Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 303 Tang 3’s wrong path

Chapter 303 Tang San’s astray

The large windows were open, golden sunlight shining in, and some fresh air.

Tang San was half lying on the hospital bed, watching the yellow maple leaves flying outside the window, subconsciously touching the empty left side, his heart filled with desolation.

The only person in the same ward with him was Oscar. After learning that the left arm he had just reattached was completely broken, Oscar also had a bitter look on his face. However, looking at Tang San in the ward who was suffering from the same disease, he felt inexplicably relieved.

Moreover, he also heard that the other three classmates were even worse. Yingfeng suffered burns on large areas of his body and was almost disfigured. Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu even had injuries to their dantian and were directly disabled.

Speaking of which, their team of soul masters seemed to be under a curse. Oscar thought uneasily. In two years, they had suffered almost the same heavy casualties.

The overlapping points here are Grandmaster, Tang San, himself, Xiao Wu, Yu Tianheng and Ning Rongrong.

But Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong escaped the bad luck, and Yu Tianheng and the master left early. In the end, only he and Tang San were left.

It must not be him. Oscar looked at Tang San who was in the same bed with him vaguely, with disgust and fear in his eyes. He decided to drop out of Haotian Academy when his injury was better, and stay with Tang San again. He was afraid that he would not be able to do it next time. It's life.

And Tang San couldn't help his irritation, not only touching his left arm, but also the lower part.

Compared with Oscar, he apparently had one shorter left arm, but in fact Tang San knew very well that he only had three limbs out of five, which was quite different from Oscar.

Not to mention that he has a twitching hand problem, which originally created more tortuous obstacles on the road to hidden weapons than ordinary people. Now he has broken an arm. Not to mention that the road to hidden weapons is completely cut off, but it has also changed from the original sunshine avenue to The road is rough and bumpy.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Tang San knew very well that most of his hidden weapons had been abolished. Even among the six chapters of Xuantian Baolu, only Guiying Mi Zongbu and Purple Demon Eyes were almost unaffected.

In addition, Xuan Yu Shou and Controlling Crane and Capturing Dragon are most and directly affected. In addition, Xuan Tian Gong will not be able to succeed because his limbs are obviously incomplete.

In this life, it was very difficult for Tang San not to mention reaching the peak of Xuantian Baolu, but also to reach the level of his previous life.

So I can only take the path of a soul master? Tang San bit his lower lip, his face sinking like water, the three flowers of Xuantian Gong were at the highest level, was there no hope for him after all?

If you take the path of a soul master, although the impact of mutilated limbs will be there, it will obviously be much smaller than the skills involving the movement of meridians. There are also titled Douluo with mutilated limbs in history.

However, as a spirit master, Tang San definitely couldn't rely on the Blue Silver Grass, the useless spirit. If he wanted to stand out, he would have to have the Clear Sky Hammer.

Tang San's preliminaries for the Soul Master Competition were not without gains, and the biggest gain was that he realized that his Blue Silver Grass Spirit was truly a useless spirit.

Perhaps there is a big difference between his Blue Silver Grass and the orthodox waste spirit Blue Silver Grass that cannot be practiced, but compared to other top martial spirits, the gulf-like gap is clear at a glance.

When it comes to Blazing Fire Academy's weak fire, Tianshui Academy's weak ice, and Thunder Academy's weak thunder, the sharpness of the top weapon spirit and the sharp claws of the top beast spirit are obstacles that Lan Yincao cannot overcome.

It is not aggressive and can only play support. This is the naked flaw of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

Compared with other top auxiliary systems, Bluesilver Grass has almost no lethality except for the additional toxicity. The most ridiculous thing is that the toxins above do not come from Bluesilver Grass itself, but from the three additional soul rings.

Does the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit have potential? There is no doubt that there is no such thing. The words "Destroyed Martial Soul" are not a slander, but a reality proven by thousands of years.

Does Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit have potential? There is no doubt that there is, because his Blue Silver Grass bloodline is inherited from the Blue Silver Emperor, which is a top-level martial spirit.

Moreover, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is a second-generation inherited version, not the original Blue Silver Emperor. It can form a twin martial spirit equal to the Clear Sky Hammer, indicating that the essence of the Blue Silver Emperor is actually higher than the Clear Sky Hammer. of.

Because the Blue Silver Emperor is unique, its power of control is unique. As the saying goes, there are no two days in the sky, no two kings in the country, and Ah Yin is immortal. Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit will never evolve into the Blue Silver Emperor. possible.

But if Blue Silver Emperor fails, Blue Silver King will still be fine. Even if Tang San's martial spirit evolves to the highest level of Blue Silver King, he can leap into the ranks of top martial arts.

After all, Ah Yin's Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit has evolved, and the Emperor's evolution will drive the evolution of the entire Blue Silver Grass group.

Although it will not be directly reflected as a direct improvement of all Blue Silver Grass, the upper limit of the invisibility of Blue Silver King and Blue Silver Grass is indeed slowly increasing.

The specific manifestation is that in the future, soul masters who awaken the Blue Silver Grass on Douluo Continent will gradually develop innate soul power. Although it is not high, it is enough to become a soul master, and their Blue Silver Grass martial soul will also have certain attribute improvements. Acting too useless.

