Chapter 283 Tendency
  "Huh?!" Tang Chen, who was in seclusion deep inside the Haotian Sect's mountain gate, opened his eyes and frowned. The changes in Shura Bacao not only disrupted his original plan, but also made him subconsciously uneasy.

Now that the Soul Master Competition has begun, Tang Hao has left Haotian Sect and headed to Wuhun City. He is recuperating and preparing to contain Qian Daoliu to facilitate the smooth progress of his rescue and exploration plan.

This changed time limit for the Shura Eight Examinations directly put him in a dilemma.

Moreover, the last time he failed in the Eight Shura Exams was in the Killing City. This time, he was still in a place where he could not help but feel a little panic deep in his heart. He no longer had the indomitable spirit of the past.

Otherwise, he would not have delayed for so long the second time Shura Bakao killed the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. . .

  The blood-red Shura Blood Sword was directly pulled out by Tang Chen and stood in front of him. The smooth mirror-like sword reflected his old face.

"My heart has lost its energy, and I have had inner demons for several times." Tang Chen realized clearly in his heart that the face of the Titled Douluo will not change until death, unless the heart is dying, because the appearance is born from the heart.

"If you want to become a god, you need to face your fears, regain your energy, and move forward indomitably." Tang Chen stood up and straightened his back, "Within one month, complete the eight Shura tests, go to Pingding Mountain to contain Qian Daoliu and complete the sect's plan."

"I am Tang Chen. I am the best in history. If I can't do it, who in the world can do it? Who can become a god?" Tang Chen walked out step by step from the secret room.

From dark to bright, his face also changed from old to young, and his originally chaotic heart returned to a calm state of mind.

"I failed the Eight Shura Tests there. This time I will definitely be able to face my inner demons and find out the root cause of my failure."

Tang Chen's voice struck the ground like a knife or an axe, and he rose directly into the sky as he stepped out of the door.

Back then, he failed the Eight Asura Tests. The obvious reason was because of the interference and control of the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King, but he could faintly feel that there was a more obscure reason behind it. This was also the source of his subconscious fear and neglect!

Now, he has realized that if he cannot face his fears and get rid of his inner demons, he will have no hope of becoming a god in this life.

The two steps of Shura Eight Examination and Shura Nine Examination seem to be just a short distance away from becoming a god, but in fact it is a world of difference!

The gears of fate are turning slowly and irreversibly, and most of the qualifying rounds have been completed in the blink of an eye.

Tianji's true form won 19 games.

The Eastern Spider Beasts won 19 games.

Kamikaze Academy won 18 games and lost 1 game, defeating Tianji itself.

Blazing Academy won 18 games and lost 1 game, losing to Thunder Academy.

Thunder Academy won 17 games and lost 2 games, defeating Tianji Noumenon and Shenfeng Academy.

Tianshui Academy won 17 games and lost 2 games, defeating Thunder Academy and Eastern Spider Beasts.

Xiangjia Academy won 17 games and lost 2 games, defeating Tianji Noumenon and Shenfeng Academy.

Tiangong team won 17 games and lost 2 games, defeating Thunder Academy and Dongzhidao Beasts.

Haotian's second team won 16 games and lost 3 games, losing to Xiangjia College, Canghui College and Tianji.

Canghui Academy won 16 games and lost 3 games, losing to Elephant Armor Academy, Thunder Academy and Eastern Spider Beasts.

. . .

On the 20th day of the qualifiers, whether it was the VIP seats, the team rest area or the audience seats, everyone was paying close attention to the latest list.

There are a total of 36 teams in the qualifiers. At this moment, less than half of the teams have lost more than 5 games. This means that these teams have lost hope of qualifying for the qualifiers. The reason why they continue to participate is to strive for a good basic ranking.

The teams that lost three games or less have been reduced to two hands. Not surprisingly, the five-tier teams will be born among them.

This does not mean that these ten teams have a 50% probability of qualifying. To be precise, the East Spider Hundred Beasts of the Quanhun Sect and the Tianji Body of Captain Soul King, as the first echelon of complete victory, have definitely occupied the two places. Qualifying quota.

The remaining five element academies are probably in the second echelon, with Kamikaze Academy performing the best, followed by Thunder Academy.

As for the Haotian Second Team and Canghui Academy, which had lost three games, they were already on the alert for elimination. . .

Especially in today's 20th round, the Tiangong team faced off against the Haotian Team [-], and Canghui Academy faced off against the Blazing Academy. The competition was particularly fierce.

At the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi looked at the Haotian Second Team's rest area with complicated eyes. At this moment, he no longer had the slightest desire to promote the Haotian Second Team. From a tactical point of view, when encountering a powerful team like Tianji, he can barely accept it and voluntarily admit defeat. However, it is outrageous to reveal that team leader Yu Xiaogang is suspected of cheating and making behind-the-scenes deals with other teams to fix matches.

These days, Haotian's second team is in a panic. My daughter Ning Rongrong said that Yu Xiaogang has been detained for investigation, and his nephew Yu Tianheng is in a very embarrassing situation and does not play.

Now the leader of Haotian's second team is Tang Gang. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Tang Gang chose to arrange for two regular players, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu, to play, and an auxiliary team member and a reserve team member from the agility attack team to take off the field.

Facing the Tiangong team this time, even if they can win, there are still five or six seed teams behind them that will form many difficulties and put them in a very dangerous situation.

