Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 282 Changed Shura 8 Test

Chapter 282 Changed Eight Tests of Shura

Wuhun City, back mountain of East Spider Soul Master Academy, laboratory.

Lei Ming, Huo Yu and Cao Lao were guarding the three laboratory doors respectively, while Vivian was waiting at the core laboratory door. She had been guarding it for more than a month.

If nothing else, she would have to work hard for another two months, never leaving, never closing her eyes, until the light came out.

Enveloped by the holy light, she gently rubbed her temples, turned her head to look at the closed door and then back again, wondering how the young master was doing?

"How about I take your place for a while." Ah Yin, who had made this suggestion more than once, asked with concern.

"No." Vivian shook her head gently. Although her voice was soft, there was no room for it, and it was so firm that it made people feel heartbeat.

She took the initiative to follow the light retreat this time. She was already familiar with the light, and with her relationship as an apostle, she could vaguely sense that the light was going to do a very important thing, so she must ensure the absolute safety of the light.

"Okay." Ah Yin, who felt that Vivian's attitude had not changed at all, completely gave up the idea of ​​changing shifts and took the initiative to chat with her to relieve boredom.

"There's something I've been curious about for a long time. Why are you called Master Guang?" Ah Yin was quite puzzled by this matter. Vivian was the only one who called her that, and it never changed.

"Yes." Vivian pondered for a moment without concealing anything, "I don't remember much, I just remember that in Titan City, where the Fairyland and the Demon Realm meet, there are eight large and half-demon families. The young master is from the Hongguang family. She is the young master's personal maid, and the young master is the legitimate son of the sixth family..."

The core laboratory is empty. A thousand meters directly below it, there is a 10-meter * 10-meter * 10-meter metal secret room. There is nothing here except 6 walls made of metal. There are no passages or even lighting.

The only way to reach here silently is to move accurately through the void.

The matte black metal floor is not smooth. In the middle of the floor, the disc is sitting on it. His back is straight, his arms are hanging naturally, his eyes are closed, and his whole body is relaxed and lifeless.

His body was very strange at the moment. It was pale golden and translucent, emitting a weak golden light that barely illuminated the surroundings. His nose was not breathing, and his heart was not beating.

You can barely detect the blood flow through his translucent skin, which looks like a finely carved statue.

But above his head, which is also the center of the entire secret room, there is no emptiness at all. Three colors of white, gold, and black occupy almost the entire secret room.

An indescribable charm permeated the entire secret room. Various rapidly changing twisted secret patterns were constantly reflected on the six metal walls. The originally smooth mirror-like walls now had substantial mottled appearance.

If ordinary people or even soul masters come here at this moment, they will inevitably undergo essential distortions in three unpredictable directions just by looking at the vague reflections on the wall.

If you look at the center of gravity of the secret room, which is the core body of light, before you can clearly see its form, it will completely turn into three radiant embers.

Only gods or beings close to gods can clearly see the scene in the three brilliance based on their personality. It is a strange figure similar to stars.

Pure white star rings surround it, sealing it tightly without leaving any gaps. The golden translucent stars are composed of eternal burning flames, but in the center of the stars is a heart-stopping deep darkness.

Pure white is the strongest color, followed by black, and gold is the weakest. You can even see that the surface of the golden stars is full of dark mottled lines. Although the golden flame is burning the darkness all the time, it is a drop in the bucket.

"Not enough, the burning difference is too big..." Guang's voice rippled in the secret room, without any emotion, but with a creepy divinity.

What's strange is that the six metal walls of the secret room are already covered with three-color embers, but the translucent body under the light is firmly wrapped in gold, without any black or even white stains.

"The body cannot be damaged, and it must not be polluted before the golden nature is gathered to condense and burn the Tao source..."

"If my deduction is not bad, if you want to be truly super-dimensional, one path is not enough. You must use three as the cornerstone to blend and converge..."

"But the power of the source is too strong and will pollute and swallow up new roads. Moreover, the power beyond the boundaries will attract the full blow of the consciousness of heaven and earth, which must be completely contained..."

"One path is the easiest, two paths are second, and three paths are the most difficult. Containing the path of the Holy Light is already so difficult, which is a disservice to me. Containing two sources of path at the same time to cultivate the third path almost means that I have to completely give up my power and start from scratch. It’s even more risky to start and fail in the middle...the risk is too great..."

"It is not advisable to follow the plan step by step. It is better to use this source of destruction as the third cornerstone..."

"Condensing the blazing sun, achieving combustion, digesting and destroying... The ritual of the three elements... This world is not advisable... Exploring the adjacent planes of the world of the dead is also a bit reluctant."

"Although there is no record, my hometown, that almost borderless sea of ​​stars, is much more terrifying than the Douluo World, the World of the Undead and even the Yuan Zhen World..."

Guang's voice was filled with memories of vicissitudes of life. At this moment, he could clearly recall all the past events. The real source of his journey to practice was just because he really took a look at the Book of Origin.

