Chapter 279 Trading
At breakfast in the morning, the only person who had the opportunity to accurately administer the medicine to the three of them was the one who got up earlier than them, among them Yu Xiaogang, who got up earlier than Tang San.

Moreover, Yu Xiaogang always got up late in the morning. Not only did he get up very early these days, but he was also very energetic, which was undoubtedly a bit abnormal.

The most important thing is, how could Yu Xiaogang, who was so eager to become famous in the competition and had a military order on him, surrender directly to the referee so early!
After seeing Yu Xiaogang and the snakes and rats from Canghui College, Tang San's eyes were red and almost ready to burst into flames. All the abnormalities of Yu Xiaogang before came to his mind.

In addition to anger, Tang San also had deep doubts in his heart. Although it was true that Yu Xiaogang, the bastard teacher, sold him, what was his purpose?
It couldn't be out of revenge for Tang San giving him laxatives, right?
Not long after, Yu Xiaogang walked out of the alley with a satisfied look on his face. He had no intention of breaking his promise, and now they were settled.

As for the follow-up, there is no need to worry. This matter is harmful to both of them, so the two of them will naturally keep this matter in their stomachs, and because they are afraid of each other, they will not make any unnecessary small moves.

From then on, the time in Canghui College and his life were completely different, and Yu Xiaogang thought so.

"Okay, this transaction is over. Goodbye, master." Shi Nian smiled and straightened his clothes.

"I'll never see you again." Yu Xiaogang replied coldly and turned around to leave. At least in the preliminaries, Canghui College would not encounter Haotian's second team, and he didn't want to fight with Shi Nian again. Is there any connection that creates unnecessary risks?

"Calling you a master is really putting on airs." Shi Nian looked at Yu Xiaogang's back and murmured to himself, with a cold voice. However, thinking of the shortcomings of Canghui College, he still chose to let go of his dissatisfaction. Happy, he turned to figure out the next tactical plan.

It is very difficult for the Seven Asuras to control the Soul Sect in the Illusion Realm. For the Soul King, I am afraid that it will be almost useless. It is still very difficult for Canghui Academy to get one of the five qualifying places in the qualifiers.


The bright moon hung high, and the pale moonlight enveloped the entire Tiandou City with a hint of coldness.

Flanders fell directly into a large courtyard and folded his dark wings. The decoration here was very elegant, with small bridges, flowing water, rockeries, pavilions and pavilions, but there was no one.

Connected to the courtyard is a three-story villa. Only the first floor has warm light, and the second and third floors are as silent as the courtyard.

Pushing the door open directly, the middle-aged wealthy businessman named Wang Dagui was sitting on the sofa. The fireplace next to him was burning red, but there was no other person except him.

"Here." Flanders could not help but feel good when he sensed that this huge villa was empty. He first sat on the sofa opposite the wealthy businessman, and then handed the recorded photo crystal directly to the middle-aged wealthy businessman.

The wealthy businessman who carefully inspected the image crystal nodded with satisfaction.

As we all know, the photographic crystal is a rubbing scene, which cannot be deleted or modified. Even if there is no sound, it is completely sufficient as evidence for Yu Xiaogang and Shi Nian Antong to fight against counterfeiting.

"Here, this is what your brother Lan Fu deserves." The middle-aged wealthy businessman first carefully put away the spar, then took out five gold soul coin savings cards and put them on the coffee table and pushed them over.

Flanders, who carefully checked the savings card, was also very satisfied. This amount of money was just enough for him to meet his immediate needs.

First, you can enjoy yourself before going to sea.

Second, he can choose the safest way to get to Poseidon Island.

Third, he planned to exchange the remaining gold soul coins into gold bars, which would be convenient for spending on Poseidon Island.

"By the way, Brother Wang, I wonder what you plan to do with this product?" Flender asked the other party carefully after collecting the money. His first purpose was revenge and he planned to eliminate Yu Xiaogang's legacy from Haotian College. Sheltering is easy to do.

"Oh, actually, match-fixing is not a big deal, and it doesn't have much value. As long as the benefits are sufficient and both parties acquiesce, the third party can't say anything."

The wealthy businessman took a closer look at Flanders and saw that his smile was still there. He picked up the teapot in front of him, poured a cup of hot tea and pushed it in front of Flanders.

"The reason why your piece of information is valuable is because it was Shi Nian and Yu Xiaogang who were fighting a fake match, not Canghui College and Haotian College."

"To be honest, I have heard about Yu Xiaogang. He is from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. His talent is average and very ridiculous. However, I didn't expect that he would dare to do such a thing behind Haotian Academy's back."

"We plan to sell this information to Haotian College, but information may not be sold to just one company." The wealthy businessman paused when he saw that Flanders did not touch the teacup.

"If Haotian Academy is willing to pay a sufficient price, we will naturally keep it secret and prevent this matter from getting out. We will give them the opportunity to solve the family scandal behind closed doors. We will even give them the image crystal as a gift."

"But if they are too stingy, we can only sell a few more to make up for our losses. In addition, Brother Lan Fu should also pay attention to not telling others about this matter once it gets out of this house, otherwise the strong men of Haotian Sect will It won’t be good if you come to your door.”

