Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 301 Avalanche’s Comeback

Chapter 301 Avalanche’s Comeback

In the gorgeous VIP room, Xue Xing and Xue Beng sat slumped on the sofa. They drank a whole bottle of wine to suppress the throbbing in their hearts, but it was undeniable that the nightmares of the past few days were unavoidable.

"Don't mess with the people from Wuhun Palace for the time being. Let's think carefully about how to face Xue Qinghe who is out of character." Xue Xing said in a deep voice as he put down the glass.

After hearing his uncle Xue Xing's words, Xue Beng also instinctively wanted to forget the sword that allowed him to glimpse the face of the God of Death, but he still had unstoppable thoughts in his heart.

How could the soul masters of Wuhun Palace have such terrifying strength? Miga’s last soul master competition champion was only 20 years old this year, a full 5 years younger than him, but he couldn’t bear even a look from him.

Whether he was too weak or the opponent was too strong, either way was difficult for Xue Beng to accept.

After all, he is a 25-year-old young man, and he still has Fang Gang's blood and the arrogance that belongs to the imperial royal family in his heart, but today, these two things were directly trampled into scum by Xue Qinghe and Miga.

"Xue Qinghe's reaction is very strange, but this strangeness does not lie in his identity." Xue Xing frowned and expressed his confusion.

"His idea is to bring trouble to himself. He is so unruly and openly opposes the recruitment of young soul masters for the soul master competition. Even if His Majesty favors him again, he will not be able to tolerate such nonsense."

This has nothing to do with the doubts about Xue Qinghe's identity. If Xue Qinghe is really an internal agent planted by other forces, then there shouldn't be any overstep. What he should do is follow Emperor Xue Ye's arrangements and smoothly ascend to the throne.

Whose family's underlings would fall ill in such a high profile during the period of succession to the throne? Although he is the prince, Emperor Xueye is still far from death. Are you really not afraid that the prince's position will be unstable?

"Uncle is right." Xue Beng nodded, touched his swollen cheeks and said through gritted teeth, "No matter why Xue Qinghe fell ill, this is an opportunity for me to take the opportunity to stand up."

"Xue Beng, do you really want to take this opportunity to compete with Xue Qinghe for the crown prince position?" Xue Xing was also shocked when he heard this, but he reacted when he saw Xue Beng's beaten face and the hatred in his eyes.

For more than ten years before Xue Beng, he was said to be forbearing, but in fact, it should be more accurate to say that he did not offend the river. Xue Qinghe didn't pay much attention to his fourth emperor brother, and Xue Beng happily enjoyed his dandy life.

But now Xue Qinghe didn't know why, but when he saw Xue Beng showing signs of extending his claws, he immediately became angry and directly inflicted physical blows and mental humiliation on Xue Beng in public.

"Uncle, you have also seen that Xue Qinghe's character now is useless even if I am a turtle. Moreover, he is only the prince now, not the emperor. If he ascends to the throne, let alone me, I am afraid that even your position as prince will be lost. It’s hard to guarantee.”

Gritting his teeth, Xue Beng analyzed in a deep voice that the humiliation of today almost made him lose his temper. He simply could not imagine what would happen to him after Xue Qinghe came to power in the future.

In the past, he pretended to be a grandson to avoid Xue Qinghe's attention, but now Xue Qinghe has turned into a mad dog biting people, and he can't hold back anything he says.

"But the gap between you two is too big. Even if Xue Qinghe's temperament changes from his previous gentleness, he is still the prince chosen by His Majesty." Xue Xing shook his head in a deep voice.

Xue Qinghe is like a child who has always performed very well and suddenly becomes bad, while Xue Beng is like another second boy who has always performed poorly. Even if he suddenly becomes good, it is difficult to be competitive.

If nothing unexpected happens in this matter, as long as Xue Qinghe restrains himself and admits his mistake in front of Xue Ye, it will not affect the overall situation of the crown prince's succession. If Xue Beng wants to compete for the top position, he has no hope at all unless he does it on his own. . .

"Please help me, uncle!" Xue Beng looked around and saw that no one was around. He gritted his teeth and got up and came to Xue Xing. He suddenly knelt down and clasped his fists and said sincerely.

"Uncle Xue Qinghe, you have seen it clearly today. If he takes the throne, your position will probably be greatly threatened. On the contrary, if the uncle is willing to help my nephew, my nephew promises you that after I take the throne, your position will be greatly threatened." The position is as solid as a mountain, and the real power is definitely going to the next level.”

Looking at Xue Beng who was half-kneeling in front of him with sincere words, Xue Xing felt a strong sense of joy in his heart. Why did he invest in Xue Beng? Wasn't it because he could get unimaginable rewards from Xue Beng? ?

Just like what he said, it would definitely not be easy for him if Xue Qinghe came to power like this, and he might not even be able to keep his position as prince.

And when Xue Beng came to power, tut tut, the future Emperor Tiandou was half-kneeling in front of him. How could Xue Xing not be satisfied with this?

"Your words are serious, my dear nephew, please get up quickly." Xuexing, who had paused for a moment to enjoy himself, only then had a look of shock on his face.

After being polite, he helped Xue Beng back to his seat, and Xue Xing asked tentatively: "Please rest assured, my dear nephew, I will definitely help you, but I don't know what your plans are."

"The first step I want to take is very simple." Xue Beng clenched his fists, and the dandy air on his face was dissipated by the sharpness in his eyes, "I want to take Xue Qinghe's place and go to Wuhun City on behalf of the Tiandou Empire!"

"Hiss!" Xue Xing gasped as he looked at his nephew in front of him. He really dared to say that this position was the perfect position for Xue Ye to pave the way for Xue Qinghe to ascend to the top.

