288 Union
  In the distance, seven teams were watching the situation of the Tiangong team from afar.

On the one hand, they were very curious and wary about the weapons used by the Tiangong team today. On the other hand, they also wanted to know the outcome of this matter. You must know that the accident was not an ordinary team, but Haotian Academy.

The backer of Haotian College is Haotian Sect. The three upper sects are famous for being protective and unreasonable.

If the situation of Team Tiangong is really bad, then they may have to be timid in future games. Who can ensure that their all-out soul skills can be accurately measured?
  In Blazing Academy, a tall girl with dark red wavy hair stood at the front and looked a little complicated when she saw this situation. She looked young, with red lips and bright teeth. She was the only girl in Blazing Academy. There was an atmosphere of enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

However, the other male team members of the Blazing Academy looked at her mostly with fear. This little bully was famous throughout the Blazing Academy. Not only was he extremely talented and mastered the academy's secret ring-melting method, but he also She is also the dean's daughter.

Huo Wu bit her plump lips, and the aggressive look on her face subsided a lot. She would definitely not be afraid of soul masters of the same age competing against each other, but Haotian Academy. . .

Even her father has a headache! After all, even the Five Elements Academy combined cannot produce a titled Douluo Crown Prince.

As the most talented person in Blazing Academy for hundreds of years, she only has hope of breaking through to the Titled Douluo.

"Brother, why did the organizing committee send people here before the people from the Haotian Sect came forward? Or was it the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect who took the lead?"

The tall boy next to Huo Wu is her brother Huo Wushuang, who is also the captain of the Blazing Academy team.

Seeing that his sister had changed from her usual stubbornness and became cautious about such matters, Huo Wushuang secretly breathed a sigh of relief with satisfaction. No matter how aggressive Huo Wu was, he could still help with those things. When it came to high-level soul masters, their hospital The elder father will have a headache.

"The last three sects share the same spirit and have cooperated a lot with the Tiandou Empire. This is not surprising. However, it seems that their current relationship is closer than the rumors. Perhaps it is because of the strong relationship between Wuhun Palace in recent years. Bar?"

Huo Wushuang lowered his voice and carefully guessed, "I think what my father said is right. The world is not stable now. If we want to gain a firm foothold, we must break the original old ideas and seek cooperation with the outside world."

"This will not only allow our younger generation to go further in this competition, but also bring together my father and their cooperation plan."

"You mean?" Huo Wu seemed to have thought of something and looked around. She saw Tianshui Academy, Thunder Academy, Elephant Academy, and Divine Wind Academy in turn. Finally, she saw Feng Xiaotian with a mean smile on his face, gritting his teeth and turning his head. One black.

Naturally, he knew what he meant. Their Five Elements Academy belonged to the extreme school.

The so-called balanced flow and extreme flow are the two major tendencies of the soul master team in the soul master world:

Balanced flow means focusing on balance. The power attack system, agility attack system, control system, auxiliary system, etc. are all balanced. There are no shortcomings, and you will not be in a hurry when facing various situations.

The extreme stream is more extreme and specializes in one thing. For example, their Five Elements Academy has its own requirements from the beginning of enrollment.

For example, the enrollment in Elephant Academy requires earth-attribute martial souls, and they must be strong men with sufficient tonnage. The same is true for the enrollment in their Blazing Fire Academy, which requires fire-attribute martial souls with high explosive power.

Tianshui Academy requires water-type and ice-type martial spirits. It doesn't even recruit boys, and girls must be beauties with good looks.

The enrollment of Thunder Academy and Kamikaze Academy are also very different.

Although extreme flow is relatively simple and prone to obvious shortcomings, it is still very popular in this kind of arena competition where there are few variables.

However, Huo Wushuang does not mean simple limit flow and balanced flow.

"You, me, Feng Xiaotian, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, Yu Tianxin, Hu Yanli." Huo Wushuang pointed out the top students of the Five Elements Academy, "If we join forces to form a team of the All Soul Sect, I believe Even the finals are not without hope."

"What's more important is that the colleges behind us can also be united into one, which not only gives us more confidence behind us, but also enables us to deal with the current tense situation on the mainland."

"No, I don't want to team up with that guy Feng Xiaotian, and the Elephant Armor Academy seems to be going to the side of Wuhun Palace. I'm afraid they are too embarrassed to join in, right?"

Huo Wu curled his lips and looked at Hu Yanzhen, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect who was with Salas, and retorted.

"Elephant Armor Academy, Elephant Armor Sect..." Huo Wushuang looked at Hu Yanzhen first, and then at the other three colleges. Feng Xiaotian of Shenfeng Academy always wanted to give him cabbage, so naturally he wouldn't give it a favor. Face.

The Thunder Academy and the Elephant Armor Academy are similar. Behind them are the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, which is a different camp from the Elephant Armor Academy. If their elemental academy alliance joins the Thunder Academy, it means that it is the same as the Spirit Hall. In a state of opposition.

Tianshui Academy is full of beauties. He told the other brothers that he had the same idea as Feng Xiaotian. If the academies united, it would be easier to find a wife.    ——————————————

Before Tang Gang could step forward to intervene, Ning Fengzhi took the newly opened space with an expressionless face and asked Salas, "What does Bishop Salas mean?"

