Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 317 Domain Heaven and Earth

Chapter 317 Domain Heaven and Earth

"The people from Haotian College are really stubborn. They didn't even ask for rewards and left directly." Ning Fengzhi and others did not care about the absence of Haotian College. Tang Yuanhai and the others had already hinted to them before leaving.

"Who says it's not?" Xue Beng no longer had much interest in the three teams in the final. In contrast, looking at the solemn and majestic Pope's Palace in the distance, he was curious about what kind of person Pope Bibi Dong was.

Although the other party has a high status, I heard that he has not been in power for a long time. He should be less than 50 years old now. In terms of strength, he should not be able to compare with Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo who are more than a hundred years old.

Xue Beng roughly estimated in his mind that the end of Title Douluo's path as a soul master would naturally be extremely difficult. Talent, opportunity, and hard work were all indispensable, and it would take a long enough time.


Only in this way can we have time and opportunity to continue moving forward on the road of titled Douluo, in order to reach a higher level of worship and even a peerless Douluo.

As for the news about the gods, only well-informed high-level soul masters can hear about it, and ordinary soul masters have no chance to know.

Even if some lucky people get some scraps of information, they are often regarded as mythical legends. After all, no gods have been born in Douluo Continent for thousands of years.

Not only Xue Beng, but others were also curious about the current Pope of Wuhun Palace. He had reached the level of Titled Douluo before he came to the throne, and even had a record of defeating veteran Titled Douluo Yu Yuanzhen as soon as he broke through.

Now 14 years have passed. During this period, Bibi Dong not only rarely acted, but even showed up very rarely. Few people knew what level she had reached.

However, just looking at the three figures sitting at the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi and others' eyes revealed solemnity, because according to Sword Douluo Chenxin, the three titled Douluo on the stage were not ordinary titled Douluo. Luo.

The sword cultivator's sword heart is clear and his perception is keen. He can sense that the soul power of the three people is not inferior to his. You must know that Chen Xin's soul power level is higher than that of Level 95 Bone Douluo Gu Rong, and has already reached Level 96. .

The one on the left looks like a beautiful boy, with silver hair that reaches past his shoulders. His skin color is as pale as his hair color. His left eye is closed and frozen by blue black ice. His aura is ethereal and clear with a hint of chill.

The two people on the right look like a boy or a girl. They have beautiful looks and flowing orange hair. If it weren't for the Adam's apple on their throats, it would be almost impossible to tell their true gender. They look full of life.

The other person was wearing a black robe and a black mask on his face. He had a black aura visible to the naked eye, giving people a completely opposite perception from the companion next to him, with a deathly aura.

From left to right, they should be Guang Ling Douluo, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. Chen Xin and Gu Rong roughly confirmed the identities of the three of them through a few words transmitted to each other.

The enshrined level is no better than the elders, they are all people who have become famous over the years. Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were also famous in the soul master world in the early years, but it is not just about their strength, but they are obviously different from other titled Douluo. .

One is a sissy disguised as a woman, and the other is almost the same as a dead person freshly dug out of a grave.

Of course, only Titled Douluo levels are qualified to make such jokes. Even Contras below level 90 would not dare to make such jokes easily, as it is a taboo for the venerables.


On the VIP table, the young-looking Light Feather Douluo was spinning the small arrow in his hand like a pen while looking at Yue Guan and Gui Mei who had just arrived with some surprise.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin could detect the approximate soul power levels of Ju Gui and the two, and he who was sitting next to him was no exception.

These two people have a good reputation among the elders, and they are also considered the best among Bibi Dong's men, but to say that they have reached the same level as him really surprised him.

After all, although there is only one level difference between level 95 and level 96, the meanings they represent are very different.

Level 95 can only be said to be elders with outstanding strength, while level 96 is the level of worship. This classification does not have special meaning.

The most important one is the strength gap, and behind the strength gap represents more secret information.

A titled Douluo's training is both the end and the beginning. The path from level 1 to level 90 is actually smaller than the path from level 91 to level 99, so naturally it is not that simple.

If level 91 to level 95 is still a simple accumulation of soul power, then if you want to break through level 96 or even higher, you must have some understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, otherwise there is no possibility of breakthrough.

The specific manifestation of this perception is the domain. Even a titled Douluo without domain-like soul skills will gradually realize his own domain after level 96.

No, to be precise, if he cannot touch the domain level, a titled Douluo will never be able to break through the shackles of level 95.

To be fair, compared to other extraordinary systems, the soul master system requires obtaining soul rings, but the difficulty of improvement is greatly reduced, and even the bottlenecks encountered in the process are much weaker than other systems.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. Once you are used to using crutches, it is particularly difficult to get rid of them.

Take the World of the Undead as an example. Although Bibi Dong and Guang's actions were very smooth, they can only represent the superiority of individuals rather than the superiority of the soul master system.

