Chapter 318 Meeting


Tang San, who was lying in the lush grass, suddenly felt his heart tighten, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Wuhun Mountain in the other direction. He could feel a particularly noble breath of life rising from there.

It made him subconsciously want to bow his head and kneel down. . . Tang San, who noticed this change, suddenly woke up with a start. How could he have such thoughts based on his character? It must be the influence of the martial spirit.

Then he looked around and was surprised to find that all the blades of grass had already bent in the same direction, as if they were loyal ministers who sensed the emperor's presence.

"Hiss!" What kind of top-level plant-type martial spirit is this? Tang San, who subconsciously regarded it as the power of martial arts, couldn't help but secretly envy it.

In comparison, his Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit was really useless. He had spent so much effort to add soul rings and still couldn't make up for the obvious gap between him and the top Martial Spirit.

"It should be that there are masters from the Spirit Hall over at the Pope's Hall." Seeing Tang San's strangeness and confusion, Tang Hao on the side explained with excitement.

He is about to take action here, and naturally hopes that the competition there will be as attractive as possible, so that it will be easier for him to act.

"Martial Spirit Hall?" Tang San gritted his teeth to eliminate the distracting thoughts in his heart. It was useless to envy others now. He had already made up his mind to abandon the Blue Silver Grass Spirit and concentrate on the development and cultivation of the Clear Sky Hammer.

This time, following his father Tang Hao and sneaking into Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

After all, he already knew that the Haotian Tang Family and the Wuhun Palace had a deep hatred. It was impossible to get what he wanted through conventional means. Only through unconventional overt and covert robbery could he have a chance to get it.

He was obsessed with the secret method of opening pulses, various precious medicines and even the soul bones of divine weapons. . .

As we all know, Wuhun Palace is extremely rich, and Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy, as a academy founded by Bibi Dong himself, has many unique and precious resources.

Wuhundian was domineering and wantonly, and he was called the leader of the soul master world, but he was actually a great harm to the soul master world. Tang San thought in his heart that what he did today was not robbery, let alone stealing, but doing justice for heaven and for the sake of justice. Eliminate the root cause of evil in the soul master world. . .

In the past few days, he not only observed multiple entry and exit routes, but also determined detailed planning goals.

The first one on the list is naturally the secret method of opening the meridians. With it, he can open up the eight extraordinary meridians, and the Xuantian Technique can show its true power. By then, Tang San's soul power will increase at about the same speed as riding a rocket, not to mention riding a rocket.

Secondly, there are the unique resources of the East Spider Soul Master Academy, especially potions, which can greatly speed up the improvement of soul power.

Tang San, who has suffered a lot in these years, has a profound understanding of the truth that weakness is the original sin, so he is extremely eager for strength. Unfortunately, the path of hidden weapons is no longer feasible, and now he can only choose the path of soul master.

As for not knowing the effect of the medicine? Tang San wasn't worried about this at all. The poison chapters in Hidden Weapons' Hundred Solutions were extensive and profound. Although there was no unparalleled effect of inferring prescriptions through potions, there was no problem at all in simply identifying the pros and cons of potions.

One last thing to do on the side. . .

"Xiao San, you and I will work separately. Remember, the first thing you have to do is to follow the induction of your Blue Silver Grass Spirit to find a blue grass seed." Tang Hao stared at the Amber Mountain before leaving. Special instructions again.

"Remember to use the Bluesilver Grass Spirit instead of the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit as much as possible. If you meet someone who can feel a connection with the Bluesilver Grass, remember not to do anything, but show your Bluesilver Grass Spirit as soon as possible. , tell the other party that you are A Yin’s son.”

"If you really encounter trouble that cannot be solved, remember to blow this spoon." Tang Hao handed a copper whistle to Tang San and then directly used the Soul Bone Skill Shadow to go up the mountain along a route rarely traveled by.

Tang San let out a long breath after taking the copper whistle, and instead of following Tang Hao, he used Ghost Shadow to follow him to the campus.

He is not a fool who wanders around without thinking. Since his first goal is to open the pulse secret method and potion, he naturally cannot go up the mountain based on his feelings, but first obtains information about the two.

Students, especially children who have just entered school and have little fighting ability, are Tang San's first target. With the methods of his previous life, it is not only not difficult to secretly catch a child to collect basic information, but also does not take much time.

. . .

"Medicinal baths are on the second floor of the comprehensive building. The medicines are distributed by the head teacher. To open the pulse, you have to go to the test area on Amber Mountain. The medicines seem to come from there."

A little girl with a little baby fat looked on in horror as the one-armed man holding a dagger put the cold edge on her throat and told her all the information he knew like pouring beans.

After all, she was only a 6-year-old girl who had been in school for half a year. Tang San used a dagger to lightly scratch her face twice and she was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

"I've said everything I know, can you let me go?" The little girl's expression became more frightened, and her voice couldn't stop becoming trembling and high-pitched.

"Shut up!"

"I know, can you let me go..." The little girl's voice was filled with tears.

Tear. . .

Tang San threw the body into the grass like rags, and quickly headed to Amber Mountain without looking back. He was so profit-seeking that he would not leave any flaws for himself, and he was not willing to waste extra time.

