Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 289 Chasing Light Fire Dragon Shadow

Chapter 289 Chasing Light Fire Dragon Shadow

Liu Erlong, who has always had a restrained aura, as calm as a lotus flower, has changed a lot from before, not only because of the disguise, but also because she has a new understanding of flames after breaking through level 90.

But this does not mean that her personality has also changed. On the contrary, she has always been the fiery fighting madman. She prefers to use her fists rather than reason!

Although she is currently the youngest elder in the Elder Hall, her strength is not weak at all.

Looking at Tang Yuanhai who barely made a direct move, Liu Erlong smiled. His black pupils were ignited by the golden-red flames. The golden-red flame ripples spurted out from her body, suppressing the surrounding soul power that was as sticky as glue. Just tore it into pieces.

"Go over there and stay there." Liu Erlong waved his hand, and the light red soul power enveloped the seven Vic people and pushed them hundreds of meters away. Salas secretly hinted to the cronies next to him, and the group of people moved He took a position to protect the seven members of the Tiangong team behind him.

Circles of soul rings emerged and enlarged from the soles of Liu Erlong's feet, no different from those of Tang Yuanhai on the opposite side. They were yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, and black, until a crimson red as bright as blood appeared.

A sense of noble pressure swept over the entire place, and everyone present could not help but open their mouths. Is that a hundred thousand year soul ring that all soul masters dream of? !

Tang Yuanhai's eyes widened and he looked at the other party in disbelief. It didn't matter that the leader of a team of casual cultivators was a 9-ring titled Douluo, but he actually still had a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Ning Fengzhi, who was watching the show, froze in smile, and Bone Douluo next to him moved to stand in front of him, "Sect Master, be careful."

Although Gu Rong felt safe in front of him, the elegant and calm look on Ning Fengzhi's face could not be stretched. No matter how deep the city was, it could not withstand such a sudden attack from Wang Zhi.

The two most powerful priests of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect don’t have hundred thousand year soul rings, and they don’t even have them in the entire history of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect.

Because the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Spirit has an upper limit and cannot break through the level 80 bottleneck, the Qibao Glazed Sect also has a natural upper limit.

The strength of a [-]-year-old soul beast is much higher than that of ordinary titled Douluo, and it requires extremely strict physical requirements to refine it.

Every titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year soul ring is an extremely rare peerless genius, and a genius who has already grown up! How could such a soul master choose to worship in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?

In fact, being able to recruit Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo as sect worshipers, Ning Fengzhi definitely ranked among the best in the history of Qibao Glazed Sect, relying more on feelings than profits.

The main reason why Ning Fengzhi left Ning Rongrong outside was not just for training and learning, but also to give Ning Rongrong the opportunity to meet geniuses of the same age and develop relationships with them.

In layman's terms, it means finding a son-in-law, and Ning Rongrong has an advantage over him in this regard.

Of course, Ning Fengzhi is not using her daughter as a pawn, she is just trying to get the best of both worlds.

If the other person is chosen by Ning Rongrong, he likes her emotionally, has enough talent to rise to a high enough level, and has the strength to protect Rongrong and even the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in the future, that would naturally be the best.

As the nine soul rings moved from the soles of Liu Erlong's feet to behind her, the nine soul rings were arranged in concentric circles with reduced proportions. Her body shape did not change much due to the possession of the martial soul. It was more like wearing a Dragon scale light armor.

The dragon scales are red and transparent, like fine jade, and the golden flames burning on them condense into strange patterns that look particularly luxurious. From a distance, it looks like the red armor is coated with a layer of golden light, and the patterns under the golden light Forming a series of dragon shadows.

Liu Erlong's hands did not transform into dragon claws, but the golden lines on his ten fingers intersected, and the sharp edges were particularly dazzling.

The dragon scales on her body did not cover her head or face, but the golden lines continued to shine on her fair face, mainly concentrated in the center of her eyebrows. The layers of lines overlapped extremely delicately, just like a third person. Only eyes are the same.

On both sides of the forehead, two red dragon horns drilled out, with a slight arc from thick to thin, and a small bifurcation. Golden lines gathered on them, and the tops of the sharp horns were completely rendered golden.

Looking at Tang Yuanhai holding the Clear Sky Hammer in the distance, Liu Erlong strode forward. An illusory dragon shadow roared behind her, and a domineering aura unique to a real dragon swept towards Tang Yuanhai and the people around him. Come.

"What kind of martial spirit is this?!" Tang Yuanhai frowned as he looked at the fleeting dragon shadow on Liu Erlong's body. He already felt an extremely rare sense of oppression from her, which was no better than other dragons. Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is bad.

But he had no impression of the dragon's appearance in his memory, and it didn't look much similar to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex. A mutated martial spirit with few records? And it is very likely that it is a true dragon level, which is undoubtedly the top martial spirit.

Seeing Liu Erlong coming straight towards him, Tang Yuanhai didn't think any more and shouted directly at the people around him, "Back off!"

Then the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, which was originally about half a person tall, was directly enlarged to the height of a person. The dark purple fourth ring of shining light was attached to the Clear Sky Hammer, and he struck out with a hammer at Liu Erlong, who was attacking with bare hands.