To be precise, according to Guang's actual research and comparison, the strength of a soul master is obviously inferior to the spiritual power system of the world of the undead at the same level. The difference is particularly obvious in Titled Douluo, that is, the opponent's ninth level. That is, the opponent's contact time and popularity in the field are much earlier than Titled Douluo.

Without soul ring and soul bone domain skills, a Titled Douluo would have to be at level 96 before he could have his own domain, and the prerequisite for the ninth level and second level of the spiritual power system was the domain.

From this point, we can see the crutch effect of Wuhun on soul masters, but as a price, the strength of a titled Douluo without a domain can be imagined.

And because they are accustomed to the help of martial souls in cultivation, most soul masters not only neglect physical and spiritual cultivation, but also neglect the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.

This also leads to the fact that many soul masters, even if they have excellent qualifications, are still making great strides after breaking through the Titled Douluo, but they will be firmly stuck when they reach level 95.

No matter how hard they improve their soul power, they can't make a breakthrough even half a step further, because they started in the wrong direction from the beginning. Even if they understand the problem, it's difficult for them to reverse their years of habits and start from scratch to comprehend the world.

For example, this is true for Yu Yuan Zhen from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Gu Rong from the Qibao Glazed Sect, and Ghost Leopard from the Spirit Hall.

Perhaps only older people who have experienced this have an advantage in this regard, just like Light Ling Douluo. Even though he looks like a handsome young man, he is actually over 90 years old.

However, it was precisely because he indulged his own nature that he was able to grasp the context of heaven and earth, comprehend the ultimate principles of all laws, and break through to the 96th level of worship.

Precisely because he understood the hardships involved, the way he looked at Yueguan Ghost was particularly strange. Based on his age, the two of them were considered to be a generation younger than him.

In addition, seeing the soul power cultivation of the two people, Light Ling Douluo also felt wary in his heart. He knew the information about these two people very well.

Sissy and the Living Dead were just a joke, what really made the two famous was their martial soul fusion skills!

The tacit understanding between Qianjun and Demon Subduing is like that of brothers, which is rare in the world. They can even compete with their eldest brother, but there is still a clear gap compared to their martial soul fusion skills.

The most important thing is that Guang Ling looked at the empty seat in the middle with serious eyes. This young female pope was the most feared.

Da da!

Crisp footsteps sounded from the Pope's Palace in the distance. It was not very loud but it resounded strangely throughout the whole place. Even in the ears of most soul masters, other sounds became secondary. Everything had to be done for the owner of this footsteps. Give Way.

No matter what they were doing, all the soul masters present were disturbed by this strange change. They subconsciously looked in the same direction, and the noise of the crowd became silent.

Bibi Dong's attire is very simple, with no other decorations except the white dress exclusive to the pope and the crown on her head.

She looks the same as a 28-year-old girl, even more flawless, but the first feeling everyone feels when seeing her is not female temptation, but heart-stopping majesty.

The sky was obviously dark before she appeared, but when everyone looked at her, the golden sunshine was already shining on the entire Papal Palace.

Even with Bibi Dong's footsteps, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be torn apart by a pair of invisible hands, and the golden sunlight shone down along the gaps. From the Pope's Palace to the VIP seats in front of the Soul Fighting Stage, a golden avenue opened from Bibi Dong Spread beneath your feet.

At the same time, a vibrant soul power aura swept from Bibi Dong's body, covering all the soul masters who came to watch the battle in the blink of an eye.

Everyone can feel the breath of life around them, which is as deep as the sea, but it is not the gentleness of life, but the majesty of life.

In this way, as the whole audience held their breath with fear, the crisp footsteps became the only sound in the true sense, and the aura on Bibi Dong became deeper and deeper.

It wasn't until she walked to her seat and sat down slowly that everyone felt relieved, as if everything just now was an illusion.

It was also at this time that they suddenly discovered that the original dark clouds had turned into clear skies before they knew it.

Chen Xin and Gu Rong blushed, looked at each other in horror, and then secretly communicated eagerly with Ning Fengzhi.

This kind of momentum, this kind of majesty, this kind of power that can easily change the celestial phenomena with a single gesture can only be possessed by truly peak soul masters, and only they can truly feel the horror within it.

Generally speaking, the realm of titled Douluo is very difficult, but Bibi Dong's Qi machine just now can almost achieve the effect of replacing heaven and earth.

This is a field that even the second brother, Golden Crocodile Douluo, cannot reach. Bibi Dong has already reached the end of the true soul master, which is the peerless level of the eldest brother, Tang Chen, and Bo Saixi. Light Ling Douluo secretly looked at Bibi next to him. Dong secretly felt his teeth sour.

(End of this chapter)

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