In response to the hint from the middle-aged wealthy businessman opposite, Flanders nodded slightly, then stood up, "I wonder when you plan to trade with Haotian College?"

"The day after tomorrow." The wealthy businessman put the steaming tea cup to his mouth and took a sip, "After all, brother, I am not qualified to trade with people from Haotian College."


"Goodbye." The door closed with a click. Wang Dagui, who felt the other party leave, let out a breath of hot breath, took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and unfolded it on the coffee table, "Flender, the flying corner of the golden iron triangle, Yu Xiaogang's Brother-in-law, interesting..."


On this day, it was not only Haotian Team [-] that lost, but also Tiangong Team and Shenfeng Academy.

However, Shenfeng Academy was convinced of the defeat. Their strongest captain, Feng Xiaotian, had no chance when facing the five-ringed soul king Du Hengkong, even if he used his own soul skill, the Wind Demon Wolf, which slashed 36 times in a row.

Thunder Academy, on the other hand, was extremely frustrated by the victory. Their captain Yu Tianxin almost attacked the referee.

Time moves forward to the five games of the second round,

Yu Tianxin brought the members of Thunder Academy to the stage in a high-profile manner without any pressure. He had already found out that the opponent's Tiangong team was an all-soul team that even the soul sect did not have.

Although he knows some weird weapons, he sees no threat, because there are four soul sects in their Thunder Academy, and as the captain's spirit, he is a genuine blue electric tyrannosaurus rex.

With their martial souls and soul power levels completely dominant, they could win easily.

Compared to the seven people from Thunder Academy who were full of confidence, the seven people from Tiangong Team still showed no fear, and even had a little eagerness to try on their faces.

After opening the martial arts, the five people in the VIP seats also frowned slightly after seeing the real gap in soul rings. Logically speaking, there should not be such a huge disparity in strength in the midfield arena closest to the VIP seats.

However, there was already a Canghui Academy in the first round, and they were still a little curious about Tiangong Team, which still maintained a complete victory.

Especially Xue Ye in the center and Xue Beng next to them. It was this team that defeated the second team of Tian Dou Emperor Academy on the first day.

It is true that Tiandou's second team did not have a soul sect, but the situation at that time was also one-sided.

"I remember that the seven members of the Tiangong team seem to have the same martial spirit." Hu Yanzhen looked at the similar changes in the seven members of the Tiangong team and said with some surprise, "Seven agility attack systems? It is somewhat similar to Canghui Academy. "

"A soul master with a single system will have obvious flaws. Coupled with the obvious gap in soul power, there is nothing interesting to watch in this game." Ning Fengzhi shook his head and objected. As the No. 1 auxiliary system in the world, how could he agree with the lack of auxiliary systems? The soul master team.

Salas on the side hesitated to speak. He looked at the Tiangong team on the field and felt an obvious sense of familiarity. This martial spirit, isn't it?

"Game start!"

The first moment the referee spoke, the seven Vic players raised their left feet and stomped on the ground without hesitation, and the five yellow soul rings on the soles of the six people in front lit up at the same time.

The first soul skill, inspiring wolf howl*6.

Increase the movement speed of yourself and the soul masters of the same type by 30% within 20 seconds (can be superimposed, the effect is halved for 3 or more people, and further halved for 10 or more people, the maximum increase for a single person is 60%.), and will be used for the next time. The attack has a sharp wind effect.

Accompanied by three sharp wolf howls, the speed of the seven people wrapped in six layers of green light surged, and they rushed towards their opponents in a standard straight line.

"Leitian, Lei Mie, Xiao Yunju, and Lei Jiuchong, follow me to meet the enemy." Seeing that his opponent dared to attack directly, Yu Tianxin frowned. He didn't care about the opponent's unconventional formation.

The weirder the tactics, the faster you will lose.

What surprised him was that the opponent's speed was no worse than that of the Soul Sect. It seemed that maintaining a complete victory was not entirely dependent on luck.

It's a pity that when he met me, Yu Tianxin's face turned cold. In addition to the auxiliary system and the control system, he directly brought 2 Soul Sects and 2 Soul Lords to meet them directly.

As the auxiliary system increased its upper body, surging lightning overflowed around Yu Tianxin, and the burly figure was full of oppression.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Spirit is a genuine dragon. The strength, speed, attack, and defense of the dragon-shaped body are all increased, and it can control the strongest lightning element in the attack category. It has almost no shortcomings.

Both a warrior and a magician, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon's martial spirit has almost reached the pinnacle of top-level martial arts, but there is one problem: it is particularly prone to martial soul mutations.

Except for a few members of the direct lineage, the martial spirits of others are not pure blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex.

Looking at the little dragon Yu Tianxin shrouded in blue lightning across from him, Vic grinned directly and said, "Use tactic No. [-]."

After hearing this, the other members of the Tiangong team directly touched the storage rings one by one. A round black sphere appeared on their hands. They wrapped it with cyan soul power and threw it hard, like a cannonball, directly towards the person who rushed out from the opposite side. Five people.

(End of this chapter)

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