Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 327 Natural Disaster Storm Group

Chapter 327 Natural Disaster Storm Group

If an adult has a weapon in his hand, he can be regarded as a soldier, and if he reaches a certain number, he can be called an army.

If you have better weapons, coupled with protective armor and long-range crossbows, you have a chance to become an elite. If you have mounts, you can go to the next level.

These require money and resources, and are also the most important prerequisites for forming an army.

As for the quality of the soldiers themselves, it affects the quality of the soldiers.

Those who have weapons and dare to kill can be called soldiers.

But the above can only be said to be the army of ordinary people, not the army of soul masters. Douluo Continent has never had an army of soul masters, because the number of soul masters is too small and too luxurious.

But Wuhun Palace is an exception. It now has this strength foundation.

However, if the soul master army is formed according to the formation method of ordinary armies, the harvest will be too thin compared with the cost.

Because the quality of a normal army depends on the discipline, cooperation and obedience of the soldiers, this requires a lot of time and energy to implement exercises. It is laborious and stupid to recruit a large number of soul masters to practice military discipline.

The most important thing is that the combat effectiveness of the soul master army trained in this way has not changed qualitatively. It still has an absolute advantage against the army of ordinary people, but it is nothing more than a conspicuous target and tempting fat for high-level soul masters. That’s all.

The extraordinary army is different from the army of ordinary people. Naturally, we cannot use the same methods of training ordinary armies.

The existence of the army has its prerequisite significance. Since the soul master army is to be formed, it cannot be reckless and must be fundamentally different from the army of ordinary people.

Guang was quite experienced in this regard, and he also gave reasonable reference opinions to Bibi Dong's inquiries.

An extraordinary army must meet two basic conditions: one is the extraordinary power that can link the soldiers of the entire army; the other is that the unified extraordinary power must be coordinated by someone, and this person is the war general, who is the commander-in-chief of the entire army. .

In short, it is okay to bring a group of soul masters together, but their soul power must be integrated to quantitatively change and lead to qualitative changes. Otherwise, they will become living targets for high-level soul masters, and there is no meaning in their existence at all.

This experiment of the Qibao Glazed Sect was to determine the specific feasibility of the soul master army.

Because there is no precedent for a soul master legion in the history of Douluo Continent, Wuhun Palace is also starting from scratch, and naturally the choice is from easy to difficult. In order to facilitate the linkage of forces, the soul master legion is planned to be formed by soul masters of the same attribute.

Therefore, the largest number of man-made martial arts came into Bibi Dong's sight. Yu San had the largest number of Feng Mo Lang martial arts soul masters, and they were fast, so they were naturally the best choice for the experiment.

. . .

"Duolong, are you ready?" Qingyuan looked at the young man in front of him with interest. This boy is not only one of the few soul emperor-level students in the academy, but also the only one who has the hope of advancing to the ultimate martial arts. The man-made martial soul soul master of the Soul Blue Moon Winged God Wolf.

Although the East Spider Soul Master Academy has no shortage of resources, many students have bottlenecks and limitations in their own martial arts. For example, the second-type Wind Demon Wolf martial soul is said to have a glimmer of hope to advance to Titled Douluo, but in fact it began to appear when they broke through to the Soul Saint. Obvious obstacles.

"Vice Dean, we have to wait for another quarter of an hour. At that time, the wind direction is best and the wind is strongest, and the effect of the linked soul skills is best." The paper in Duolong's hand was filled with dense numbers.

He had already sensed the changes in the nearby airflow in real time through his martial soul's integration with the wind element, and then through calculation, he finally determined the release position and time of the linked soul skill.

Although the experimental soul master army he commanded was a bit smaller in scale, this experiment was not just a simple linked soul skill, but a comprehensive experiment in which the linked soul skill was used to fuel the flames and trigger a large-scale weather attack.

The number of people is indeed small, but the soul power level is at least the soul sect, and the small number of people makes it easier for him to command, and the accuracy is relatively higher.

Looking at the brightly lit Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in the distance, Duolong couldn't hide his excitement. If this actual combat experiment is successful, his experimental legion will not only be expanded into the first official soul master legion of Wuhun Palace, but he will also receive The reward for the evolution of the Wind Demon Wolf spirit.

"Ahem, everyone is here, follow my command, follow the No. 3 tactical plan to use the linked soul skills of the Calamity Storm Group, all the Wind Demon Wolf Soul Sects will use the second and fourth soul skills at the designated positions, the Soul King and other soul masters will After 3 seconds..."

Duolong issued orders to the ring-shaped sound-transmitting soul guidance device on his left wrist, and at the same time, his clear voice sounded from the soul guidance device headsets worn on the ears of others.

Dozens of purple soul rings shone simultaneously in the pitch-black night, a light cyan gust of wind blew up, and then black soul rings flickered, and the gust of wind was restrained and condensed into twelve green whirlwinds that shot straight into the sky.

At the same time, two natural airflows met just above their heads. The twelve cyclones were like lubricants, changing the direction of the two airflows and converging them into one, while also integrating themselves into it.

Boom boom boom!

