Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 302 Cutting the knot with a sharp knife

Chapter 302 Cutting the knot with a sharp knife (replenishes 2000)

The Royal Knights is one of the most elite legions in the entire Tian Dou Empire. With 1 soldiers and a soul master ratio of 1:5, it is the legion with the highest ratio in the entire Douluo Continent.

Not to mention its millions of troops selected from the entire Tiandou Empire. They are rigorously trained and well-equipped. They can be the strongest shields and sharpest spears in the imperial capital of Tiandou City. The greatest significance of their existence is to protect the royal family.

There is no doubt that Xue Qinghe will have no problem participating in military affairs as a prince starting from the Royal Knights, and the position of deputy leader is also very high.

You must know that there is only one leader of the Royal Knights, and that is Emperor Tiandou himself, and the following three deputy captains are the leaders who directly manage the Royal Knights.

Under the tall walls of Tiandou City, Xue Qinghe was wearing heavy armor and riding a tall horse without a helmet. Under his golden hair, he had a sharp gaze like an eagle.

Behind her were two knight guards wearing full body armor, and behind her was an entire brigade of a thousand people, all lined up neatly.

Opposite her was a thousand-man brigade commanded by Zorro, another deputy commander of the Royal Knights. Among them were 300 special carriages guarded by 17 Royal Knights.

One car carried people from Xue Beng and Qibao Glazed Sect, and the other 1 cars carried 16 participating teams, including the 16 teams that had worked hard to advance and the Tiandou team that was directly recommended.

The soldiers of the Royal Knights held their spears high and sent them off to Wuhun City to participate in the Soul Master Competition finals.

On the towering city wall, Emperor Xueye, Prince Xuexing and Salas stood at the front, while a group of nobles and ministers from the Tiandou Empire stood at the back, watching the team walk toward the flat road in the morning sun.

When the team reached the end where they could barely see clearly, a group of high-ranking officials and lords standing high up had already left, and the two thousand royal knights outside the city gate slowly retreated.

A knight came to Xue Qinghe at high speed, cupped his hand, and replied with some frustration, "Your Highness, Your Majesty has temporarily rejected your military proposal to convene the entire empire's elite soldiers for unified training and promotion."

"Make it clear that your proposal will only be considered if the Thousand-Man Brigade directly under your direct command outperforms the Thousand-Man Brigade under Deputy Commander Zorro in martial arts exercises. However, he agrees that the Imperial Finance Department will allocate 50 gold soul coins to military expenditures for you every year. use."

There are three deputy captains of the Royal Knights, namely Zorro, Li Kai and Xue Qinghe. Among them, Zorro commands four thousand-man teams and is responsible for the defense of the Tiandou Palace. His ability to command the army and the average quality of his soldiers are absolutely He is the tallest in the entire Royal Knights.

Both the weapons and equipment and the amount of daily training are faintly better than the six thousand-man teams under Li Kai and Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe's face did not change at all when he heard the news. He just nodded slightly and thought for a moment, then ordered, "For 50 gold soul coins, you can directly lead a squadron of people to the imperial treasury to withdraw the entire military expenditure."

"Also, Just, please inform me that all members will gather at the school grounds at noon today."

In contrast, after the two people behind Xue Qinghe heard the news, their faces under the helmets were very complicated. In fact, a voice was wrapped in soul power and sent directly to Xue Qinghe's ears.

"Your Highness, are you too impatient? You have paid such a price and still cannot get the power to command the army. What you have gained is less than one-third of the Royal Knights. It is too much of a loss."

"Tianfeng, where do you think I have failed?" Xue Qinghe turned his horse's head back to the city, his face expressionless, and the sounds from his mouth also turned into lines that could not be dissipated, communicating with the two elders around him.

Regarding Qian Renxue calling her by her first name, Tianfeng and Agatha showed no repulsion on their faces, not only because Qian Renxue was the granddaughter of Qian Daoliu, but also because the other party was already with them on the way here. The two have shown their strength in front of them. The seven-ringed soul saint carries an aura that both of them are very afraid of. Even if he only looks at his strength, Qian Renxue is qualified to communicate with them on an equal footing, not to mention that the status of the other party is far superior to the two of them.

This is why Qian Renxue did so many ridiculous things, and why Tianfeng didn't raise questions until today.

"Of course I lost the opportunity in front of me and added Xue Beng, an opponent that should not have existed in the first place, for no reason." Tianfeng replied naturally.

"So, do you think I hurriedly came to Tiandou City just to return to Wuhun City the same way?" Qian Renxue's tone was calm, but extremely firm, without any hesitation or pause.

But the porcupine on the side faintly heard the meaning and thought about it carefully, "Your Highness is right, the team heading to Wuhun City will be wiped out. If we follow the arrangement and go to Wuhun City, we will advance or retreat. It’s all very troublesome.”

"In this way, letting avalanche, the only potential danger, enter Wuhun City is actually a good thing for us."

Hearing this, Tianfeng on the side also suddenly realized. It seems that Qian Renxue's move of retreating into advancing is quite effective.

First, show weakness, and then take this opportunity to send those who can't help but jump out to Wuhun City to deal with them. The remaining nobles such as Prince Xuexing and other prominent nobles can also be directly included in the blacklist of focus.

"More than that." Qian Renxue's eyes were full of coldness, "The most important thing is that the purpose of my trip is not to be a prince."

"Becoming the supreme leader of the Tiandou Empire and destroying the opponent's resistance from within is the fundamental purpose."

"But Your Highness, your behavior these days is probably a big loss to that old guy Xue Ye." Tianfeng reminded with some concern.

"Who said that the only way to become the Emperor of Tiandou is to be a prince." Qian Renxue stared at the magnificent Tiandou Palace in the distance.

She felt uncomfortable calling that bad old man "Father". In her opinion, Li Daitao's original plan was too cautious and procrastinating.

A strong person should cut through the mess quickly!

"How are the things I arranged for you going?" Qian Renxue asked the porcupine through a message.

"There has been news from Salas this morning, saying that the letter has been delivered, and His Majesty the Pope has arranged for Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to take action nearby."

Speaking of the agouti, he also asked with some doubts, "Your Highness, since you know that there are people from the Qibao Glazed Sect following you, why don't you line up a few more elders? In addition, the other party has so many people and 300 royal knights to protect them. Why don't you exclude them?" Are the other soul masters cooperating to surround and kill?"

On the other side, Tianfeng was also a little confused. Wasn't the plan to kill everyone in the competition in Wuhun City? What does it mean to arrange for two elders to take action?

"I specifically emphasized in the letter that the purpose of this assassination was to ensure that both the Sword Douluo and the Bone Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect were with Ning Fengzhi."

Qian Renxue's voice revealed the biting scent of blood and extraordinary decisiveness, "Once it is confirmed that there is no longer a titled Douluo in Tiandou City, we will directly take action to kill Xue Ye and other people who resist, and completely control the Royal Knights Regiment and military headquarters, go directly to the position!"

(End of this chapter)

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