Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 292 Tianji Du Hengkong

Chapter 292 Tianji Du Hengkong (Update)

Feeling the undisguised malice of the other party, Yu Xiaogang was about to cry without tears, and a sense of sadness that the house was leaking and it rained all night welled up in his heart.

But he still didn't give up. He quickly turned his head and tried to use his words to divert Flender's hostility.

"Flender, no, Boss Fu, big brother!" Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and slapped himself in the face, "Brother, I couldn't forgive you back then."

"But I was forced to have no choice. It was Haotian Academy, Haotian Sect and that Tang Hao who forced me. I am also a victim." Yu Xiaogang, who was feeling pain, lay down in front of Flanders and coughed up snot. cried with tears.

"Tang San's father is Tang Hao, an abandoned disciple of the Haotian Sect. He forced me to take Tang San and the others away. I didn't mean to trick you. Brother, that guy Tang Hao is a Nine-ring Titled Douluo!"

"If he comes by force, no one can stop him. I am also forced, and I am worried about your safety, brother, so I have to resort to measures as a last resort, but I am thinking about your safety..."

At the critical moment, Yu Xiaogang's mind turned quickly, and soon he changed his backstabbing behavior, dividing him and Flender into the victim camp at the same time, while the Haotian Sect was the perpetrator of their opposition.

If you are not very smart, you will believe Yu Xiaogang's words even if they are not sure.

However, the person in front of him was Flanders. Although he was an out-and-out profiteer, his mind was undoubtedly very bright. He only replied one sentence to Yu Xiaogang's nonsense.

"Yu Xiaogang, you have lived a wonderful life in Haotian College these past two years, but you have never taken the initiative to explain anything to me, not even a few words in a letter."

Flanders bent down and looked at the extremely miserable Yu Xiaogang with a chilling sneer on his face, "I'm not afraid to tell you that this time your transaction with Shi Nian was discovered by Haotian College. It was me who used the image crystal. They were resold after collecting evidence.”

"What did you say?!" Yu Xiaogang stared at Flanders with wide eyes. He thought it was him who was unlucky, but he didn't expect that it was actually Flanders who was behind this.

However, looking at the seven soul rings behind Flanders, he could only knock out his teeth and swallow blood. He did not dare to show the resentment in his heart. On the contrary.

"It's all my own fault. I don't blame you, brother." Yu Xiaogang let out a long breath and slumped against the wall, his face full of pleading, "I just ask you for the sake of the brotherhood of our once golden iron triangle, for the sake of Erlong For my sake, forgive me this last time."

clap clap!

Flanders stretched out his hand and slapped Yu Xiaogang twice, "Erlong, you are worthy of mentioning her!"

"Back then, whether she was your cousin or the little sister of the Golden Triangle, even if you couldn't get married, if something happened, you would run away as soon as possible, leaving her to face everything alone, without even saying a word for decades. No, are you still a man? Do you still have any sense of responsibility? "

Flanders, who was carefully observing Yu Xiaogang, suddenly stood up and his expression returned to an expressionless cold expression. He knew very well that Yu Xiaogang was a person who valued his face more than anything else.

He slapped Yu Xiaogang twice. With this guy's big heart, how could he not react at all? If you can't see it on the surface, it means he is hiding poison in his heart. Even now, this guy is still pretending.

"Why should I say this to a poisonous snake like you? Erlong has joined the East Spider Soul Master Academy and has a respected status. If we deal with this bastard like you, my incompetent elder brother can leave with peace of mind."

Hearing Flender's calm and decisive words, Yu Xiaogang subconsciously felt chills all over his body, "No, this is Tiandou City, I am Yu Yuanzhen's biological son, you can't kill me."

"Kill you?" Flanders smiled after hearing this, "How could I kill you? That would be too easy for you."

"What do you want to do?" Yu Xiaogang, whose teeth were chattering, subconsciously moved back.

"For a guy like you, betrayal and separation is the best retribution." Flanders raised his left hand, with sharp black feathers covering it, and then suddenly slashed towards Yu Xiaogang's knees.

"Ah, my legs!!!" Yu Xiaogang rolled on the ground holding his thighs and shouted in pain. Flanders cut the knife without anesthesia, and his legs were completely separated from the main body from the calf to the kneecap.

Yu Xiaogang's cry of pain was not only the pain in his flesh and blood, but also the despair in his heart, because he saw Flanders taking action again in front of him, completely turning his two broken legs into two pieces. minced meat.

From now on, he Yu Xiaogang is no longer just a waste in the soul master field. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is also a cripple with mutilated limbs.

"I remember I was so angry at first." Flanders muttered to himself, ignoring Yu Xiaogang who was rolling on the floor in pain.

"If I had found you at that time, I would have slashed your face, made your throat mute, and disabled your soul. I would have chopped off all your limbs with one hand, leaving you helpless to death."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's face became even more frightened. Even if he was rolling in pain, he subconsciously stayed away from Flanders. "But I later figured it out. You have too many debts, and I am definitely not the only enemy. If I push you to this point and let you die early, wouldn't it be an advantage to you?"

Flanders shook his head and raised his hand, "I won't hurt your face because it would be embarrassing to keep it, and I won't destroy your hands and mouth. After all, I still have to leave you with some hope."

