Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 304 Tang San's Choice

Chapter 304 Tang San's Choice

Think about it, the top martial spirit Clear Sky Hammer, the first four thousand-year soul rings are all purple, and the subsequent soul rings are all black, how domineering it is.

Tang San could imagine that his strength would far exceed that of his current self, but what depressed Tang San was that swinging a sledgehammer, especially a heavy sledgehammer like the Clear Sky Hammer, not only required the support of soul power, but also a lot of strength. urge.

But with one arm missing, one can imagine the impact on his strength. The random cloak hammering method is better, but I heard that most of the advanced hammering methods are driven by both hands.

The reason is very simple. At the beginning, the Clear Sky Hammer was a small one-handed hammer. As the soul master added soul rings, its size and weight would gradually increase, turning it into a two-handed sledgehammer.

Therefore, the Haotian Hammer's hammering technique gradually changed from a one-handed hammer to a two-handed sledgehammer, and even to the secret method of activating the giant hammer of the spirit's true form.

No matter what, whoever wants to practice this useless martial spirit of Lan Yincao can practice it. Tang San, who has truly tasted the pain, will forget this beautiful saying: "There are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters."

He didn't even want to think about who said this, Yu Xiaogang. If Yu Xiaogang really believed this from the bottom of his heart, why did he only accept Tang San as his disciple?

He had been at Notting College for more than ten years, and there were so many students among them that Yu Xiaogang didn't even have the patience to teach them properly.

Don't judge a person by what he says, but judge by how he acts.

As for the shortcoming of using the Clear Sky Hammer spirit without a left arm, Tang San asked Tang Gang and Gu Changqing carefully, and Oscar next to him also listened carefully.

It's completely impossible with conventional methods, except for the extremely rare method that, although it sounds ridiculous, does exist in recorded history.

The rare immortal grass that exists in the mountains and swamps, places related to gods and the soul bones of soul beasts with a life system of 100,000 years.

"Doctor, didn't you say that top healing soul masters can also do it?" Tang San asked unwillingly.

"Well, there is no titled Douluo of the healing type in this world." Gu Changqing thought carefully, "Of course Mr. Ye from the Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit may be sure, but..."

Gu Changqing looked at Tang Gang and lowered his voice, "He is from Wuhun Palace."

The student from Haotian College, whose surname is Tang, was immediately known to be a direct descendant of Haotian Sect. The conflict between Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace was well known to everyone in the soul master world, so how could the other party help Haotian Academy.

Hearing Gu Changqing's reply, Tang Gang immediately darkened his face, and Tang San also looked gloomy. Even though Tang Hao hadn't informed him of his life experience, he could still guess that his father was from the Haotian Sect.

Seeing this, Gu Changqing also chose to turn around and leave, leaving Tang San and Tang Gang staring at each other in silence.

"Teacher." After all, it was Tang San who broke the silence, "I want to go to Wuhun City with Haotian's team to watch the battle."

Tang San's idea was very simple. He wanted to see with his own eyes the young spirit masters from all over the continent preparing for the next competition. In addition, Haotian's second team was separated. If he could find a substitute position in Haotian's first team, he could return to Haotian. It’s not too shameful for the academy.

"It's good that you have this idea." Tang Gang stepped forward and patted Tang San on the shoulder. He had already learned Tang San's true identity from the Fourth Elder.

Although Tang Hao's reputation within the Haotian Sect was not good, Tang San was innocent as a child.

Well, the last sentence was indeed a polite statement. The real reason is that the Haotian Sect elders suffered heavy losses. Tang Chen and Tang Xiao took over the power. As a direct lineage of the sect leader, Tang San was valued and given preferential treatment. Naturally, there is nothing to say. .

Even Tang Gang couldn't say that Tang San's broken arm could not be restored to its original state. After all, the sect leader Tang Chen was the peerless Douluo closest to the hundredth level in Douluo Continent. There was a rumor in the Haotian Sect that the sect leader Tang Chen had obtained With the inheritance of the gods, there is a chance to become a god.

