Chapter 286

The light of the laser sword passed through the chests of the two people, from the right chest to the lower abdomen, from shallow to deep, breaking through the soul power, skin, flesh, tendons, and bones in sequence, with ease and ease without any stagnation.

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu's faces turned pale, and all their energy seemed to have leaked out from the huge gap in their chests. They were full of energy but not strong enough, and they didn't even have the energy to speak.

He could only weakly raise his head and fall backwards, bright red blood spraying like a fountain.

In an instant, the whole place was silent, including the ordinary spectators in the auditorium, the five people in the VIP seats, and the other teams watching the game in the rest area.

Everyone looked at the sight of the Soul Lord attacking the Soul Sect on the field with incredible expressions on their faces, and even had the idea of ​​whether they were dreaming.

On one side is the Soul Sect of the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit, and on the other side is the Soul Master whose Martial Spirit is not famous. Even the power attack system versus the agility attack system. It should have been a crushing match without any suspense, but a completely reversed situation occurred. .

The four people behind Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu widened their eyes, and a sense of déjà vu arose spontaneously. The figures of the Tiangong team seemed to overlap with those of the Eastern Spider Beasts two years ago.

This moment is exactly like that moment!

"Ah!!!" Ning Rongrong's sharp female voice broke the silence of the audience. The bloody memories of the past completely triggered the fear in her heart, and she followed her instinct and shouted directly, "Referee, I surrender!"

Boom! Two dull sounds sounded, with a unique heaviness compared to other firearms.

After hearing Ning Rongrong's sharp shouts, the two people lying on the ground in the farthest place did not hesitate to aim at Tang San and Oscar and pull the trigger. If they didn't make a move, they might not have any sense of participation in this game.

As for why she didn't target Xiao Wu, it wasn't out of pity for her, but because Xiao Wu was of the agility attack system and had a special soul skill like teleportation. She couldn't stop her from giving in.


A chill arose in Tang San's heart, and his eyes were completely shrouded in purple meaning as he looked at the source of the sound, but even the extremely subtle Purple Demon Eyes could not clearly see the true face of the danger.

Because the speed of the "unknown danger" was so fast, he could only see two hidden weapons-like objects shooting straight at him and Oscar at an incredible speed that far exceeded any conventional hidden weapons.

Although they were one stage apart, he and Oscar only had about one second to react.

It was too late for the delay of Bluesilver Grass. At this moment, Tang San directly followed his instinct to move, using all his lower body to urge the ghost shadow fan to move sideways. At the same time, the hidden weapon in his hand turned into more than a dozen afterimages and shot out.

Clang, clang, clang, flying knives, steel needles, and locust stones exploded in all directions in front of the two kilometer/second alloy warheads, barely able to intercept them at all.

Because this is not an ordinary 7.62mm bullet, but a large-caliber alloy bullet with a caliber of 12.7mm and a length of 99mm.

Under the blessing of huge kinetic energy, the hidden metal weapons thrown by Tang San were like kittens and puppies trying to intercept a train, they were weak and ineffective at all.


Tang San and Oscar's two screams sounded almost at the same time. Two more blood holes appeared on their shoulders, and only a few muscles and bodies were left in the entire left arm, which was barely attached.

When Xiao Wu saw Vic rushing straight towards him, she shouted to admit defeat without hesitation. The Soul Saint referee appeared in front of her with an ugly face.

Seeing this, the seven members of Vic had no intention of expanding their victory, and directly and tacitly put all their equipment into the storage soul guide, and gathered at the edge of the ring as quickly as possible.

Because in the direction of the rest area of ​​Haotian Academy, Tang Gang had already stepped onto the ring with the Haotian Hammer in hand, and the violent soul power oppression of the Soul Saint level swept over.

This is also the reason why the referees and even Xue Ye and Xue Xing in the VIP seats looked ugly. No matter what kind of accident happened on the field, Haotian Academy's response was obviously to break the rules of the qualifiers and not show face to the Tiandou royal family who supported the competition.

"Please keep calm, the leader of Haotian's second team. The medical staff will be here soon." The Soul Saint referee, who is affiliated with the Tiandou royal family, waved to the audience and smoothed things over with Tang Gang with a smile on his face.

However, his voice lacked any strength, and he didn't even move to stop Tang Gang from rushing towards the seven members of the Tiangong team.

Even as a Soul Saint, his small body has no confidence to fight against the Clear Sky Hammer!

Tang Gang glanced at the injuries of the seven people and his face turned red. The Haotian Sect was used to being domineering, when had it ever suffered such a big loss!

So he didn't stop and rushed towards the seven members of the Tiangong team. He was clearly preparing to bully the Tiangong team in public!

"Presumptuous!" In the middle of the VIP table, Emperor Xueye stood up with a gloomy expression after seeing Tang Gang's actions. He could give Haotian Academy preferential treatment, or he could use this to severely punish the Tiangong team.

But everything was done "legally" after the game, under the supervision of the Tiandou City Qualifying Tournament Organizing Committee!

If Tang Gang is allowed to cause casualties to members of the Tiangong team, where will the reputation of the Tiandou royal family lie? What are the rules of this competition?

If the younger one loses, the older one will show up immediately. Who will dare to participate in the competition without any background in the future?