"Ten minutes were wasted." Tang San muttered to himself angrily. He originally thought he could gain something in the campus, but in the end he still had to go up the mountain. It felt like Tang San was climbing as fast as a ghost. He and his father Tang Hao were taking different routes. Overall, they seemed to be on the left and one on the right.

Because Tang Hao discovered that the pointer on his hand and Tang San's induction were not at the same location in Amber Mountain, this was also the reason why the two of them acted separately.

Of course, Tang San's first goal was not this so-called connection, but if he didn't go in this direction and met Tang Hao, he wouldn't be able to explain it.

Tang Hao went to the left half, so he could only search the right half first.

Most of Amber Mountain is of natural beauty, with green trees and birds, green grass and rabbits, and clear streams winding down from the top of the mountain to the Amber Lake on campus.

Only the experimental area and accommodation area are artificial buildings. The experimental area on the mountainside is like a silver-gray inverted triangle. The two lower sides are the periphery, and the core area is from the two sides inwards to the top side.

After walking a few kilometers further on the mountain road, you will arrive at a villa near the top of the mountain. In addition to the accommodation area, there are also two corners above the test area.

Among them, Ah Yin lives in a two-story building on the right. There are bluesilver grass everywhere here, but it is a little different from ordinary bluesilver grass. The bluesilver grass here is not only much thicker, but also has many golden lines.

Speaking of which, Tang San's luck was indeed good. There were no warnings in the outer areas of the experimental area. To be precise, there were originally some, but over ten years ago they had been withdrawn just for convenience.

So he really gained a lot from the right perimeter, mainly a lot of potions, hundreds of books and notes, dozens of well-made weapons, and a lot of valuable-looking sundries.

Although Tang San couldn't see the purpose of the things, he could tell the preciousness of cast metal, and for the convenience of movement, Tang San got a storage ring from Tang Hao.

As a result, he found two more here. The combined space of the three storage rings made Tang San worry-free, and he directly turned into a locust to search for all the valuables he saw.

Of course, he was not stupid. He had no intention of taking any risks even with the locked heavy alloy doors. He just went out of his way to search the rooms where the doors were ajar or opened with a push.

The storage ring that Tang Hao gave to Tang San came from Tang Chen to be precise, so the quality was quite good and it had 30 cubic spaces.

The storage rings obtained from the laboratory are 2 meters * 2 meters * 2 meters and 8 cubic meters in space, which adds up to a full 46 cubic meters. Even if Tang San put everything in it, it would only fill two cubic meters. indivual.

However, there weren't many truly precious goodies. Tang San, who had almost finished browsing the peripheral testing area on the right, frowned because he didn't get the secret pulse-opening medicine.

To be precise, he followed the little girl's vague description and the information collected along the way to find the room where the students' pulse was opened, but the alloy door in that room was unusually thick.

Moreover, Tang San felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart as soon as he got close. Following his vague feeling, he was not carried away by desire, but had other plans.

Maybe I should follow the instructions to find the grass seeds mentioned by my father first, and then go to meet my father. Before leaving, let my father open the door and take away all the things inside.

Tang San, whose face was glowing red, was planning everything excitedly. His remaining hand subconsciously clenched tightly. Listening to the clear sound of the storage rings colliding with each other, Tang San felt so comfortable for the first time.

These many things are probably worth millions of gold soul coins, right? Even if it was greatly discounted in his hands, it would still be worth nearly a million gold soul coins. Before leaving, he poured the kerosene in the storage ring and set the mountain on fire.

Tsk tsk, I'm afraid tens of millions of dollars can't cover the losses of Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy. Wuhun Palace, hey, what's the use of the glory of the competition? As soon as this blazing news comes out, all face will be lost. net.

Thinking like this, Tang San followed the connection between the Blue Silver Grass Spirit and ran straight out of the gate of the peripheral test area.

Outside the silver-gray metal wall, there was a blue ocean mixed with golden light. An old man and a girl were chatting and turned their heads at the same time when they heard the sound.

The three people looked at each other.

Tang San's eyes widened as he looked at the old man with gray hair and beard who was leaning on a wooden cane but with a straight back and the mature girl with long blue flowing hair in front of him. In his perception, the two people in front of him were him. The two most intimate connections felt by Silver Grass Martial Soul.

Not grass seeds or other things, but people?

The two people opposite were also very surprised when they looked at the one-armed black-haired boy. They could naturally feel the aura of Bluesilver Grass on Tang San's body, and it was this aura that misled them and made them completely ignore Tang San's infiltration.

The king and the emperor were as dazzling as the sun to their people, but the people were like stars to them. How could they clearly detect the brightness of a certain star?

After reacting, Cao Lao took a half step back respectfully and looked at Empress Lan Yin beside him, while Ah Yin frowned slightly and carefully looked at the young man in front of him with his eyes.

"who are you?"

The aura of Blue Silver Grass shouldn't appear on a soul master, and it's even more impossible for a soul beast to transform. Moreover, when she looked at the young man carefully, she could feel the strange aura on his body.

There was both kindness and disgust, and the smell of the other party's Bluesilver Grass was very strange. There was no freshness of life, but instead it was turbid with the smell of tea. The most important thing was.

"How did you get here?"

(End of this chapter)

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