Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 312 Evidence? who cares

Chapter 312 Evidence? who cares

Tang Yuanhai was indeed angry and his face was dark.

Who would have thought that Haotian's first team collapsed in the middle before reaching the finals, and also lost to a team of casual cultivators with no background.

But in Wuhun City, he had no place to vent. It wasn't that he didn't want to get angry, but he didn't dare to get angry. After all, this was not a Tiandou City where there were no tigers in the mountains and monkeys were kings.

Although Bibi Dong was not present, the Wuhun Palace sent an enshrined person from the enshrining hall, and only those with level 95 or above could become an enshrined person.

After swallowing his frustration, Tang Yuanhai began to rationally consider running away, not only for the sake of face, but also for his own safety.

If possible, he didn't want to be detained instead of the other four elders. If he had three more days to escape early, then the failure of the Haotian team this time would be a blessing in disguise.

As for the loser's bracket match in the sixth round, no matter whether he wins or loses, it will continue to be embarrassing to Tang Yuanhai, and there is still a question whether the game can continue if Tang Hao makes trouble.

So let's run. Tang Yuanhai made a split second decision. Excluding Tang San, Haotian's team only had eight people. He, Tang Gang, Teng Wanchun, and Xuefeng were easy to command.

However, he didn't plan to leave too early. On the one hand, he needed some time to send a message to the Haotian Sect to send someone to meet him, because it was okay to take people with him for a short time, but it was tiring and unseemly to take people with him for a long distance.

On the other hand, he didn't intend to leave too hastily, so as not to make the people of Wuhun Palace suspicious and affect Tang Hao's actions.

Then just seize the time to leave from the city gate in the evening the day after tomorrow, just in time to prepare the horse in advance for easy departure.

At that time, just find any reason to leave the city. After leaving the city, use your soul power to urge the horse to speed away. There are still one day and two nights that are enough to avoid the turmoil caused by Tang Hao. Tang Yuanhai secretly made up his mind.

Tang Gang and others had no objections to the arrangement of Fourth Elder Tang Yuanhai. After the fourth round of competition, they all felt as if the eyes around them were laughing at them.

This feeling makes people subconsciously feel hot-faced, lower their heads, lower their hands, and touch their toes to the ground, barely enough to create a three-bedroom apartment.

As for the members of Haotian's team, although they were still thinking about the rewards of the Soul Master Competition, their failure in the competition just now made them dare not say anything in front of the elders and teachers, so they could only obey with low eyebrows.


Tiandou City, Royal Knights East Camp,

The Royal Knights has a full strength of ten thousand people and is composed of ten thousand-man teams. Among them, deputy commander Zorro commanded four thousand-man teams to guard the palace, deputy commander Li Kai commanded three thousand-man teams stationed in the West Camp, and Xue Qinghe commanded He was to lead the remaining three thousand-man troops stationed in Dongying.

As the elites carefully selected from the Tiandou Empire's millions of troops, the Royal Knights' military quality is absolutely top-notch. Strict military discipline and prohibitions are only the basis, not to mention that every soldier is strong and well-trained, and Well equipped.

The war horses, full-body metal armor, and lances made of fine iron alloys are all of the highest quality.

Of course, such an army itself is also very proud, and it is not just a simple job that can convince these imperial elites.

The reason why Emperor Tiandou Xue Ye arranged for Xue Qinghe to take over the position of deputy captain was also to polish his character and test his academic skills.

However, looking at the respectful eyes of the patrol officers looking at the camp in the middle, we can know that these 3,000 men and horses, Xue Qinghe, have been reorganized and taken back to their own use in a very short period of time.

Of course, the methods Xue Qinghe used were not only eating and living with the soldiers during this period, and basically never leaving Dongying, but also two simple and effective methods.

The space in the camp is very wide, but there are not many people in it. Xue Qinghe sits in the middle, and the agouti and Tianfeng, who have already transformed themselves, sit on the left and right to report to her.

"Your Highness, the three thousand royal knights in Dongying have been reorganized, but the military expenditure of 50 gold soul coins has been spent on more than 30." The agouti replied with some smacking of tongue.

Even to him, an elder of Wuhun Palace, this amount of money is by no means a small figure. Each of the 3000 people can be divided into more than 100 gold soul coins, and it is not a military expenditure, but a simple reward for the army.

Of course, the effect of this money-splitting technique is also surprisingly good. As long as Qian Renxue does not issue an outrageous order to attack the Tiandou Palace, these three thousand royal knights will execute it to the letter, but the subsequent money-splitting cannot be stopped. .

In addition, Heavenly Dou elites like the Royal Knights would not be bribed with simple money bribes. It was just that Xue Qinghe's identity as the prince was there, and he did give too much.

And even so, there are still many hard-headed middle-level backbones in the Royal Knights who choose to refuse.

Logically speaking, such uniform soldiers are the backbone of an elite army, and their stubbornness is precisely the core spiritual pillar of an army.

Corporal Li Xian, using time to subtly take them into his own use is what a wise leader should do. Unfortunately, Xue Qinghe is not the real royal prince, let alone a member of the Tiandou Empire, but Saint Qian of the Spirit Hall. Ren Xue.

Therefore, she chose the simplest and most effective method.

Seeing Her Majesty the Saint's eyes on him, Tianfeng lowered his hands respectfully and replied, "Your Majesty, the disobedient members of the army have been cleared out and have been replaced by our people."

He and Ayurveda had just received news from Wuhun City that the former Saintess Hu Liena had withdrawn on her own initiative, and Qian Renxue had become the new Saintess. The position of the Holy Lady has a very special status in the Wuhun Palace, just like the position of the Crown Prince in the empire. Once the Holy Son or Saint is confirmed, it means announcing to the high-level soul masters of the Wuhun Palace that the candidate for the next pope has been determined.

