Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 284 Yu Xiaogang: Are you asking?

Chapter 284 Yu Xiaogang: Are you asking?

In the cold basement, there is no warmth from the sun, only the smell of damp rot and the smell of dilapidation that has not been cleaned.

This place is not spacious, about thirty square meters, and there are no stairs. There are only simple wooden ladders erected on the wall leading to the only exit.

This is not the Haotian Sect's residence in Tiandou City, but a temporarily rented courtyard. Although the basement is simple and empty, it is surrounded by thick bluestones and is very solid.

A round, thick and straight wooden stake was stuck straight into the ground. Yu Xiaogang's hands and feet were tied tightly with hemp rope and the wooden stake. His shirt had already been stripped clean, revealing the round and convex greasy general's belly.

The slightly greasy skin was now covered with red lines. Accompanied by Yu Xiaogang's screams and rhythmic crackling sounds like killing a pig, two strong men were whipping happily with whips in their hands.

The two strong men had big shoulders and round waists, and even had soul power fluctuations on their bodies. The whips in their hands were made of thirteen strips of cooked cowhide, and they would dip into the two basins of salt water next to them from time to time.

"I'll recruit, I'll recruit them all, please stop fighting..."

"I am Yu Yuanzhen's biological son..."

"I am guilty. I did make a deal with Shi Nian, but I was forced to have no choice..."

Yu Xiaogang shouted hoarsely. The exercise in the nightmare did make him more resistant to beatings, but he soon discovered that dreams would wake him up, but reality would not wake him up.

Whenever he was about to faint from pain, a basin of cold water would be poured on him to wake him up and then he would be beaten. The other party had no other tricks, just whipping him with a whip.

The oily white skin on his body was turned into a swollen red. He felt like he was about to collapse. The most important thing was. . .

"You should ask, I won't hide anything you want to know!" Yu Xiaogang shouted almost breaking down.

The process of his arrest was ridiculously simple. An old man he didn't know came up to him and cursed him for eating everything inside and outside, and then knocked him unconscious with one finger.

Then when he woke up and people were here, the old man ordered the four strong men to leave immediately, and then the four of them took turns whipping him for an unknown amount of time.

After Yu Xiaogang made a hoarse sound like a broken gong, he fainted again. The two strong men looked at each other and poured over the two basins of salt water that were used to soak the whips.

After Yu Xiaogang finally regained consciousness, they finally said their first words, "The elder said that he doesn't think it's troublesome, so he should make you completely honest before asking him for questioning."

"You have to think carefully. If your answer is not honest at all when the elders come down, we will be punished and you won't be able to think about it any better." Another strong man added viciously.

Elder, Yu Xiaogang, who had just woken up, froze when he heard these two words. The elder is undoubtedly the elder of the Haotian Sect. Unlike the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, the elders of the Haotian Sect seem to be all Titled Douluo level. Under the crown.

However, he had prepared a plan, and was prepared to admit that he had surrendered under Shi Nian's threat to exonerate himself, so that he could also argue that he was thinking about his students.

. . .

clap clap clap!
  . . .

"Yu Xiaogang, you are really nothing. As the team leader, you actually drugged your own students. If your disciple Tang San hadn't taken the initiative to report it, you would have concealed it."

After listening to Yu Xiaogang's confession, Fourth Elder Tang Yuanhai responded coldly, "This guy Tang Hao actually brought someone like you to Haotian Academy. I really don't know how he got those eyes."

"We at Haotian College will definitely not be able to keep people like you. Originally, I could have given you two choices, but I didn't expect that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect would not accept you, a useless scumbag. Then there is only one way to deal with it. ”

Seeing the old man in front of him shaking his head indifferently, and the two strong men next to him grinning ferociously and preparing to grab the whip to give him a further beating, Yu Xiaogang panicked completely. If he continued to beat him, he would probably be disabled even if he didn't die.

"Elder, please spare my life. I'm not a thing. I deserve to die. Please, please spare my life as a puppy because my father is Yu Yuanzhen!"

Yu Yuanzhen. . .Considering that the other party had been a level 95 titled Douluo a long time ago, Tang Yuanhai raised his hand to signal the four strong men to stop, and then looked at Yu Xiaogang's appearance and shook his head in disgust.

It's like a cynic came out of the general's house. No wonder such a useless thing didn't inherit the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit.

However, Yu Xiaogang is Yu Yuanzhen's biological son after all. Although Yu Xiaogang was expelled from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Yu Yuanzhen is not dead yet!If this guy really dies in the hands of Haotian Sect, the impact will be very bad.

Tang Yuanhai pondered for a moment, the two strong men were waiting for his intention, but Yu Xiaogang could no longer care about his pleading face. At this moment, he was also disheartened and just wanted to save his life. Who would have thought that the one who stabbed him in the back would actually be It was his disciple Tang San.

"Forget it, I'm just selling Yu Yuanzhen to save my face, get out of here..." Tang Yuanhai raised his eyes and said impatiently, while Yu Xiaogang opposite him subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

"Elder!" Before Tang Yuanhai could finish speaking, the strong man above hurriedly came down, "Sorry, elder, Haotian's second team lost again today. Not only did they lose 4 games, but they were also seriously injured. I'm afraid of the next game. It’s difficult!”

"What!?" After listening to the strong man's story, Tang Yuanhai turned his head and said with anger, "You two, give him another 100 whips, then break his two dog legs and throw him out!"

