Chapter 321 Accident

The fifth round of the Soul Master Competition is very simple. In the morning, the East Spider Mad Wolf will fight against the Tianji body. In the afternoon, the winning team will compete with the East Spider Beasts, which has always maintained a complete victory, to decide the championship.

Of course, if Tianji wins and is elected as the champion, there will be an extra game in the sixth round between the East Spider Beasts and the East Spider Mad Wolf to determine the second and third places.

The audience is looking forward to it, but many high-level soul masters are not thinking about the competition. . .

How could Bibi Dong's strength grow so fast? Ning Fengzhi looked at the figure sitting in the center of the VIP table in disbelief.

In his perception, the other party's soul power aura was as dazzling as the sun, and even the level 96 titled Douluo beside her seemed eclipsed next to her.

In contrast, Ning Fengzhi, who was stuck at level 79 and could not make any progress, was full of grief and anger. If you really wanted to calculate that, he was much older than the opponent. Even without the innate limitations of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit, he was still far behind the opponent. .

Looking at the entire Douluo Continent, those who can advance to the title Douluo before the age of 60 are absolutely talented candidates.


It is even more difficult to break through to Soul Saint before the age of 40. Improving to level 20 in 30 years may sound much easier than the above, but in fact it is increasingly difficult to increase soul power.

Especially for the Soul Emperor level before the threshold of level 70, it is already quite good to be able to increase one level of soul power in one year, not to mention that there is also level 70, which is the second most difficult level threshold after level 90.

Finally, the difficulty of improving the soul power after the Soul Saint is even higher. It can be improved to 20 levels in 20 years. The average improvement is one level and there are two bottlenecks of level 80 and level 90.

But the Bibi Dong in front of her seemed to have transcended the times. She reached the true end of the soul master before the age of 50!

Ning Fengzhi and other high-level soul masters were not only worried about the imbalance of adding another top-level combat power to Wuhun Palace, but also thought of a legendary possibility in their minds.

Will Bibi Dong, who is so talented, be favored by the gods and inherit the throne and become a god, as recorded in various ancient books? Or, in other words, the reason why Bibi Dong can progress so fast is that he has already obtained the inheritance of the gods. !

The overall strength of Wuhun Palace has exceeded a certain limit. In recent years, various forces have secretly conducted intelligence tests on Wuhun Palace, and the feedback results are shocking.

Looking at the soul masters alone, Wuhun Palace's soul master power has far surpassed other first-class forces, whether it is the number of soul masters or the quality of soul masters. Nowadays, Wuhun Palace actually has the highest combat power among all the others.

Thinking from his perspective, Ning Fengzhi felt that if his Qibao Glazed Sect had such strength, he would dare to replace the Tiandou royal family or even the imperial family. . .

etc! Ning Fengzhi's face suddenly turned pale and she suddenly realized that Bibi Dong had been living in seclusion for many years, and few people knew her true strength. Today, she suddenly took the initiative to reveal this secret. What was her intention?

It can't be just to scare the world's soul masters, right?

Ning Fengzhi is an extremely smart person, and after wanting to understand this level, he can't help but think of more possibilities. . .

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Ning Rongrong looked at Ning Fengzhi next to him and was the first to notice something strange, and also woke up Ning Fengzhi himself.

I saw him first wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, then adjusting his facial expression to return to his original unhurried, elegant and calm look, and finally responded to the daughter beside him.

"It's nothing, dad is just thinking about something."

"What's going on?" Ning Rongrong was not too interested in the competition in the Soul Fighting Platform. After all, the two teams were both opponents who had beaten her team violently, and they almost left a psychological shadow on her.

"It's a trivial matter." Ning Fengzhi said casually to the little daughter next to him while carefully looking at the environment of the entire viewing area.

All the first-class forces from all over the continent are here, and there are not many soul masters belonging to Wuhun Palace nearby. Most of them are necessary to maintain order in the arena, and their strength does not seem to be too outstanding.

Wuhundian should not be so unwise as to make an enemy of the world, and even if the opponent wants to take risks, he should have a plan and try to catch them all. With his strength and vision, it is impossible to not even notice the traces.

Thinking of this, Ning Fengzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the subconscious uneasiness in his heart still made him exchange a few words with Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, and then talked to Xue Beng next to him about his plan to return to Tiandou City.

To be on the safe side, he planned to summon the 16 teams from the Tiandou Empire to return as soon as possible. Only by acting together could all the teams avoid risks to the greatest extent.

Most importantly, for safety reasons, Ning Fengzhi quietly proposed a safer plan to Xue Beng:

That is, he, Xue Beng, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and Ning Rongrong quietly left on the first night after the competition and returned to Tiandou City as quickly as possible, leaving behind their substitutes to follow the large forces to attract firepower.

"Teacher, are you too cautious? Once this method is leaked, my majesty in the hearts of the Tiandou participants will be greatly reduced, and my father will be disappointed in me."