Hearing Emperor Xue Ye's voice, the Soul Saint referee on the stage had no choice but to stop Tang Gang, and two more people jumped out from the audience. "Team leader of Haotian Academy, please abide by the order of the competition. The organizing committee of this competition will personally exit and will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

One is that Tang Gang, the 7th ring soul saint, doesn't care. The gap between the top martial arts will become larger and larger as the soul power level increases. Above level 70, for ordinary soul masters of the same level, he is completely confident that he can compete with the same level. Two enemies or even three enemies.

But the other person, Tang Gang, looked at his eight soul rings and stopped in his tracks. He still needs to be cautious.

Moreover, he just planned to take action with anger just to vent his dissatisfaction. Even if he killed all 7 people on the opposite side, it would not change the reality that Haotian's second team suffered heavy casualties.

Not only will it hinder the reputation of Haotian Academy and even Haotian Sect, but more importantly, it will cause resentment and even hostility from the Tiandou royal family!

On the contrary, now he still needs the help and support of the Tiandou royal family, the biggest local snake in Tiandou City.

Because since the loss of four affiliated clans, the Haotian Sect's external radiation power is extremely low. If they want to provide the best medical conditions for Tang San and others, they still have to rely on the Tiandou royal family.

"Tian Dou Imperial Family, our Haotian College gives you this face." Tang Gang looked up at Emperor Xue Ye at the VIP table, then looked at Contra in front of him and responded unceremoniously, "But our Haotian College's The players need the best possible medical care."

"No problem." The Contra opposite looked at Tang Gang and nodded lightly, feeling a little dissatisfied when he saw the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and chose to swallow it without showing any signs of it.

"In addition, the other party's illegal use of powerful weapons has caused negative consequences and must be dealt with seriously." Tang Gang continued to add.

"Please rest assured, on behalf of the organizing committee, I promise to Haotian College that we will deal with this matter seriously." Contra of the Tiandou royal family nodded expressionlessly to Tang Gang's request.

"Hmph, don't think about fooling around. The fourth elder of our Haotian Sect has arrived in Tiandou City. He will be there to watch this matter in person."

Hearing Tang Gang's words, Contra's expression changed. The elder of the Haotian Sect, if he remembered correctly, was a 9-ring Titled Douluo!

The organizing committee is mainly jointly formed by the Tiandou Royal Family and the Tiandou City Wuhun Temple. The highest level of the Tiandou Royal Family is the Contra-level worship, and the head of the Wuhun Temple, Platinum Bishop Salas, is said to have soul power. The level is level 89.

But neither side has the crown of the 9-ring Titled Douluo, and this time the organizing committee's decision was made. . . Soul Douluo from the Tiandou royal family glanced at the Tiangong team behind them, knowing that they were going to be in bad luck.

Now it's just because the opponent is difficult to take action in public. After the game, the organizing committee will definitely lean towards the direction of Haotian Sect!

But he didn't notice that Liu Erlong, who was sitting in the team leader's seat in the Tiangong team's rest area, put down the left hand he had just raised. If Tang Gang dared to take action just now, she wouldn't mind letting him taste the bitter consequences of bullying the small ones. .

. . .

At the VIP table, Emperor Xueye, who heard that the fourth elder of the Haotian Sect was in Tiandou City, had dark eyes for a moment, then looked at Ning Fengzhi next to him and said.

"Sect Master Ning, it is inconvenient for me to end this matter. As the prince's teacher, you will be assisting Qinghe to go to Wuhun City soon. How about you solve this matter on behalf of the Tiandou royal family?"

Xue Ye calmly glanced at Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo beside Ning Fengzhi. With these two top bodyguards, Ning Fengzhi would not be embarrassed by the Haotian Sect's fourth elder who overpowered them.

In addition, he has already planned to cooperate in depth with Ning Fengzhi. Xue Qinghe will need the support and escort of the Qibao Glazed Sect in the future.

"Thanks to your majesty's love, I am willing to share your majesty's worries on this matter." Sect Master Ning turned sideways and bowed his head to Emperor Xue Ye to show respect, and agreed very happily.

On the one hand, he really wanted to deepen cooperation with the Tiandou royal family. On the other hand, he could no longer suppress the desire in his heart for the many weapons used by the Tiangong team, especially the ones they had just used to easily defeat the Soul Sect.

Looking at the effects of these weapons alone, they are obviously a step above Tang San's hidden weapons. For members of the direct lineage of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, they are definitely a good thing for self-defense in urgent need.

Although the cost of construction and the like is still unclear, the Qibao Glazed Sect is as rich as any other country and will not hesitate to invest in its own safety.

Moreover, the Tiangong team's many weapons made Tang San's hidden weapons no longer exclusive, and Ning Fengzhi was even more confident that they could use this to lower the price or even buy out the technology directly.

That's right, Ning Fengzhi planned to have them all. Tang San's hidden weapon series was very secretive and did not conflict with the Tiangong team's weapon series.

It's just because of Tang San's background that he can't use force, but with the Tiangong team, he can just take this opportunity to defeat the White Wolf with nothing, right?

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi readily agreed, Xueye looked towards Salas. The organizing committee Wuhundian also had a large share.

"The fourth elder of the Haotian Sect, I'm an acquaintance." Salas showed a nostalgic smile, "I will handle this matter together with Sect Leader Ning, and we must enforce the law impartially and convince everyone in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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