Chapter 293 Price Code
  "Du Hengkong, without the bright silver spear, you are no match for him." Mijia commented to Hu Boqing and others who had just stepped down, "His martial arts spirit is no worse than yours, and his physical skills have already reached the level of combining body and energy." realm."

"And he is born with a strong body. You have no advantage in any aspect. His soul power is a definite disadvantage. Even with a bright silver gun, he can only barely be defeated."

"The reason why you are stronger than him is because of the advantages of resources and techniques..." Miga could clearly see that there was an obvious disconnect between Du Hengkong's physical skills and his soul power level, but the root of this disconnect was not From himself.

He is a casual cultivating soul master. Compared with the students of Dongzhu Academy, he lacks resources, methods, and teachers, so in Miga's eyes, there are many unfinished things.

For example, there are still some shortcomings in the physical training. It can only train the skin, flesh, muscles and bones, and the moves cannot control the Soul King level soul power very well. The most important thing is that the opponent obviously does not have much training in the mental aspect. It is very difficult to understand the meaning of the fist. trouble.

If the spirit reaches the sea level and can observe all things in the world with the heart, then understanding the meaning will be easy, at least it will not be half the result with half the effort.

The artistic conceptions that those old masters realized only in their old age after seeing all kinds of things in the world are actually the result of blind men trying to figure out the elephant.

The so-called blind man touching the elephant means that people under the sea can understand the artistic conception. Just like a blind man without eyes, he can only guess the artistic conception with hazy feelings and rely on time and energy to polish it.

In the end, the artistic conception realized will not be better because of the more time and energy spent. On the contrary, it will still be very vague and abstract.

Those who have broken through the sea realm have broken through the Niwan Palace. They are like a blind man who has grown eyes and can clearly observe and understand the artistic conception. This not only saves time and effort, but also achieves better results.

"If you want to win against him, you must either break through the Soul King, or break through the sea realm, and touch the threshold of the unity of the three elements." Seeing the somewhat disappointed Hu Boqing, Miga gently patted her shoulder and comforted her.

"Sister Mijia, can the gap between people really be smoothed out through hard work?" Hu Boqing raised her head and looked at Mijia and asked seriously.

To be honest, Hu Boqing is one of those hard-working geniuses. The results she achieved today are the result of her self-discipline day and night. It can be said that it is completely in line with the standards of training students of Dongzhu Academy.

Originally, Amber Qing took Miga as a role model and thought that as long as she worked equally hard, she could be the same as him. However, as time went by, she gradually discovered that the gap was getting wider and wider. . .

Both are number one in their grade, and Miga's strength is that of a small boy who can stand at the top of the mountain and look at the mountains at a glance.

To put it in layman's terms, Miga's daily course score is 100 points because she only has 100 points, while Amberqing's daily course course is 100 points because she only has the level of 100 points.

The reason why Hu Boqing asked this question emphatically today was because she inexplicably felt a little bit of Miga's feeling from Du Hengkong, an irreplaceable feeling, but she didn't know the name of that feeling, but it was inexplicable. Feeling sad.

If Guang was here, he clearly told Amber Qing that this unique feeling is called a legend, and some people can become legends precisely because they are different.

If it can be made up for through hard work, then wouldn't genius be too valuable? It's just that the gap between the standard of genius in Guangyan's eyes and the standard recognized by Douluo Continent is a little bit bigger.

Shallow beaches raise dragons, and this is the miracle of the world giving birth to life.

"Actually, it's almost the same." Miga was silent for a moment, and finally said ambiguously. She didn't want to reduce Hu Hueqing's enthusiasm.

If Hu Boqing could digest everything taught in the academy, his achievements would definitely not be bad, but it would be unrealistic to keep up with her.

What she really meant was that in her eyes, [-]% of her peers were the same, including her classmates at the academy.

You may not be able to tell anything just by looking at the soul power level, but looking at other aspects, there is a gap like a chasm.

Tongli, the combination of body and Qi, the combination of Qi and Shen (the unity of three elements), enlightenment, and domain. These are the five levels defined in the secret book. Most students are Tongli. Amber Qing is the combination of body and Qi. , in theory, the further you go, the harder it becomes.

And Miga himself has already half-stepped into the last level of the realm.

In the same way, in terms of spirit, there are only four sea realm students in the East Spider Academy. Apart from her, the other three are Qian Renxue, Hu Liena and Xie Yue. The most terrifying thing is that Miga has touched the threshold of the real realm.

Why can Miga easily surpass level 20 in terms of combat power? It's because she far surpasses her peers and even veteran Soul Saints in other aspects.

The reason why Bibi Dong directly gave the order to Elder Miga was because the difference between Miga and other elders was simply the accumulation of soul power.

Effort is not useless. On the contrary, it is very important. Anyone who wants to make progress cannot avoid it, but at the same time, it is too common.

If practice is simply compared to an upgrading game, then hard work is like the most common experience points. Whether you are a level 1 newbie or a level 999 boss, you need it more or less.

But sometimes upgrading not only requires enough experience points, but also some precious and rare materials. This is something that cannot be obtained simply by hard work.

Although the meaning expressed may not be accurate, it is probably in this direction.

However, Hu Boqing's feeling was correct. Miga touched his chin and nodded while looking at Du Hengkong on the field. He couldn't guess the opponent's true talent. Geniuses also need opportunities.