Although the reason is not very clear, it does not prevent them from being more respectful to Qian Renxue and obeying orders to the letter. Even Salas' support has obviously risen to a higher level.

"It's just that Your Highness the Saint, the proposal you submitted to the military department to summon the elites of the All-Tian Dou Empire for reorganization was rejected by Xue Ye. They only agreed to your request to participate in the military affairs of the Western Camp. However, Li Kai is still the deputy commander, and the military expenditure is We have no intention of adding more.”

The agouti somewhat helplessly reminded that the current flourishing of flowers is just a facade. Without the support of the Golden Soul Coin, everything will return to its original state. Snow Star has already stated its stance of supporting Avalanche, and the overall situation is not good.

"Then let's do it." Qian Renxue unfolded the leather map of Tiandou City with a solemn expression, "Inform Li Kai that the day after tomorrow, I will go to the West Camp to arrange for the troops to be rewarded, and let Saras prepare a team of 3000 people to go to the West Camp to prepare. , we must gather all people in Xiying together."

Looking at the symbols of different colors marked on the map, Qian Renxue's eyes were cold and cautious. The first goal and the first thing to do was naturally to kill Xue Ye. This was not difficult, the key lies in the follow-up.

How to successfully ascend to the position of Emperor Tiandou as Xue Qinghe is the significance of Li Daitao's plan.

During this period of time, she sold her flaws to teach people how to use them, not just to give up her position as Tiandou’s representative to Xue Beng, but also to catch fish.

Qian Renxue carefully looked at the special markings on the map, stroking and turning them with her fingers. She would be surprised if she didn't try them.

The number of ghosts and monsters in Tiandou City is far greater than what was recorded in the intelligence. In addition to Xue Beng, a troublesome thing she had already sent away, there are also Prince Xue Xing, a Duke, and three Marquises. . .

The aristocratic forces in the Tiandou Empire are intertwined, and if you want to securely ascend the throne, these are troubles.

However, she had no intention of becoming a good emperor, she just wanted to ascend to this position and make a fuss about it. Qian Renxue raised her head and thought of these three thousand royal knights.

If she only talked about will, she did not believe that those nobles would be better than these elite soldiers.

"Your Highness, is it too hasty the day after tomorrow? After all, there is not enough evidence to prove the legitimacy. I am worried that those big nobles will come forward to cause trouble and affect your rise to power." Tianfeng also has a headache when he thinks about the intricate power of the big nobles in Tiandou City.

"Hmph, do you think those nobles would care about the so-called evidence, legality, or even the future direction of the Tiandou Empire?" Qian Renxue stood up with her hands on her hands.

"Nobles only care about profit."

"Then your Highness means bribery with benefits?" The agoutiful thought of the methods used these days and drew inferences.

"It's not enough. How can those big nobles notice the few gold coins we have? Besides, Xuexing and the others have too big an appetite. They are just white-eyed wolves who can't get enough."

"Even if it's tempting, it's not now, nor is it using these three melons and two dates, nor is it feeding it to Xue Xing and the others." Qian Renxue raised her hand, and the map of Tiandou City on the table was wrapped in silver soul power and rolled into a scroll. It flew to her hand out of thin air.

Then she walked down the steps and looked at each other on both sides of the Galway Douluo and Tianfeng Douluo, "The method is still the two simple methods of gathering the Royal Knights, but the order has to be changed."

"Xue Ye, Xue Xing, Duke Weeks... they all have to die. If all the unstable factors are eliminated, there will be no obstacles for me to ascend to the throne. I don't need evidence or prove anything to anyone. I am king!"


Qian Renxue held the hilt of the sword with her left hand, unsheathed the sharp blade, and raised the silver-white blade high above her head. The aura around her was the same as the sharp sword in her hand.

"It doesn't matter if it's unstable. Use their inheritance to exchange for the support of the remaining people. There may be people in this world who can't be a marshal, a prime minister, or a general, but there won't be anyone who can't be a noble!"

"That night, I went to the Tiandou Palace to kill Xue Ye alone, and obtained the blood edict of succession from his hand. Aguillos, you go kill Xue Xing, Tianfeng, you go kill Duke Weeks, and the remaining three marquis Leave it to Salas!”

"After the matter is completed, we will meet in Dongying and integrate Xiying. If Li Kai refuses, we will kill them all and rush into the Tiandou Palace with 6,000 people to directly take power. As for the banner, it is to avenge Xue Ye. "

"Let's just say that Xue Xing, Xue Beng and Duke Weeks conspired to assassinate His Majesty Xue Ye in order to ascend to the throne! It's a pity that I escaped and immediately ascended the throne after receiving the blood edict of succession." Qian Renxue said nonsense in a cold voice. A reason that barely sounds plausible.

"And I used the secret power of the Tiandou royal family left by my father to kill the murderer, and arranged for the Royal Knights to arrest all the relevant forces of the Prince's Palace, Duke's Palace and the Fourth Prince overnight, and behead him in public the next day!"

"We, the secret power of the Tiandou royal family?" Ayurveda and Tianfeng looked at each other. Although His Highness's plan was drastic, there wasn't much problem in its execution. It just sounded too nonsense to people like them who knew the basics.

A thief's cry of catching a thief is not so outrageous. . .

"Your Highness, can they believe it?" the agouti asked in confusion.

"If you don't believe it, you will die. People who support me can get the prince's palace, the duke's palace, and the inheritance of other beheaded people. If you were interested in those nobles, which one would you choose?"

(End of this chapter)

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