Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 323 My name is Ren Xue

Chapter 323 My name is Qian Renxue

Tiandou Palace, the bedroom of Emperor Xueye,

On the throne, Xue Ye, whose face had already shown his age, now looked like an old lion king. Although the emperor's majesty became more and more intense, the old age in his body was inevitably revealed.

And his younger brother, Prince Xue Xing, was standing next to his imperial brother at the moment, with a respectful look and lowered eyebrows, but his eyes were looking around calmly, and there were those who were hiding and ambush without caring about their face. This was Xue Qinghe. The Hongmen Banquet prepared was absolutely foolproof.

Xue Beng had turned against Xue Qinghe at all costs to fight for the crown prince's position. After long consideration, Xue Xing had also made up his mind and chose to completely fall out with Xue Qinghe. For this reason, he turned over his last trump card.

He told his brother Xue Ye about Xue Qinghe's identity, and used this to completely depose Xue Qinghe as the crown prince. He wanted to take the throne directly after Xue Beng came back.

"Xue Xing, are you sure what you said is true?"

Xue Ye, who heard that Prince Xue Qinghe came alone, looked at Prince Xue Xing next to him. His face was as gloomy as water, his voice was even more majestic and heavy, and his eyes were as sharp as swords, searching crazily for Xue Xing. .

Now Xue Qinghe will arrive at the palace in a moment. If he wants to regret it, this is his last chance.

"Your Majesty, I'm not sure either, but how can we bet on the future of our Tiandou Empire like a gambler? For the future of the empire, I am willing to use my position as prince to verify it!"

Prince Xue Xing answered very smartly. Indeed, he could not be sure that Xue Qinghe was definitely fake. All he could show was a suspicion without evidence.

If it was really certain that Xue Qinghe was fake, he would have already reported to Xue Ye to kill Xue Qinghe and let Xue Beng take over.

He also knew that his brother Xue Ye must also know about this matter, so he didn't mean to exaggerate at all.

But once things happen tonight, regardless of whether there is a problem with Xue Qinghe's identity, the consequences will be devastating. Apart from anything else, these Contras in the ambush are all neutral personnel who have not placed any bets.

After tonight's incident, if Xue Qinghe is fine, will he not feel knotty in his heart? How can those people fare better when he takes over?

Not to mention that he had already reached a tacit understanding with the others. Even if Xue Qinghe was really fine, they would still create a bunch of problems that would make him fall into trouble. It was either shi or shi.

Even if the price is his position as prince, Xuexing gritted his teeth and accepted it, treating it as a two-year break. As long as Xue Beng takes over, his efforts will be rewarded even more.

On the contrary, with the attitude of that bastard Xue Qinghe, even if he doesn't take risks now, his life will never be easy when he takes over!

Yes, this Hongmen Banquet against Xue Qinghe was not his idea alone, but represented the will of many great nobles.

Xue Qinghe's attempt to reduce the treatment of the nobles and shift more interests to the army has made many well-informed nobles anxious. They cannot tolerate such a person inheriting the throne of Tiandou!

On the contrary, Xue Qinghe's attitude also won the favor and support of many military bosses, especially powerful generals who rose to power based on their military exploits and did not have a noble background.

According to Xue Qinghe's attitude, the status of the military department will definitely be greatly improved after he takes office, and he will be able to suppress those civil servants who only know how to talk and the extravagant and rotten nobles.

The nobles who heard the news couldn't sit still. They had to take action before the military could fully react and support the prince Xue Qinghe.

At this time, Prince Xue Xing, who had a serious conflict with Xue Qinghe and had a high position, naturally became their recommended representative. They directly found Emperor Xue Ye who could decide on the candidate for the crown prince and gave Xue Qinghe a fatal blow!

"Whether you are Xue Qinghe or not, the one who came here alone tonight will still step down!" Prince Xuexing muttered sinisterly in his heart. When he heard that Xue Qinghe had arrived at the door of the palace, he quietly retreated and hid to watch the show.

And Xue Ye himself seemed to have changed his face, turning his gloomy face into a majestic yet approachable and loving father.

After a while, Xue Qinghe walked into the palace under the leadership of a young eunuch. His posture was like a dragon and a tiger. Although it lacked the dull and strong aura of power on Xue Ye, it gave people a particularly domineering and powerful aura of aggression. .

Especially after she looked around, her face seemed to have taken off any disguise. She looked at Xue Ye, who was already slumped on the throne, with an undisguised sarcasm on her face.

He didn't bow his head or kneel down, nor did he mean to speak.

"Ahem, Nizi, what do you mean by standing there? Are you unwilling to even open your mouth to say "Father"?" Seeing Xue Qinghe's unruly look, Xue Ye felt a surge of anger in his chest.

As Emperor Tiandou, how could he not know the thoughts of Xue Xing and other great nobles? The fundamental reason why he listened to their opinions and held today's Hongmen Banquet was that he sensed a crisis from Xue Qinghe.

He is just old and needs to be replaced by the next generation, not dead!

From the previous two times, he could faintly feel Xue Qinghe's disrespect for him. He was different from the respectful and obedient "perfect successor" he was familiar with!

In order to ensure that he would still have enough status, power and wealth to enjoy his old age after he stepped down, he would never allow such an unstable prince to come to power.

Of course, Xue Ye did not directly veto Xue Qinghe's position, but tried to use Xue Xing and others to make a fool of himself. He made Xue Qinghe return to his original respectful and obedient state.