Not only can he use the financial and material resources of the entire Tiandou Empire to win over young talents from the entire empire, but he can also build a good relationship with the people of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect who are going with him.

Once successful, Xue Beng will skyrocket from a transparent playboy since childhood, and the benefits gained will be enough to compete head-on with Xue Qinghe for the crown prince position.

Don't look at it as just a 50-50 split in resistance, but you must know that the current situation is that Xue Qinghe is almost 100% sure that he can successfully inherit the position of Emperor Tiandou, while Xue Beng has nothing but the title of prince. Even if Xue Qinghe slapped Xue Beng in front of so many people today, Xue Beng would not dare to fart in the end and could only endure it silently.

This position can reverse the excellent situation that Xue Qinghe has managed for more than ten years. How can it be said to be unimportant?

"But, nephew, this position is too difficult." Xuexing hesitated and spoke again. Although the fat is delicious, it is really hard to come by.

The most critical point is that the core point of fighting for this position is difficult to change, and it lies in the meaning of Emperor Xueye himself.

Although Prince Xue Xing is rich and powerful, in the final analysis he is still a person who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. In front of his eldest brother Xue Ye, he can only obey orders, and there is no chance of influencing the other party in turn.

He, Xue Qinghe, would slap Xue Beng a hundred times in public, and Emperor Xue Ye would at most scold him, which would not affect the ownership of this position at all.

"Uncle, listen to me, I am not without any confidence in this position and want to do it without thinking." Xue Beng took a long breath and said, "We have three points of breakthrough."

"First of all, Xue Qinghe humiliated me, my uncle, and other nobles today. In his words, we are all useless people with no contribution to the empire. You can imagine his attitude after he takes office."

"In this regard, my uncle can work with me to win over important cabinet ministers at face value. Out of common interests, he denounces the problem of Xue Qinghe to my father while slowly adjusting my dandy attitude in their minds."

"Secondly, we must spread Xue Qinghe's remarks today that denounced the Soul Master Competition crazily, not just to Tiandou City, but to the entire Tiandou Empire and even Wuhun City."

"The promotion competition will not be held for another month, and it will last for another half month. This period of time is enough for us to ferment this matter, and it is best to trigger resentment and conflicts in Wuhun Palace!"

"In this way, even if my father's impression of me as a playboy is difficult to change for a while, the external pressure from Wuhun Palace will force him to make a choice."

"Finally, isn't Xue Qinghe leaning towards the military? Then I have made sure to build a good relationship with the Qibao Glazed Sect in the past 45 days. The prince teacher from Ning Fengzhi was only proposed by his father in the preliminaries, and he has not officially become a teacher yet. , finalized as the eldest prince’s teacher.”

"If I can shamelessly accept him as my teacher and let him become the fourth prince's teacher, plus this position, it will not be a problem for me to get the upper hand with the support of the soul master."

Seeing Xue Beng talking freely, becoming more fluent and confident as he spoke, gradually straightening his back and his face filled with confidence, Xue Xing let out a long breath. This kid actually looked a bit like an emperor. Maybe he could trust him. Give it a try.

The most important thing is that Xue Qinghe's side is already at odds. If the Soul Master Competition ends, things will be irreversible. If we don't fight now, when will we fight?

. . .

On the second day after Xue Qinghe returned, he had a fierce argument with Emperor Xue Ye in the palace. He was scolded and sent back to the Prince's Mansion to reflect for 20 days. . .

On the seventh day of Xue Qinghe's return, many civil servants, nobles and even Prince Xue Xing talked about their dissatisfaction with Xue Qinghe around Emperor Xue Ye, and at the same time praised Xue Beng for being actually very wise and foolish over the years, but only superficially dandy. . .

On the thirteenth day after Xue Qinghe returned, the head of Qibao Glazed Sect Ning Fengzhi publicly praised the fourth prince Xue Beng for his smart mind, politeness and dignified conduct. . .

During this period, rumors spread throughout Tiandou City and even the entire empire at the same time, and they were not completely derogatory remarks about Xue Qinghe.

Instead, they widely publicized his rejection of the soul master forces, especially the Wuhun Palace, saying that he favored the imperial army, intending to significantly reduce the funds for recruiting major soul master forces and young soul masters, and transfer all funds to the expansion of the imperial army. and promotion. . .

On the 21st day after Xue Qinghe returned, Platinum Bishop Salas spoke out about his strong dissatisfaction with Prince Xue Qinghe, and bluntly said that Wuhun City had also received rumors that many elders were dissatisfied with him. . .

On the twenty-second day after Xue Qinghe's return, Xue Qinghe, who had just finished introspecting from the Prince's Mansion, was called to the main hall by Emperor Xue Ye for a long talk.

According to rumors from a guard who wished to remain anonymous, the content of the conversation was unknown. All that was known was that there were faint curses in the middle, and finally the prince Xue Qinghe strode out of the palace.

Then Emperor Xueye made an extremely rare announcement that the fourth prince Xue Beng should go to the main hall to talk.

The next day, the fourth prince Xue Beng officially accepted Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Qibao Glazed Sect, as his disciple. The news spread throughout Tiandou City at an extremely fast speed. . .

The day after, Wuhun Palace announced that Pope Bibi Dong was particularly unhappy with Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, saying that he disrespected soul masters and that Wuhun City did not welcome him. . .

The day before the promotion match, Emperor Xue Ye issued an imperial edict, arranging for Xue Beng to take Xue Qinghe's place and watch the promotion match of the Soul Master Competition together.

After the promotion competition, he represented the Tiandou Empire and the 16 competing teams to Wuhun City, accompanied by 300 Royal Knights, the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect and two enshrined guards.

Xue Qinghe was assigned to the military department as the deputy commander of the Royal Knights.

(End of this chapter)

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