Chapter 280 Experiment (It’s too much to see Master Dao ascending)
As beast martial soul masters, Vic and the others were already very strong, and they were especially trained in throwing. In addition, the wind attribute soul power could greatly reduce wind resistance. The speed of these seven black balls was astonishingly fast.

But Yu Tianxin was not unprepared. He had already done his homework and was prepared for the strange weapons of the Tiangong team.

Although the opponent's unknown gadget is fast, Thunder's speed is not slow at all.

The second soul skill, Thunderbolt!
As the yellow soul rings on the soles of his feet lit up, the thunder on Yu Tianxin's body condensed into four thunder spears and shot out.

At the same time, a purple thousand-year soul ring lit up around Thunder College's only control soul sect, and three blue-purple electric lights flew out.

These two soul skills of theirs are definitely the fastest to be activated in the entire Thunder Academy!

Even though the Tiangong team's throwing object was very fast, it was directly hit and intercepted by Thunder ten meters away in front of the five people.

"Hmph, a bunch of clowns who can only use foreign objects." Yu Tianxin's speed accelerated again, and he planned to defeat the opponent as quickly as possible under the spotlight.

He, Yu Tianxin, wants to prove to everyone that Thunder College under his leadership is no less than Haotian College, which is also supported by the three Sects!
"Hey, the reaction from the other side is quite fast." Vic joked when he saw that all the thrown objects were intercepted, but he did not panic at all. Instead, like the other 6 people, he took out another item from the storage ring in a leisurely manner. Wear something on the bridge of your nose.

In the audience, Liu Erlong was very aware of Vic's movements. While transmitting a message to Miga in the distance, he took out a pair of dark sunglasses and put them on.

"Close your eyes." Miga reminded the little guys next to her, while looking at the ring with interest. The surface of her eyes was rendered by ink-colored soul power. If she guessed correctly, that should be it. . .

Flash grenade!

The lightning collided accurately with the black sphere, and dazzling white light exploded in all directions. For a moment, there seemed to be 7 more little suns on the arena.

Even the audience in the auditorium was dazzled by the unexpected bright light, and their eyes were so white that they could hardly see.

Yu Tianxin and others who were paying close attention on the stage covered their eyes and screamed in agony. Their eyes stung extremely and they were blinded in a short time.

The speed of light far exceeds the speed of any agility attack system soul master. If caught off guard, no soul master can escape the sneak attack of the flash grenade, especially since the seven people from Thunder Academy were the first to be caught off guard in actual combat.

After the flash grenade took effect, Vic's movements did not lag at all. With a sharp whistle, the seven people who understood each other suddenly dispersed. While surrounding the seven people from Thunder Academy, he took out a similar but similar but different material from the storage ring without any delay. Different black grenades.

While Yu Tianxin and others were still covering their eyes and screaming in pain, they were thrown unceremoniously at them from all directions, and they controlled the grenade very carefully to completely cover the wind attribute soul power on the surface.

Not only to offset wind resistance, but also to cover up the sound of breaking wind.

Humans have five normal senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

Without the help of vision and hearing, it is obvious that the other three senses cannot help Yu Tianxin and others realize the arrival of a new round of danger, unless they can awaken the sixth sense of spiritual perception.

Boom*7!Invisible ripples radiate in all directions, and the sound is much louder than the biggest red earth during the Chinese New Year.

Obviously, Yu Tianxin and others who had no ability to release their mental energy did not have the sixth sense ability, so the seven shock grenades exploded directly around them without any warning, even closer than the previous flash grenades ten meters away. too much.

Flash grenades release strong light that targets human eyesight.

The shock grenade is even more severe. It releases high-decibel noise and is aimed at the opponent's ears.

The seven people in Yu Tianxin are not just a mob. Although they cannot see with their eyes, this does not prevent them from staying where they are and consciously strengthening their body's protection.

But will they focus on protecting the vital parts of the body, and will they prevent invisible vibrations from directly piercing the eardrums?
If they were ordinary people, they would have fainted directly at this moment, but Yu Tianxin and others who had not lost their combat effectiveness were not much better either. Their ears had light discharge, their brains were buzzing, and they could not tell the difference between east, west and north for a while. .

"Well, the effect is in line with expectations. It turns out that using flash bombs first and then shock bombs is more effective." Vic carefully observed the experimental results to facilitate post-match recording and analysis.

The distance limit of flash grenades is smaller, and the distance limit of shock grenades is larger. After all, the speed of light is much greater than the speed of sound.

This makes no difference to ordinary people, because neither the speed of sound nor the speed of light can be reacted by ordinary people, but it is not necessarily the case for soul masters.

Therefore, there is no need to combine the two functions together, which will not only increase the technical threshold during production, but also fail to produce the desired effect in actual combat.

As for the next step, there is no need for smoke grenades, so let's try the flamethrower. He is still very interested in releasing fire-type attacks.

The flamethrowers taken out by the Vic 7 looked a bit like large spray guns, but they did not carry large barrels on their backs, but only had a spherical filling barrel installed behind the spray guns.