Looking at Emperor Xue Ye and Platinum Bishop Salas next to him, Ning Fengzhi sighed secretly. Losing face was the second most important thing. The key was the growth of the young girl Ning Rongrong. If Haotian's second team could not qualify in the qualifiers, he would have to consider it. A home has been arranged for her.

In addition, these days he and Emperor Xue Ye gradually reached a cooperation agreement, and Ning Fengzhi took the offerings from the Qibao Glazed Sect to escort the Tiandou Empire team to Wuhun City to participate in the competition.

In return, Ning Fengzhi will gain the status of Prince's teacher, and the two families will use this as a starting point to unite and cooperate in depth.

Xue Ye in the center lowered his eyelids, and his somewhat cloudy eyes were filled with bitterness. The reason for this was that he had already felt the strain on his body and was already preparing to pave the way for Xue Qinghe to ascend to the top.

At this critical moment of handover between the old and new emperors, with the Wuhun Palace standing out outside and no titled Douluo-level ministers inside, he could only seek allies from the outside to ensure stability at the critical moment.

The upper three sects are undoubtedly a good choice, and the reason for choosing the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is also the result of Xue Ye's careful consideration.

Because the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda is an auxiliary martial spirit, and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus and Clear Sky Hammer are offensive martial spirits, the hidden dangers behind cooperation with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect are smaller.

Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo plus Ning Fengzhi can fully meet the Tiandou Empire's demand for high-end combat power.

Therefore, the position of Prince Teacher arranged by Xue Ye for Ning Fengzhi was not a false position, but a real intention for Xue Qinghe to build a good relationship with the Qibao Glazed Sect so that he could securely ascend to the position with this support.

In addition, in order to cultivate the relationship between the two parties, Xue Ye has finalized a plan. Prince Xue Qinghe will serve as the representative of the Tiandou Empire to coordinate all matters for the 16 teams of the Tiandou Empire to go to Wuhun City to participate in the finals.

For this reason, Xue Ye also had good intentions. Xue Qinghe could not only build a good relationship with the Qibao Glazed Sect along the way, but also win over more than a hundred of the best young soul masters of this generation in the Tiandou Empire.


Canghui College team rest area,
  Shen Xinshui and others had visible depression on their faces, and team leader Shi Nian frowned even more. Canghui Academy had lost three of the last five games, and its dream of dominating the Tiandou Division and the glorious finals was completely shattered.

After figuring out Canghui Academy's fusion skills, other strong teams became wary. Their three axes became increasingly difficult to use.

In particular, the Elephant Armor Academy gave a standard response strategy that left people speechless. Everyone held their elephant shields and stood still in the direction of Canghui Academy, forcing the fusion technique to end.

Later, some teams also discovered that gathering a large amount of soul power in advance to completely cover the head can also weaken the intrusion of the illusion. Although it is not helpful to break away from the illusion, the illusion will be more blurred, the senses will be more false, and there will be no embarrassing situation of directly losing combat effectiveness.

If this continues, Canghui Academy will definitely have no chance of qualifying for the qualifiers. Therefore, there is no good way at this time. Mental methods are only weird because they are rare, not unsolvable.

At this time, someone from the Tiangong team proposed a deal with him. He could sell some gunpowder weapons to Canghui Academy. They did not require soul power, were easy to use, and had excellent power.

As long as Canghui Academy uses illusions first and then these weapons, the rest of the qualifiers can be easily won except for the outrageous teams, and there is basically no problem qualifying for the qualifiers.

However, what worried Shi Nian was that the price demanded by the other party was very strange, requiring Shen Xinshui and others to cooperate with their experiments after the qualifiers, and not to reserve any information related to fusion skills.

Naturally, Shi Nian subconsciously rejected this kind of probing the transaction conditions, but the other party's attitude was very stubborn. He just stated the transaction conditions and left directly. If Shi Nian agreed, he would take the initiative to find the other party.

The most important thing is that the opponent's team leader showed his fist in front of Shi Nian. Knowing that the opponent was suspected of having Wuhun Hall's back, Shi Nian was filled with fear and completely gave up his evil thoughts.

"Xinshui, do you want to qualify for the qualifiers?" Shi Nian stopped Shen Xinshui and asked. He planned to put the choice in the opponent's hands. After all, they were the guinea pigs for the opponent, not Shi Nian himself.

"Teacher, do you have any idea? Of course we do!" Shen Xinshui and others raised their heads and looked at Teacher Shi Nian with eagerness and expectation. They spent so much effort on fusion skills just to become famous in this competition. ?

"Okay then." Shi Nian made a choice in his mind, and joining the camp on the side of Wuhun Palace seemed to be a good choice.

Then he looked in the direction of Haotian Team [-] and Tiandou Team [-] and sneered, the East Spider Beasts of Wuhun Palace looked young, and their performance in the competition was much better than these two teams, right?
  And if he remembered correctly, the Tiangong team with the background of Wuhun Palace was facing the Haotian Second Team today. Although their apparent strength was quite different, thinking about the terror of the other team leader, he felt a little unspeakable. expectations.

After all, it’s not too much for a team led by his Majesty to have any trump card, and he looked at the Tiangong team’s rest area from a distance, and there was no trace of nervousness or worry on the faces of their members.

(End of this chapter)

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