Chapter 311 Accident

Having said this, Tang Hao's expression was ugly and complicated. The woman who looked like A Yin was always a knot in his heart.

Even if they look slightly similar, the most important thing is that Tang Hao suffered a big loss at the opponent's hands.

That pure black thunder struck his body, which was really painful. Tang Hao, whose soul power level dropped from level 93 to level 92, fled in a hurry like a bereaved dog.

It wasn't until he made sure it was safe to stop and adjust his breath that Tang Hao discovered to his horror that his one hundred thousand year soul ring was flickering erratically, jumping repeatedly between red and black.

On the soul ring, the very familiar black thunder light is constantly destroying the noble red color on it.

Is this a sign that the life of the soul ring is declining? !

It was only because the 100,000-year limit was too strong that Tang Hao's ninth spirit ring turned black without snapping.

What's more important are the two soul skills of his ninth soul ring:

The first one is rejuvenation. Before his soul power is exhausted, all injuries on his body will have a super-speed recovery effect.

The second soul skill is dedication, which can instantly heal all injuries of other soul masters and restore 50% of the maximum soul power and physical strength, but as a price, Tang Hao's soul power level will be permanently reduced (at least one level, the opponent's soul power level The higher you go, the more you drop.)

A hundred thousand year soul ring only has two soul skills, and a ten thousand year soul ring only has one.

In Tang Hao's perception, the rejuvenation soul skills were slowly dissipating, and the soul skills left behind were, in his opinion, an unavailable contribution.

Tang Hao, who was so anxious at that time, had no time to turn his cerebellum, and followed his instinct to directly pour his soul power into the soul ring to eliminate the Xuanming Tribulation Thunder in it.

As a result, his level 92 soul power dropped to level 91 again. Fortunately, his optimal soul ring matching card of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and red was saved.

However, in Tang Hao's perception, his ninth spirit ring had reached a critical point, and its internal details had become irreparably structurally fragile.

Of course, this will not have much impact on the power of the soul ring and soul skills, nor will it affect daily use.

But if Tang Hao uses the 100,000-year-old soul ring explosion ring again, this bright red 100,000-year-old soul ring will directly drop to the 10,000-year level, and with his rough use, it will cause chain damage to the internal structure. Overflow, the life of the soul ring continues to decline.

This is the fundamental reason why Tang Hao did not take the risk and choose to use full firepower when fighting Miga, and it is also the core reason why Tang Hao now does not want to fight face to face with the Titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace.

Without using the BUG skill of Ring Explosion, it would be difficult for Tang Hao to win quickly against ordinary titled Douluo.

But Tang Hao wasn't stupid enough to tell the truth. He just said a few words from the perspective of protecting Tang San's safety, and Tang San was indeed moved to believe it.

. . .

Tang Hao nodded when he saw the pointer on his hand pointed directly at the hill of Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy. It seemed that the elders were indeed being held here and had not been transferred.

Then he looked at Tang San who was meditating with Blue Silver Grass and asked, "Can you feel Blue Silver Grass's subconscious throbbing?"

Tang San opened his eyes, with confusion on his face, "Father, I can feel the throbbing from four sources."

"?" Tang Hao's eyes widened and he scratched his head, "What did you say?"

He has four wives, Tang San has four mothers?

"You sensed it correctly, right?!" Tang Hao, having dismissed the nonsensical thoughts in his mind, looked at Tang San with a serious tone, "Sense it again carefully."

"Okay." Tang San also crossed his legs again with some doubts. He had never felt this kind of superior feeling of Blue Silver Grass in the past 14 years. Who knew that he could actually feel 4 of them in Wuhun City.

"It is indeed four." Tang San opened his eyes again and confirmed, "Three are here, not far apart. One is over there."

Following the direction Tang San pointed, Tang Hao saw two mountains, one was their target Amber Mountain, and the other was their target. . .

