Chapter 320 Holy Sun Staff

Unlike Tang San, Tang Hao's purpose was very clear. He didn't care about anything along the way, and was solely focused on rescuing the four elders first.

When the time comes, in conjunction with the powerful tonic elixir he carries to help him recover, they can gather five titled Douluo to form a Haotian formation. As long as they don't encounter Qian Daoliu, no one can defeat them.

Just as Tang Hao was proudly following the pointer's guidance and arriving at his destination, he saw three acquaintances who were particularly impressive.

The internal test area is separated from the outer test area, but this is not a hindrance to Tang Hao who uses shadow to sneak, and only important test areas will be equipped with particularly sophisticated warning devices.

The cell is one of them. It is like a vault, but the thick alloy door of the vault is open at the moment, and there is a set of tables and chairs at the door.

Vivian sat there quietly, carefully looking through the secret book on the table. It was covered with exquisite calfskin, and there were a few metal pages mixed in among the thick paper pages.

The fine graphics and text on it are not even flat, but have subtle and precise undulations, and even have various inexplicable auras. In addition to the book in Vivian's hand, there are twelve more books stacked on both sides.

It was obvious that the knowledge contained in these books was extremely precious and rich. Vivian flipped through it very slowly, but she didn't care about it. She focused very much on absorbing and digesting these precious knowledge bit by bit and firmly.

There were two female figures beside her, one fiery red, with red lips and wavy red hair, with golden-red sparks looming around her body, carrying a fiery fury.

However, her actual actions were indeed very elegant. She quietly looked after the kettle in front of her. When the water boiled, she slowly took out tea leaves, sugar and milk to make a pot of warm, sweet black tea.

First, he poured a glass for Vivian and put it at hand, then he poured a glass for himself and the other blue and white figure, and then he was in a daze doing nothing.

What is very strange is that the unbearable boredom of ordinary people does not appear on her body. The aura fluctuations on her body are more like plants than animals.

The same goes for the blue and white figure next to her. After drinking black tea, she pursed her bright silver lips and sat back in her seat. The looming electric arc on her body slowly subsided.

Like the other person, the sense of violation of the plant scent on his body became more and more serious. In the end, although the two of them had their eyes open, the look in their eyes was very empty.

Vivian, Huo Yu and Lei Ming, the three of them are the guards here. Although the figures of Lei Ming and Huo Yu have become the same as ordinary people, their faces and the aura on their bodies still make Tang Hao recognize them without any surprise. Three of them came out.

After all, Tang Hao had suffered a huge loss from the three of them. Tang Hao was not surprised that the opponent was from Wuhun Palace, but guarding this was something Tang Hao never expected.

He couldn't beat him before when his strength declined, and he couldn't beat him even more now. Thinking of the damage he suffered, Tang Hao almost didn't reveal his breath to let the opponent notice.

He could only outwit but not attack by force. Tang Hao, who had always been reckless, finally learned to use his brain after suffering enough losses.

However, his brain had been abandoned for many years and had already become rusty. Now even if he picked it up again, he would not be able to come up with any good ideas.

But after careful observation, Tang Hao looked at Vivian's face with some doubts. At first, he clearly remembered that the other party was five levels similar to Ah Yin, but now there was so much difference, and he felt that he was not even close to one percent.

As time passed, Tang Hao couldn't bear it anymore. After confirming that Vivian had been immersed in the book in front of him, Lei Ming and Huo Yu were also in a strange daze. He quietly controlled a small group of shadows along the corner as if It moved slowly towards the door like a caterpillar.

He definitely couldn't defeat these three unlucky things in front of him by himself, and even if he wanted to escape, he would have to rely on the secret technique of ring explosion. However, if he sent the four elders to help first, then the offensive and defensive situation would change.

Tang Hao couldn't help but feel happy thinking that he could take revenge with this action. As long as five people formed a Haotian formation, they would definitely be able to kill these three people by using the five-in-one fusion technique of Hammering Heaven and Earth.

When Tang San gets A Yin's grass seeds again, wouldn't the harvest from this trip be wonderful!

Although the situation was urgent and there was no time to search for wealth, it would not take much time to pour kerosene and set fire to the mountain. Wuhun Palace not only lost face but also suffered heavy losses.

In the end, he returned home with great achievements in rescuing the four elders. Not only was he able to recognize his ancestors, but he was also appreciated by his grandfather. His deeds of causing havoc in Wuhun City also made his reputation resound across the mainland again.

Tang Hao, who was dreaming like this, slowly approached the door, but did not notice that the light near the door seemed to be slightly different from other places.

The Holy Light Domain is the fundamental reason why Vivian is here. Covering the entire cell and near the door with the domain is the most foolproof approach.

As for Thunder and Fire Control, their true bodies are not here. They just use their spiritual bodies to follow the Queen subconsciously to perform their duties. When they are bored like now, they will also withdraw most of their consciousness back to their true bodies. Of course, they will also do it if they notice some changes. . . .


Vivian suddenly closed the book in front of her and stood up. She turned around and stared at the black shadow as small as a maggot in the corner. The almost invisible holy light field solidified in an instant, and even a white-gold flame burned out of thin air near the shadow. .

Found! Tang Hao, who had a weak brain but well-developed instincts, reacted immediately. He directly detonated the shadow disguised as himself. The four yellow, yellow, purple and purple soul rings exploded directly, and the whole person was like a sharp arrow. Usually shot out.

