Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 305 The curtain rises

Chapter 305 The curtain rises

The City of Killing, this is the place where a generation of Shura Gods became gods, and the place where the Shura God’s throne is inherited, similar to the Poseidon Island in the ocean.

Here, there are rules set by the gods, and the soul master will be cut off from the connection between his own martial soul and soul ring.

However, spirit, energy, and spirit are the source of a soul master's life, so soul power cannot be isolated and connected. However, most soul masters have become accustomed to convenient martial souls and soul rings, and they can only slowly explore the use of soul power.

The rule here is killing. If the soul master who enters this place wants to get out, there is only one way, and that is to complete the victory and gain the qualification to challenge the Hell Valley trial.

If successful, not only will you be able to freely enter and exit the City of Killing, but you will also be able to obtain the God of Killing Domain. Soul masters with the God of Killing Domain can ignore the restrictions on martial souls and soul rings in the City of Killing.

This is a bloody city with constant killings. People who enter this place can be roughly divided into two categories.

The first type are the evil soul masters who were captured alive by Wuhun Palace and escorted here regularly, accounting for the vast majority.

The second type is the soul master who takes the initiative to enter this place. Most of them seek the realm of the God of Death, but basically no one knows that the realm of the God of Death is a prerequisite for obtaining the inheritance of the Shura God.

Because Tang Chen is immortal and the current inheritance of Shura God has not ended, the soul master who came out of Hell Road does not have this option.

The gods are a carrot and a pit, and the same is true for the inheritance of the gods. Before the previous inheritor fails, the remaining reserves, no matter how good they are, have to line up.

Killings continue in the City of Killing, and blood gathers into a river, from high to low, flowing into the Hell Valley directly below. This place is the real core of the City of Killing.

Tang Chen, who fell from the sky and fell into the Capital of Killing, did not care about others on the ground, but went straight to Hell Valley. He was the King of Killing, but he was not the King of Killing.

Underground, the blood-red magma river was full of the smell of blood, rolling angrily in it. Tang Chen frowned slightly when he came here, not because of the changes in this place, because without the changes, there would be no emergency divine test.

However, in his perception, although the entire Hell Valley seemed to be undergoing drastic changes, there was actually nothing wrong with the core context.

But completing the eighth divine test is his top priority, otherwise he cannot imagine the result of failing the divine test.

Following the guidance of the divine test, Tang Chen came to the deepest part of Hell Valley. Here was a golden platform about ten meters in diameter, covered with blood-red secret patterns, flowing like blood.

Surrounded by a steaming blood-colored lake, the blood of the entire killing city finally gathered here, looking clearer and richer than other places.

Following the bloody secret pattern, it was continuously extracted and refined, and gathered in the middle of the platform, where there was a sword platform.

It was here that Tang Chen pulled out the Shura Blood Sword and completed the Seven Tests of Shura.

But now, the guidance of the divine test was to let him insert the Shura Blood Sword back, and then sit cross-legged on a small platform that emerged from the edge of the golden platform, only for him.

The difference between the small platform and the large platform with golden blood patterns was not just in size. Its texture was turbid blood, and the patterns on it were deep black, making it look particularly ominous.

Seeing this, Tang Chen hesitated for a moment, and then a trace of bitterness appeared on his face. He was already here. Could it be that he still had a choice?

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Tang Chen inserted the Shura Blood Sword into the sword platform, and then stepped directly from the large platform to the small platform. Following the guidance of Shen Kao, he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, relaxed his mind and body, and fell into meditation.

And the black lines on the bloody platform were now clinging to his body like living creatures, spreading from bottom to top.

Tang Chen's body was completely covered in the blood of the Killing God Domain, but strangely, the Killing God Domain not only failed to warn Tang Chen about the changes, but instead blocked Tang Chen's own body perception.

Tang Chen closed his eyes and soothed his heart, making his mind clear and without any waves, just like a mirror, at the moment when the bloody mirror was completed.

A figure appeared in front of Tang Chen. Although Tang Chen had never seen the other person before, he understood from his deep feeling that the other person was God Shura.

"Is the real Shura Eight Test a spiritual test?" Tang Chen looked at the opponent's oppressive bloody figure without wavering at all, and asked calmly as he looked at the opponent carefully.

"If you strictly follow the standards, your performance is even better than my performance when I inherited the throne of Shura God." The slightly blurred blood-colored figure said with a little joking in his voice.

This voice? ! Tang Chen subconsciously widened his eyes and his pupils shrank.

When he failed the eight tests of Shura, subconsciously it seemed that this voice broke the balance between him and the Dark Gold Bat King, causing him to fail the eight tests and let the Dark Gold Bat King control him and become the killing king of the Killing City.

He originally thought it was his inner demon, but to his surprise, the other party turned out to be God Shura himself.

"No, are you the inner demon or the Shura God?" Tang Chen's voice was filled with disbelief.

