Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 326 The Deathly Star Luo Palace

Chapter 326 The Deathly Star Luo Palace

Star Luo City is one of the top three huge cities in the entire Douluo Continent. The city walls are as tall as hills. Even soul masters with extraordinary power can hardly destroy them. It occupies an extremely wide area and is home to millions of people.

Common people, small nobles, and big families are clearly divided in this city. Not only their status, but also their residence and living environment are neatly and rigidly divided.

From the city wall to the center of the city, there are the slums, the civilian areas that occupy most of the outer city, the inner city where the small nobles live, and the circles of big family mansions that occupy a large territory but are far away from the city center and the most splendid luxury, covering an area of The Xingluo Palace was comparable to a small city.

"The Star Luo Empire is really boring. It's almost as if there are three, six, nine, etc. written on people's foreheads." Dugu Bo, whose face was covered by a cloak, stood in the shadow of the imperial city wall and looked around Xing Luo City. The clear division between circles and Jingwei took a sip.

This is not just the case in Star Luo City, but also in the entire Star Luo Empire. The aristocracy is quite rigid and pursues tradition and history. The top class is always those families of thousand-year-old soul masters, and even the merchants are not very active.

In comparison, the atmosphere in the Tiandou Empire is much better. Not only are some middle- and low-level nobles vacant every year, but merchants have greater room for advancement, and the status of casual soul masters is also relatively higher.

Because of this, he chose to settle in Tiandou City instead of Star Luo City.

"I don't like it here either, but it will be different soon." Qianjun Douluo on the side looked at the interior of the palace and sensed it carefully, "Let's take action when you are ready."

There were only four of them this time, Qianjun Douluo, Demon-Conquering Douluo, Poison Douluo and Turtle Douluo.

This lineup can be said to be quite luxurious, and the same is true for the other three teams, which all seem to be overqualified, but this extravagant approach has at least two advantages.

First, when a lion fights a rabbit, it still uses its full strength. Sufficient input of top combat power can ensure the smooth progress of the plan. Even if there are major changes and accidents, it can adapt to the situation and complete the predetermined mission objectives.

The second is to greatly save manpower and material resources. The effect of a titled Douluo is even greater than that of an elite team of a thousand people, and it is also hidden and fast.

The four of them arrived at Xingluo City in just a few days, leaving almost no trace along the way. Now they are standing on the wall of Xingluo Palace and no one has noticed them.

"No problem." Poison Douluo and Turtle Douluo nodded lightly.

However, Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo directly sneaked in concealedly. As level 96 titled Douluo, they had their own way of concentrating their breath, and they were not discovered until they reached the center of Xingluo Palace.

The last distance was heavily guarded, but the two of them had no need to hide. They crossed the void with one step, no longer concealing the terrifying soul power aura on their bodies, and flew straight to the center of the Xingluo Palace.

There, the two of them felt the aura of the titled Douluo.

"Let me give them a greeting gift first." Sensing the chaos below, Qianjun Douluo directly threw the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand, "The true body of the weapon soul!"

The Coiling Dragon Stick quickly grew in size, like an Optimus Pillar standing in the sky, and then Qianjun Douluo flew to the side of the upper end of the Coiling Dragon Stick, with another black soul ring shining under his feet.

"The eighth soul skill, a critical throw!"

I saw Qianjun Douluo stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers, and the coiling dragon stick that reached the sky and the earth suddenly fell towards the main hall in the center of Xingluo Palace, and the billowing waves of air exploded.

The elite guards below, wearing heavy silver armor, saw the shadow covering the sky, their faces stiffened and their eyes full of despair. How could mortals like them be able to contend with this disaster from the sky?

"Bold, who is the enemy of our Xingluo royal family?"

Feeling the pressure of soul power at the level of Titled Douluo outside, the contemporary Xingluo Emperor Dai Tianquan rushed out of the hall, and his face turned green when he looked at the giant stick that covered the sky and pressed down.

If this stick goes down, not only will the Xingluo royal family suffer heavy casualties, but their face will be trampled under their feet.

"Stop!" Dai Tianquan shouted loudly, knowing that he was outmatched. With his own strength, he would have to be seriously injured if he could block this blow without dying.

The opponent Qianjun Douluo's move was extremely powerful, but the speed was slower, and Dai Tianquan's soul power level was hugely different from his opponent's, so he was the only one who could follow it.

However, the trump cards of the Xingluo royal family did not end there. Another figure flew out of the hall and came to Dai Tianquan's side after half a beat. Her appearance was graceful and luxurious, and her figure was extremely plump and slim. She was none other than the contemporary Queen of Xingluo.

"Martial spirit fusion skill, Netherworld White Tiger!"

The two hands intertwined, and the black and white soul power intertwined and exploded. The next moment, the ghost white tiger with black stripes appeared.

But before it could roar up to the sky and stop the giant stick in front of it, the laughing Demon-Conquering Douluo came to him, "How good is the Star Luo Empire's martial soul fusion skill, let me try it?"

"The eighth soul skill, Demon Subduing Coiled Dragon Circle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Demon Douluo threw out the stick in his hand, transforming into a huge bloody dragon and swimming around the Netherworld White Tiger.

. . .

