Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 322 Death of Ning Rongrong

Chapter 322 Death of Ning Rongrong

"Grandpa Jian, why are we leaving? The game is not over yet, but Dad and Grandpa Gu are still staying there." Ning Rongrong looked at Chen Xin, who was wearing a silver mask, and asked in confusion.

Chen Xin's whole body was covered very tightly, not showing any skin. In Ning Rongrong's memory, Grandpa Jian had been dressed like this since she was born. Even if she begged, it was useless. Instead, her father would whisper uncharacteristically. scolded her.

Chen Xin himself and Ning Rongrong admitted frankly that there were burns under his cover. He didn't care about these burns. He was just afraid that these ugly burns would scare Ning Rongrong, so he cared about his appearance.

"There is probably danger here, Rongrong." Chen Xin let go of his hand, and the Seven Killing Sword was able to catch the wind. It fell at the feet of him and Ning Rongrong. The sword cultivator flew with the sword. If he didn't care about the loss of soul power, his speed was even faster than that of Ning Rongrong. More than most flying soul masters.

"Your father and Grandpa Gu are going to work with Xue Beng to ensure his safety. Come up." Chen Xin carefully took Ning Rongrong's hand and stepped onto the pedal-like Seven Kills Sword.

Seeing that she was still curious, Chen Xin chose to change the topic and said, "Don't you always want to experience the feeling of flying in the sky with a sword? In the past, your soul power cultivation was still shallow, but now your soul master cultivation is about the same. Today, the sword Grandpa will take you to experience it."

At this moment, Chen Xin and Ning Rongrong were still in Wuhun City, but judging from Chen Xin's intention, he did not intend to take the main entrance like the others.

Seeing the two men ascending to the sky with their swords, Guang and the others looked at each other, waited for a while and then chose to follow. It was not convenient to do so in the city, but there was no need to worry too much outside the city.

Originally, Chen Xin's sword-wielding speed was indeed a problem, but after bringing Ning Rongrong with him, Chen Xin naturally would not use his original sword-wielding speed. In order to facilitate her adaptation, his initial speed was even faster than that of ordinary titled Douluo. Yukong's speed is much slower.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena skillfully used their martial soul fusion skills to become one person. Then they took out the seven-page magic book from Sharp-tailed Swift, flapped their light and wide white wings, and soared into the sky.

On Guang's side, golden soul power intertwined quickly behind him like a band of light, forming broad wings that were very similar to those of a sharp-tailed swift, except that they were golden in color and wider.

Then he grabbed Miga who was next to him and took her to fly with her. His speed was not affected at all, and he caught up with the monster in an instant.

"Keep a distance above the clouds to cover up your aura tracking, and wait until you are ten miles out of the city before following up and intercepting." Guang instructed calmly. The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength. Although there was only one Sword Douluo left as the target, he couldn't be careless.

. . .

"Who?!" Looking at the two rays of light, one white and one gold, following behind him, Chen Xin, aware of it, directly turned around and stared coldly at the person. The flying speed and aura were at least at the title level, and the speed was extremely fast. He led I'm afraid Rongrong won't be able to escape.

"The person seeking revenge from you!"

Guang took the lead and flew directly opposite Chen Xin, his golden wings gently fluttering, not hiding the hostility on his body.

And Miga himself has already stepped on the Lichen Sword, and is flying with the sword in the same manner. It doesn't look like it's his first time at all.

The demon on the other side made Hu Liena's indignant voice, "Chen Xin, you will never forget the way you bullied the small ones in Tiandou City 14 years ago."

"It's you." Chen Xin stroked her empty short sleeves, feeling the other party's vigorous vitality and responded coldly, "I remembered the few little guys who had the chance to escape."

Being young means lack of time to grow. Chen Xin believed that his soul power level and actual combat ability were among the best in the entire Douluo Continent, so he naturally wouldn't care about a few young people, even if the opponent's aura was strong and their numbers were superior.

On the contrary, after making sure that no one else was following the other party, Chen Xin had other thoughts. After all, the other party's soul power aura was indeed somewhat outstanding compared to their age.

"Why, you are the only ones who want to take revenge on me?" Chen Xin's voice was full of contempt and provocation, "Do you have the qualifications? You don't think that you can just bring a few more people with you."

"You!" Hu Liena felt the anger rising in her heart. Only when she saw the senior brother in front of her raise his hand did she hold back the restlessness in her heart and did not let Xie Yue directly swing her hammer and hit Lao Deng's Tianling Cap opposite her.

"I am their senior brother." Guang said calmly, without any emotion because of Chen Xin's provocation, and there was no need to vent his anger with the dying man.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of taking the bait, Chen Xin also put away the disguise in his voice and looked at Guang solemnly. Although the other party looked young, for some reason, he always felt particularly palpitated.

"Today I brought my junior sister and junior brother to you, just to avenge you for bullying the small ones in Tiandou City 14 years ago."

"Then come." Chen Xin frowned slightly, Ning Rongrong was protected behind him. He was not a pedantic person. If something went wrong, he would immediately run away with Rongrong first.

"It's only natural that they seek revenge from you, but I want to repay you first by bullying the small ones." Guang's voice was cold. If nothing unexpected happened, he would not intervene in the battle with Chen Xin, because the three of them were enough.

