Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 324 From today on, I am the emperor

Chapter 324 From today on, I am the emperor

Those who dare to take the lead at this time to support the royal family are naturally not ordinary people. Not only do they need sufficient strength and self-confidence, but they also need to be loyal enough to Xue Ye.

Cross, his family has been loyal to Emperor Tiandou for generations, and his father, KGB, is the last titled Douluo in the Tiandou Empire.

KGB, who has been taught by his father's words and deeds, is far more knowledgeable than other Contras. He is a level 89 Contra himself, and his martial spirit is also the top martial spirit, Dark Fire Canglang, with strong strength.

The most important thing is that Cross is loyal enough to Xue Ye, so he has been vigorously cultivated by Xue Ye. His soul power has increased by leaps and bounds to level 89 in recent years, and he has become the most powerful personal guard chief around Xue Ye.

He is more aware of the terrifying realm than the other two royal ministers, but the other party seems to have just been promoted to Contra, and coupled with their manpower advantage, the three of them may not have no chance together.

But the other two royal ministers were obviously far less loyal than him. They lost most of their courage as soon as they saw the domain, so he needed to take the lead in inspiring people.

As long as he can barely fight evenly with the opponent in the first place, and the remaining two royal ministers muster up the courage to join forces with him, they may not have a chance to break through the realm and get out!

The sixth soul skill, hell blood dog bite!

Bloody soul power mixed with black yin energy spurted out from Cross's waving left arm, and instantly condensed into a bloody mastiff with black stripes.

The bloody mouth suddenly opened, and it looked like it could bite the opponent directly in half. The jagged and sharp dog teeth shone with a cold light, and black venom flowed out from them. Even the air where it passed was faintly showing traces of corrosion.

This move is Cross's famous stunt. Not only is it astonishingly powerful, second only to the martial soul avatar and the eighth soul skill, but more importantly, the charging time of this move is extremely short. It is difficult for other soul masters to use matching soul skills in the same time. Techniques to fight against it.

Even if he can't hurt the opponent, he can still make him disgraced. Cross looked at the opponent's slender waist with a ferocious expression. Of course, it would be better if he could achieve success in one fell swoop!

The fishy wind hit his face, and the bloody mouth was close at hand. Qian Renxue's indifferent and beautiful face did not change at all. She groaned softly, and a golden sword appeared in her hand.

This sword is four feet long. It is made of silver-white alloy and covered with gorgeous golden lines. It is filled with the aura of holiness and flames. It has a golden wing-shaped sword partition, which holds the slender hilt proudly.

This is the Angel Sword, an imitation of the legendary Angel Holy Sword, the legendary artifact inherited by the Angel God. It was the old man Qian Daoliu who specially found it from the bottom of the box and gave it to Qian Renxue as a reward for the divine examination.

It was also to refuse Bibi Dong's weapons. In the eyes of the old man Qian Daoliu, the Qianjia family had a great cause and it would be too embarrassing to use other people's weapons.

Appearing in the hands of Qian Renxue, the inheritor of the Angel God, this angel sword changed its appearance after coming out of the storage ring. Not only did the whole body light up with golden light, there was also a golden-red flame on the sword. The body is on fire!

Glory is sacred light, which can not only reduce Qian Renxue's own consumption and help her restore her soul power, but also cause great damage to enemies with Yin attributes.

As for the flame, it is the flame of the sun. This is the ultimate fire, extremely lethal.

Although this angel sword is an imitation, its quality is not low at all. According to the standards of the world of the dead, it is at least a powerful artifact.

"In front of the divine, all evil will be wiped out."

Qian Renxue's words sounded, and the silver light lit up on her body, following her left hand holding the sword and instantly wrapping the angel sword.


The bloody mouth suddenly closed, only biting a ball of air and a ray of silver light that had not dissipated.

empty? Cross narrowed his pupils and looked at the empty person in front of him. He quickly turned around and saw Qian Renxue, who had her back turned to him, strolling towards the pale Emperor Xue Ye who was lying on the ground.

Even the remaining two worshippers were trembling all over and retreating continuously.

"Peter, Raleigh, what are you doing? Let's attack together!" Cross roared angrily as he looked at the other two people. Although the other party escaped his attack, he was right in the center of the three of them. Surrounded and killed, what are you afraid of?

"Cross, you." The priest named Peter pointed with a bleak expression. From their perspective, Cross had been neatly cut open from the lower abdomen to the side of the neck.

Contra's excellent eyesight allows them to clearly see a tiny gap, which is wrapped in golden light and ignites with golden flames.

"What do you mean?" Cross, who didn't know what was going on, just felt a sudden weakness and pain coming from his body, followed by his heart-rending scream and the sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground.


The sun's flames were barely at the ultimate fire level, so there wasn't much blood. Cross's voice and breath disappeared in just a few seconds. When Qian Renxue walked to Xue Ye, only a little ashes and debris on the ground could Proof that he ever existed.

