeless, and Dai Mubai who looked full of hatred. .

The most annoying thing is that he doesn't know where Yu Xiaogang took Shrek's students to? !
It is true that he has found out the route to Poseidon Island, but how can Flender be willing to leave Douluo Continent in such a dejected manner!

So he chose to have a showdown with the teachers of Shrek Academy and either go to Poseidon Island or break up.

In the end, Zhao Wuji and Shao Xin chose to go to Poseidon Island, while Lu Qibin and Li Yusong chose to leave.

As for Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai, Flanders gave them the same choice. Ma Hongjun, who had no other way out, could only follow, while Dai Mubai was very hesitant.

If he wanted to recover from his injuries, he had only two choices: return to the Star Luo Empire and give up with Davis and continue living the nightmare-like life in his memory, or go overseas.

He is very unfamiliar with Poseidon Island, but it is definitely not as prosperous as the mainland. There will be no use regretting it when the time comes.

But the sequelae of his chest and lungs were too serious, Dai Mubai's face was gloomy, and it was impossible for him, who was not much different from a tuberculosis ghost, to continue to be his rich and wealthy Dai Shao!
In the end, he still chose to leave the Star Luo Empire, but he still didn't want to. His name was Xing Luo Prince, but if he returned to the palace, in front of Davis, he could only act like a dog and choose to surrender completely.

More importantly, Dai Mubai was not sure whether the Xingluo royal family was willing to pay a huge price to heal his heart. After all, he had learned from previous mistakes. How could he forget the pain of needing pills to find a girl?

But Flanders did not choose to follow after arranging for the five people to go to sea. He wanted to stay and settle the grudge before leaving!

Originally, Flanders was very worried about the background behind Yu Xiaogang, but now he is ready to run away at any time and has no worries anymore.

He first went to the vicinity of Tianlei Mountain. Although he did not find out the news about Yu Xiaogang, he unexpectedly learned that Yu Xiaogang had been expelled from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Then he went to the Qibao Glazed Sect because Ning Rongrong also disappeared, but he still couldn't find Yu Xiaogang. . .

Fortunately, Flanders deduced from the five people Yu Xiaogang took away that Yu Xiaogang would not give up his original goal. He did not take away Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai because one of them was disabled.

The purpose of taking away the five people was obviously to find new partners to form a new team to participate in the Soul Master Competition.

Although Flanders doesn't have time to search the whole continent for Yu Xiaogang's new family, he can stay at the Soul Master Competition, because Yu Xiaogang will definitely come!

This time his luck finally got better. At the first stop in Tiandou City, Flanders found Yu Xiaogang and five traitorous students.

No wonder the betrayal was so straightforward. After seeing the result, Flanders suddenly realized that compared to the Haotian Academy with Haotian Sect background, his Shrek Academy had no advantage at all.

As for the reason, the answer was revealed after Tang San showed his second martial spirit. Tang San was actually a twin martial spirit, and the second martial spirit was the Clear Sky Hammer. No wonder Yu Xiaogang was so interested in accepting him as his personal disciple!
Yu Xiaogang, this bastard, may have been eyeing Shrek Academy from the beginning, and planned to use the outstanding students he had worked so hard to coax as his way into the academy, right?

Flanders gritted his teeth. He could ignore Ning Rongrong among the five students. Firstly, she had only been in school for half a year and had very little interaction with her. Strictly speaking, it was not a betrayal. Secondly, she was the only daughter Ning Fengzhi valued.

Xiao Wu is almost the same.

Flanders, the Oscar guy, also vaguely understands the reason. He is too precocious. His experience as an orphan and at the bottom of Shrek Academy makes him very realistic, so Flanders can let him go.

As for Tang San and Yu Tianheng, one is Yu Xiaogang's disciple and the other is Yu Xiaogang's nephew. There is no doubt that they are the same!
The opponent's background in Haotian Academy did make it difficult for him to make a move, but as a senior high-level soul master with eagle-type martial arts, he had enough patience to wait for the opportunity.

Hearing Lan Fu's words, the middle-aged wealthy businessman's eyes flashed brightly, and he asked nonchalantly, "Brother Lan Fu seems to have a grudge against some people?"

"Oh, don't worry, I just have grudges with a few bastards who are not very close to each other. Naturally, I don't dare to offend Haotian College." Flanders looked at the middle-aged wealthy businessman and explained carefully, with a cautious look in his eyes. .

He had long seen that this boss Wang was not a simple person. Although his soul power level was not high and he was just a soul sect, there seemed to be quite a lot of involvement behind him.

"And brother Wang, don't you think this game looks wrong?"

"What's there to discuss about this invisible thing?" Boss Wang thought for a moment and then shook his head with a smile.

"What if I have evidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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