Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 299 Unruly Snow Qinghe

Chapter 299 Unruly Snow Qinghe

Before turning his head, the second prince Xue Beng trembled almost instinctively when he heard the familiar voice. When he reacted, his face darkened, and he clearly knew the identity of the person without looking.

Prince Snow Star, who was watching from the hiding place on the second floor, also followed the sound and looked towards the door, with anger and uncertainty on his face. How could he appear here at this time?

"Xue Beng, my stupid brother, why didn't I know that you still have such rights? Is it possible that you, an incompetent playboy, want to stage a drama of the prodigal son turning back?"

At the gate, a young man who looked similar to Xue Beng strode into the hall. Compared to Xue Beng, he looked more handsome and had a taller and stronger figure.

Especially his face, with an eagle eye and a wolf eye, and dignity mixed with an air of unruliness, giving people a chilling sense of fear.

At the same time, there were two silent old men following behind him. Their bodies exuded deep soul power and pushed all the soul masters near the young man to both sides.

"Xue Qinghe, how could he come back so quickly?"

Xuexing stood in the Great Soul Fighting Arena and murmured in confusion. There was no difference in the qualifying schedule for different regions. Even if Weilan City had fewer teams and ended two days earlier, Xue Qinghe shouldn't have it so early from the distance. Just come back.

However, regardless of the reason, Xue Xing's face was gloomy. Xue Qinghe's sudden appearance undoubtedly broke his plan to arrange for Xue Beng to recruit Du Hengkong in advance. Now it can only depend on Xue Beng's ability to perform on the spot, otherwise he can only do it himself Ended.

In addition, looking at Xue Qinghe's sharp and breathy voice, both Prince Xue Xing and the fourth prince Xue Beng were suspicious. Logically speaking, Xue Qinghe had a refined and gentle temperament, so why did he seem to be a different person today?

"Brother Emperor, I am here to help Brother Emperor complete his father's task of recruiting talented people." Xue Beng reacted very quickly. Not only did he suppress all his emotions directly into his stomach, but his face also changed into a mask full of emotions. Smiling doppelgänger.

"If the emperor hadn't been busy with the qualifying affairs in Weilan City, my father wouldn't have arranged for me to be temporarily responsible for this matter. Now that the emperor is back, I won't bother him."

"Xiancai?" Xue Qinghe looked at Xue Beng who had turned around and was about to slip away. He quickly grabbed the back collar of his clothes and pulled him in front of him.

"Of course I am aware of the matter of recruiting elite soul masters. Promising a position as an earl is already a super-standard treatment. What do you mean by what you said next?"

"Isn't one city's territory enough? Spending a lot of manpower and financial resources to promote a martial arts school. Is this a right that a newly promoted earl can have? If you act like this, how will other nobles in the empire view this?"

As he spoke, Xue Qinghe raised his hand and slapped Xue Beng firmly on the face!

For a moment, the soul masters in the audience stopped and focused their attention on the center of the hall, which was completely silent. The young prince, His Highness Xue Qinghe, punished the playboy emperor Xue Beng in public.

This shocking giant melon first stunned everyone present, and then there was a lot of discussion. Everyone had no intention of continuing to walk in, and couldn't help but stop and watch the fun.

Xue Beng, who was slapped and his head was buzzing, raised his head in disbelief. Why is this guy Xue Qinghe so crazy? The burning pain on his face told him that everything was not a dream.

Forget about the physical pain, listening to the discussions around him, Xue Beng, who knew that he was embarrassed and humiliated, could not maintain his rationality at this moment. While his fists hardened, the resentment in his eyes did not suppress for a moment.

"What? You don't accept it." Xue Qinghe looked at Xue Beng who raised his head with a sharp look, raised his hand and slapped him again.

Xue Beng, who was patient and patient, knowing that resisting would be of no benefit, forced himself to loosen his tight fists, and the soul power that was originally subconsciously stimulated was not stimulated.

After all, he is pretending to be a 25-year-old playboy who is still a level 2 soul master. It will be difficult for him to break through to the 30th level soul master in this life. If he suddenly exposes the true strength of his soul sect in public, then what he has done for more than ten years " Isn’t “forbearance” in vain?

"I was wrong, Brother Huang." Xue Beng lowered his head and gritted his teeth. Although he didn't know why Xue Qinghe suddenly arrived unexpectedly and his temper was uncharacteristic, he could only pretend to be a grandson.

"Also, what qualifications do you have to promise the Royal Library, and the martial arts in the military? That is an absolute taboo!" Xue Qinghe pointed at Xue Beng and cursed angrily as if he hated iron.

"The army is one of the most important foundations of our Tiandou Empire. You, a playboy, are not worthy of boasting. Let me tell you, even if the empire does not recruit a single young soul master for this competition, it will never replace it with the army."

"Soldiers defend the empire and are loyal to our royal family. The resources you have spent on empty words can be converted into gold soul coins to reward many soldiers of the three armies!"

Xue Beng lowered his head and bent over, facing Xue Qinghe's angry curses, his cheeks were red and stinging, surrounded by whispers and stressful and humiliating glances. . .