"What the competition is about is fairness and justice. After such a big accident, if the perpetrator is allowed to leave easily, how can we explain to everyone and how can we give a satisfactory answer to the victims of Haotian College!"

Although Ning Fengzhi's voice did not sound high due to the blessing of soul power, it spread very far and clearly, making Tang Yuanhai feel comfortable when he just entered the arena.

"Oh, I never heard that Sect Master Ning has such leisurely intentions. Then why are you still here? Why don't you quickly start to seek justice from the injured team in the audition." Salas's mouth was full of sarcasm, but his eyes were shining brightly. He glanced towards the direction where Tang Yuanhai appeared.

He did "know" that Lao Deng. At that time, he personally led people to escort the Lao Deng who was captured alive and sent him to the death row in the Holy Light Courtyard.

Although he looked down on him in words, he was prepared in action. Strictly speaking, even if he had broken through the Title Douluo, his chances of winning against Tang Yuanhai were only [-] to [-] percent.

After all, it had only been a few years since he broke through to the Titled Douluo level, and he was still at level 91, and the fact that the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit was known as the world's best offensive weapon spirit was no bragging.

When he was a Contra, he was almost killed by Contra Jade Luo Mian, the world's best offensive beast martial spirit, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit.

"So Bishop Salas supports the Tiangong team?" Ning Fengzhi felt that Tang Yuanhai, who was walking step by step, looked at Salas as if he was unaware.

If Saras, the person in charge of Wuhun Palace, could be disgraced, he and the Tiandou royal family would naturally be happy to see it, and it would be even better if the Haotian Sect came forward.

Faced with Ning Fengzhi's attack, Salas had no intention of giving in. He cleared his throat and mobilized his soul power so that the voice could be heard throughout the audience. "This competition is organized by our Wuhun Palace. The purpose is to promote the soul master world." The development of a young soul master, regardless of origin, only depends on ability!"

"There will be no special treatment for a certain team because of their background, nor will there be any discrimination based on which team is from civilians. No matter whether they are nobles or sects, they cannot interfere with the normal conduct of this competition. Everything will follow the established rules. work!"

Bang bang bang! Tang Yuanhai from a distance came over with a sneer on his face while clapping his hands, "Bishop Salas, your Wuhun Palace is so majestic. Our Haotian Academy team was seriously injured or even disabled. Even if you want to give an explanation, you are so prevaricated. "

"The rules are written there. Those who have the ability eat meat, and those who have no ability get out. Fourth Elder, if you dare to break the rules and interfere in the competition, do you want to be a prisoner and go to the dungeon again?"

Salas looked at Tang Yuanhai, his voice was impolite and the content was even more sharp.

After hearing Salas' words, Tang Yuanhai's expression darkened, and a strong soul pressure swept over the scene, but there was a sense of frustration in it.

At the beginning, he was the one who led people to block the road and rob the Wuhun Palace's transport team, but was the first to be captured alive by Vivian. This triggered a series of subsequent riots, resulting in the death of one of the other five elders and the capture of four.

Tang Gang on the side saw the fourth elder Tang Yuanhai with a gloomy expression and was a little worried. After all, there were still four elders detained in Wuhun Hall! He couldn't help but remind him from the side.

"Bishop Salas, the Tiangong team has withdrawn from the competition and has nothing to do with the competition. We at Haotian Academy are looking for them to resolve our personal grudges. Doesn't it have anything to do with your Spirit Hall?"

"That's right." Tang Yuanhai, who was quite afraid of the Wuhun Palace, also gave up the plan of a head-on conflict with the Wuhun Palace. Before Tang Hao rescued the second, fifth, sixth and seventh brothers, the Haotian Sect still had to avoid confrontation. conflict.

"Salas, we are just looking for Team Tiangong to deal with personal grudges. This has nothing to do with your Spirit Hall, right? Besides, whoever has the bigger fist in the soul master world has the final say. Isn't this also the ethos of your Spirit Hall?"

With that said, Tang Yuanhai restrained his soul power aura from other directions and pressed heavily on the seven members of the Tiangong team.

Seeing Tang Yuanhai's reply, Salas narrowed his eyes, and the soul power aura on his body condensed, but for some reason it suddenly stagnated, and he waved towards his men and retreated.

Seemingly giving up and voluntarily withdrawing from the matter, Hu Yanzhen on the side came to Salas with some fear and asked softly, "Bishop Salas, do we really allow the Haotian Sect to be so arrogant?"

The other teams in the distance also looked solemn when they saw this. If everyone was like Haotian Sect and took revenge after suffering losses in the competition, then what would be the point of this competition? They should just sort them according to their power background.

"Hmph, Tang Yuanhai doesn't have the qualifications to be arrogant." Seeing that the distance was close, Salas explained contemptuously, "I'm just a little further away because I'm afraid of blood splattering on my face."

What's the meaning? Before Hu Yanzhen could react, Tang Yuanhai was the first to notice something was wrong. Why was he as unresponsive to the Tiangong team's soul pressure as if it were a bull in the sea?

(End of this chapter)

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