Chapter 285
  In the rest area of ​​Team Tiangong, there was no fear on the faces of Vic and others, but they were trying their best to suppress the eagerness in their hearts.

It is true that the threat of Haotian's second team is not lower than that of Thunder Academy. They have two Haotian Hammer spirit sects in front of them and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda spirit sect behind them. This front row has no hard power at all. Low.

However, Tang San's soul power as a control system had not exceeded level 40, and he lacked the means of group control. With obvious flaws, the threat of Haotian's second team dropped significantly.

In contrast, the seven members of the Tiangong team are all agile attack types and do not have a soul sect. They will definitely not be able to take advantage of their own strength. The conventional weapons tested previously are also obviously insufficient in lethality.

But unlike the weapons they used before, the several things they equipped today were more dangerous than the last.

"Just go on the field when you're ready." Liu Erlong raised her head and waved. She had rarely cheered up from the beginning of the qualifying round until now.

The corner of her eyes glanced at Canghui Academy. She had already traded them to a batch of conventional gunpowder grenades. The seven people from Canghui Academy only needed to use fusion skills to make the opponent fall into an illusion, and then throw grenades to send the opponent off.

The upper limit of the power of that thing is not high, and it is fatal to ordinary people, but it is just right for a soul master with soul power to protect his body.

"Both teams please come on!"

With the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, ten teams took the stage on the five stages!
  Walking onto the ring and facing the seven people from Haotian Academy on the other side of the ring, Vic could clearly see the two captains of the other team first raising their arms and cheering to the audience, and then looking over with disdain on their faces.

After all, the seven members of the Tiangong team are all three-ring soul masters, so it cannot be faked, and many of the weapons they use have been fully displayed in the previous 7 games.

At this time, Tang San also distributed the dark sunglasses to his teammates. Tang San, who was determined to show off a wave of handwork in this game, was also well prepared.

"Hey, little mouse across from you, your clever tricks are of no use to us." Tang Shi put on his sunglasses and looked up at the sun. He didn't feel the slightest glare, and turned his thumbs upside down to the seven people across from him.

The same was true for Tang Fuhu next to him.

. . .

"It seems that you are well prepared." Vick smiled at the other party's provocation. After exchanging glances with his teammates, he looked at the other side with a smile on his face. A chilling breath came from them. spread.

The referee in the middle was stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction of the seven Vic players and frowned. This kind of cold feeling was not what a young bird who knew nothing should have.

"I hope you can maintain this kind of confidence and never jump off the stage and surrender." With the support of soul power, Vic's voice clearly fell into the ears of everyone in Haotian's second team.

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu's expressions turned cold. They didn't expect that the other soul sect was not afraid of their two soul sects and dared to take the initiative to provoke them. This made them both feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, not only will they not hold anything back, they will also unceremoniously break the opponent's bones to let other teams know that not just cats and dogs can provoke Haotian!
  There were 7 three-rings on one side, and 5 three-rings and 2 four-rings on the other side. With such an obvious gap, the Tiangong team was not afraid at all. This not only attracted a lot of attention from the audience, but even the five people in the VIP seats also voted. Come and pay attention.

"Game start!"

As soon as they heard the referee's words, seven people from Vic immediately possessed martial souls. Six people simultaneously activated their first spirit rings to invigorate the wolf roar. In the neat roar, the seven people shot out like swords from the string. .

This series of actions was completed in an instant and was extremely neat. At this moment, Vic and others no longer tried to hide their level. The elite quality displayed by the entire team was not at all what a casual cultivator team should be.

I saw Vic, Li Chong and Dong Shuang charging forward like an arrow, with a metal handle appearing on their hands. The three of them were the best in close combat.

The other four people separated neatly and symmetrically. The two people on the farthest sides did not move, but directly took out the heavy black snipers with precise sights and lay on the ring. They were the only two in the whole grade who passed the long-range test. of.

The other two men rushed to both sides to ensure that there was no friendly gap in front of them. They took out two fire stick-like gun barrels, then inserted grenades directly into the gun heads, took a general aim at Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu, and directly pulled the trigger.


Trailing fiery red tail flames, the two grenades pierced the sky directly and struck first at the two unlucky men, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu.

It is true that for mid-level soul masters, the power of ordinary firearms has shown a significant decline, and the threat level is not high, but the grenade guns used by these two guys already belong to the category of cannons in a strict sense. . .

The radiation range is large, the power is high, and precise aiming is not required. The only obvious disadvantage is that it is a bit laborious to change the ammunition, but with the support of the storage soul guide, the ammunition capacity of the two people is not small at all.

