Chapter 316 Destiny

"According to Xiao Wu, when she was about to break through level 30 in the Star Dou Forest, she encountered a dark red figure whose true appearance was unclear. After that, she was tampered with by the other party and has been in a state of confusion."

"At the same time, the arrangement on her body also isolates the breath of the soul beast. Even if she encounters a titled Douluo, she will not reveal the identity of the soul beast incarnation."

"The most important thing is that this arrangement does not seem to be the fundamental reason why Xiao Wu subconsciously followed Tang San. Although everything seems to be an absurd coincidence, there is still no trace of anything abnormal."

Speaking of this, Hu Liena, who was reporting to her senior brother, had some doubts. Could it be a coincidence? Xie Yue and Miga were also puzzled. According to Xiao Wu herself, she went to Shrek Academy out of curiosity, and she chose Notting Academy casually.

Xiao Wu was certain that everything was her own idea, without anyone's guidance.

"A method that can't be traced, tsk tsk tsk." A sneer appeared on Guang's face. As a top god, is it strange that God Shura has some methods that ordinary people can't imagine?

And this method is generally extremely rare, it is nothing more than a few directions, fate, and cause and effect. . .

But no matter what, there are already traces left on Xiao Wu, A Yin, Tang San and Tang Hao. It doesn't matter that Xiao Wu and A Yin are obviously the victims.

Tang Hao has not made much progress in these years. Even if he is the Shura God, he will not put treasure on him, so there is only one answer, his son Tang San?

Guang's eyes flickered, and he had a hunch that if he could catch Tang San and examine him from head to toe, he would be able to understand most of God Shura's plan.

It's just that this kid seems to have some skills, and he actually escaped early, and only Tang Yuanhai knew where he was going. Tang Yuanhai was too seriously injured that night, so he didn't want it to be troublesome and happened to sacrifice it directly.

But there was no need to be anxious. Guang shook his head gently. Ah Yin's original body had been sacrificed long ago and no traces were left. However, the Xiao Wu he caught was a ready-made material. As long as he was given time, he could make it from She got what she wanted.

Thinking of this, Guang also temporarily put aside his thoughts, looked at the three people in front of him and smiled gently, "You have done a good job. It is good to get such complete information in one day. Then take a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's battle." Bar."

Xiao Wu will not be able to leave the laboratory for a while, but Guang has no intention of being perfunctory with his junior brother, junior sister and Miga. When the three of them shine tomorrow, it will be natural to concentrate the resources of Wuhun Palace on the three of them. .

In Bibi Dong and Guang's view, Ning Fengzhi and other members of the forces who came to compete were already turtles in the urn.

The reason why three people are arranged to take action is not only to gain merit, but more importantly, to show the talent and strength of the three people to the world, especially the top management of Wuhun Palace.

Use concrete actions to tell everyone in Wuhun Hall and even the entire continent that Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Miga are the successors of Bibi Dong's faction.

Even though the position of the Saint has been determined to be Qian Renxue, Guang and Bibi Dong also made it clear to everyone that the three of them have power second only to Qian Renxue, and they must allocate the foundation and resources of Wuhun Palace to the fullest extent. Cultivate with all your strength.

The later stages of practice become more difficult and require more resources.

It is true that even if the current Wuhun Palace is well-deserved to be the largest in the continent, it is still very unrealistic to provide saint-level treatment to four people at the same time.

After all, Contra and even Titled Douluo level resources are rare and precious, not to mention that Bibi Dong and Guang's expectations for them are more than Titled Douluo.

But if Wuhun Palace can complete the unification of Douluo Continent and completely possess the resources of an entire continent, then there will be no problem.

What Bibi Dong and Guang are currently trying their best to promote is to let the three of them determine the share of this big cake in the process. With their qualifications, strength and merit, Qian Daoliu, an old-fashioned person, has nothing to say.

If possible, no one likes internal disputes, especially at the critical moment when Wuhun Palace unifies the continent.

In this regard, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu have always maintained a just right balance with great restraint.

Originally, this balance would inevitably collapse, because the scope of Douluo Continent was limited, and after the continent was unified, the internal conflicts between the two sides would have nowhere to shift.

But things took a turn because of the Secret Realm of the Undead. Bibi Dong did not hide the news from Qiandaoliu that it was a different world, and hinted to him that she had the means to go to other worlds.

Although Bibi Dong would not share this technology with Qian Daoliu, or even allow him to get involved in the world of the dead, she would not compete with Qian Daoliu for the ownership of the Douluo Continent.

Bibi Dong herself knows the price of enlightenment, so she must leave the world where Douluo Continent is located in the future.

After becoming enlightened, her mentality and vision will undergo fundamental changes from before. If she fails, there will naturally be nothing to say. . .

"Get ready." Guangyu patted the shoulders of the three of them thoughtfully one after another. After watching the three of them leave thoughtfully, he took Xiao Wu to the cell in the internal testing area.