"Can't you feel it?" The bloody figure seemed to have no intention of continuing to talk nonsense. After all, what if the other party was more talented than him? The final result was that he transformed it into a chess piece.

The practice of the extraordinary path not only tests the talent, character, luck, etc. of all living beings, but at the level of gods, the importance of first come, first served is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary beings.

"I don't want you to become Shura God. No matter how good you are, it's useless." The bloody figure waved his hand, and deep darkness emerged on the bloody plane where the two of them were standing.

It was like there were black cracks all over the complete round mirror. The black cracks changed from flat to three-dimensional, and countless black chains shot out, tying Tang Chen tightly.     Haven't the slightest ability to resist. . .

Tang Chen felt powerless deep in his body and felt desolate in his heart. He could feel that all this was extremely real and indeed not a demon. Not only could he not break free from meditation and return to reality to control his body, he could not even control his soul power and most of his spirit. All contact was completely cut off.

The only thing that his consciousness can control is this soul that has begun to become deified. He may still have some resistance against other gods, but in front of the Shura God, these have become shackles for him.

The other party was undoubtedly the Shura God. Tang Chen, who understood everything clearly, did not curse or lose his composure. He just stared at the other party and used his remaining strength to ask.


He is good enough, he fully meets the inheritance requirements of God Shura, and there is no problem with his abilities. Why does the other party want to prevent him from becoming a god?

"Tch." Looking at Tang Chen, who was wrapped in black chains, the bloody figure turned around and replied disdainfully as his figure slowly faded.

"What I need is a suitable chess piece, and I don't want to find a variable that I can't control to cause trouble for myself."

Seeing the other party's figure disappear, Tang Chen, who was about to be completely swallowed into a cocoon by the black chain, suddenly woke up.

Perhaps this is the backlash of taking shortcuts to break through level 100.

A generation of gods used faith as a guide and integrated the authority of heaven and earth to create a god. Although it was more difficult, the road they built brick by brick was extremely solid.

The so-called inheritance by gods is the same as the inheritance of wealth by secular businessmen, but one difference is particularly fatal. Businessmen pass on wealth to others because their own lives have come to an end.

But what is the purpose of the gods inheriting the throne?

Showing courtesy for nothing is a traitor or a thief. This is the principle of mortals.

But Tang Chen, who had seen Shura God with his own eyes, could tell that apart from being stronger than him, he was no different from other living beings in other aspects, and even had a worse personality.

So does the inheritance of gods still have to take a chance? Hoping that the other party would be kind enough or accept the inheritance of the death god, Tang Chen fell into darkness with a bitter look on his face.

Perhaps, since he pursued the inheritance of the gods and left his destiny to the control of others, today's ending has been doomed.

Tang Chen's consciousness was completely wrapped in black chains and turned into an egg-shaped cocoon, and his body was also completely wrapped in black lines.

At the same time, the small platform on which he sat cross-legged changed from solid to soft, completely wrapping Tang Chen's body, turning into a blood-colored ball and slowly sinking him into the blood-colored lake.

The light above flickered, and the ball slowly began to move, like a heart expanding and contracting, exactly in line with the frequency of the light flickering.

What's strange is that the red light of the same frequency also appears on the Shura Blood Sword on the sword platform, and this change even begins to slowly spread outward from here.

From the Blood Lake to Hell Valley, it spreads along the Blood River to the entire Killing City.

Like a monster given life, the Slaughter City began to breathe, and concentrated the energy of the entire Slaughter City towards the bloody ball that enveloped Tang Chen.

God Shura's idea was very simple. Tang Chen could break through to the god level simply by relying on the accumulation of quantity. Although he was at the priest level with the lowest strength, it was still enough to complete the plan.

The biggest advantage of doing this is that he does not need to work hard to transmit the power of Shura God to Tang Chen through the air. Moreover, Tang Chen is a native-born god and will not be restricted by plane consciousness in a short period of time.

This is much more convenient than sending a priest down to the lower world, and the Shura Blood Sword can be separated.

As for the cost? That was the complete destruction of the City of Killing, the inheritance of God Shura.

But what does this have to do with Mr. Zhang? Once he completes his plan to run away with the bucket, he will no longer be the Shura God, and this mess will be left to the tool man Tang San to deal with.

As for the evil spirit masters who were imprisoned, it was a good thing in his opinion. After all, no matter how powerful Tang Chen was, he was only one person. If he wanted to delay time, he had to rely on this group of evil spirit masters.

It doesn't matter if there are many twists and turns in the plan. God Shura withdrew his gaze from Douluo Continent. With his strength, he could put everything back into order.

In fact, if he kills more people, his plan will be able to harvest more fruits, but the harvest cycle will be lengthened in the future.

As for Tang San's twists and turns, he was no longer alarmed by the changes. The tool man's bottom line requirements were not high, as long as the opponent did not die.

The hand of the gods has plucked the strings of fate, and the curtain of the era is about to open.

(End of this chapter)

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