Seeing Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo's strong attacks, Dugu Bo took a step forward and directly completed the spirit possession and activated the seventh soul skill, the spirit avatar. A giant python with one horn appeared in the void. It was tens of meters long and thicker than a bucket. It was covered with golden scales. The mane on its back was green, and the horn on its head was even thicker. Dark green color.

The next moment, mist-like poisonous gas spurted out from around the snake's body, spreading rapidly inside from the walls of the Xingluo Palace like ocean waves.

The other Turtle Douluo also showed his martial soul's true form. A big turtle and a giant python stood back to back in the void, facing the opposite direction to Dugu Bo, and he was ready to intercept the short-sighted external support.

At the same time, aqua blue ripples spread from the body of the big turtle, preventing the toxin released by Dugu Bo from spreading outside the Xingluo Palace.

Poison Douluo's poison is unparalleled in the world. Let alone ordinary people, as long as the soul masters below the soul saint have no special means, it is only a matter of time before they die.

Even this time will not exceed 70 seconds at most. On average, the soul master's level is the time he can survive after being poisoned.

The most terrible thing is that this poison breeds with blood. Every dead person will breed more poison. All Dugu Bo needs to do is stand there and release the trigger, and the life-extinction poison will quickly spread to the entire Xingluo Palace.

The purpose of this is very simple, that is to kill all the blood and vitality of the Dai family!

The bloodline of the Dai family is mixed in the Xingluo Imperial Palace, and there is no way to accurately identify it. Moreover, most of the other people in the Xingluo Imperial Palace are die-hard loyalists of the Xingluo Imperial Family. The strategy of preferring to kill the wrong one is very suitable here.

However, although this trick is easy to use, it must also prevent the spread of poison. Dugu Bo is not capable of sucking back all the poison that has increased hundreds of times.

If the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor poison is not properly handled and leaked, the lives of tens of millions of people in Xingluo City will be wiped out.

Therefore, Dugu Bo not only released a defective and weakened version of the Jade Phosphorus Snake King Venom, but also Turtle Douluo, who was good at controlling the water element, brought more than a dozen barrels of special effects neutralizing potions.

When the people in the Xingluo Palace are dead, he will naturally mix the medicine with the water element to artificially rain and disinfect it.

Wherever the green mist passed, it soon fell into deathly silence, and occasionally a few fish that slipped through the net would be targeted by the one-horned python swimming above the poisonous mist!

. . .

Outside Tianlei Mountain, it was learned that the only titled Douluo here was Yu Yuanzhen, who was seriously injured. The Lion Douluo who led the team dismissed him.

Without any hesitation, he appeared directly above Tianlei Mountain, "The eighth soul skill, all beasts bow their heads!"

A golden lion with two horns looked up to the sky and roared. Dark red ripples accompanied his roar and radiated throughout Tianlei Mountain. Then, the entire Tianlei Mountain went into riot.

His move can temporarily control all the beast martial soul soul masters below the soul saint, causing them to fall into a violent and irrational attitude to kill each other, so he was put in charge of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

As for the remaining Soul Saints and Soul Douluo, they will naturally be left to Demon Bear Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo.

After doing all this, Lion Douluo didn't stop to watch the show. Instead, he followed the aura erupting from the top of Tianlei Mountain and went directly to Yu Yuanzhen. According to Bibi Dong's order, soul masters above Soul Saint and above captured him alive as much as possible, so as to save Yu Yuanzhen. For this she is willing to offer generous rewards.

Whether it was out of interest or responsibility, he had no intention of slacking off.

But in terms of strength, he is the fourth enshrinement of Wuhun Palace, and his cultivation level is higher than Guangling, Jiangmo and Qianjun. He is a level 97 titled Douluo. It is not easy to defeat a level 95 with physical impairment.

. . .

Outside the Qibao Glazed Sect, Lingyuan Douluo Qingyuan looked at the sun that had completely set and waved her hand, and the hundreds of people behind her quietly and neatly headed to the predetermined location in the darkness.

Snake Spear Douluo was secretly patrolling both sides, and the tail of the team, Fire Dragon Douluo Liu Erlong, was holding back here with no sign of slacking off on his face.

Because two-thirds of this team are her students, the oldest is 20 years old, the youngest is 17 years old, most of them are wind demon wolf spirits, and there are a few other wind spirit spirits.

As for the soul power level, the lowest level is the fourth-ring soul sect.

The remaining 33 flying soul saints were specially deployed with the purpose of capturing as many soul masters of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial soul alive as possible.

Unlike other teams, the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Soul Master’s scope of capturing alive has no soul power level limit.

It was hard to find a good auxiliary soul master with the iron-clad auxiliary flow output, so Bibi Dong had the idea of ​​​​the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. In addition, there was also an experiment that was completed together.

If he really wanted to simply break through the Qibao Glazed Sect's defense and destroy the sect, Qingyuan could simply fly to the sky and perform an enhanced version of his blood boiling.

If you are worried, plus Liu Erlong, the destructive power of the two fire-attribute titled Douluo cannot be simply described as terrifying. With their extreme attributes, they are the best candidates for murder and arson.

There is no need for Snake Spear Douluo to take action. After all, the two titled Douluo of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Zongzong and the sect leader Ning Fengzhi, have already gone to Wuhun City and thrown themselves into a trap. The current target of the 4 teams of the Qibao Glazed Sect is the weakest in overall strength.

(End of this chapter)

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