Then he turned around and directly ordered another strong man, "That Yu Tianheng, tell him to drop out of school and get out." "Also, which team is so bold!" Tang Yuanhai asked sharply, not only Yu Xiaogang, but also When there was Canghui Academy, he hadn't settled the accounts yet, and with today's lackluster team, he, Tang Yuanhai, would really have thought he was a sick cat if he didn't get angry!

Turn the time back one hour,
  Qualifying venue, Haotian College rest area,

Tang San glanced at Yu Tianheng in the corner calmly, feeling very satisfied with his decisive decision to sell Yu Xiaogang.

He is not a fool. Although his cheap father Tang Ritian did not tell him his true life experience and did not even bother to correct his name, he could still sense something was wrong from the clues.

For example, the direct descendants of the Clear Sky Sect are all surnamed Tang, for example, he has the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit, and for example, Dean Tang Xiao is partial to him. . .All this proves that Tang Ritian is by no means an ordinary blacksmith, and his life experience as Tang San is by no means a poor commoner.

In Tang San's mind, blood relationships are naturally much more reliable than acquired relationships.

Even if Tang Ritian failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father, even if Yu Xiaogang was actually quite attentive to him, he would still prefer Tang Ritian.

Not to mention that there was actually a lot of bad blood between him and Yu Xiaogang:
  The fact that he gave Yu Xiaogang laxatives at the beginning was still a knot in his mind. Tang San, who was very suspicious, had already decided in his heart that Yu Xiaogang must have known about what happened before and used the same method when he gave him medicine this time. Take revenge on him.

Moreover, Tang San took a closer look at his legs, and he could clearly feel that the experience of using these two leg bones over the years was not good, and they were obviously different from the soul bone information he privately consulted at Haotian Academy.

If Tang San was really a little soul master from a small village, helpless, then he would indeed be grateful for Yu Xiaogang's soul bone.

But now that Tang San had a rough understanding of his outstanding life experience, his mentality changed, especially after Tang Xiao arranged for Tang San to refine the ten-thousand-year-old trunk bone.

Sensing the huge gap between his soul bones, Tang San gradually felt disgusted with his two worthless leg bones in his heart.

To be precise, these two soul bones had almost no effect other than accelerating the improvement of his soul power when he was around level 20. They had almost no effect on Tang San's leg strength.

Moreover, the accompanying soul skills were half the result with half the effort, and were far from the Ghost Shadow Fan. Tang San had basically never used them in these years.

If he didn't have these two rubbish leg bones, he might be able to replace them with better ones in the future. This was the true thought that gradually emerged in Tang San's mind.

In addition, Tang San witnessed Yu Xiaogang's betrayal with his own eyes this time, so he did not hesitate to choose to fall over to the Haotian Sect, which had the same origin, and took the opportunity to sever the master-disciple relationship with Yu Xiaogang.

To be honest, from the first year of his apprenticeship, Tang San had regrets in his heart. It was not that Yu Xiaogang was not good to him, but that the benefits he obtained from Yu Xiaogang did not match his efforts.

Tang Sanyi did not expect that the knowledge monopoly in Douluo Continent was not that serious. His mentality was more immersed in the sect concepts of the previous life. It was difficult to obtain knowledge. Working as a bully for a teacher or a sect in exchange for practice knowledge and resources was Very normal.

Therefore, it seemed to him that there was no problem at all in having only one teacher in his life. However, when he learned that Wuhun Palace was actually disseminating the basic knowledge of soul master cultivation to everyone at the super low price of one gold soul coin, his mentality changed. It exploded. . .

If Tang San hadn't become a disciple yet, and he still belonged to the circle of casual cultivators outside the monopoly of knowledge, he would be very happy with Wuhun Palace's move.

But the problem is that as a disciple of Yu Xiaogang, he has actually stepped into the sect's aristocratic monopoly class, and his mentality has changed from eager to obtain basic knowledge of soul master cultivation to rejecting the casual cultivators to obtain unique knowledge.

This mentality is probably the same as Tang San's attitude towards Xuantian Baolu.

This was even more true after he knew that he was a member of the Tang family of the Haotian Sect.

Because without a monopoly, what would be the advantage of the sect’s nobles?

In the final analysis, the advantages of sect nobles over casual cultivating soul masters only have three aspects:
  The first is a stable supply of outstanding martial soul masters, which is not obvious due to the huge population base of casual cultivators.

The second is the soul master's training key. This is particularly important. It is one of the two carrots used by the sect nobles to attract talents. It is also the tacit understanding of all sect nobles in the world.

However, as the strongest Wuhun Palace, it took the lead to break this tacit understanding. As a price, it is not surprising that Wuhun Palace was resented by all the sects in the world. The benefit was that Wuhun Palace gained the support of the casual cultivating soul masters. Good impression.

Finally, there are resources.

"Contestants please enter!"

"You all have the surname Tang." Seeing the seven people stand up, the acting team leader Tang Gang patted the shoulders of Tang San, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu and hinted, "I hope you will put aside your personal grudges and jointly safeguard the reputation of Haotian College."

He didn't think there was any strategy in team fighting in the qualifiers, so Tang Gang just reconciled the conflicts between the team members and didn't intend to take any more care.

"Teacher, I understand, and I will definitely work hard to cooperate with the two captains."

Tang San's sincere and firm voice made Tang Gang very satisfied. Seeing this, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu no longer pretended to hold out their hands, "Uncle Gang, don't worry, we will definitely work together to win the qualifying round and defend the glory of Haotian College with all our strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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