Just like herself, she has no innate soul power. Without the East Spider Academy, she would not even be able to take the first step to become a soul master. In other parallel lines, there is no name like Miga. When the Soul Master Competition is held, not only the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire look forward to recruiting talents, but also the Spirit Hall, and even Miga also shoulders this responsibility.

However, those who do not meet certain standards will be recruited by Salas into the Spirit Temple and lower branch temples within the Tiandou Empire.

As for those who are qualified to enter the Wuhundian headquarters, most of them are well-known, backed by other forces, and are not particularly talented. Miga is too lazy to poach, and even Salas is too lazy to talk.

For example, Tianshui Academy has a pair of sisters with martial soul fusion skills, Shenfeng Academy has Feng Xiaotian who created his own soul skills, and there is Huo Wu from Blazing Fire Academy. These qualifications are actually up to standard.

But can it be dug?
  Just like Hu Yanli, Salas had to pull the entire Elephant Armor Sect onto the chariot of Wuhun Hall, and the same applies to others.

Even the standards here at Miga have to be raised to a higher level, because she is not recruiting people from the Wuhun Palace headquarters, but the Pope's faction. Can it be the same?

And this Du Hengkong, to be honest, is already top-notch, even if he goes to great lengths to poach people, not to mention he is a casual cultivator.


Miga cheered up, and several people at the VIP table stared at Du Hengkong as if they were looking at some rare treasure.

It's not that Du Hengkong didn't compete or perform before, but he didn't show much because his opponents were too profitable.

Today, when he met the Eastern Spider Beasts with full firepower, Du Hengkong showed his personal strength to the fullest without any reservation, and made others truly aware of his high talent.

At this age, with his martial soul cultivation and strong soul emperor strength, he is undoubtedly the seed for future titles.

And to be honest in this game, Tianji's team lost, but Du Hengkong couldn't talk about losing.

This also means that if Du Hengkong is assigned a team that will not hold him back, he will have great hope of competing for the championship in the finals of this Soul Master Competition.

In other words, if you draw Du Hengkong under your command early and arrange him into your team, you can directly obtain real and immediate benefits.

There is no clear rule in the Soul Master Competition that teams cannot make substitutions midway. . .

"This man is truly a genius and a pillar of the country." Emperor Xueye admired and looked at Prince Xuexing next to him, "Xuexing, such a talent needs to be well rewarded, so I will leave this matter to you for the time being."

Xue Ye's eyes were filled with blazing heat. The seeds of a Titled Douluo were a real help to the Tiandou royal family who had no Titled Douluo to worship them!
  Especially in this chaotic time when the throne is about to change, although the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is protecting him, as a price, Ning Fengzhi will not lose his position after Xue Qinghe takes the throne.

At this time, cultivating Du Hengkong as a future royal servant can greatly curb this phenomenon of guest bullying the host.

That is to say, Xue Qinghe hadn't come back yet, so he handed over this important matter to Xue Xing to take over temporarily to avoid others taking the lead.

Moreover, Xuexing is responsible for the Tiandou Royal Academy. If he succeeds in wooing Du Hengkong early, the performance of the Tiandou team in the finals will not be bad this time. After that, Qinghe will slowly develop a relationship to take over. . .

Emperor Xueye, who was dreaming about the bright future of the Tiandou Empire, glanced at Ning Fengzhi and Salas beside him. Although he was wary, he was not too worried.

Because the Tiandou Empire, as the actual ruler of one-third of the Douluo Continent, has a unique advantage over the sect forces.

Ning Fengzhi saw the warning in Emperor Xue Ye's eyes and turned away without saying a word. He knew very well that even if the Qibao Glazed Sect was as rich as any country, it would be difficult for them to compete with the Tiandou Empire in terms of spending money.

Next to him, Salas, who represents Wuhundian, naturally has unique advantages.

As for the advantages of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi, who was secretly meditating, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, his most beloved daughter Ning Rongrong.

Rongrong is 14 years old this year. It doesn't matter that the girl is younger. The key is that the other party's actual combat ability is amazing. After training, he will undoubtedly be the next generation of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

He's not bad looking either, and he can definitely protect Rongrong and the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Ning Fengzhi rubbed his chin and thought about it. Of course, he was not planning to sell his daughter. He just wanted to arrange for the two of them to meet and get to know each other. For example, he would arrange for Rongrong to drop out of Haotian College early, and then contact Du Hengkong to recruit her on behalf of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

His daughter is so beautiful, and she is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Spirit that all fighting spirit masters dream of. Wouldn’t the other party like her?
  Du Hengkong was good-looking and strong, and he made him feel safe at first sight. Rongrong guessed that his first impression was not bad either. If he really had a grudge, he wouldn't force it, and how would he know without trying?

If the two of them are in love, he will kill three birds with one stone. Not only will he win over talents in a corner, but he will also find a good son-in-law. Rongrong can be trusted with peace of mind for the rest of his life, and he will find a new protector for the future of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

On the other side, Salas also looked at Du Hengkong eagerly. It would be remiss of him to let such a talent go!
  Whether it can be won over to the Spirit Hall is not discussed for now, but it must not be allowed to be obtained by the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Tiandou royal family!

But he couldn't make the decision in this matter. Salas glanced at Miga without leaving any trace. To be honest, he was also curious about what price the elder could offer?
  (End of this chapter)

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