Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 291 Yu Tianheng’s choice

Chapter 291 Yu Tianheng’s choice (an update tonight)

Yu Luomian has died long ago, and his eldest brother also died in an accident a few years ago, and there are only a handful of Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus sect's direct bloodlines that truly possess the pure Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus martial spirit.

If nothing else goes wrong, the next sect leader after Yu Yuanzhen will be selected from the third generation of Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng.

In contrast, Yu Tianheng's advantage is that he is Yu Yuanzhen's biological grandson, and Yu Tianxin's biological grandfather Yu Luo Mian has already become a box.

But Yu Tianxin is older and has a higher soul power level. The most important thing is because of Yu Xiaogang's relationship, Yu Yuanzhen has no choice but to give up a lot of power to the second room.

This led to Yu Tianxin gaining the support of the sect to become the captain of Thunder Academy. If he gained enough reputation in this competition, it would be logical for him to obtain the identity of the heir to the sect leader.

At the same time, Yu Tianheng's following Yu Xiaogang also seriously lowered his reputation and reputation in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Those who are close to vermillion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. They all heard that Yu Tianheng likes to follow Yu Xiaogang, a rotten person. So the uncle and nephew must be in a nest of snakes and rats, and they are colluding with each other.

Under the unremitting propaganda secretly by the second brother of the Yu family, the impression of the entire Yu family in Tianlei Mountain on Yu Tianheng plummeted. Even Yu Yuanzhen could not oppose the public opinion of the entire clan to arrange for Yu Tianheng to ascend to the throne.

The most important thing is that Yu Tianheng himself has never returned to Tianlei Mountain to know these things, but Yu Xiaogang had already expected it when he won over Yu Tianheng.

He threw away his debts and had them shared by the clan members of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Naturally, the clan members whose real interests were seriously damaged would not forget him as the culprit.

Moreover, as a famous theoretical master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect who has useless martial arts and can only talk a lot, his reputation in Tianlei Mountain was already at the bottom, but now he has completely become a stinky piece of shit that everyone reviled.

Even if Yu Tianheng stayed by his side and did nothing, he would smell bad and be disliked by others, not to mention being completely mixed up with him.

This is also the fundamental reason why Yu Tianxin can obtain the intelligence authority of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. There can only be one successor to the sect leader, and if there are two candidates, it will be like a scale.

Sometimes you don’t need to express yourself too much. As long as one side is low, the other side will naturally be high.

Of course, Yu Xiaogang knows everything about these things, and he is not stupid at all, but he doesn't say anything.

Because Yu Tianheng is too young, not to mention whether he can win the position of the sect leader's successor, it will be at least 20 years before he actually becomes the sect leader.

It was too late, Yu Xiaogang didn't want to wait, so he chose to trick his own nephew.

Regardless of whether the team arranged by Yu Tianheng and Yu Xiaogang can succeed, it will not be of any benefit to Yu Tianheng in gaining recognition from the sect and fighting for the position of heir to the sect leader.

Whether Shrek Academy or Haotian Academy achieves good results in the competition, it will be of little benefit to Yu Tianheng.

The Thunder Academy is the signature and face of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Yu Tianheng's following Yu Xiaogang is like a foreign aid. Few people watching the game will follow the foreign aid. Naturally, the people of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect support the Thunder Academy the most.

Even if Haotian Team [-] plays against Thunder Academy, if Haotian Team [-] loses, the people from Haotian Academy will naturally have Yu Tianheng's loyalty to serve the clan, and let him take the blame for the team's defeat.

If Thunder Academy loses, Yu Tianheng will be scolded to death by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect clan members, and he is not human inside and out.

If Haotian Academy gave Yu Tianheng enough substantial benefits to accelerate his soul power level improvement, then it would not be a loss.

But Yu Tianheng was dragged into a big trap by his own uncle. He still paid tuition without any benefits and worked for nothing.

Moreover, as the leader of a sect, Yu Yuanzhen would not be able to see this? The second son was useless and bad, and the eldest grandson was as stupid as a pig, and he was so angry that he chose to let it go when his second wife supported Yu Tianxin.

However, as his only biological grandson, Yu Yuanzhen still arranged for his most trusted third elder to go to Tiandou City to give Yu Tianheng a chance.

"That's it, Tian Heng, if you don't want to disappoint the sect master, then just follow me back to Tianlei Mountain. The sect master will personally guide you in your cultivation."

When Yu Tianheng was forced to drop out of Haotian College and his mind was in chaos, a strong old man with gray hair and beard walked out of the darkness and appeared in front of him.

He naturally knows the three most trusted elders under his grandfather Yu Yuanzhen. In terms of seniority, he even calls him grandpa.

It was just Third Elder Yu Yuanshan's merciless words that made him dumbfounded and his brain shut down.

Although his first reaction was that he didn't believe that his uncle who was so good to him when he was a child would cheat him like this, but there was no loophole in the words of the third elder Yu Yuanshan. He and his grandfather Yu Yuanzhen were even more confused about this matter. There is no need to lie to him.

"Don't be obsessed with Tianheng." The stiff lines on Yu Yuanshan's face relaxed a little, "Go back and practice hard. As long as you break through the level 50 bottleneck before Yu Tianxin, the sect leader will arrange for you to be the next captain of the Thunder Team!"