It's just that the direction of his sprint was not to escape the way he came from, but to the door of the cell not far away. When they met on a narrow road, the brave would win. Instead of running away in despair, Tang Hao wanted to take the risk to rescue the elder inside and feel proud.

Seeing Tang Hao's actions, Vivian was slightly startled at first, then her eyes focused and she understood Tang Hao's purpose, but she did not panic, and instead showed a sarcastic smile on her lips.

She did not continue to use her domain to block Tang Hao's actions out of thin air. Instead, she held it with one hand, and a strange white-gold staff appeared in her hand.

This staff is as thick as an egg and 1.3 meters long. It is engraved with subtle reliefs of sacred symbols such as seraphim. The top is round, the whole body is golden, and it exudes an aura like the sun.

As soon as Vivian took a step, her figure disappeared.

The cell was very simple, with only ten rooms, eight of which were still empty, and the conditions of the prisoners in the last two rooms also appeared in Tang Hao's sight at this moment.

There were no cross metal posts, no iron chairs, and no metal shackles. There were only two small metal boxes placed behind the metal railings.

The second elder and seventh elder of the Haotian Sect who are still alive are now placed in metal boxes like planting flowers, with only one head exposed.

Judging from the shape and size of the box, the two of them had long lost their limbs. There was only a breathing valve-like interface inserted into their mouths. There were also 6 openings on the surface of the box, with six transparent thin tubes inserted into it, bright red. Colorful blood slowly flowed out.

What's going on? Tang Hao was stunned when he saw everything in front of him. It didn't matter if the four elders turned into two, but why did the remaining two become human sticks, and their auras were so weakened and weak.

"Since they are here, let's accompany them." Vivian's cold voice appeared behind Tang Hao. She was holding a staff. She didn't have any fancy movements or spells. She just waved the staff in her hand towards Tang Hao. Hao's back was smashed.

There is nothing superfluous about the unpretentious movements, except that the ball on the top of the staff lights up like a small sun, with layers of secret patterns emerging on it, interpreting the two true meanings of holiness and fire.

This is the Holy Fierce Sun Staff, the last magic weapon that Guang has forged over the years. Its main material is a titled Douluo with a holy angel spirit.

It has to be said that Tang Hao is not a fool, or that his instinctive consciousness is far better than his rusty brain. When he felt the threat of death on his back, he made the most correct decision in the shortest time. choose.


The remaining 5 soul rings were all exploded, including the 4 ten thousand year soul rings and the only one hundred thousand year soul ring. Even though Tang Hao knew very well that if he exploded the hundred thousand year soul ring again, it would become a ten thousand year soul ring, but compared to him Nothing else matters to your life.

Therefore, when Ah Yin arrived, what she saw was Tang Hao who had just ran out bleeding from all his orifices, and four Vivian people following closely behind him.

Among them, Tang Hao's figure was quite miserable. Behind him, there was a groove the size of half a watermelon, with golden flames burning on it that collided crazily with Tang Hao's own black and red soul power.

The most terrible thing is that although the position was lower, it also directly crushed part of Tang Hao's spine. Tang Hao also relied on the explosive soul power of the ring to temporarily stabilize his physical condition.

Among them, Lei Ming and Huo Yu rushed to the front, and they were also the most angry. They were touched by someone just by touching a fish. This is dereliction of duty! ! !

The Cao Lao who recognized Tang Hao also had a cold expression on his face. The Blue Silver King on the ground grew crazily and gathered into more than a dozen grass whips as thick as one person could hold each other and whipped them towards Tang Hao through the air.

Coincidentally, the direction in which Ah Yin appeared was exactly the direction Tang Hao was escaping from, and everything was as coincidental as fate had arranged.

Tang Hao saw an extremely familiar figure in front of him, which was slightly different from the one in his memory. She was younger and more beautiful. . . To be precise, the Ah Yin in front of her was the same as when she first met him.

"Ah Yin, I'm Hao!" Tang Hao, who was pleasantly surprised after seeing the other party, opened his eyes wide and shouted expectantly, no matter what happens to Ah Yin? Whatever she knew? Her character as a good wife and loving mother will definitely not care about those little things.

With Ah Yin's help, he will definitely be rescued. When the time comes, he will take Ah Yin back to Haotian Sect to admit his mistake. . .


Tang Hao's "sweet dream" was interrupted by a crisp slap. The blue-gold-blue-silver-knitted slap struck Tang Hao's face sharply. A Yin's cold expression did not waver at all.

The Blue Silver King controlled by Cao Lao was taken over by her and transformed into a Blue Silver King that was even tougher and faster. In the blink of an eye, Tang Hao, who was caught off guard, was tied into a rice dumpling.

Seeing that Tang Hao was captured alive, Lei Ming, Huo Yu and Cao Lao subconsciously relaxed and bowed to A Yin to show respect, but Vivian's face showed no sign of relaxation.

As soon as she touched the ring, a black metal coffin covered with golden patterns appeared beside her, and the grass cocoon wrapping Tang Hao was put into it with a move of her hand.

The dark red light that gradually lit up on Tang Hao also fell into silence due to Vivian's actions. A Yin also subconsciously covered her chest. Just now, she also felt a palpitating aura from Tang Hao's body.

(End of this chapter)

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