As for the heavy weight, it's not a big problem. After all, the Beast Spirit Master lacks nothing but strength, not to mention that the physical training of the East Spider Academy has not fallen behind at all. "What the hell?!" Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu on the opposite side frowned. This grenade looked a bit like the grenade used by the Tiangong team before, but it was bigger and much faster than throwing it.

"Leave it to me!" Tang San, who had been keeping his spirits up, his eyes focused, and more than a dozen strands of blue silver grass rose from the ground, accurately intercepting the two grenades in front of Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu before they were launched.

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu, who were holding the Clear Sky Hammer, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Tang San still had some control skills. . .

Boom boom! Two black and red flame balls exploded, tearing apart Tang San's Bluesilver Grass wall. The dense shrapnel, driven by the fiery red explosion wave, hit Haotian Team [-] like a torrential rain. The first ones to bear the brunt were Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu. . .

"Tsk, tsk, the Clear Sky Hammer is quite capable. Six grenades did not cause any fundamental damage to the two of them." In the rest area off the field, Miga looked at the Clear Sky 6nd Team, which had been shrouded in black smoke, with a mocking look on his face. Seven people.

The black smoke seemed to not exist in her eyes. She could clearly see Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu dance their sledgehammers tightly under Ning Rongrong's amplification. The black protective shield blocked more than [-]% of the damage.

It's a pity that the hammering skills of the two are far from the level where splashing water can't penetrate them. It is inevitable that a few shrapnels were inserted into their bodies, and their bodies were even covered with black marks from the black and red explosion waves.

Xiao Wu cleverly used the teleportation soul skill to avoid the damage, but Ying Feng, the wretched guy, was already lying on the ground, with twenty small shrapnel wounds on his body like a hedgehog.

Faced with ranged armor-piercing damage such as grenades, the agility attack system not only cannot avoid damage by relying on speed, but will be the first to GG due to its fragile skin.

In front of Tang San, who was further away, were five scattered walls of Blue Silver Grass. Behind him, Ning Rongrong and Oscar were trembling.

"What is this? I'm afraid it's not much less powerful than Zhuge Liannu." Tang San looked at the other party with an ugly expression as he unhurriedly loaded the fire stick. In this case, Oscar's flying mushroom sausage was useless. Aerial grenades have a larger radiation area.

"Let's fight, you cowards of Haotian Academy." After three rounds of bombing, the three of them were approaching the other side of the ring.

Although there was ridicule on their lips, their eyes were fixed on the sledgehammers of Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu without any carelessness.

Seeing that the distance was almost close, they all touched their storage rings, and three round black grenades with red warning patterns were unprotected and thrown towards Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu.

This is an elemental chaos grenade. In layman's terms, it's a magic grenade. The four elements strip away chaos magic!

At this moment, the aftermath of the grenade explosion was not over yet. Under the cover of black smoke and explosion waves, three grenades fell directly not far from Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu.


The four basic elements of earth, water, fire, and wind suddenly erupted from the grenade, and then intertwined with each other. The four elements produced an annihilation effect under specific guidance, driving more chaotic riots of heaven and earth energy in the air!

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu were overwhelmed by the storm of elements dominated by four colors in the blink of an eye.

Art is a blast!

The three Vic did not stop their rapid advance, but without hesitation launched the only thousand-year soul skill Demonic Wolf Transformation. The next moment, their bodies expanded slightly, and a layer of solid blue soul power lingered around them. Around the body, the speed skyrocketed again!

At the same time, the three Vic also poured their soul power into the handles in their hands. The next moment, three cyan light beams shot out from the handles, turning into three laser swords about one meter in length.

He didn't pay attention to the explosion wave of the elemental chaos grenade, and directly relied on the green protection on his body to plunge into the aftermath of the elemental chaos. At this moment, the three people in Vic only had Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu in their eyes.

The elemental chaos grenade not only has excellent mixed element damage, but more importantly, it also has an excellent elemental paralysis effect. With this time control, the three Vic are confident to kill all soul masters below the soul king with their swords. Including defense system!

Because this sword not only has extremely strong cutting power, but also... . .

For a moment, a cold feeling ran down his back, and the biting chill in his heart made the dizzy Tang Shi suddenly wake up. Looking at the three people who were as fast as the wind, he could no longer care about the shock in his heart.

An instinctive perception called death made him completely obey his body's desire to survive, but the numbness that could not be eliminated from his body left him without any chance to fight back. He could only reluctantly raise the Clear Sky Hammer to block it in front of him.

Fortunately, the three opponents had no intention of attacking. Vic passed directly between Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu, smashing into pieces the spider web restraints and blue silver grass supported by Tang San.

But before Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu could relax, Li Chong and Dong Shuang missed them. The cyan lightsabers in their hands flickered vaguely for a moment before hitting the Clear Sky Hammer, and they passed directly without any delay. !
  (End of this chapter)

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