In addition, the inaccessible places in the deep mountains and swamps are full of dangers for ordinary soul masters like them, but for peerless powerhouses like Titled Douluo and even Tang Chen, it is not as simple as exploring their own back garden, but it is as simple as exploring their own back garden. There's nothing wrong with walking on flat ground.

In short, the future after Tang San was not something that Tang Gang, a Soul Saint, could predict, so not only did Tang Gang not have the slightest contempt for the broken-arm Tang San, but he was even more concerned about it than before.

Tang San also agreed without any hesitation to Tang San's request to join Haotian's first team's preliminary roster and follow him there.

In addition to Tang San, Xiao Wu, who was not injured, also joined the list, but Oscar, who also had a broken arm, was not so lucky.

Tang Gang was not willing to spend extra energy paying attention to other Haotian College students who were not direct descendants of the Haotian Sect.

Oscar and Tang San both had broken arms, and it seemed that their treatment methods were no different in the same ward.

But in fact, Tang San's severed arm had been refrigerated in ice by Tang Gang at a great expense early on, while Oscar's severed arm was directly destroyed using the most trouble-free and cost-effective method.

Tang Gang thought about this carefully. Even if Tang San's broken arm could be repaired, the cost would be huge. It would be difficult for Oscar to want the same treatment at that time. Instead of causing trouble in the future, it would be better to completely eliminate Oscar from the beginning. Think about it.

As for the soul master competition finals, it would be a waste to bring Oscar. After all, he is just a food-based soul master and does not need any actual combat experience at all.

That's right, in Tang Gang's opinion, Oscar is just a tool for making martial arts food. Not to mention missing an arm, even if he is cut into a human stick and placed in a wheelchair, it will not affect his function. What should he do with all that effort?

Seeing Tang Gang's attitude, Oscar also directly chose to drop out of school. Coincidentally, Yingfeng, who was wrapped in rice dumplings, also chose to drop out with his younger brother Shadow Hunter and another assistant department pre-selector.

They saw clearly that Haotian Academy was too realistic, and the saying "employ people first, don't need people behind" was vividly demonstrated to them.

When they are valuable, Haotian Academy doesn't mind trying to get along with them, but once they lose value, Haotian Academy will kick them away mercilessly. Tang Gang was also shocked by the sudden turn of events. Although he restrained his attitude and tried to save a few people, the other party was determined. As an academy, Haotian Academy was far from having as many restrictions as a sect, so he could only choose Release.

In this way, of the ten-member Haotian Team 6, 2 dropped out of school and were dismissed. Only Tang San and Xiao Wu remained and headed to Wuhun City together as the pre-selected members of the Haotian Team .

Tang Yuanhai, the fourth elder who had just recovered from his injury, took Tang Gang, Teng Wanchun and Xuefeng to follow.

Regarding Tang San's idea of ​​turning to the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Yuanhai also agreed with his face. In his opinion, as a direct member of the Clear Sky Sect, he should have a heroic and domineering spirit, and study hard like a girl. What's the blue silver grass for?

Because thousand-year soul beasts are far less rare than ten-thousand-year soul beasts, Tang Yuanhai also arranged for Tang Gang to spend some time and try his best to match Tang San with all the soul rings before arriving at Wuhun City.

He also promised Tang San that if his hammering skills could pass his examination, he would be given a chance to perform on stage instead of just watching the show like a tool like Xiao Wu.

In fact, whether it was Tang San, who was once beaten to death by Xiao Wu and vowed never to forgive, or members of the Haotian team, Tang Yuanhai and others, they all held an indifferent attitude towards Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu herself could also feel her marginalized status among the crowd, but for some reason, she always subconsciously followed Tang San as her head was not very clear.


"Sword Douluo Jian Chen, Bone Douluo Gu Rong, Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect." The two tightly wrapped men in black floated in the air with the help of the wind, watching the blown-up carriage collapse below and a bunch of acquaintances emerged. , there was a little fear and amusement in the low and hoarse voice.