Seeing Flanders' hand covered with black feathers getting closer and closer, Yu Xiaogang followed the direction it was aiming and shouted desperately, "No, Flanders, you can't do this!"


Flanders pulled out his claws and nodded slightly as he watched the soul energy aura all over Yu Xiaogang's body dissipate rapidly like a deflated rubber ball.

"With your dog-like behavior, fart soul skills, and useless martial arts, you are really not worthy of being a soul master."

"No matter how useless a soul master is, he is stronger than most ordinary people, so it is really advantageous for you to be a useless soul master. For a bastard like you, it is better to just be a useless person among ordinary people."

Come on, Flanders turned around with relief, and with no more worries, he flapped his wings and soared into the sky, leaving Yu Xiaogang who was leaning against the corner and looking ashen. He had really become a waste. . .

There are useless people who have lost both legs among ordinary people, they are not even soul masters, and there is one thing that Yu Xiaogang has not realized yet.

The storage ring he hid is indeed his chance to make a comeback, but all soul tools require soul power to be activated. Now that his Dantian has been destroyed, he has no soul power at all. He is the storage soul tool that consumes the least soul power. It’s useless!


"Tianji's body versus the East Spider Beasts, the East Spider Beasts win!" The host shouted excitedly: "At the same time, they are also the only team that has maintained a complete victory. Not surprisingly, they are the first team to qualify. .”

On the ring, Hu Boqing put away the bright silver gun, and other companions clasped their fists in admiration towards Du Hengkong, who was the only one standing opposite, "Promise."

If it weren't for the weapon advantage, coupled with Rainbow Dragon's auxiliary ability and manpower advantage, it would be difficult for her to defeat Du Hengkong in a 1V1 duel. The opponent's soul power level was indeed that of a soul king, but his actual combat ability was even that ordinary soul emperors would have difficulty competing against.

"You cooperated very well. I hope we can have more discussions and exchanges in the future."

Du Hengkong has a rough body shape, a heavy back and a heavy waist, and thick and powerful limbs, but the overall appearance is very coordinated. His martial spirit is very peculiar. It is an extremely rare original martial spirit, and Du Hengkong's martial spirit is the best among them. That is the complete body!

That's right, this guy's martial soul is none other than his own body, which makes his soul power and physical skills naturally compatible. He has even mastered his own soul skills, and his explosive power is extremely fierce.

Hu Boqing also relied on the sharpness of the bright silver gun to temporarily entangle him, and did not dare to confront him head-on. After his teammates eliminated Du Hengkong's teammates, the seven of them worked together to defeat Du Hengkong.

Even if this is just a competition, if it is a life and death showdown, Du Hengkong will definitely be able to support him even if he loses. He is not only the top martial arts spirit, but the key is to see the power of his moves. He is obviously also a practitioner who has studied physical skills. son.

Seeing that he lost, Du Hengkong was not upset at all. He clenched his fist with one hand and patted his chest to show respect to his opponent. The opponent was obviously much smaller than him, and they had almost no shortcomings in teamwork and cooperation. They did not win by taking advantage of loopholes.

He was not someone who couldn't afford to lose. On the contrary, after seeing the opponent's cooperation, he was full of surprises. He was a rare opponent. If he could often compete with the opponent on his Tianji Bodybuilding Technique and Split Boom Fist, he might be able to make further progress.

Du Hengkong was born in a martial arts school similar to a small sect, called Tianji Sect. The content taught in the sect was not the cultivation of soul masters, but martial arts.

The outer sect teaches martial arts that ordinary people can practice. A healthy adult can gain hundreds of kilograms of strength after practicing for ten or eight years. In actual combat, he can even be on par with a soul master possessed by a martial spirit.

But this is the limit for ordinary people. If you want to go up to the inner sect, you need to have a sense of Qi, which means having innate soul power, because the real core of martial arts is to use soul power to forge the body, and the combination of martial arts moves is particularly fierce in actual combat.

As for Du Hengkong, his martial spirit is his body, and he is very comfortable learning Tianjimen's martial arts. Unfortunately, Tianjimen has a domineering name, but it is actually just a small sect in a small town.

Most of the martial arts masters in the past generations practiced Soul Master, and at most they were no more than Soul Masters. For example, the Tianji Body Training Technique actually only corresponded to the third level of Soul Master.

Du Hengkong is indeed a genius, but in his early twenties, not only did his soul power level surpass that of previous gym masters, reaching the realm of Soul King, but he even pushed the Tianji Body Training Technique to the fourth level.

However, manpower will eventually be exhausted, and Du Hengkong also feels that it is difficult to reach this stage. It is not a problem of improving the soul power level, but the difficulty of deducing and progressing in the sect's martial arts.

He created the fourth level by integrating all the secrets of the Tianji Sect. It is already a fool's dream to make further progress behind closed doors.

For this reason, the experienced old gym owner arranged for him to go out for training. Just as the Soul Master Competition was completely open to restrictions, Du Hengkong was tempted to participate.

His goal is uniquely different from that of most contestants. He does not want to become famous, but just to meet talents from all over the world and improve his own martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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