Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 329 Tang 3, the inheritor of Shura God

Chapter 329 Tang San, Inheritor of God Shura

The blood-red light pillar only existed for a few tens of breaths. It didn't take long for the energy of the light pillar to converge sharply, and together with the energy of the Killing City itself, it converged into the bloody figure.

It is two and a half meters tall, with a body that is so burly that it does not look like a human being. The fingers on its hands are extremely thick, and are equipped with thick dark red claws like wild beasts.

The skin all over his body is blood red, with dense black tattoos, and most of his body is wrapped in dark red armor.

The material of the armor is similar to the crimson energy that permeates his body. It looks like a solidified energy crystal material, but it looks very rough, and his hands and most of his arms are exposed.

His face still roughly maintained the appearance of Tang Chen, but his short black hair grew wildly to his waist, with the hair styled back like dragon scales.

His eyes were red, filled with madness and violence. There was no trace of reason, but a faintly moving rune could be seen in the depths of his pupils.

The rune was black and red, very similar to the divine pattern on the hilt of the Shura Blood Sword that represented the existence of God Shura, but it was simpler.

As the runes rippled, Tang Chen, who originally turned his attention to the few surviving unlucky ones below, turned his head numbly and turned into a rainbow flying straight in a certain direction.

. . .

Seeing the ominous red light disappearing at the end of the sky, the few survivors finally let out a long sigh of relief, with a wet feeling behind them.

When Tang Chen turned his attention to them just now, the terrifying pressure almost prevented them from running over, and now he finally saved a small life.

"That's not right, Lao Qi, isn't that the direction we came from?"

"Where are you coming from?" The other person was suddenly startled, and then suddenly realized that the direction was Wuhun City! ! !

"No way." Lao Qi's voice was full of tremors. That kind of monster that had clearly surpassed the category of soul masters was actually coming towards their Spirit Hall?

"I don't know, Lao Qi, Charlie, we have to send this information back quickly." The last person kicked the fallen horse angrily. The three soul kings couldn't bear the smell of the monster, let alone the horse. .

"Even Bishop Platinum died during this mission. If the three of us don't go back quickly and pass the information back in time, we will be held responsible, let alone credit."

"Hans is right, we have to go back and report the information in time, and make up for our mistakes." Lao Qi quickly nodded in agreement, patted his stiff thigh and stood up reluctantly.

"Wait a minute, look at that big pit!" Charlie stood up, stamped his feet and turned around, suddenly pushing the two of them down.

In the big pit that replaced the killing town, a figure suddenly flew out of the air, followed by nine soul rings. It was a titled Douluo.

After this Titled Douluo started, not long after, another nine-ring Titled Douluo flew out, as well as a flying soul master with wings, and some climbed up along the rock wall.

These soul masters all have two things in common. They are all high-level soul masters of at least the seventh level and above, and they are full of murderous and evil aura.

In the city of killing, there are no rules except for the three iron laws. There is no need for a reason to kill. Robbery and theft are daily occurrences. Even street violence, assassinations, and brawls are common.

Such a group of guys who completely follow the desire to kill are the most vicious prisoners in the world, and at this moment, the prison where the prisoners are held is opened.

With all the energy taken away by Tang Chen, the prohibition rules of the Killing City itself have become invalid. The evil soul master who realizes that his martial soul soul ring can be reused will naturally not miss an exit as big as his head.

For ordinary people, it may be difficult to get out of this exit, but can any ordinary person survive in the killing city?

These high-level soul masters are just a small group of the most daring in the Killing City. Soon there will be ten or a hundred times more evil soul masters escaping through this pit!

In the distance, the three people who also understood this looked at each other in confusion. They did not dare to hesitate anymore, turned their backs to the direction of the pit and fled from this place as quickly as possible!

This is a disaster, a disaster for the entire continent, and Wuhun Palace, with its power spread across the entire continent, must bear the brunt, especially at this critical time.


"This feeling." Bibi Dong, who was in the Pope's Palace, suddenly raised her head. In that direction, she felt a strong ominous aura, and she could feel that the aura was approaching quickly!

"Well, this kind of notification from the world must be a big guy."