Explosions appeared one after another in the sky, some like thunder but deeper. She Long, who was not paying much attention at first, suddenly raised his head. He could feel his heart palpitating instinctively. The changes brewing in the sky at this moment made even him, a titled Douluo, aware of the crisis and had to pay attention to it.

But when it comes to just sensing the fluctuations in soul power, it's far behind, only around the level of Contra.

Qing Yuan and Liu Erlong looked up at the sky. Through the light of the stars, they could see the green wind rolling and brewing in the sky.

In that huge mass of air, every time there was an explosion, a green tornado that was thick at the top and narrow at the bottom was born. Then the surrounding wind elements quickly merged into it, and the tornado became larger and larger, sweeping towards the Qibao Glazed Sect in the distance. go.

"The original power of their linked soul skills was roughly the same as Contra's full-strength attack, but now with the help of celestial phenomena, the power has been increased to a level that would even scare a titled Douluo!"

Liu Erlong's pupils narrowed slightly and he said in surprise. Although the power was a bit off, and the speed and accuracy were also very vague, the overall power was not inferior to Qing Yuan's eighth soul skill, Blood Boiling.

"Their attacks with the help of celestial phenomena are no different from the Titled Douluo's ability to control the power of heaven and earth to a certain extent." Qingyuan nodded and commented while looking at the twelve tornadoes that had been completely transformed.

"This kind of linked soul skill is a bit slow to deal with high-level soul masters, but it is particularly suitable for war. It is definitely a good hand for destroying cities and fortresses and overcoming difficulties."

If low-level soul masters can be used to achieve the powerful range attack effect of high-level soul masters, it will definitely play a vital role in the subsequent war for continental unification.

Twelve green tornadoes expanded to hundreds of meters high, connecting the sky and the earth. They rushed towards the headquarters of the Qibao Glazed Sect like twelve mad cows, and the place they passed was as dusty as cultivated land.

Even with the rumbling sound, ancient trees rose from the ground one after another, and merged into the tornado together with flying sand and rocks. The original blue color quickly turned into black and gray.

Even if the sky is completely dark, the sudden and violent change in airflow and the loud sound of the passing tornado are enough for anyone in the Qibao Glazed Sect to notice that something is wrong.

Figures with strong soul power and soul power levels of at least Soul Saint rushed out of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and their strength quickly climbed again with the increase of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial soul soul master behind them.

Then a ball of white light was shot out by a certain soul master towards Honglong's defense line. The soft light temporarily dispelled the darkness, allowing everyone in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to see the source of the strange movement.

The natural disaster storm group composed of twelve black and gray tornadoes is enough to make any soul master with a title of Douluo or below look dark.

This kind of natural disaster-like scene was the first time for most people to see it. After all, it was rare for a titled Douluo-level soul master to use the large-scale soul skills of the eighth and ninth soul rings to directly wreak havoc on an area.

Similarly, all the defensive methods prepared by the Qibao Glazed Sect in advance seemed very small and insignificant under this natural disaster attack.

The best response strategy is to let the Titled Douluo take action, or let the high-level soul master use a large-scale soul skill to attack, and the power must be greater than the opponent, otherwise the aftermath of the collision between the two will hit the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Come.

But unfortunately, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect currently has no titled Douluo in charge, and the number of high-level soul masters is much smaller than other first-rate forces. After all, their direct members are all auxiliary members without direct combat power.

The external guests who are attracted by money are mainly mid-level soul masters. Not only are the number of high-level soul masters small, their martial arts are also relatively inferior.

The most important thing is that even with the increase of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, there are few Keqing worshipers who are willing to risk their lives directly in the path of the natural disaster storm group.

The power of long-range attack soul skills will naturally drop by a notch, and the soul masters of the Qibao Glazed Sect obviously lack cooperation at this critical moment. . .

As a result, in full view of everyone, a group of natural disaster storms and colorful soul skills collided not far from the entrance of the Qibao Glazed Sect headquarters.

The tornadoes were dispersed by various soul techniques, but in the end, one fish slipped through the net. Even the gravity of the tornado gathered the aftermath of the explosion around it, and directly hit the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in front of everyone's attention!


Rolling air waves swept across all directions, and the entire Qibao Glazed Sect was pushed into the dirty pit like a beautiful lady dressed in fine clothes, with her head and face broken and her bones broken.

"Hiss!" Looking at the Qibao Glazed Sect that was missing one third in the distance, Qingyuan took a breath of cold air. The result that the waste of the Qibao Glazed Sect was not blocked was unexpectedly unexpected.

She didn't need to go and take a closer look to know that the Qibao Glazed Sect must have suffered heavy casualties at this moment, and the low-level soul masters were probably not even alive.

"Consider them unlucky. Except for She Long who stayed here to protect the experimental soul master army to prevent accidents, the others followed me. Except for the soul masters from the Qibao Glazed Pagoda, no one else is left here."

Qing Yuan waved to the others around him, and all the martial spirits possessed him, and 35 figures took off directly into the air and flew toward the dilapidated headquarters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

After today, there will be no more Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in Douluo Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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