Letting Xue Beng take over the position of representative of the Tiandou Empire is also to make Xue Qinghe understand that bowing to him is the only right way. Don’t really think that just because your position as prince is as secure as Mount Tai, you can do whatever you want!

That's right, no one agrees with the possibility that Xue Qinghe is fake, including Xue Ye, Xue Xing and other big nobles. Adults don't talk about reason and only talk about interests.

From a profit perspective, no spy would make such an unwise move before actually taking charge.

On the contrary, if Xue Qinghe is real, and on the premise that Xue Beng is a threat from a useless playboy and he is sure that his position as crown prince is as secure as Mount Tai, it is undoubtedly very reasonable for him to make the crazy move he did before.

It’s just that no one thought that the previous Xue Qinghe, who was respectful, humble, studious and an almost perfect model for a prince, was indeed a traitor, but the new Xue Qinghe did not intend to be a grandson according to the original plan.

It's too cowardly, too slow, and most importantly, unnecessary. . .

Xue Qinghe looked around and chuckled twice, "Why, you are ready for such a big battle and you still think that I can't catch them without any help. The three Contras, the top combat power of Tiandou Palace are here now, right?"

Hearing Xue Qinghe's words, Xue Ye's face stiffened at first and then became angry and said, "How do you, a traitor like you, know this? Do you still dare to reach out to the palace?"

A Contra-level Hidden Titled Douluo couldn't be discovered easily, let alone the Xue Qinghe in front of him. The only possibility was that the matter was leaked.

Xue Qinghe had no intention of responding to the words of the old man Xue Ye. Despite his false reputation, his true soul power level was not even that of a soul saint, and he was a martial soul like a swan with a hip-extending combat power. In her opinion, he was just a man wearing a crown. Just an old dog.

Calling this kind of guy daddy, even just twice, disgusted her to death, and she wasn't going to pretend anymore today.

"Hey, it turns out that you old bastard, Xuexing, is here, so the one from the Prince's Mansion is a lie."

Hearing the other party's unabashed and wanton scolding, Xuexing also walked out of the shadows with a sinister sneer on his face, "Xue Qinghe, I admit that you are well-informed, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid."

The other three Contras also showed up, but after seeing that Xue Qinghe's smile remained unchanged and he was calm and unfazed without the slightest sign of going crazy, everyone present frowned and looked confused, what on earth is this Xue Qinghe? mean?

"One, two, three, four, five, six, it seems that there are indeed six people here." Xue Qinghe's fingers passed over the last little eunuch beside him and nodded with satisfaction.

It was obvious that Xue Ye had cleared everyone around the palace in order to keep tonight's matter a secret. After all, in his opinion, three Contras were much safer here than five hundred swordsmen.

Likewise, this also saves Xue Qinghe trouble.

Without any intention of talking nonsense to the people opposite him, Xue Qinghe's figure underwent an illusory change in an instant. The originally tall and handsome Xue Qinghe with short blond hair turned into a beautiful girl with long hair in the next moment.

Her hair is smooth and straight, her face is as perfect and pure as a legendary angel, and her body shape is in perfect compliance with the golden ratio. One point more is too much, one point less is too little.

Of course, what is more eye-catching is not the girl's stunning appearance, but the eight yellow, yellow, purple, black, and black soul rings that appear on the soles of her feet, and the six snow-white angel wings stretch out behind her.

The 8-ring Contra, and even the fierce soul pressure full of the three auras of sacredness, fire and emptiness, even the three royal ministers who were also Contras felt trembling with fear.

What made the three of them run cold down their spines and even break into cold sweats was: as the opponent's soul power overflowed, golden light spread rapidly from the soles of the opponent's feet, covering the entire palace in an instant.

Feeling that their strength had been greatly suppressed and reduced, and the strange feeling of not being able to feel the vitality of heaven and earth, the three Contras looked at each other, and they all saw the answer in each other's eyes, this is the realm!

Only the domain, the truly unfolded domain, can bring them such terrifying suppressive power, suppressing their strength to the point where they are almost at the level of Contra. What's more terrible is,

"Holy Angel Martial Spirit, 8-ring Soul Douluo, who are you?!"

Seeing the opponent's six wings of angels and the three royal ministers retreating in fear, Emperor Xueye couldn't hold back his majesty as the Emperor of Tiandou, and his face was filled with fear and anger.

Just because more than ten years ago, a man named Bibi Dong crushed the emperor of the Tiandou Empire to pieces with his terrifying strength.

Even after he put it on again, he met a powerful soul master who was similar to him. Xue Ye, who had a psychological shadow, was shattered before the other party could really make a move. . .

Who am I? The girl raised her head, her golden eyes were as bright as morning stars, and her domineering soul power aura swept across all directions as she stepped forward, "My name is Qian Renxue!"

"Qianjia, Wuhun Palace." Xue Ye felt that his body was as heavy as a thousand stones, and a repulsive force suddenly appeared from the back of the chair, causing him to fall off the throne and lie on the ground like a dead dog. His words were incoherent. .

"Your Majesty! Do you want to make enemies of everyone in the world?" The royal minister, who had the highest strength and maintained the combat power of Contra, saw the embarrassed Xue Ye with a face full of shock and anger, and stepped directly towards Qian Renxue to take action.

(End of this chapter)

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