"Isn't that Wuhun Mountain where the Wuhun Palace headquarters is located?" Tang Hao, who had repeatedly confirmed that it was correct to Tang San, also fell into confusion.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly reacted and looked at Tang San, "Then can you sense which one the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit in you is subconsciously closest to?"

Seeing that Tang San was still pointing at Amber Mountain, Tang Hao subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Tang San, "Xiao San, let's lurk here patiently and wait until the day of the finals of the fifth round before taking action. During this period, there will be more questions about the Clear Sky Hammer." If you have any questions, you can ask me directly."

Tang San felt a little repulsed by Tang Hao's simple and crude arrangement. It was too rough, with no internal response, no detailed information, and even no detailed internal map of the East Spider Soul Master Academy.

Compared with his previous life when he went to the Scripture Depository Pavilion to steal the Xuantian Treasure Record, Tang Hao's life was too ugly.

Of course, considering Tang Hao's Titled Douluo-level strength, it's not that Tang San couldn't understand it. There was nothing wrong with him not having the brains and strength to do it.

But according to the plan, he and Tang Hao acted separately. He was a level 39 soul master who was not even a soul sect. If he had followed Tang Hao's example, he might have died without knowing how.

However, Tang San had no intention of complaining to Tang Hao at this time. He still had some time, and it would not be a problem for him to use the Purple Demon Eyes in the past few days to find a few safe routes for himself.

Seeing that Tang San didn't shirk, Tang Hao's eyes showed a look of satisfaction. He arranged for Tang San to act alone not only to speed up efficiency, but also to test the opponent.

Facing an opponent like Wuhundian, he was helpless and could only place his hope on Xiaosan.

There is no motivation without pressure. In Tang Hao's view, if you want Tang San to accelerate his growth, gentleness and other things are unnecessary luxuries. He must rely on external pressure to force him to continuously exceed his potential.

As for Tang San's severed limb injury, Tang Hao secretly gritted his teeth. If Xiao San could really overcome many obstacles and become the next generation hope of the Haotian Sect, then it would not be impossible for him to use the dedication soul skill to help him recover his severed limb. But this is absolutely not possible now. Tang Hao clearly understands the meaning of dedication of the ninth soul skill. In theory, as long as the opponent has a breath, he can keep it intact.

The dedicable soul skills follow the principle of conservation. The more serious the opponent's injury, the greater the price he has to pay.

Especially since Xiao San's limbs were so severely mutilated, once he used the dedication soul skill, he would definitely fall to the level of a titled Douluo.

Before rescuing the Haotian Sect elders and retrieving Ah Yin's relics, he couldn't lose this strength!


"Welcome all soul masters to your seats. The fourth round of the soul master competition finals has officially begun. Before the competition begins, we would like to congratulate Tianji body, East Spider Hundred Beasts, East Spider Mad Wolf, Water and Fire Academy, Wuhun Academy and Haotian Academy again. Advance to the top six!"

"And today's game, the first one will be between the Eastern Spider Beasts and the Spirit Academy!"

Looking at the cheers from the audience, the referee's voice became even louder as a pair of golden wings flapped behind him.

"The second match will be between the Eastern Spider Mad Wolf and the Water and Fire Academy!"

"The third match is between Tianji and Haotian Academy!"

Listening to the cheers of the audience, the members of each team were excited and felt that their bodies were full of strength. For honor and even more rewards, they stared at the opponents designated in the distance and geared up.

However, there are exceptions to everything. . .

"Captain, why are you looking listless?" The members of the Wuhun Team looked at their captain Yan with confusion. They saw him leaning weakly on the back of the chair, holding his chin with one hand and looking into the distance. It seemed that Weak.

Although their opponent is the East Spider Hundred Beast Team, in terms of strength, their captain Yan is probably as strong as a high-level Soul King. There is probably no one higher than him among the contestants in the entire competition.

