Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 328 The big devil is born!

Chapter 328 The big devil is born!

As the inheritance place of God Shura, the City of Killing is extremely popular in the soul master world of Douluo Continent. Although it is not widely known, there are far more people who know about it than the Poseidon Island in the ocean.

It's just that most soul masters have only heard a few words about the Killing City, and don't know about the Hell Valley assessment below, let alone its specific location.

Logically speaking, the Killing City, as a city, should not have such a high degree of mystery along with time.

But the Killing City is not a city created by ordinary people, but an underground city made by gods. In the dark underground, there is only a purple moon wheel and blue-violet lamps illuminating it.

There are only two ways for foreign soul masters to get here:

The first type is that there is a small town on the ground directly above the Killing City. In the bar in the center of the town, foreign soul masters can sign up to take the assessment and enter the Killing City from the tunnel.

Second, Wuhun Palace also controls a tunnel entrance, and according to the ancient contract, it regularly throws the evil soul masters captured across the continent into it, and also gives them water and food.

But now the second tunnel entrance has been filled in, because Bibi Dong feels that doing so will bring no benefit to Wuhun Palace.

What's more important is that the Killing City is the territory of God Shura. The soul masters sent there kill each other, and the killing power generated is undoubtedly aiding the enemy.

So now Wuhun Palace has simply closed the tunnel entrance to the Killing City, and the captured evil soul masters have been sent directly to Wuhun Palace headquarters.

Whether it is used as experimental consumables, sent to work in the undead secret realm, or even beheaded in public to show the majesty of Wuhun Hall, it is better than letting God Shura take advantage.

Bibi Dong even took this opportunity to send a team of soul masters and asked Platinum Bishop Wang Yang to lead people to demolish the killing town and then fill in the remaining tunnel entrance.

. . .

Looking at the lifeless killing town in the distance, the white-haired old man sitting on the tall horse frowned.

He has an old face, cold eyes, a high nose bridge, and a goatee. The Mediterranean Sea on his forehead is obscured by the white hair on the left side that is deliberately left long.

Wearing the exclusive attire of the platinum bishop, his body exuded the peak soul power fluctuations of Contra. He was followed by two soul saints, ten soul emperors, twenty soul kings and eighty soul sects.

"Your Majesty, the Killing Town has arrived, what should we do?" Saint Carlos, the soul on the left, patted the horse's butt, sped up and came to Wang Yang's side and asked respectfully.

"Why bother asking about this kind of thing? Just kill them all, burn the town to the ground, and then follow the Pope's order to pour it with alloy and compact it with soil. Finally, you can use the soul skill of turning mud into stone to strengthen it. yes."

Wang Yang rolled his eyelids and spat dry commands from his mouth with a smile on his face. People around him could hear the platinum bishop's dissatisfaction.

After traveling thousands of miles to such a place where no one can shit, there is still no profit or water to be fished out. In order to ensure speed along the way, others did not even prepare a carriage for him. How could he be happy?

Now the platinum bishop just wants to complete the task quickly and then return to Wuhun City to continue his good life.

Faced with Wang Yang's ugly attitude, Carlos's expression did not change at all. None of them were direct descendants of Wang Yang. They broke up after this mission, so there was no need to take care of each other's feelings.

You must know that although there are four platinum bishops in Wuhun Palace, only Salas and Viana are in charge of real power and have their own direct lineage forces.

The other two platinum bishops were in name only, and without the strength of a titled Douluo in Wuhun City, they had no qualifications to operate as a force.

The expression on Carlos's face remained unchanged, and his movements and voice remained superficially respectful without any hint of disrespect. "But Your Majesty Bishop, according to Your Majesty the Pope's wishes, we should first issue a proclamation to expel irrelevant persons."

The so-called announcement does not require much time and effort. All it takes is for Carlos to shout twice at the door of the killing town, and everyone in the town can hear it driven by his soul power.

Then just give the other party half an hour to leave.

"Am I the boss or are you the boss?" Wang Yang turned to look at Carlos with a cold expression on his face, "Do as I say and just clean up."

But thinking of Pope Bibi Dong in Carlos' mouth, Wang Yang turned his head and looked at the soul masters around him, coughed lightly and added.

"Any innocent people who come to a place like this are all worthy of death. There is no need to waste any effort."

As he spoke, Wang Yang's soul power surged, and his figure became taller and stronger. Black wool appeared behind him like a big cloak. His originally cold old face elongated up and down, and two straight horns with spiral patterns were drilled out of his head.

"Everyone has it, wipe out the killing town directly!"

With that said, Wang Yang jumped off his tall horse and rushed directly to the entrance of the killing town. Seeing this, other soul masters also dismounted and followed with their martial spirits, leaving only a few people to watch the horses.

"The third soul skill, devil's hooves."

Wang Yang rushed directly to everyone he met, regardless of men, women, old or young, whether they were natives of the town or outsiders, whether they were soul masters or ordinary people, and waved out his palm.

Before anyone could even say a word, a huge sheep's hoof print appeared on their chest, and they flew straight to the ground. In an instant, they were bleeding profusely and had no breath at all.