The two remaining elders of the Haotian Sect were imprisoned there, and Vivian was temporarily in charge of the day-to-day management.

As for Tang Gang, he put the five of them in an insignificant cell in the outer experimental area in the other direction, and A Yin, who lived next to him, watched by the way. In addition, there are no other prisoners in the experimental area, and the experiments that need to be done are almost done. There is no follow-up experimental material to supplement, and the original experimental material has long been transformed into results.

Including Qian Xunji, the most cultivated person, who had completely lost his soul 6 years ago. Bibi Dong had also dispelled the knot in his heart since then, and his attitude towards Qian Renxue also secretly changed completely.

Otherwise, according to her original character, nothing would have allowed Qian Renxue to ascend to the position of saint.


The fifth round of the Soul Master Competition is the day when the top three teams officially determine their top three positions. It is also the climax of this continent-wide young soul master elite competition.

Tianji body, East Spider Hundred Beasts and East Spider Crazy Wolf, two of these teams come from East Spider Advanced Soul Master Academy in Wuhun Palace.

Of course, this is related to Wuhundian's deliberate arrangement in the fourth round of the competition, which is in line with the stereotypes of most soul master forces, but it is undeniable that these two teams have sufficient strength foundation.

Especially after some people got their specific information, their faces became ashen as water.

The youngest All-Soul Sect team, which was 14 years old, was actually able to form two teams. Xue Beng couldn't help but look at the age on the information for a moment.

He is 25 years old this year, and the soul master started practicing soul power at the age of 6, which means that the ratio of training time between the two parties is 19:8. He has practiced 11 years more than the other party, and he has not yet broken through the bottleneck of the soul king.

But the students from Dongzhu Academy were actually at the same soul sect level as him. How could he not be afraid of this? Not to mention that he also aspires to become the next emperor of the Tiandou Empire.

"Your Highness, please relax. The people of Wuhun Palace have indeed made historic breakthroughs in pharmacy over the years. This has allowed young soul masters to improve much faster than their peers."

Ning Fengzhi also had dark eyes when he saw the information, but as an old fox, he was far deeper than Xue Beng next to him, and he could also sense the opponent's disadvantages, and used this to comfort Xue Beng, the cheap student.

"But potions have natural limitations. Not only may they have unknown hidden dangers that may affect subsequent practice, but they are also mostly used for middle and low-level soul masters. They are also expensive and cannot have a major impact on the current continental structure."

In his opinion, Wuhundian's pharmacy breakthroughs were entirely the result of its accumulated knowledge. It would not only take more time to fully transform it into strength, but it would also only affect middle- and low-level elite soul masters.

And this lead is only temporary. When you reach the high-level soul master stage, the so-called potions lose their effect, and the gap that has been opened will be closed again as the subsequent training becomes more and more difficult.

The emergence of potions will not affect the promotion of high-level soul masters, but will affect the number of basic soul masters of a force. Moreover, this kind of influence takes time to accumulate. Ning Fengzhi thinks that there is no need to worry too much in a short period of time.

But the sense of urgency was unavoidable. Ning Fengzhi turned to look at his youngest daughter Ning Rongrong not far away and sighed secretly. If possible, he did not want to leave trouble to future generations.

Therefore, Ning Fengzhi took a closer look at Xue Beng. Although the fourth prince had many shortcomings compared to Xue Qinghe, it was precisely because of his weak foundation that he was more respectful to the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect. By supporting him in the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, he believed that he could gain more.

How could Ning Fengzhi, an old fox, not understand that offering help in times of need is far better than adding icing on the cake?

Hearing the comfort from Ning Fengzhi next to him, Xue Beng also felt a lot more relaxed. Yes, although the development of pharmacy in Wuhun Palace is rapid, it does not happen overnight. As long as the balance of high-level soul masters remains the same, it will not affect the stability of the overall situation. .

Turning to look at the two standing figures beside Ning Fengzhi, Xue Beng could vaguely feel the terrifying oppression of the soul power of the other party. This was just a slight leak of the other party's aura inadvertently.

High-level soul masters and titled Douluo are the most fundamental cornerstone of a soul master's power.

It's a pity that the Tiandou royal family's Wuhun Swan is not top-notch. Both in terms of soul power cultivation and combat effectiveness, it is obviously insufficient compared to those top-tier Wuhuns.

Xue Beng secretly sighed in his heart. The lack of titled Douluo combat power was an unavoidable problem for previous Tiandou emperors, and it was also a shortcoming that they could not make up for compared to the Xingluo royal family.

Fortunately, the three upper sects are all within the territory of Tiandou. It is the normal state of the Tiandou royal family to get the support of the upper three sects with their natural ability to play both sides.

In addition, the weather today didn't look good. Xue Beng and others looked at the clouds above their heads and felt happy. Their own team was eliminated early, so naturally they didn't want the remaining teams to shine.

Especially this year's three teams are particularly special. Two Wuhun Palaces and one casual cultivator team really embarrassed all the first-rate forces present.

(End of this chapter)

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