Chapter 300 Differences
  "Sister Miga."

Hearing Hu Boqing's voice, Mi Jia averted her gaze from Xue Qinghe and turned to look at Hu Boqing and Du Hengkong beside her.

"what's up?"

"He wanted to ask about the specific details of joining our academy." As he said that, Hu Boqing and others looked at Du Hengkong curiously.

It was obvious that the other party was already past the age of being a student, at least that was the case at the Eastern Spider Soul Master Academy.

Even if you graduate normally at the age of 20 or if your soul power breaks through to the Soul King, you can choose to stay in school and join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or you can choose to join the Tribunal of the Holy Light Academy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a half-study and half-worker, and the treatment is no different from that of senior students. They enjoy basic benefits of elixirs and a mimetic practice environment.

In addition, there are a series of other benefits, including gold soul coins, weapons, mid-to-high-level elixirs and even soul bones, and many other options with clearly marked prices on the list.

These all require actual merit points in exchange, and there are many options for part-time jobs. The two most common positions are Academy Assistant and Undead Secret Realm Trainee Deacon, which are also convenient for promotion later.

Of course, those with outstanding abilities will also be temporarily assigned important positions like Miga, such as the team leader of the Soul Master Competition.

If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a job that requires at least half of the time in the academy throughout the year, then the Trial Office in the Holy Light Courtyard is a completely hard job.

You have to go out in the field all year round, and most of the work you do is dirty work. In comparison, the reward is undoubtedly richer, especially in terms of elixirs, which is a good opportunity for soul masters with less than ideal talents to change their destiny.

Of course, it is also a good choice for the small number of people who like darkness and killing.

Salas and Xuexing came together to recruit Du Hengkong before, but the other party obviously wanted to participate in the Soul Master Competition before making a decision.

Regarding this, Salas and Xuexing had completely different attitudes. Because the participating teams in Wuhun Palace did not give Du Hengkong a place to join the team, Salas simply stated the treatment of Wuhun Palace.

If Du Hengkong wanted to stay in the Tiandou Empire, he could join the Spirit Temple, and his status and treatment would not be worse than those of an imperial earl.

Of course, Salas still recommended Du Hengkong to go to Wuhun City, the headquarters of Wuhun Palace, but Salas couldn't confirm the specific treatment there. He only said that it would not be worse than Tiandou's. What specific level would it be? It's up to Du Hengkong to fight for it.

"Didn't Salas tell you that we are a family?" Miga looked at Du Hengkong, who was slightly shorter than her, in surprise.

It stands to reason that with the name Dongzhu Baishou, if you are a little well-informed, you will know that it comes from the team of Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Du Hengkong in front of him smiled innocently and rubbed the back of his head. He was not in the habit of seeking information, so naturally he didn't know whether the powerful enemy team of the Eastern Spider Hundred Beasts came from the Spirit Hall.

On the contrary, he thought that the opponent was from some unknown place just like him. After all, they were all teams that stood out from the auditions.

"To be precise, Salas said that joining the Wuhun Palace headquarters is very broad. There are different factions, including the Pope's faction, the Enshrinement Hall's faction, and finally the neutral faction."

As for the easiest way to divide the factions, it is to see who you usually listen to. The leader of the Pope faction naturally refers to Bibi Dong, the head of the Enshrinement Hall faction refers to Qiandaoliu, and the neutral faction refers to some of the unidentified titled elders and powerful Contras at the top of the mountain. .

"If you join the Wuhun Hall, if you don't have a special relationship, you will usually join the Pope's faction or the Wuhun Academy affiliated with the Enshrined Hall faction."

"And the East Spider Advanced Soul Master Academy where we are located is truly a direct descendant of the Pope. It is an academy founded by His Majesty the Pope himself. If you want to join the Pope's faction, you will only start from the academy."

The Holy Light Academy Judgment Hall and the Secret Realm of the Undead Miga did not talk about it. Those positions can be assigned to trustworthy academy graduates, but outsiders like Du Hengkong can only start from the academy.

Although he is too young to be a student, considering his level, it is not a problem to be a teaching assistant, and judging from his appearance, the academy assistant is also the most suitable for him.

There are books on physical skills, as well as resources, venues, and time. After three or two months of studying and adapting in the academy, and the plan to unify Douluo Continent begins, there will be a lot of work waiting for people to do, and they will be arranged for him when the time comes. Not too late.

"If I join your academy, can the academy open all the physical arts books to me?" Du Hengkong didn't care about anything else, he just stared at the physical arts with great interest.

If he read correctly, the physical skills possessed by Hu Boqing and others were almost at the fourth level of Tianji physical training, and they were not single, with swords, guns, fists and kicks all different from each other.

"It depends on your level. The academy will not restrict your growth, but it is impossible to open all the physical arts books." Miga shook his head without hesitation.