"When the time comes, you will be able to shine in the next Soul Master Competition as a Soul King, and the reputation you gain will make it easier for the Sect Master to recommend you as the Sect Master's heir." "But the second uncle's safety is not known yet?" Yutian Heng's heart was in a mess for a moment, and he muttered to himself.

"Yu Xiaozheng is the sect leader's son after all, Haotian Academy will not do anything stupid to kill him." Yu Yuanshan looked at Yu Tianxin with a trace of disappointment in his eyes and sighed before saying.

"This is your last chance, make your choice."

Although he is the most trusted by Yu Yuanzhen among the elders, if Yu Tianheng fails to live up to his expectations, he is not the die-hard person. Yu Tianheng's choice is not only his own choice, but also that of them, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect masters. An old man's choice.


The autumn air is crisp and refreshing during the day, but there is an unspeakable coldness at night.

In a relatively dry and sheltered corner of the alley, Yu Xiaogang was huddled there shivering. He only had a single set of blood-stained clothes on his body. It was okay during the day, but he couldn't survive the night without soul protection.

The beggar's clothes were tattered and smelly. During the day, Yu Xiaogang didn't pay attention to them. At night, he couldn't stand it anymore and crawled back to look for them, only to find that they had been taken away by other beggars.

And although those beggars were ordinary people, they were neither blind nor stupid. After knowing that Yu Xiaogang was a soul master who was not easy to mess with, but his legs were disabled and it was difficult to move, they directly chose to stay away from him and not give him a chance to rob.

And Yu Xiaogang, who only ate one steamed bun and half a steamed bun during the day, was very weak at the moment. Most of his little soul power had to be used on his legs to prevent the wound from completely festering and wasting away. Naturally, he had no extra soul power to avoid the cold. .

Fortunately, Yu Xiaogang still had pig hair to keep him warm when he was possessed by the martial spirit, but he looked like a pig-headed man. Yu Xiaogang had always been ashamed of being watched by people coming and going, so he chose to crawl into an alley to be possessed by the martial spirit.

"How could this happen?" Yu Xiaogang frowned, what on earth is this bastard Yu Tianheng doing? Why haven't you come to him yet? Why did he, his second uncle, fall out of control when he was in such need of a helping hand?

As long as Yu Tianheng found him, he could save him decently and go to the clinic, and then he would ask Yu Tianheng to get the storage soul device he had hidden in advance, so that he could make a comeback.

Pigs are very smart animals, and Yu Xiaogang of the Black-haired Pig Martial Spirit is not stupid, and often has a very bright mind.

He naturally knew the risks of cooperating with Shi Nian, so he hid the soul guide and most of his belongings for a rainy day. When the preliminaries were over and everything was fine, he would naturally get the things back.

However, he didn't expect the fourth elder of Haotian Sect to be so cruel!

With his legs broken, his crawling speed is not much faster than that of a turtle. Not only would he be exhausted to death by climbing half of the city, but he would probably lose his face as well.

As for making a fuss about being a soul master. . . This is Yu Xiaogang's last stubbornness. As a soul master, no matter how downcast he is, he cannot bow to ordinary people. He can rob beggars, but he cannot be a beggar.

Otherwise, what is his pursuit in this life? Isn’t it just to become a master respected by thousands of people?

Even when he was at Notting College, he looked down on those low-level soul master teachers who were less than level 30. How could he bow to ordinary people at the lowest level now?

Of course, this was the case where Yu Xiaogang and Yu Tianheng had the choice of a decent path. Yu Xiaogang curled up and gnawed on the bun bit by bit and hesitated.

If I can't wait for Yu Tianheng tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. . .

Hiss, Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth when he felt the tingling pain in his legs. Forget it, if the sun didn't set before the height of the tallest clock tower tomorrow afternoon, he would have to rely on his status as a soul master to ask for help.

Thinking like this, Yu Xiaogang closed his eyes. He imagined that his leg would be cured early and there would be no sequelae, and that all his injuries would be treated carefully.

Thinking about taking a good bath and putting on clean, warm and decent clothes, thinking about sumptuous meals to fill his stomach that moaned all the time, thinking about being in a warm room, lying on a soft velvet bed and having a good rest.


Just when Yu Xiaogang was so groggy that he was about to forget the pain of his body and was about to fall into a beautiful dreamland, a big, firm mouth pulled him back into the painful reality.

Standing in front of him was the unmasked Flanders, with his black wings converging behind him, and his golden eagle eyes under the thick square mirror.

"Flanders?!" Yu Xiaogang raised his head and shuddered when he saw this familiar face. The stepbrother who had been stabbed in the back did not hide the cruelty on his face at this moment, and that chilling look made people shudder. His eyes were even colder than the autumn wind at night.

"Long time no see, Yu Xiaogang." Flanders adjusted his glasses and said calmly, "I originally thought about waiting for your nephew Yu Tianheng to come and completely shatter all your hopes. Now it seems that your character It has already reached the point where everyone has betrayed and separated from their relatives.”

"Brothers, friends, relatives, students... tsk tsk, now you can only rely on yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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