Chapter 319 Infantry Tang San

One word is called guest deceiving the host.

For a soul master, the master is the martial soul, and the guest is the soul ring. Everyone knows the influence of the soul ring on the martial soul. Many soul masters try to use soul rings to make up for the shortcomings of their own martial souls.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, few soul masters will absorb the soul rings of soul beasts that are far different from their own martial souls.

In a sense, Tang San was the first person to try something new. Under Yu Xiaogang's experimental guidance, he chose to try the martial soul mimicry theory, which is to absorb animal soul rings to improve his own martial soul.

There is actually nothing wrong with this idea for the real Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, because it is a blank slate of useless Martial Spirits. Adding anything to it is better than the original nothing.

But Tang San's martial spirit is not without potential. The Blue Silver Grass martial spirit inherited from the Blue Silver Emperor only has a restrained brilliance. Just because it looks like a broken stone doesn't mean that it is also broken inside.

Therefore, if Tang San's martial spirit wants to progress, the real way forward is to dig inward. If the lead stone on the surface is polished away, you can naturally see the real gold inside, which is to awaken the Blue Silver King's martial spirit that is infinitely close to the Blue Silver Emperor.

Yu Xiaogang's guidance just made Tang San go in the opposite direction. He chose to continue casting iron on the original stone.

This not only caused Tang San's martial spirit awakening to be postponed indefinitely, but also caused Ah Yin to wonder now, why does this boy's blue silver grass martial spirit feel so strange?

There was not only the smell of spiders and snakes on his body, but also a burst of poisonous gas. The various chaotic smells made A Yin unable to sense the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor in the deepest part of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

But that subconscious feeling of familiarity made Ah Yin hesitate. Coupled with her gentle temperament, she did not immediately attack Tang San, a stranger, but instead opened her mouth to question him.

The Cao Lao next to him was very vigilant. Although he didn't say anything out of respect for Ah Yin, the blue silver grass five meters behind Tang San all grew up in the wind, and he kept an especially careful eye on Tang San.

Tang San couldn't help but feel frightened when he felt the opponent's almost crushing soul power pressure on him and the inexplicable sluggishness of the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, especially since the escape route was completely blocked around him.

Unable to fight and run away, Tang San, who understood that his situation had taken a turn for the worse, naturally thought of his father Tang Hao's instructions and replied, "My name is Tang San, I am A Yin's son, and I am here to find her."


Hearing Tang San's answer, both Cao Lao and A Yin subconsciously exclaimed, and then started thinking in a daze.

Ah Yin does have a son, and it makes sense that the Blue Silver Grass soul master who can practice is her blood descendant.

But the other party should not appear here. He should follow Tang Hao. A Yin's expression was complicated. Logically speaking, she had died once. Now she has long been disconnected from the cause and effect of her previous life. After all, her relationship with Tang Hao is that she does not want to be direct. The pain of sight.

But her temperament was still too gentle. In her opinion, the child was innocent, and she had no intention of transferring her hatred towards Tang Hao to Tang San.

Of course, since she and Tang Hao were incompatible, Tang San could only choose one side, and she would never accept it through the ambiguity of their relationship through their children. Ah Yin could see this clearly.

"I am Ah Yin." Ah Yin, who had thought clearly, calmed down and looked at Tang San carefully. The boy in front of her was not even remotely similar to her. He had an average appearance and black hair, but he looked quite similar to Tang Hao. , and also broke an arm.

However, she did not mean to dislike the other party, but asked softly, "Why did you come to see me?"

Hearing Ah Yin's reply, it was Tang San's turn to be stunned. According to his father Tang Hao, wasn't his mother Ah Yin dead? There was only one grass seed left for him to find. How could it become a living person now?

What's even worse is that the A-yin in front of him obviously lives here, and is obviously from the East Spider Soul Master Academy, that is, from the Wuhun Palace. This is very different from the blood feud mentioned by his father Tang Hao.

And although the other party's voice and breath were very soft, Tang San could still feel the politeness and distance between them, not the closeness and love that a mother should have. . .

"Mother, are you my mother? My father, Tang Hao, asked me to come here." Tang San said tentatively. A Yin across from him was indeed very gentle, but the other old man was very wary.

Mother. . . Ah Yin's expression darkened when he heard these two words, and the alienation in his body subconsciously loosened a little. However, after hearing the four words "father" Tang Hao, his expression turned cold, and most of the original tenderness disappeared.

"Call him father, don't call me, Tang Hao, what did he ask you to do? And how did you get here?" Ah Yin stared at Tang San and suddenly reacted.

The Cao Lao next to him also reminded in a low voice at this time, "Empress, two of the three storage rings on that boy's hand look very familiar. He couldn't have followed people from the Haotian Sect to sneak into and steal them at this stall."

"You must know that today is a very special day. Most of the people in the college have gone to Wuhun Mountain. Now there is no one else on the mountain except you and Lady Vivian."

Hearing these words, Ah Yin's aura of rare tenderness disappeared, and she looked at Tang San sternly, "Did you break in alone or with others?"

As A Yin's voice fell, the surrounding bluesilver grass rose up in the wind, aiming at Tang San and sending out soul pressure.

In an instant, Tang San's face turned red, and he felt as if he had suddenly fallen into the deep sea. The solid pressure around him made his skin tingle. The most terrible thing was that the blue silver grass in his hand suddenly withered and became extremely dim. .