As a price, his life in his first life withered away directly. In return, he was reincarnated as a true spirit in the Yuan Zhen Realm and became the source of Taoism.

"Huh?" The white halo changed a little. Guang, who had been immersed in deducing the specific ritual, seemed to sense something? "Perhaps... we can turn it into a place for the Three Yuan Unity Ceremony..." "We have to hurry up... The problem with Douluo Continent is not big, the key lies in the outside world, it seems that there are more than just evil..."


The blood-red crystal ball reflected the shadow of the entire Douluo plane. The observing God Shura had no expression on his face, but he unconsciously exerted force on his hands.


The originally smooth and flawless sphere was full of cracks, and then exploded with a loud bang.

This was the first time that changes had exceeded his expectations, and this change was not a change in some subtle details, but a drastic change in the general trend of the world.

The gathering of fortune in Douluo Continent is ahead of schedule, and it’s nearly ten years ahead of schedule!

Tang San was now just a soul master who was less than level 40, and he had no time to make any plans, unless he delayed enough time and arranged for Poseidon to accelerate him off-site.

As for letting Tang Chen inherit the throne of Shura God, God Shura had no idea, because the other party was actually promoted according to the rules, and he had no time to prepare for the remaining eight and nine tests of Shura.

By then, not only would he not be able to control Tang Chen, but the Luck Harvest Plan would also be difficult to maintain due to the loss of the Shura Godship.

Moreover, now he is unable to escape because of the strange god. The other party is obviously not a god who has inherited the divine throne and been promoted, but is something weird like a natural god.

Although he can easily suppress the opponent with his strength, the opponent's vitality is majestic and his methods are weird. It will be very difficult to completely eliminate him for a while.

There was no way to leave. The noise caused by this alien god was too great. Even if he left it alone, his men would not be able to trap this alien monster whose strength was almost as strong as a first-level god.

If he makes another noise and alerts the nosy bastard of Destruction, his plan in the Douluo plane will most likely be discovered by the other party.

It is true that as the Shura God, he is the highest law enforcer in the entire God Realm. Even a first-level god would not dare to go against him. It is not troublesome to guard against others and steal from others.

But if there is obvious instability in the God Realm, the other four God Kings will come forward, and his plan will also face the risk of abortion.

Liberate the Killing City and release all the evil soul masters inside?God Shura also considered Tang Chen who held the Shura Blood Sword.

Although this guy is a level 99 peerless Douluo, he cannot control it. According to the rules, he cannot recall the Shura Blood Sword. . .

It's tasteless to eat, it's a pity to throw it away, it's really worthless.

Forget it, if you can't wait until Tang San grows up, why not arrange for that guy to use his life to cause chaos in Douluo Continent, delay time, and arrange for the Shura Blood Sword to be given to Tang San at the same time.

While accelerating his growth, he also subtly increases his affinity with God Shura, preventing the Poseidon from competing with him for dominance.

And that idle move could not be left behind. God Shura stared at the re-condensed blood crystal ball and planned.

If a hundred thousand year old soul beast is sacrificed, Tang San can accelerate his promotion to the Soul King realm, and then Tang San can be arranged to go to Poseidon Island. In this way, accelerating training for a few years to break through to Soul Saint is barely reasonable.

When the time comes, we will use the remaining luck in the Star Dou Forest to speed up the replenishment, and use the hundred thousand year old Titan giant ape to sacrifice, directly ripening Tang San's breakthrough to the Titled Douluo as quickly as possible.

As for the Killing City, he planned to change the Shura Bacao and let Tang Chen go there directly to complete the transformation.

On the one hand, it can block his mind and focus the energy of the blood pool below the Killing City on him to help him break through the hundred-level limit and create a quasi-god-level thug.

Then he arranged for him to break the Killing City and release all the evil soul masters. The chaos caused by this could delay at least five or six years, and arranged for the quasi-god-level Tang Chen to kill the top combat threat on Douluo Continent.

Later, he could also arrange for Tang Chen to speed up Tang San's training and finally burn his life to start the final Nine Tests of Shura, perfect.

In this case, he can also use this time to seal this power god and buy him time to finish the Douluo Continent plan.

As for what happens after this supernatural god breaks through the seal, that is what Tang San, who inherited the throne, should do. He, Zhang, has already transferred all his high-quality assets and ran away with the bucket.

And because of the backhand he had laid down before Tang San was reincarnated, even if Tang San became Shura God, the dog leash around his neck would still be firmly in his hands, and he could seek more benefits in the future.

Thinking like this, God Shura stroked his pen, and Tang Chen's Eight Tests of Shura suddenly changed vaguely:
  Go to the Killing City to suppress the evil in the Blood Abyss of Hell Valley. The time limit is one month. If you exceed the time limit, your affinity with God Shura will be reduced by 100%, and you will completely lose the qualification to inherit God Shura.

(End of this chapter)

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