Most of the direct line soul masters of the Haotian Sect are neither good at nor like thinking and analysis. When facing unknown enemies, they are more accustomed to using a sledgehammer to test, and the feedback from the sledgehammer will give them the most direct and accurate answer!

Liu Erlong looked excited when he saw Tang Yuanhai coming at him with the hammer. Without using his soul skills, he punched the black and huge Clear Sky Hammer in the middle with a standard straight fist.

The golden lines on the dragon scales on her arms suddenly lit up, igniting golden flames, forming a golden dragon that completely enveloped her arms.   咚!

As a layer of white air waves swept across all directions, the sledgehammer and golden dragon-like arms suddenly changed from extremely fast speeds that could barely be seen by others to stillness.

The dragon scale armor on Liu Erlong's body suddenly opened and fell from his fist, looking like a rhythmic ocean tide, from his fist through his arms, and his body fell to the soles of his feet.

Dense cracks appeared and spread centered on Liu Erlong's feet, and the surging force destroyed the fine bluestone that built the arena into pieces or even powder.

Tang Yuanhai, who was holding a sledgehammer, had a dark face. The jaws of the hands holding the handle of the hammer suddenly cracked, and the sleeves of both arms exploded from the cuffs to the shoulders.

He could feel a force that seemed like substance bursting out of the opponent's fist. Not even the Clear Sky Hammer could block this condensed force.

The slight trauma caused by this force from his hands to both arms was not bad. The key was that the remaining force was transferred into his body and went straight to his internal organs. Although there was not much left, it still caused a momentary sting in his five internal organs. feel.

After all, there are very few soul masters who practice physical skills, and even fewer who practice internal organs.

Even if the opponent's strength has been weakened by the Clear Sky Hammer, soul power and flesh and blood, it still causes some damage to his fragile internal organs.

"Come again!" With almost no delay, Liu Erlong swung behind him and sent out a second punch, which was exactly the same as the first punch. Although he did not use soul skills, his whole body had a unified sense of weight.

Tang Yuanhai on the opposite side took three steps back and took advantage of this gap to turn the Clear Sky Hammer and blast it out again. This time he learned his lesson and added more soul power barriers to the Clear Sky Hammer.

It's just that this kind of defense seems to be treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. What's more important is that the sledgehammer that Tang Yuanhai hurriedly turned around was not even as good as the hammer he fired with the momentum at the beginning, let alone using a method of stacking force similar to the random cloak hammer method. .


Tang Yuanhai, who once again felt the soreness and numbness in his internal organs with a hint of pain, completely changed his eyes, his contempt completely disappeared, and he was solemn with a hint of confusion.

It's just that the opponent's strength is as strong as ever, and that's all. Why doesn't the opponent appear to have any damage when he uses the physical hammer?

even. . . Looking at Liu Erlong who was punching again, Tang Yuanhai's expression froze. Are his eyes okay? Is the other party really a beautiful woman?

He felt that the opponent was not even flesh and blood, otherwise how could he use his fists and the Clear Sky Hammer to attack him one after another!

Boom boom boom!

Liu Erlong punched one after another. Tang Yuanhai used his hammer to block while retreating faster and faster. He was embarrassed and aggrieved. It was not that he didn't want to use soul skills to reverse the situation, but Liu Erlong obviously had no intention of giving him a chance.

After all, most soul skills, especially those with high power and longevity, have inevitable delays. After all, these soul skills are external skills for the soul master and can only be operated in an idiotic manner and cannot be used. So unified.

. . .

"Then Lao Deng is very lucky." Far away, Miga, who had arranged for Hu Boqing and others to stay away early, commented. To her, the distance of several kilometers was almost non-existent.

"The handle of the Clear Sky Hammer is so long, but it helps him block too much fire dragon energy. If it were a different title Douluo, he would have been beaten to pieces by the vice-dean."

Mi Jia's voice was unusually fearful. She had personally tried Vice Dean Liu Erlong's Fire Dragon Power.

It looks simple and unpretentious but is extremely tricky. This is the Fire Dragon Power that Liu Erlong perfected only after he was titled Douluo. It is the product of an almost perfect combination of her physical skills and soul power, and the strength is seamless.

Compared with the attacks of ordinary soul masters, Liu Erlong's powerful fist and kick attacks are more difficult to deflect and weaken. There are no special effects and they are completely solid basic skills.

The shortcomings of her attack will be clearly displayed at the first moment. Miga's eyes are deep, and the fire dragon's power is not a trick, but the penetrating power is aimed at the internal organs.

Instead, it is like the water pressure of the deep sea, targeting all areas of the enemy equally. Wherever the fire dragon power passes, the opponent's skin, flesh, muscles, bones, and internal organs can be seen at a glance.

Then, Miga lowered his eyelids, and the victory was determined. Fire Dragon Power was the basis of Liu Erlong's ability, but it was just a conventional method. Next, the deputy dean should be able to use it against enemies whose weaknesses are completely exposed. . .

Chasing Light Fire Dragon Shadow!

Liu Erlong's face was cold, he muttered something silently in his mind, and used his killing move directly towards Lao Deng who was already cornered.

Of the nine soul rings distributed in concentric circles behind her, three of them shone at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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