Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 287 Bishop Salas, what do you think?

Chapter 287 Bishop Salas, what do you think?

"Oh?" Xue Ye looked at Salas carefully. He was not surprised that Salas was involved in such a big event, but what did his reaction mean? It was known that the Haotian Sect had a titled Douluo following him, but there was no strange color on his face.

You must know that the relationship between Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect is incompatible, and the hatred is as deep as the sea. The titled Douluo Elder of Wuhun City is still detaining Haotian Sect!

If it weren't for the two "strategic nuclear weapons" Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen, the two sides would have started a war long ago!

Ning Fengzhi also started to worry when he saw this. Could it be that there was someone behind Salas? The Spirit Hall attaches great importance to this competition, so it is not impossible for the Tiandou Empire to send elders to take charge.

However, their Qibao Glazed Sect's intelligence network did not find relevant information. Logically speaking, the titled Douluo hiding in the dark should not give Salas such confidence?

"Since Bishop Salas is interested, let's go to the Tiangong team to handle the matter with Sect Master Ning on behalf of the organizing committee." Xue Ye didn't think much about Salas's strange behavior.

Perhaps he, like Ning Fengzhi, had taken a fancy to the strange soul tools of the Tiangong team. In this case, Ning Fengzhi and Salas had a dispute with each other, which was more in line with the interests and expectations of the Tiandou Empire.

As for other thoughts, Xue Ye chose to restrain her greed rationally.

The direct descendants of the Qibao Glazed Sect are all squishy with little fighting ability, and the demand for those precious soul tools is undoubtedly the greatest.

When those weapons arrived in the hands of the Tiandou Empire, they were just for the army, but the cost was astronomical and unrealistic, so it would not be a bad idea to give them to Ning Fengzhi as a favor.

Completely ignoring the temptations of Ning Fengzhi, Xue Ye and others, Old God Saras sat on the ground and continued to watch other games. After seeing Canghui Academy also use gunpowder weapons to defeat Blazing Academy, his eyes were filled with deep thoughts. A hint of satisfaction.

Seeing this, Xue Ye frowned slightly and glanced at the rest areas of Canghui College and Haotian College, but he didn't say much. After all, this matter had reached an agreement with Haotian College and Haotian College would handle it on its own.


Salas broke through level 90 five years ago. You can ask him to cooperate with you when you go to Tiandou City this time, but he is from your mother Bibi Dong's side. You need to know this.

Qian Renxue, who was sitting in the carriage, put down the file. Her long, smooth golden hair was neatly tied into a ponytail at the back. Her originally gentle and pleasant round face had completely lost its baby fat.

Her face was still bright and charming without makeup, and there was no flaw in her snow-white and delicate skin. Her eyes, as tranquil as autumn water, slowly closed, and she carefully recalled Grandpa Qian Daoliu's instructions.

Wuhun Palace's preparations over the years have been quite complete and comprehensive, and the lower four sects after the upper three sects are almost ready to win over them, especially the Elephant Armor Sect and the Holy Dragon Sect.

Moreover, Salas and Viana, two powerful bishops among the four platinum bishops, also accepted Bibi Dong's solicitation and obtained unknown benefits and broke through the long-troubled level 90 bottleneck.

Qian Daoliu was naturally aware of this, but considering Wuhun Palace's strategic plan to unify the continent, he not only did not let the two return to Douluo Palace to formally seal their titles, but instead asked them to completely hide the matter and continue business as usual.

Therefore, it is necessary for Qian Renxue to go to Tiandou City to take over Li Daitao's plan and meet with Salas in advance to reach a tacit understanding. He can even be ordered to assist at critical times.

Qian Renxue touched the token at hand and put it away. This token was not a papal order, but a consecration order. It was Qian Daoliu's consecration order!

With this token in hand, Salas could not disobey orders even if he used Bibi Dong as a shield, but Qian Renxue did not intend to do so if necessary.

"How long does it take to arrive at Weilan City?"

"In three days, Your Highness, we will complete the handover of Xue Qinghe's identity there, and then return to Tiandou City, just in time to catch up with the promotion round of the Soul Master Competition."

"Three days?" Qian Renxue put the files into categories, then carefully finalized the general plan and ordered to the guards outside, "Let Elder Tianfeng and Elder Guizhou come to discuss the matter."


in the afternoon,

The qualifying round ended before 4 o'clock as usual, and people in the audience filed out along the designated passage. Some were discussing today's event, while others were talking about tonight's dinner.

But the atmosphere in the team rest area was extremely depressing. Most of the teams sensed something was wrong and left early. Only a few backgrounds were particularly solid and watched the situation from a distance.

For example, Five Elements Academy, Canghui Academy, and Tianji Body Team.

In the rest area of ​​the Tiangong team, Tang Gang blocked the exit with a cold expression. A whole team of guards in armor gathered around them. Without saying much, they just surrounded them tightly.

The seven Vic people did not conflict with each other, but sat in a row behind Liu Erlong obediently. Liu Erlong raised his hand and looked at the time, stood up, stretched, and looked behind him as if nothing had happened. The seven people waved and walked directly towards the exit.