Clear Sky Hammer!

Feeling the weakness of the Bluesilver Grass along with his whole body and the pressure of the airtight soul power around him, Tang San subconsciously switched to the Clear Sky Hammer spirit in his other hand. Seeing this, Ah Yin's eyes became even more disgusted, and Tang San's body was even more oppressed. Switching martial spirits did not change the status quo at all.

"Tell me, who else is coming with you?"

Hearing Ah Yin's urging, Tang San, who was full of doubts, gritted his teeth, his eyes turned red, he knelt down and shouted: "Mother, what are you doing? Tang San has never seen you since he was a child. Everyone else said I was a kid without a horse.”

"I don't know what misunderstanding there is between you and your father, but out of filial piety, I hope you two can reconcile as before..."

"That's enough, shut up." Ah Yin's eyes were sharp, and without giving Tang San a chance to use his words, he directly increased his soul power and pressed down with his palm in the air.

Tang San, who was originally kneeling, fell to the ground like a three-legged toad under the sudden increase in pressure, his eyes bulging, his face purple, as if he was suffocating, and he couldn't say anything out of his mouth.

"Not only do I, Ah Yin, have nothing to do with Tang Hao, a slave of the Haotian Sect, there is only hatred. Tang Hao is still me. You can only choose one side. There is no need to say anything more."

Ayin's eyes were shining with blue-gold light, and her mental power radiated in all directions like water. Then she saw the peripheral test area where bandits were passing through.

Her face became even colder, and her eyes were filled with disappointment. Looking at Tang San who was lying on the ground and trying to speak, Ah Yin sighed. With a move of her hand, the three storage rings on Tang San's fingers were wrapped in invisible soul power and flew away. on her hands.

After seeing what was inside, Ah Yin's eyes were completely filled with disappointment, and his gentleness disappeared into ice-like indifference, "Not only does he look like your father, but he is also the same person."

The next moment, a huge sound and soul power fluctuations sounded in the distance, and both A Yin and Cao Lao seemed to sense something change in their expressions.

"Lao Cao, you go to support Sister Vivian first. I'll be there in a minute." A Yin looked at Cao Lao next to him and spoke softly, with firmness in his voice, as if he had made some kind of determination.

And Cao Lao also vaguely sensed Empress Lanyin's thoughts. He didn't say much, but respectfully obeyed his orders, and then flew straight towards the side of the accident.

Watching the grass go away, Ah Yin walked up to Tang San. The heavy soul power pressure receded like a tide, and Tang San was finally able to get up and gasp for air.

"Now that you have made your choice, there is nothing more to say. I will bear the responsibility for the mistakes you made today, but the relationship between you and me should be severed from this moment."

Tang San, who had just panted after hearing this, turned pale. He didn't want to be without a horse, and Ah Yin's strength was extraordinary at first glance, and his martial spirit seemed to be in the same vein as Blue Silver Grass.

At this moment, Tang San suddenly thought of the information he had found about twin martial spirits. Twin martial spirits only occur when the martial spirits of both parents are almost the same. Otherwise, most children will inherit the stronger martial spirit.

In other words, A Yin's martial spirit is of the same quality as his father Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit. This also means that his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is by no means a useless martial spirit, but a divine object that has self-obstructed and needs to be awakened the day after tomorrow. .

However, before Tang San could think more and speak out, a blue-gold crown appeared on A Yin's head, and the aura around him was filled with the majesty of an emperor at this moment.

A strong sense of uneasiness surged into Tang San's heart, but at this moment, his limbs were tightly restrained by the blue silver grass growing wildly around him. Compared to his blue silver grass, the blue silver grass with golden lines around it was less tough and restrained. The power simply stunned him.

What's even worse is that as his mouth opens, the thick bluesilver grass even strangles his mouth, making him unable to close his mouth and unable to speak.

How can the same Blue Silver Grass be so different? After feeling that even the teeth attached to him could not damage the blade of grass in his mouth, Tang San felt that the three views of a soul master he had cultivated over the past eight years were about to burst.

He could feel that the other party's Bluesilver Grass had no toxins and no other messy smells. It only had a pure and mellow breath of life, which was completely opposite to the development direction of his Bluesilver Grass.

But none of this was as A Yin's next move made Tang San feel a chill running down his spine.

"In the name of the Blue Silver Emperor, I order that this person be deprived of his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, and all Blue Silver Grass lineages will abandon him."

As A Yin pointed out, Tang San heard a cracking sound, and the already dull blue silver grass martial spirit mark in his hand exploded into blue light spots and disappeared in the air. A little blue-gold baby swallow was still there. Returning to Ah Yin's body like a nest.


Tang San, who felt the absence of his Bluesilver Grass martial spirit, turned pale and knelt on the ground, his voice was as desolate as snowflakes, and even the spirit power aura on his body suddenly dropped a lot.

"I will let you go today. If we meet again in the future, we will be enemies. You can take care of yourself." After putting down these words, Ah Yin felt an indescribable sense of relief, as if some invisible shackles on his body had disappeared.

But it wasn't enough. Ah Yin turned her head and looked into the distance. Only when she solved Tang Hao could she truly settle her knot.

(End of this chapter)

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