"Don't ask. The captain was like this half a month ago. He fell out of love." Vice-captain Yu Qing waved his hands towards the others. In his opinion, the boss was sick again.

Since Yan's confession failed half a month ago, he has been having this problem intermittently, as often as once a day or two, as long as once every three or five days, with this half-dead look on his face every time, no matter how long it takes him, at most, an hour to recover.

It's just that the last time was seven days ago. Why did the boss get sick again at this time? Yu Qing covered his head and had a headache. This was their first game, so why was it so unlucky.

"No way. The boss is very strong and not bad in appearance. How could he fail to confess his love? And even if his confession fails, there is no need to react so loudly."

Casey next to him was a little confused and said that he had just returned from getting the fourth soul ring and some things were not very clear.

"Ahem." Yu Qing pulled Casey aside and replied in a low voice, "Of course the boss didn't just fail to confess his love. He fell in love with a girl from Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy and came to confess his love."

"Is it possible that the boss was beaten by the other party?"

"It's almost the same but worse." Yu Qing smiled bitterly, "The boss was beaten into a pig's head in public by the girl who confessed. He has no chance at all."

"Teacher." The members of the Wuhun Academy turned their attention to the teacher, but he also had a look on his face.

Everyone is not a fool. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the East Spider Beasts and the East Spider Crazy Wolf are teams sent by the East Spider Academy, and behind them is the Pope.

It's okay to be optimistic about winning or losing this kind of game, and besides, it's not the first time I've lost.

"Give up, Yu Qing, you can't beat me." Yan smiled bitterly and pointed to the rest area of ​​the East Spider Beasts in the distance. He wouldn't do this if he had the chance, but he saw the figure of the familiar girl.

"Hu Liena..." Yan rubbed the center of his brows. The depression in his heart had long since dissipated over time, but he had no intention of trying to catch up.

As for the Soul Emperor, he wouldn't be like this, but if he is 20 levels below the Soul Saint level, he would be a hair's breadth away.

"Your Highness the Saint." Yu Qing followed the direction Yan pointed and saw that the other party also had a wry smile. No wonder Yan didn't want to fight. There was indeed nothing to fight.

Regardless of whether the opponent is on the field or not, Wuhun Academy cannot take advantage of this loophole. The juniors and juniors who lick the opponent's face and hit them will be disgraceful if they win, and they will be even more ashamed of themselves if they lose.

Rather than just admit defeat, it would be good to prepare in advance for the sixth round and strive for fourth place.

From a distance, Hu Liena didn't pay much attention to Yan's gaze. Most of her attention was on the rest areas of Haotian Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy.

Her slender white hands hung down along the back of the chair, and her fingers, which looked as white as green onions, were closed together, holding a small purple-black hammer. Her long eyelashes were slightly curled, and her eyes were lowered, hiding her eagerness to try.

Wuhun Academy's admission of defeat did not cause too many waves. In the eyes of others, it was normal for Wuhun Academy's internal team to admit defeat.

However, in the last match, the Soul Saint referee, who was followed by seven soul rings, could not hide the shocked trembling in his voice. Not only was this match extremely intense, there was only one person standing on the Soul Fighting Stage, but also because Because Haotian Academy failed!

"In the third game of the fourth round, the Tianji main body team won. Du Hengkong single-handedly turned the tide of the battle. He led this team of casual cultivators to defeat the third runner-up of the previous year and advance into the top three!"

There was a lot of noise on the field, but Guang frowned slightly as he looked in the direction of Haotian Academy. He had forgotten this. If the Haotian Academy team loses, will they choose to leave secretly regardless of dignity?

After all, they were different from the Qibao Glazed Sect. The Qibao Glazed Sect nominally came with Xue Beng, and Xue Beng represented the Tiandou Empire.

The Haotian Academy is different. From the perspective of simply not wanting to continue to be embarrassed, I just think that Tang Yuanhai, an old man, is likely to leave early.

(End of this chapter)

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