Under their feet there were nine overlapping soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black. The two of them were clearly two genuine titled Douluo.

However, from the beginning to the end, neither of them used a soul ring or soul skill, and even their martial souls were very restrained, making it difficult for others to figure out their identities.

Below, Xue Beng was hiding behind Ning Fengzhi, sweating profusely. As a Titled Douluo, the opponent actually bombarded the carriage he was in with his soul power without any shame. If Ning Fengzhi and two Titled Douluo hadn't been with him, he wouldn't have died. Got to be disabled.

"I didn't expect that a fourth prince of the Tiandou Empire would be protected by a master from the Qibao Glazed Sect. Are you, the Qibao Glazed Sect, planning to raise your clan to join the Tiandou Empire and become Xue Ye's lackey?"

Hearing these words, Sword Douluo, who was wrapped in a white mask and pure white robe with only one pair of eyes exposed, took a deep breath. The Seven Kills Sword in his hand was directly enlarged, and he directly lifted the sword into the air.

But Bone Douluo Gu Rong did not follow, but carefully protected Ning Fengzhi. His Bone Dragon Spirit was not good at speed, but better at defense.

Moreover, Sword Douluo Jian Chen's soul power level has already broken through the 95th level limit, reaching a new level of worship level. Coupled with Ning Fengzhi's powerful blessing of 80% of all attributes, one vs. two is no problem at all.

Seeing Jian Chen's menacing approach, the two men in black robes looked at each other, and the soul power in their bodies suddenly exploded. The intensity of the soul power made Jian Chen's eyes stern, and he slowed down to prepare for the attack.

But what he and the people below didn't expect was that the two men in black robes chose to turn around and run away after exploding their soul power. They disappeared on the other side of the mountain in a short time at such a fast speed.

Accompanied by the excited cheers below, Jian Chen's sword landed on the ground. For Xue Beng who ran out to praise him at this time, he just returned to stand quietly behind Ning Fengzhi without saying a word.

When Ning Fengzhi, who was originally smiling, heard Sword Douluo's message, his expression froze for a moment.

He was not sure of the other party's identity, let alone his martial spirit, but observing the performance of his soul power, he found that he was at least level 95, and was by no means an ordinary titled Douluo.

But other people in the distance don't know this. Even the two most powerful dragons and snakes don't know this.

Dragon Duke Meng Shu, Snake Po Chaotianxiang, a Soul Douluo, and a Soul Emperor. In the final analysis, they can only temporarily reach the level of Titled Douluo with their martial soul fusion skills.

As for why they are in the team, it is just because their granddaughter Meng Yiran also participated and is the vice-captain of the Alien Beast Team.

It’s just that judging from the performance in the promotion competition, the Alien Beast Academy and the Elephant Academy are incomparable. Think about it, Meng Yiran competed with Oscar for the third soul ring, but now his soul power level is far lower than that of the soul sect and he can be the deputy captain. It can be seen that the overall strength of the Alien Beast Team is weak.

On the other side of the mountain, Ju Douluo Yueguan, who had been holding back for a long time, finally took off his mask and said, "Old ghost, why don't you let me talk?"

Ghost Douluo Ghost also took off his mask, revealing an expressionless dead face and replied, "You sissy, don't you have any self-awareness? The Pope specifically told me at the end of the secret letter not to let you speak."

The speechless Ju Douluo was silent for a moment, and then asked again: "What do you mean by the Pope's order? If it is not a problem for the two of us to go all out to kill that little brat Xue Beng, why should we hide our heads? Does it take this much effort to show up?”

"Go to Wuhun City and catch them all. If we reveal our identity, we will alert the enemy. Besides, it won't take much effort if we are on the way." The emotion in Ghost Douluo's voice was extremely weak. Only his old friend Ju Douluo next to him could tell the other person's mood at the moment. .

"Then what's the point of doing this?"

"I don't know. If you want to know, you can ask the Pope when you go back. However, the Pope ordered us to send this news to Tiandou City instead of Wuhun City as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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