Seeing the other party leaning towards him, Tang Gang glanced around. The auditorium was already almost empty, and a cruel smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth. But before he could unscrupulously release the soul pressure, Ning Fengzhi and Salas came over with more than a dozen people from a distance. Seeing this, Tang Gang raised his eyebrows, and after a moment of hesitation, he chose to get out of the way. the way.

Naturally, he knew the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and he seemed to be followed by Bone Douluo Gu Rong. The fourth elder hadn't arrived yet, so he didn't have the confidence to act wild in front of an imperial minister.

"Everyone from Team Tiangong, please stop. I am Ning Fengzhi, the representative of the organizing committee. I am here to thoroughly investigate the major violations in today's competition. Please cooperate with the investigation."

Ning Fengzhi walked forward quickly with a smile. His voice sounded quite polite, but the content was completely the opposite, directly defining the matter as a major violation.

Salas, who was half a step behind, had no intention of competing with him, and deliberately slowed down to let Ning Fengzhi perform first.

Liu Erlong stopped when he saw Ning Fengzhi blocking the road. He looked at him first, and then glanced at the others. Her eyes only paused for a moment on Salas and Gu Rong.

"What violation issue? What does it mean to cooperate with the investigation?"

"This is a major violation. This competition is a soul master competition. The weapons you used are not entirely powered by soul power. It has also caused serious disability to the members of Haotian College and has had a bad impact."

Looking at the cold-blue-haired female leader of the Tiangong Team in front of him, Ning Fengzhi felt a little confused. He seemed to be unable to figure out the details of the opponent's soul power. It seemed that at least he was not an ordinary soul emperor, but this did not prevent him from making a fool of himself first.

On the one hand, it can sell the person next to Haotian Academy a good one, and on the other hand, it can also make it easier for him to act red and lead the other person into the trap he designed.

"Of course, as the official of the Tiandou City Qualifying Tournament, our organizing committee will definitely enforce the law impartially and find out the truth. We just need your cooperation. Follow us to the Tiandou City Security Department to cooperate in collecting evidence. We will never falsely accuse anyone. Of good people.”

"The restrictions on weapons in this competition only state that machine weapons are not allowed to be used. Strictly speaking, our weapons do not violate the rules."

Liu Erlong thought of the qualifying manual that she had been reading these days, and responded, with no intention of taking action directly.

"As for cooperating with the investigation, there is no need. Just explain everything here."

Seeing the other party's refutation, Ning Fengzhi replied calmly, "Although there are no clear regulations in the competition, your behavior is borderline behavior, and it has caused major problems such as serious disability for many people, and has had a bad impact."

"It's also for your own good that you cooperate with the investigation. Once we get there, we can figure out the problems of this accident, and then you can continue the game, right?"

Naturally, it was impossible to continue the game. Ning Fengzhi, who knew that the Haotian Sect's titled Douluo was coming, had already sentenced the Tiangong team to death.

As long as the eight of them are deceived into jail today, they won't be able to get out. If what he wants is delivered to him intact, Ning Fengzhi can save them some pain.

However, no matter what, the eight of them will eventually be delivered to the hands of the fourth elder of the Haotian Sect, after they have been completely drained of their value.

As long as a team of casual cultivators is handled properly, there won't be any waves. Ning Fengzhi, who is supporting the Bone Douluo, is very confident.

"We have not violated the rules of the competition, and we are not alone in the disability problem. There are so many competitions from the auditions to the qualifiers, and there are many disabled people, and there are even opponents from Haotian College."

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu didn't have much strength in wielding the Clear Sky Hammer in the preliminaries, and many unlucky ones had their bones broken.

As for other teams, as long as the teams are evenly matched and the battle is fierce, there will be no one who is not injured.

Liu Erlong responded coldly, "The liability for life and death stipulated in the competition refers to the situation when the opponent shouts surrender or completely loses combat effectiveness."

"As for brushing aside, hey, since our butt is so crooked and we can't afford to play, then our Tiangong team will withdraw from the competition directly."

Seeing that the other party was rude and showed no intention of taking advantage of him, Ning Fengzhi's eyes showed a hint of coldness. However, he was deep enough that instead of getting angry, he turned his head and looked at Salas, who was slowly following him.

"This is Platinum Bishop Salas, the person in charge of Wuhun Palace in the Tiandou Empire. He is also a member of the organizing committee. Bishop Salas, what do you think of this matter?"

"What do I think?" Salas looked at Ning Fengzhi with a half-smile, and then turned to look at Liu Erlong. A trace of respect appeared on his face, but it was not obvious. Only Liu Erlong opposite could see it.

"I think Team Tiangong is right. They have not violated any of the rules of this competition, and the opponent has already withdrawn from the competition. We should not block the way here and delay their return for dinner."

"What are you talking about?!" Seeing that Salas had already called the people around him to get out of the way and was preparing to let the Tiangong team leave, Tang Gang, who was watching the show from a distance, his expression darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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