The size is acceptable, and at least it will not affect the actions of the Vic 7, because the flamethrower is a dual-power support. In addition to the soul power, it also has special fuel to assist combustion. This can not only reduce the soul power consumption of the soul master, but also greatly reduce the bloat of the flamethrower. body shape.Seven lines of fire spurted out from the nozzle of the flamethrower, shooting unceremoniously at the seven unlucky guys who were dizzy, tinnitus, and blind.

Even Vic and others unceremoniously relied on their martial soul advantages to incite the cyan wind to follow. The wind assisted the fire, and the seven lines of fire were completely burned. The heat wave was rolling. Even if Yu Tianxin and the seven people could not see or hear, they could still feel it from the hot feeling on their skin. Sensing the coming crisis.

"Bastard!" The first one to barely break free from the stun state of the shock grenade was Yu Tianxin. He was not only a level 43 fighting soul sect, but also a top-level beast martial soul with the attribute of true dragon.

Sensing the crisis, he added to the anger in his heart and chose to use all his strength without hesitation. The purple soul ring immediately lit up, and his third soul skill, Thunder Wrath, was used without hesitation.

Crazy blue-purple thunder fell on him like a beam of light, his attack power increased by 50.00%, his soul power increased by [-]%, and the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex spirit went into a rampage state.

It was not only Yu Tianxin's physical fitness that skyrocketed, but also the blue-purple thunder liquid that surged and exploded around him.

"Thunder!" Yu Tianxin stood up and roared, and the blue-purple thunder slurry around her turned into a thunder net and radiated in all directions.


After the seven lines of fire collided with the thunder net, even though Yu Tianxin was still unable to see, she could still rely on the feedback from the thunder net to aim the exploding thunder at the intersection of the fire line and the thunder net and bombard it directly.

The next moment, all 7 lines of fire were exploded by the thunder. After all, Yu Tianxin was a soul sect who exerted all his strength. The attribute strength of the thunder was already close to the ultimate thunder, while the fire line sprayed by the flamethrower was only average in terms of attributes.

However, the raging lines of fire are not all energy flames transformed by soul power. The basis of burning is the secret fuel prepared in the flamethrower.

Although the line of fire easily exploded and scattered, following the unburned fuel, the torrential fire fell towards Yu Tianxin and others like flying red lotus.

"Ah, I'm on fire!" When they smelled the burnt smell and felt the burning and stinging sensation on their bodies, everyone's reaction was to put out the fire quickly with fear.

Especially the control and auxiliary systems that are not beast martial arts, and because the fire contains black secret fuel, pure soul power and thunder and lightning cannot completely dispel the flames.

Therefore, under the subconscious instinct of survival, several people from the Thunder Academy made almost the same action, rolling directly on the ring to extinguish the flames on their bodies in public.

It's just that this is the qualifying venue, and tens of thousands of spectators in Tiandou City are watching the match. Seeing their students rolling around on the ring, covered in dirt and dust, the teachers in the rest area of ​​Thunder Academy turned green.

It's just that none of the players on the field are in danger of their lives, and it's not easy for them to admit defeat and stop the game.

Yu Tianxin was worthy of being the only blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex spirit in Thunder Academy. However, in less than ten seconds, he was able to barely open his eyes and see. Although his body was in a mess, there was not much damage.

After all, none of the three weapons tested by Vic were intended to kill.

"You despicable people." Yu Tianxin looked at the approaching Vic and others with a ferocious face. He had already lost his dignity and did not hide his angry mood.

Originally, he planned to lead the Thunder Academy to quickly and gracefully deal with their opponents, maintain a complete victory, and become the most dazzling team on the field.

As a result, he never thought that in this large public, the face of Thunder College and even the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect would be completely lost in his hands. This huge psychological gap made him completely lose his mind.

Now, he is no longer thinking about how to win, but is thinking about how to beat the damn little soul masters on the opposite side to the point of paralysis to vent his anger!
"You woke up very quickly?" Vic looked at Yu Tianxin face to face and was very surprised. It was obvious that the other party had recovered his vision.

It seems that for soul masters with powerful martial souls, even if they are caught off guard, their recovery speed is much faster than ordinary people. This must be emphasized, Vic thought in his heart.

However, facing the ferocious-looking Yu Tianxin with a violent aura, the seven Vic people still had no fear on their faces, and they all raised their firearms and pointed them at Yu Tianxin.

That's right, the flamethrowers in their hands have long been taken back and replaced by shotguns, conventional weapons at medium and short range.

It is powerful, easy to aim, and has strong recoil. It is the most suitable weapon for soul masters to get started among firearms. It is commonly known as the spray gun.

Before Yu Tianxin could open his mouth to activate his soul skills, seven people pulled the triggers on him at the same time.


Feeling the approaching crisis, Yu Tianheng's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly put his dragon-shaped arms in front of him to protect his vitals. The dragon scales on his body were thickened and there were blue-purple thunder traveling around to protect his body.

(End of this chapter)

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