No second Cross appeared to block Qian Renxue's footsteps. The other two royal ministers were moving as far as possible to escape, but the golden field was as stressful as the deep sea and as sticky as glue, making it difficult to move. .

As for Xue Xing, at this moment, he is just like his brother Xue Ye. Apart from his status, he is nothing. Not to mention the power to move and escape in the field, he cannot even stand up straight and can only be like a turtle. Lying on the ground waiting for the judgment of fate. "伱, you, you!" The Xueye Emperor, who had always been dignified and majestic, was paralyzed on the ground and looked at the gray mark on the girl's back. He was in extreme fear physically and mentally. He couldn't even speak calmly, let alone retreat.

"Help, help!" The wailing sound was completely instinctive, not much louder than the cry of a newborn sparrow, and did not sound like the emperor of an empire at all.

The emperor's crown on Xue Ye's head, which represented the supreme status of the Tiandou Empire, had long been tilted. At this moment, it was tilted and fell from his head because Xue Ye twisted backwards in fear and lost his final center of gravity.


When the emperor's crown was about to fall to the ground, Qian Renxue, who had already walked in front of Xue Ye, waved her hand, and the extremely luxurious and noble crown fell into her hands.

"Power, wealth, obviously none of these can save you at this moment." Qian Renxue sighed with some disappointment as she looked at Emperor Tiandou who was being oppressed by both domain and soul power in front of him and couldn't even speak clearly.

"Others are false after all, only your own strength is eternal." Qian Renxue turned around and waved the angel sword in her hand. With a flash of silver light, Peter's head separated from the body below.

With another sword blow, the royal minister Luo Li also fell to the ground. The two of them were just new entrants to Soul Douluo. Under the suppression of the domain, their strength had already fallen to that of Soul Saint. Qian Renxue used the power of the void to slash out from the air with a sword in his hand to attack them. It's said to be absolutely fatal.

After all, the entire palace is now covered by Qian Renxue's domain. Not only will the strength of other people in the domain be greatly suppressed, Qian Renxue's own strength will also increase in reverse, and even the application of the power of the void will be easy. too much.

The sun's flames gathered into a mass the size of a human head on the tip of the angel's sword, and then split into five. Amidst several shrill wails, there were only six extremely light gray spots left in the entire palace except for Qian Renxue himself. trace.

After doing all this, Qian Renxue walked to the golden throne, put away the angel sword, and after a moment of blur, her body transformed back into Xue Qinghe's appearance.

Then she looked at the emperor's crown in her other hand, which was as bright as new after being washed away by the soul power.

Look, as long as you are strong enough, even if you come alone, even if an accident happens, even if the other party has ulterior motives, it will not affect the result at all.

Qian Renxue chuckled sarcastically, then turned into the unruly and domineering Xue Qinghe, putting the imperial crown on her head.

"From today on, I am the Emperor."


Wuhun City, in front of the Pope's Palace,

"What does Wuhundian want to do?"

"This is the Soul Master Competition, how can we allow you to act so wantonly!"

"Does Wuhun Palace want to be the enemy of everyone in the world?"

The entire arena was noisy, and the first, second, and third places had been determined. After all, Du Hengkong failed to understand the meaning of the fist. As the game progressed, the role of his temporary teammates became smaller and smaller.

After Bibi Dong distributed the prizes to the top three, she flew directly to the sky in the middle of the arena, overlooking the crowd who no longer restrained themselves, and a deep, heavy, abyss-like and sea-like terrifying oppression filled the entire venue.

After Light Ling Douluo felt Bibi Dong's terrifying aura, he had no choice but to fly a little behind her and act as a microphone.

"Ahem, because some unexpected situations occurred in the competition, the competition needs to be suspended. Please sit still and do not move around, and fully cooperate with the investigation. Anyone who does not cooperate will be regarded as the enemy of Wuhun Palace. Don't say that you are unforeseen. "

After speaking, the sleeve of Light Ling Douluo's left arm was retracted, revealing a blue arm like black ice, and a bow and arrow slightly longer than his body appeared in his hand.

Then he bowed his head and looked around at the various forces below. Seeing their first shocked and then panicked expressions, a look of interest appeared on their faces. He became a little excited!

Below, Bone Douluo had already arrived beside Ning Fengzhi. Xue Beng looked up at Bibi Dong in the sky with horror on his face. He had never seen such a powerful soul master completely release his oppression.

In his perception, Bibi Dong seemed to be the center of the entire world at this moment, and even the bright sun was eclipsed and turned into a background.

The powerful soul masters from other teams have already joined forces with each other, such as the Unparalleled Dragon Snake couple from Monster Academy, and several Soul Douluo from Xingluo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy.

They did not shout in fear like others, nor did they intend to join forces with other soul masters. Instead, they gathered their important people around them, and then stared at Bibi Dong and others in the center, preparing to attack.

Instead of joining forces to attack, they are waiting for Bibi Dong to reveal his flaws and prepare to disperse and escape!

(End of this chapter)

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