All of this made Xue Beng like an inflating balloon, and his red eyes meant that he was far from the point of surrendering. On the contrary, he had never been so humiliated and could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

Bang, another big mouth slapped in public. Xue Qinghe looked at Xue Beng in front of him, his eyes were filled with coldness. She could "see" Xue Beng's reaction clearly. This grandson was not the useless playboy in the intelligence report!

"This last slap is my brother's request for you to remember it. You can be a dandy and have fun, but you can only represent yourself. You cannot make any promises to the outside world on behalf of the Tiandou royal family, and you can't damage the honor of the royal family. Get out of here." Go back and reflect!" "Ah!!" Xue Beng, who could no longer hold back, clenched his fists, but before he could completely lose his mind, Prince Xue Xing from afar had already hurried over with a gloomy expression to stop the two of them.

"Stop it, what are you two doing in public? You're not afraid of making people laugh." With that said, Prince Xue Xing quickly came to Xue Qinghe and blocked the avalanche behind him.

"Qinghe, weren't you supposed to be in Weilan City to observe the qualifiers? Why did you come back so early?"

"Hmph, the qualifier teams in Weilan City are all useless trash, and it's embarrassing to go to the finals. I came back just to ask my father for orders, to withdraw the investment in the Soul Master Competition, and to redirect the empire's finances to the expansion of the army. and strengthening.”

Xue Qinghe saw that the arrogant look on Xue Xing's face did not calm down at all. Instead, she looked critically at the powerful prince of the Tiandou Empire in front of her, who was also her nominal uncle.

"Also, call me His Royal Highness."

"Ah?!" Xue Xing couldn't hide the surprise on his face when he heard Xue Qinghe's words across from him.

He was very aware of his brother Xue Ye's plan. He planned to use this competition to fully support Xue Qinghe's rise to power, and spent a lot of money to win over the young soul master and the forces behind him, just to turn him into Xue Qinghe's team. .

Good thing now, the food in this pot is only half cooked, and Xue Qinghe is about to smash the pot and start a new one. I can't figure out the reason for this 180° turn?

However, seeing more and more people gathered in the hall, Xuexing coughed lightly and said, "Your Highness, no matter what, we have to change places. If we continue like this, we will lose the face of the Tiandou royal family."

"Well." Xue Qinghe's sharp eyes first stared at Xue Xing, and then looked at Xue Beng behind him, "This incompetent brother is too stupid! I also love him deeply and blame him deeply."

Hearing Xue Qinghe's words, Xue Xing's face twitched unnaturally, and he stretched out his hand to pull Xue Beng behind him to signal him to stay calm.

Then he ignored the matter of wooing Du Hengkong and winked at the deacon of the Great Soul Fighting Arena next to him, asking him to quickly break through the crowd and arrange for them to go to the secret VIP room.

Xue Qinghe took advantage of this moment to walk up to Du Hengkong and said in an arrogant voice, "The honor that the empire has given you as an imperial earl is already an extremely high and exceptional treatment. As a citizen of the empire, you must be grateful. Don't Trying to get even closer."

"Join the army, work hard, and gain military merit, and you will naturally get the treatment you deserve, instead of relying on illusory talents to be favored by your parents here."

Then, Xue Qinghe turned around, and his clear and solemn voice, driven by his soul power, resounded throughout the audience.

"I, Prince Xue Qinghe, swear by all the former emperors of the Tiandou royal family that the imperial army is the most important guarantee of the empire, and military merit is the best way to obtain noble titles and official awards."

"If I take office, I will vigorously develop the imperial army and increase the imperial financial investment. No matter you are an ordinary person or a soul master, no matter what age you are, as long as you have achieved enough military merits, you can get corresponding rewards!"

After saying that, Xue Qinghe used the soul power of the two old men beside him to open the way, turned around and returned towards the gate from where he came, not caring about the brains of the two Xue Xing and Avalanche behind him.

And the thousands of melon-eating people around were in an uproar. Most of them were soul masters with soul powers, and the remaining ordinary people were mostly rich or noble. After all, the Central Great Soul Fighting Arena in Tiandou City was more luxurious. The barriers to entry are also higher.

Du Hengkong, who was closest to him, was not a scheming person in the first place. Faced with such a change, Monk Zhang Er was even more confused.

But one thing he knew very well was that the Tiandou Empire basically didn't have to think about anything anymore.

And before he could completely turn around, he saw a group of familiar figures. Du Hengkong's eyes lit up when he saw this, "East Spider Beasts!"

He was deeply impressed by this team, not only because of the opponent's strong strength and skillful understanding, but more importantly, the fact that everyone in them had good physical skills, especially the opponent's team leader.

Although she is a little girl, she has very solid skills in handguns. There are many similarities between guns and boxing. He has learned a lot from one battle.

He originally thought about slowly fighting each other in the promotion competition, but what Xue Beng said just now reminded him that everyone on the other side has good physical skills, which can be seen as the inheritance of profound martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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