Just kidding, Du Hengkong wasn't trained by Wuhun Palace to know everything. What if he was a spy and directly leaked most of the Dongzhi Academy's inheritance?
  At most, they will enjoy the same treatment as other students, and they will be given as many colleges as they can study. After completing this part and reaching the standard, they will be given the next part. For example, in terms of spirituality, most students have not reached the standard of teaching the Qing Jing Moonlight Diagram. Even Amber Qing only got the part of the Great Sun Golden Light Diagram. Only the four of Miga knew the part after the sea.

Seeing Du Hengkong's hesitant look, Miga smiled and said, "Would you like to try fighting with me? If you can beat me, I promise that you can read all the classics I know."

"Are you serious?" Du Hengkong heard this and looked up at Mika eager to try. Although the girl in front of him was much taller than an ordinary person, her face was not any bigger than him. There was nothing to fear in a 1V1 contest.

It just so happened that he could take this opportunity to take a good look at the physical skills of the other academy. Du Hengkong naturally knew that Wuhun Palace was the number one soul master force in the mainland, but physical skills were not linked to the strength of soul masters.

"Come on, I'll apply for a ring, and I don't have to use martial arts." Miga strode forward, flicked his belt and threw a gorgeous token set with bright rubies to the registration window closest to the hall.

"Is this the Ruby Soul Fighting Badge?!" The sound of the token falling on the table attracted the attention of the window service staff and the people waiting in line at this window. The luxurious red color first made everyone stunned, and then they quickly turned to look at the person coming.

This black and white costume is quite eye-catching, coupled with Miga's outstanding figure of 2 meters tall and her iconic black and white hair.

Gudu, the waitress at the window swallowed, carefully picked up the badge and turned it over to check, and the words "White Emperor" came into view.

Then he hurriedly stood up and walked out of the window, running to the director of the Great Soul Fighting Arena not far away. Then three middle-aged men hurried over and came to Miga and others with smiles on their faces to respectfully lead the way.

"Boy, you are really talented." Next to Du Hengkong, several soul masters who heard the conversation gave him a thumbs up.

"Um, is it really a ruby ​​badge?" Du Hengkong touched the back of his head in confusion. He also had a similar badge, but it was purple and gold, which was two whole levels different from the ruby ​​badge.

"That's not it."

"She is the Soul Saint?" Du Hengkong raised his hands and counted on his fingers, his eyes widening.

"Hey, the White Emperor is not a Soul Saint, but she defeated the Soul Saint four years ago as the Soul King." An old man with a hooked nose looked at Du Hengkong and said playfully.

"Boy, how dare you fight her when you don't know anything, and your brain is broken? This is not how you seek death."

"Ah?!" Du Hengkong opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath. He looked at Miga who was waving to him in the distance to follow him. In an instant, the girl who looked heroic and calm suddenly turned into a black and white girl. Two colored swords.

He couldn't see the shape of the sword clearly, he could only see the blurred black and white colors, and the cold light shining between the scabbard and the hilt.

Du Hengkong suddenly woke up with a creepy feeling like ice water suddenly poured on his head in the dog days of summer. When he tried to take a closer look again, the other person changed back to his original state, as if everything was an illusion.

But feeling the cold, wet sweat on his back, Du Hengkong knew very well that this was not an illusion.

"Is this the meaning of the master recorded in the classics?" Du Hengkong murmured in a low voice, then raised his head suddenly, straightened his back and strode to follow. There was no hint of timid retreat in his eyes, only excitement gushing out.

He doesn't need the pinnacle of physical skills that there are no tigers or monkeys in the mountains, not to mention that in his eyes, Miga is not only a formidable opponent worth chasing, but also represents the possibility of a new path.

How long has it been since he broke through to the Soul King to feel this kind of irresistible desire?
  Looking at the big man striding forward, Miga, who was a little impatient at first, felt a familiar aura from him, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face. This big man is very good.

Then Miga raised his head seemingly casually, curling up the corners of his mouth and snorted coldly.

On the third floor of the Great Soul Fighting Arena, Xue Xing Xue Beng, who was standing there to watch, suddenly felt his heart stagnate. Suddenly he saw a long sword appearing in front of them and slashing horizontally.

Accompanied by the stinging pain in their necks, their heads above their necks were directly separated from their bodies below!
  "Ah*2!" The two people, whose eyes went dark, instinctively raised their hands to cover their necks. Then they saw the two of them collapsed on the ground, their faces full of horror, as if they were looking at each other face to face in the mirror.

"Is this an illusion?" Xue Beng carefully touched his neck and head again. There was no blood or wounds. His head was intact on his neck just like his uncle Xue Xing opposite.

"Probably." Xue Xing climbed up doubtfully, one hand never leaving his neck, subconsciously afraid that if he let go, his head would roll down like a rubber ball.

"But it's too real!" Xue Xing, Xue Beng and the people next to them were sure that what they had just been in was that they suddenly collapsed on the ground, covered their necks and screamed heartbroken, their eyes full of panic.

For the first time in their lives, they tasted death.

(End of this chapter)

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