Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 290 Broken Leg Beggar Charcoal

Chapter 290 Broken Leg Beggar Charcoal

It is true that most soul skills have inevitable delays, especially some powerful soul skills that even require time to accumulate power.

But there is one soul skill that has the smallest delay, and that is the self-state blessing soul skill. This soul skill has the deepest connection with the soul master himself, and is more of a subtle transformation of his own condition. The stimulation of the soul skill is just a Introduction.

If you exercise more, you will be able to control the soul skills at the same level as your own. With the help of secret techniques, you can even activate them at the same time.

It was obvious that the three soul skills Liu Erlong activated at the same time were all amplifications for himself.

One yellow, one purple, one black, the three forces merged and merged in Liu Erlong's body, bursting out in the form of self-created soul skills.

In an instant, the dragon shadow composed of golden lines on Liu Erlong's dragon scales suddenly became vivid, and the force converged from Liu Erlong's left arm to her flat fist.

At the same time, her fists shined brightly, emitting a dazzling light like a flash grenade, and for a moment, they were like dragon shadows chasing the light.

Except for Miga, who was well prepared, and the seven people behind her, everyone watching was struck by the attack.

Even a 24K titanium alloy dog's eye wouldn't be able to survive this brightness, let alone Tang Yuanhai who was so close and paying special attention to Liu Erlong's movements.

He was temporarily blinded and his rhythm was interrupted by the stinging pain in his eyes, followed by indescribable severe pain spreading from his chest!

Except for Miga and Liu Erlong, no one present could clearly see the second half of Liu Erlong's light-chasing fire dragon shadow move. Even Bone Douluo, who was the first to open his eyes, and Salas, who had a resentful face, could only see the shadow in the ruins. Tang Yuanhai was seriously injured and fell into coma.

Lao Deng, who was extremely arrogant just now, is now buried in the rubble and twitching unconsciously. A golden fist mark is particularly conspicuous on his chest. The skin all over his body is a fiery red, and the aura on his body has plummeted.

"Fourth Elder?!" Tang Gang, who barely opened his eyes not far away, was dumbfounded when he saw the battle that had ended. The look he looked at Liu Erlong was no longer fearful, but full of panic.

"You dare to come out and show off your strength, so just go home and lie down." Liu Erlong clapped his hands, not bothering to care about the other people in Haotian College, waving to the seven Vic people, and directly chose to leave slowly.

Behind her, Ning Fengzhi's face turned pale for a moment. In the end, he still had no intention of letting Bone Douluo take action, but came to Tang Yuanhai to see the situation.

After all, he and the Haotian Sect are not the same person, and the other party not only has a hundred thousand year soul ring, but also shows such tyrannical strength, no matter how he calculates, it is not worth it.


As the sun sets, the gorgeous Tiandou Palace is brightly lit like daylight.

Emperor Xue Ye sat at the head, Prince Xue Xing sat on the right, and on the left sat Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo who came to report.

"Tang Yuanhai, the fourth elder of the Haotian Sect, has a shattered sternum, five internal organs are failing, he is riddled with fire poison, and his meridians are damaged. If not treated properly in time, not only may his cultivation deteriorate, but he may even be in danger of death...

After listening carefully to Ning Fengzhi's report, Xue Ye's eyes twitched unconsciously. The news was too shocking. The leader of a team of casual cultivators was actually a Titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year soul ring.

And being so young and beautiful, his first reaction was to think of Pope Bibi Dong who acted wantonly in front of him, but Ning Fengzhi emphasized that he was not.

Although the specific name of the opponent's martial spirit could not be found, it was not difficult for Ning Fengzhi to tell that it was a top-level martial spirit of the true dragon genus, and it should have dual attributes of light and fire.

The essence of a soul master is that the weak eat the strong. The words of the strong are more effective than the rules, because the rules are made by the strong.

Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi, who were very aware of this, looked at each other, shook their heads and said no more, and asked the other party to go back directly. After some time, he planned to let Xue Qinghe, who had returned, completely take over the connection with the Qibao Glazed Sect.

After a while, after Prince Xue Xing left, Xue Ye sighed and relaxed all over, and for a moment the stale air rolled out of his face.

His family knew his own affairs, and he had felt inadequate a few years ago, but in the past few years, this feeling of exhaustion had become more and more serious.

"What's the next whereabouts of Team Tiangong?" Xue Ye asked softly, closing her eyes.

"I have already processed my withdrawal, but I am staying at the Holy Soul Hotel and have no intention of leaving Tiandou City." A vague figure in the darkness on the right side of the throne replied clearly and respectfully while lying on the ground.

"What about Haotian Academy?"

"The two team leaders, Teng Wanchun and Xuefeng, are temporarily in charge of the newly arrived Haotian Team [-], while Tang Gang has already taken the wounded from Tang Yuanhai and Haotian Team [-] to Gu Changqing for treatment."

"Is there any problem with the prince?"

"No, everything went well..."

After hearing Xue Qinghe's almost perfect performance, Xue Ye finally nodded with satisfaction, feeling much relieved.