Hearing Guang's words, Chen Xin felt a little uneasy inexplicably, but he didn't know where it came from. He didn't react suddenly until he saw Guang extending his hand and pointing in the direction.


Guang stretched out his left arm, pointed out his index finger, and his fingertips instantly lit up with a silvery white light. A condensed terrifying power was passed through Chen Xin's sword energy protection with the help of the power of the void, and landed accurately across the air. Immediately afterwards, there was a loud explosion behind Chen Xin, which was like the sound of a balloon that was constantly filled with water exploding.

The face under Chen Xin's mask suddenly froze, and he turned around without caring about the threat in front of him. Ning Rongrong, who was carefully guarding him behind him, had now turned into a ball of red blood mist.

And all of them were directly wrapped and disappeared by the silver light emerging around them. The next moment, Guang's hand turned to lift upwards, and the power of the silver void opened up into a small door, gathering all the blood mist on the top of Guang's palm and turning it into a ball.

The sphere shrank in circles, changing from mist to liquid, then to a gel-like solid, and finally transformed into the shape of a blood-red glazed tower in the hands of the light.

It looks very similar to the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, but it is nine floors high, but the last two floors look very vague and looming.

"No!" It wasn't until this moment that Chen Xin's heart-rending cry rang out.

He and Bone Douluo Gu Rong were childless and had no descendants. Ning Rongrong was regarded as their only descendant by the two of them, and they regarded her as closer than their own granddaughter.

To be honest, the two of them doted on Ning Rongrong even more than Ning Fengzhi, their biological father. Growing up, they would hold it in their hands for fear of falling, and hold it in their mouths for fear of it melting.

The reason why Ning Rongrong developed a temperament like a little witch since she was a child has a lot to do with the doting of the two old men. After all, every time Ning Fengzhi wanted to take care of Ning Rongrong, she would hide behind the two grandfathers, and no matter how big the trouble she got into, it would be easy. That was settled.

That's why Ning Fengzhi chose to release Ning Rongrong alone and wanted others to take care of polishing the overly prominent edges for him.

Now, in front of Chen Xin, he directly killed Ning Rongrong into a ball of blood mist. He couldn't die anymore. The damage caused to Chen Xin was 100 times more painful than his last broken arm and burns combined. It’s all more than that! ! !

"You bully my junior sister and junior brother, and I will repay you in the same way. It's fair." Guang replied with a smile, but his voice was full of coldness.

When Nana and others almost died at the hands of Chen Xin, how could he and Bibi Dong feel any better?

"I'm going to kill you!!!" Chen Xin's eyes were red, and the soul power in his body was as unreserved as a volcano erupting.

Seeing that the opponent was about to explode, Guang had no intention of taking action. Instead, he took the initiative to retreat, making way for the monsters on both sides who rushed out and Miga, who had already activated his martial arts promotion.

Look, how good it is to train the opponent. As a senior brother, he was worried that the three of them would not have enough points, so he specially added a layer of violent BUFF to the opponent.

A level 96 titled Douluo, the Seven Killing Sword with the most powerful weapon soul, plus the opponent's completely irrational fear of life and death, all soul masters below level 99 would be frightened.

Even if a hundred thousand year soul beast encounters it, it will probably turn around and run away. How many of these can the opponent find in the entire Douluo Continent?

As for the life safety of Nana and the other three, Guang is not worried at all. He is watching from the side. Not to mention that even if he only has one breath left, he can still save his life when he runs out of breath.

. . .

At the same time, in Tiandou City, outside Tiandu Palace,

Xue Qinghe came to the door riding a war horse, with only ten cavalry guards behind her. She came here after receiving Xue Ye's order.

Seeing the identity of the visitor, the door quickly opened, and the person who came to greet him was Zorro, the deputy commander of the Royal Knights who was responsible for the external security of the Tiandu Palace.

"Your Highness, please come in. Your Majesty is already waiting in the palace." As the deputy leader, Zoro is naturally strong and strong, especially his arms are extremely thick, and he is also a level 79 Soul Saint.

At this moment, his face is soft and his voice is enthusiastic, which is obviously different from Xue Qinghe's previous two visits. Coupled with the actual content of the edict, it will make people imagine.

Xue Qinghe also responded to the goodwill shown by the other party with a smile, and said that when he took over the Royal Knights, he would definitely improve the treatment. When he had time, he would also come to the palace to express condolences to the four thousand Royal Knights like he did to Xiying.

After a few polite words, Xue Qinghe rode alone to the palace, while the remaining ten horses followed Zorro's arrangements to rest.

After accurately sensing that there was nothing strange about the ten men and horses, Zoro turned to look at the palace, the enthusiasm on his face faded, and there was some doubt in the coldness.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, Zoro shook his head, no matter what the outcome, everything will be subject to His Majesty Xue Ye's choice.

As for the specific layout of the Tiandou Palace, he didn't know, but one thing he knew very well was that the current Prince Xuexing in the Prince's Palace was actually a fake stand-in. Prince Xuexing secretly came to Tiandou three days ago. What did the palace and His Majesty talk about.

Naturally, he didn't know the specific content, but he was certain that the layout of the palace and the edict to His Royal Highness must have something to do with it.

(End of this chapter)

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