Of course, he wasn't sure whether everyone in this town should die, but even a simple investigation would take at least an hour. This killing town is out of the ordinary. If he spends more time, can he return to the city to have a sumptuous dinner before dark, and then spend a wonderful night under the hospitality of the person in charge of the local Wuhunzi Temple? Already?

Yes, he just finds it troublesome.

. . .

On the ground, killings billowed, and fire shot into the sky.

Underground, the Slaughter City still maintains a strange balance of silence and chaos. Even if the Slaughter King disappears, the order of the Slaughter City will not collapse. At most, it will become more chaotic.

Even though the purple moon lighting up the sky these days has been rendered into a ferocious purple-red without realizing it, and the smell of blood in the air is even worse, no one cares about it.

Everything in the Killing City is poisonous and will make people lose their minds and become obsessed with killing. Only Bloody Mary (human blood) can provide temporary relief, but there will be a more ferocious backlash later.

Therefore, the vast majority of people in the Killing City are lunatics who cannot restrain their own murderous intentions, and this kind of madness can only be truly eradicated after passing the Hell Road assessment to obtain the Killing God Realm.

However, what is ridiculous is that this murderous poison will burst out during the Hell Road assessment, causing the examiner to completely lose their mind.

This is the real reason why it is difficult to break into the Killing City, and it is precisely because of this rarity that the world respects those who pass the Hell Valley assessment as the God of Death.

Logically speaking, with the guidance of the previous God of Death and her descendants having detailed strategies, the difficulty of the assessment should decrease rapidly.

However, this kind of killing poison that makes people lose their minds is enough to make any advance strategy useless. Only those with strong enough qualities can pass the Hell Valley assessment in a crazy state.

Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, is not only the God of Killing, but also the inheritor of the Divine Test of God Shura, so he has more authority to formulate a new order in the City of Slaughter.

But the City of Killing existed long before the King of Killing appeared, so when he disappeared, the City of Killing was still able to maintain basic order. The key to the reason lies in three iron laws.

First, the City of Killing can only be entered and cannot be left, except for the God of Killing who has the God of Killing Domain.

Second, the use of soul skills is prohibited in the Killing City. Pure soul power, even for a titled Douluo, does not have enough destructive power to cause damage to this city.

Third, in the Hell Valley assessment, a sacrifice must be completed to open the entrance.

As long as these three basic rules remain unchanged, no matter how chaotic the Killing City is, it will just be a small fight.

In the outer city, there are still the unlucky ones who are just trying to survive, escaping from reality by offering two Bloody Marys every month, while the people in the inner city have red eyes and are obsessed with killing, and the killing fields of hell are still hot.

Ten contestants killed each other on the stage and only one could survive. Hundreds of spectators cheered enthusiastically in the auditorium, and there were even some hot-headed ones who were ready to sign up.

But no one noticed that the blood moon overhead was particularly red today, and the red light shining down covered the sweet red mist rising from beneath the earth.

Everyone felt their bodies getting more and more excited, the desire to kill surged out of their hearts, and their expressions became twisted and ferocious.

In the middle of the Hell Killing Fields, a bowl-sized beam of light suddenly shot out and hit the center of the red moon in the sky.

Then the light beam rapidly expanded around until it completely covered the red moon. What was strange was that the hell killing field below happened to be opposite to the red moon, and even the same size.

The thousands of people shrouded in red light were like wax statues being burned by the flames, melting and disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the color of the light beam became more and more delicate.

Everyone in the Killing City was attracted by this huge change. Looking at this huge light pillar that stretched straight into the sky, before the soul master who claimed to be a powerful man could go to see it, a terrifying pressure that he had never experienced before filled the air. .

This coercion even far surpassed that of Titled Douluo, making everyone's faces pale and their calves weak, and they wished they could lie down on the ground and hug their heads tightly like an ostrich.

Only a few people dared to raise their heads and saw a figure rising from the bloody beam of light. He was also the source of the pressure.

What is even more frightening is that as the figure continues to rise, the bloody light beam continues to rise on the rock wall of the dome like a drill.

After a moment, the penetrating oppression and the red light pillar faded, and golden sunlight shone in along the huge hole in the dome!

On the ground, the killing town that happened to be as big as the Blood Moon and the Hell Killing Fields also melted into the red light, including all the people and things in it.

It is worth mentioning that it had only been twenty minutes since Platinum Bishop Wang Yang led his men in, but the remaining soul masters who were watching the horses jumped on their horses and ran away when they saw this change.

The blood-red light pillar with a diameter of several thousand meters reaches the sky and the earth, and it also carries an extremely rich blood evil energy that turns into billowing red clouds and spreads around.

This scene can be vaguely seen by ordinary people in half the continent with the naked eye, let alone soul masters who can sense aura.

The pressure beyond the boundaries of gods immediately attracted the attention of the plane consciousness, and the opponent was full of madness and murderous aura, but Tang Chen's own soul aura made him helpless.

"A great demon has been born!" In an instant, all soul masters above level 70 in the entire Douluo plane looked in the direction of the blood-red light beam with a strange feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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