Xue Beng shook his head subconsciously. He knew very well how he got the opportunity to compete with Xue Qinghe? One is that the opponent takes the initiative to reveal his flaws, and the other is that he reveals almost all of his trump cards. The combination of the two gave him this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This was the perfect opportunity for him to win over the young talents of the Tiandou Empire. If he performed well, he could even win the favor of the spirit masters behind many participating teams. It would also make him Father Xue Ye was satisfied.

Only in this way can he be qualified to continue competing with Xue Qinghe for the position of crown prince after returning to Tiandou City.

If you listen to Ning Fengzhi and leave early, you can indeed avoid the so-called risks, but it is a long way from Wuhun City to Tiandou City. If the flaws of the hastily found substitutes are discovered by others, the other 16 participating teams will be used as targets to attract firepower. What would you think?

Everyone in the world is really a fool without a brain, right?

When the time comes when his father is disappointed, he will never have a chance. Xue Beng has calculated everything at this point. Once he expresses his intention to compete with Xue Qinghe for the throne, he can only move forward.

After hearing Xue Beng's words, Ning Fengzhi also realized that he was in trouble. Xue Beng was sailing against the current or retreating if he did not advance. If there were risks, he could only ignore them. But how could he and the Qibao Glazed Sect be the same?

He had exchanged interests with Xue Ye to seek cooperation. Xue Ye had already given him the title and some of the benefits. How could he leave without Xue Beng?

Otherwise, it would be a breach of trust, and there would be no possibility of further cooperation with the Tiandou Empire. It would also ruin the reputation, especially when the Wuhun Palace was so powerful that they needed to stay together to keep warm. How could the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect be alone? . .

He couldn't leave, and the title Douluo's enshrinement couldn't leave. He had to stay and protect Xue Beng. This was a deal with the Tiandou Empire.

However, looking at Bibi Dong and the other three titled Douluo at the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi still couldn't suppress the uneasiness in her heart, especially when she saw her little daughter Ning Rongrong beside her.

Finally, he made up his mind and came up with a compromise idea, "Uncle Jian, please quietly take Rongrong out of Wuhun City during the lunch break and return directly to Qibao Glazed Sect. Uncle Gu and I will continue to protect Xue Beng and Xue Ye. transaction."

"Sect Master, are you worried..." Chen Xin's voice was also a little worried. The swordsman's sword heart was clear, not to mention that he had already entered the realm after level 95.

After seeing Bibi Dong, his sword heart also felt uneasy as if it was cast a shadow, and Jing Ning Fengzhi became even more worried.

"I'm just worried. I believe Wuhun Palace will not take the risk of doing something crazy that would be an enemy of the world. Besides, it's really inappropriate for the sect to have no one to protect it."

Ning Fengzhi slowly stated his plan. Eggs cannot be put in one basket, and a wise sect leader cannot take chances.

"After you return to the sect, arrange for the disciples of the sect outside to retreat, especially the direct members of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's Martial Spirits, to carefully inquire about the information, and to remain unchanged in the face of any changes."

"Sect Master, what about you?"

"Stop talking, Uncle Jian, this is the best arrangement I can think of."

. . .

Guang Guang, who had been staring in Ning Fengzhi's direction, naturally noticed the other party's small movements, but before he could be alert, a message from Vivian came in his heart and he suddenly turned his head to look at Amber Mountain.

"I almost got my ass stolen if I wasn't paying attention." Guang's face turned gloomy for a moment and then he sighed with relief, "I was careless."

More than ten years of peace and quiet made him ignore the security issues of the East Spider Soul Master Academy. He even subconsciously ignored this blind spot during previous investigations and thought that the people of the Haotian Sect had retreated.

But he didn't expect that the Haotian Sect really had something to hide. Tang Hao and Tang San were indeed two people closely related to God Shura. Guang was calm about his mistakes in his heart.

Of course, the reason why Guang accepted it so quickly was because there was nothing to lose. According to Vivian's transmission, they had captured Tang Hao alive and thrown him into a sealed coffin that was isolated from the outside world.

Not only did Shura God lose a useful chess piece, but Guang could also find more clues about Shura God's plan from Tang Hao.

Tang San's running away wasn't a big problem in Guang's opinion. Ah Yin's choice was in line with human nature, and he wouldn't be unreasonable if conditions allowed.

And it's not surprising that Tang San, who is the core of Shura God's plan, was able to escape Guang, and through this series of events and the investigation of Xiao Wu last night, Guang has vaguely grasped the key context.

Is it really luck? Maybe God Shura wants to create a son of luck?

"Senior brother, what happened?" Hu Liena, who was most familiar with light, turned her head instinctively.

"It's nothing." Guang, who thought that the Amber Mountain problem had been solved, did not inform the three of his intention to distract them, but instead changed the topic to Ning Fengzhi's three targets.

"The other party seems to have noticed something, and the plan has changed. If the target leaves, even if it is just one person, we will all follow. As for this, we will leave it to Teacher Bibi Dong."

Guang looked at the VIP table and said confidently that not many soul masters were arranged not only to avoid the other party's vigilance, but most importantly, it was unnecessary.

(End of this chapter)

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