Blue Silver King also has the opportunity to leap into the ranks of top martial arts, but it will take a long time to be nurtured among the group of soul masters. After all, Tang San, who has lost his fifth limb, is already on the same level as Ma Hongjun, and has lost the ability to pass on the martial soul. ability.

But the Blue Silver Grass among the soul beasts has the hope of reaching a higher age, and there is even a glimmer of hope of breaking through the 100,000-year-old soul beast. This is also the fundamental meaning of countless blue silver grass catalyzing the birth of the Blue Silver Emperor. If A Yin's Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit truly reaches the god level, then the blue silver grass martial spirit will also completely get rid of the title of useless martial spirit, and the overall quality will undergo earth-shaking changes. The change.

Almost all owners of Blue Silver Grass martial souls can possess innate soul power and become soul masters, and the obstacles faced by Blue Silver King in breaking through the 100,000-year limit will be the same as those of other top bloodlines.

Therefore, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit still has great potential, but under the diligent guidance of Master Yu Xiaogang, Tang San has already gone astray, so there is no hope so far.

As mentioned before, the most precious thing about Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is the trace of pure blood of the Blue Silver Emperor. The most orthodox path is to evolve the purified blood back to the ancestors.

This is actually similar to Yu Xiaogang's Luo Sanpao martial spirit. Yu Xiaogang's black pig martial spirit also contains a trace of the pure blood of the Golden Holy Dragon.

Therefore, whether it is Tang San or Yu Xiaogang, the choice of soul ring should not be a foolish act of pursuing temporary combat power, but should pursue the awakening of the same kind, use the soul ring as the key to tap the potential of one's own martial soul.

For example, for Yu Xiaogang, his logical choice is a dragon-type soul beast, preferably a light type. This cost is extremely high, but at least he should not pursue fart-related soul rings.

This fart development is completely in the direction of tapping the potential of the black pig. Only when the golden holy dragon bloodline can be revealed can there be ghosts.

Tang San's development costs were much lower. Originally, he only had to absorb the spirit rings of plant-type soul beasts step by step, preferably plant-type soul beasts with strong and pure life auras.

In this way, even if there is no Blue Silver King to assist him, he can tap into his own martial soul potential step by step and naturally awaken the Blue Silver King's martial soul at the right time.

Generally speaking, the fourth ring is enough. If the soul ring of a certain plant-type soul beast is particularly pure and compatible, Tang San can even complete the awakening when he breaks through to the third-ring soul master. After all, he is a genuine second-generation bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor. .

But he worshiped Yu Xiaogang as his disciple and became a guinea pig in the experiment. One of the three soul rings came from a snake, one from a spider, and the last ghost vine was so sinister that it looked like it was from the opposite direction of the Blue Silver Grass.

Even Yu Xiaogang saw that the spirit ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider was very strong, so the original plan was to let Tang San find another spider for his fourth spirit ring.

This completely goes against the core evolutionary direction of Blue Silver Grass - life and control. Unless there is a grudge willing to spend a lot of money to refine Tang San's alien aura and stimulate the awakening of his bloodline, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial arts It is difficult for the soul to awaken and evolve in this life.

Of course, Tang San didn't know this, so even if he and Yu Xiaogang completely fell out, he didn't know the value of the Blue Silver Grass Spirit.

On the contrary, he has come up with the idea of ​​completely giving up the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit and majoring in the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit.

On the one hand, he was really fed up with the crotch-stretching properties of Blue Silver Grass, and was eager to use his top martial arts to prove himself to the top geniuses of his age.

On the other hand, he also learned an important piece of information from Yu Xiaogang. The oppression of the body by the soul ring was additive.

The pressure on the physique of refining a new soul ring will be superimposed on the already refined soul ring, so twin martial souls who want to have a full soul ring physique must bear at least double the pressure compared to other soul masters.

Not to mention that the cake Yu Xiaogang drew for Tang San was the second martial soul with a ten-thousand-year soul ring, which would require even higher physical fitness.

If one's physique is not up to standard and one is forcibly refining a soul ring, the result will be the same as a soul master who fails to forcibly refine a high-end soul ring, exploding and dying.

Xuantian Baolu is ultimately a Taoist internal skill and does not have the physical strengthening effect of hard skills. Therefore, if Tang San wants to temper his body, in addition to the limited improvement of daily exercise, most of it must rely on the physical increase of the soul bone.

Unfortunately, the original six spirit bones were in short supply. Tang San also broke a left arm and was missing a space. His two legs still occupied ten years of spirit bones.

Therefore, the only soul bones that Tang San could actually improve his physical fitness were the trunk bones, right arm bones, skull and external soul bones.

Although Tang San was very lucky, not only getting the ten-thousand-year trunk bone, but also the rare and extremely expensive external soul bone, he only had two soul bone slots left, which together could only achieve four physical enhancements. .

Moreover, the skull is the most precious part of all soul bones, and it is mainly used to improve mental power. Strictly speaking, Tang San only has three and a half opportunities to strengthen it.

Other than that, there is only the possibility of pie in the sky, such as obtaining rare treasures from heaven and earth, and obtaining inheritance from gods. . .

Tang San, who himself knew that it was unrealistic, understood that having a thousand-year soul bone was just a luxury wish, so he planned to directly switch to Clear Sky Hammer cultivation. Three thousand-year soul rings were enough to make him the number one soul master at his level.

(End of this chapter)

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