Yu Xiaogang, who was thrown into a remote alley by two strong men, opened his eyes when he smelled the disgusting sour smell. Before he could spit out the garbage at the side, he felt severe pain in his legs. distortion. Looking at his completely deformed legs, Yu Xiaogang was filled with grief and anger. Those four strong men really had no brains, and they did not compromise on Tang Yuanhai's angry words.

He actually took out a sledgehammer and smashed it down. It wasn't broken at all, but half of his calf was smashed to pieces. He also fell into a baby-like sleep on the spot.

Feeling the severe pain all over his body, Yu Xiaogang turned pale and shivered. Although the skin injury was terrible, it could be cured by finding a good surgeon to treat it and resting for a month or two.

But the shredded calf bones of his leg have been mixed with flesh and blood. It is a dream to restore it to its original state. Even if he spends a lot of money to have a high-level healing soul master treat him, he will probably be able to barely walk on his own without crutches.

Of course, these are things he will consider later. Now, Yu Xiaogang is lying on the ground crying without tears while touching his hungry belly.

He didn't have any money on him, not even shoes or socks. He only had a blood-stained single clothes, which could not stop the damp and smelly stone slabs underneath him.

Fortunately, Yu Xiaogang felt the soul power in his body and let out a long breath. His soul power was still there. As a soul master, no matter how miserable he was, he was much better than a commoner.

However, looking at the unfamiliar environment around him and the dilemma that he could only move and crawl, Yu Xiaogang felt like crying without tears. Now he has been blacklisted by Haotian College.

The attitude of Thunder Academy and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect towards him was not much better. The only person he could turn to was Yu Tianheng, his nephew.

But how could he let Yu Tianheng find him?

. . .

Three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings emerged. Yu Xiaogang's tired and painful body gained new strength under the injection of soul power. His black-haired pig hands directly grabbed the young beggar in front of him, and then knocked him to the ground with a punch.

The beggar who came to watch the excitement was so frightened when he saw Yu Xiaogang turning into a pig-headed man that he turned around and ran away. It turned out that this unfortunate guy who looked covered in wounds and was in poverty was really a soul master!


With just a simple exertion of force, Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt even hungrier. He didn't care about catching other beggars to work for him, and directly groped the unconscious beggar.

A dirty white steamed bun, three black steamed buns as hard as rocks, and more than ten copper soul coins.

Throwing the copper soul coin aside, Yu Xiaogang stuffed the white steamed bun into his mouth in two or three mouthfuls, and then swallowed the steamed bun while coughing dryly and patting his chest.

This little food is not enough to satisfy hunger. Not to mention Yu Xiaogang's usual appetite is very huge. In addition, he has not eaten much for several days, and now his eyes are faintly glowing green.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Feeling the dryness in his mouth and looking at the black steamed bun in his hand, Yu Xiaogang's only rationality made him stop his appetite and focus on the charcoal not far away.

Every beggar has something to eat, but what he values ​​​​is this piece of charcoal that can be used to write.

After taking off the beggar's rags, holding charcoal, steamed bread and more than ten copper soul coins, Yu Xiaogang endured the pain and climbed to the main street where people were coming and going. Then he found a flat white wall and held it in his hand. The charcoal started to write and draw on it.

After doing all this, Yu Xiaogang leaned against the wall and gasped. In this case, Tianheng should be able to find him quickly, right?

At the far corner of the street, Flanders, who was covering his face with a newspaper, carefully looked at Yu Xiaogang's current situation, as refreshing as eating iced watermelon in the dog days of summer.

But it was not enough. Flanders knew very well that as long as Yu Xiaogang still had soul power, the rest of his life would not be too bad. The gap between soul masters and ordinary people was almost impossible to make up for with any acquired efforts.

However, Flanders' golden eagle eyes took a closer look at the carbon characters behind Yu Xiaogang, and gave up his original plan after learning about his filial nephew.

Killing people in Tiandou City is still too showy, and Flanders knows very well that what Yu Xiaogang fears most is not death.

With no soul power, no backing, and no friends to help him in times of need, Flanders looked at Yu Xiaogang's broken legs with a look of expectant joy on his face.

Such a world is the real hell for Yu Xiaogang. In this way, he can completely untie his knot and go to Poseidon Island. Even if he cannot return to Douluo Continent in this life, he will not regret it.

Wait, wait, wait, Flanders calmed down, he was born a commoner and had the spirit of a four-eyed owl, he never lacked patience.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has already removed Yu Xiaogang, and Haotian Academy and his disciple Tang San have also severed ties with him. As long as Yu Tianxin is eliminated and Yu Xiaogang's soul power is destroyed, his goal will be achieved.

Flanders is not worried about Yu Tianheng's identity. Even if he is a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, what about the direct grandson of Yu Yuanzhen?

Flanders is a flying soul sage with top-notch speed. Killing a soul sect who has just reached level 40 is not easy.

As for the consequences, after finishing this vote, Flanders will rush directly from Tiandou City to Hanhai City to go to sea at full speed. Even if the floods after the incident happen, they will not be able to affect him.

(End of this chapter)

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