Guang, who was originally looking at the list of prisoners on the sofa and preparing to select a batch to take back to the laboratory, put down the list in his hand and stood up and came to the window.

Looking at the far end of the sky, he showed a rare expression of solemnity and his pupils were constricted. The person who could direct his plane consciousness to warn him must undoubtedly be an existence that transcended the boundaries of the world.

Moreover, if there is no direct rejection, it means that the other party is not foreign, and if the plane consciousness is so wary and disgusted, it means that it is not a good thing.

Also, isn’t this direction the direction of the Killing City?

"Has the Shura God descended?" Bibi Dong also walked to the window and asked with a serious face.

"Nine times out of ten, it is the work of God Shura, but if it is not rejected, it means that the other party's roots are the natives of Douluo Continent rather than foreign gods."

Guang took out a compass-style secret weapon and made quick calculations, "And the opponent did not break through the limit temporarily, but broke through permanently, which shows that the opponent's foundation is not weak."    "Meet the standards on the Douluo Continent and have a close relationship with the Shura God. There are not many candidates.”

"You mean Tang Chen?" Bibi Dong frowned slightly, "He happened to disappear and his whereabouts are not certain. Could it be that he completed the Asura God Exam and became the new Asura God?"

"There is a high probability that it is him, but it is impossible to inherit the throne of Shura." Guang shook his head slightly and denied.

If it was a normal inheritance of the divine position, it would comply with the basic rules, and the plane consciousness would not have such a big reaction, and he found a lot of interesting things from Xiao Wu and Tang Hao.

Although he was not yet completely clear about God Shura's purpose, he could speculate based on the existing traces that the successor assigned by God Shura was most likely the Tang San who managed to escape by luck.

Tang Chen has the Shura Blood Sword, the inherited artifact of God Asura, but has been unable to complete the divine test. However, God Asura invested crazily in Tang San. This is very interesting.

If Tang San wanted to start the Shura Divine Examination, Tang Chen, who was occupying the seat, would have to move his seat. . .

After listening to Guang's explanation, Bibi Dong fully understood, "Does this mean that Tang Chen was permanently promoted to the god level by God Shura, and then came towards us?"

"That's right. After all, our Spirit Hall is too strong and we started too early. God Shura is probably eager to overturn the table. It is not easy to directly create god-level combat power."

Guang sighed lightly, with god-level combat power, this unlucky Shura God really did a great job.

"Then if I and you Qian Daoliu join forces, do we have any chance of winning?" Bibi Dong said calmly with a calm expression.

"There is no chance, because the opponent cannot be eliminated, and the losses caused by the aftermath are definitely something you don't want to see." Guang shook his head and affirmed.

"The other party has transcended the boundaries of the world, while we are still within the limits allowed by the world. The gap is already obvious."

The power beyond the boundaries of the world is not impossible for him, but it is too difficult to withstand the test of plane consciousness.

He and Vivian are not good enough. Bibi Dong may be able to touch the limit when she explodes with all her strength, but it is not enough and the accumulation is not enough.

Her understanding of death is indeed about to reach a critical point, but if it is not transformed into tangible power through rituals, it is just empty talk.

Even God Shura sacrificed Tang Chen, a level 99 peerless Douluo, and the City of Killing to create such a "legitimate" god-level combat power.

To deal with the god-level Tang Chen, it was useless to drag the old guy Qiandaoliu. Guang sensed the aura stirring in the enshrinement hall in the distance and laughed. It seemed that he also sensed it and became anxious.

"Qian Daoliu is expected to arrive soon, but to deal with Tang Chen who has completed his qualitative transformation, it will be very difficult to make up for it with quantity. Let alone one Qian Daoliu, even ten of them will not be effective."

"If you have any other ideas, just say it." Bibi Dong looked at Guang and said calmly. She knew the other party so well that if there was nothing he could do, he wouldn't talk nonsense here, and would just pull the people around him and run away immediately.

"I hope Tang Chen didn't retain his sanity." Guang sighed with melancholy on his face. His method was a bit stupid. If the other party was really Tang Chen himself, the success rate would be ridiculously low.

And he only had this method. If this method failed, he would have no choice but to retreat strategically, and he and Bibi Dong would take Nana and others directly to the world of the dead.

As for the foundation of Wuhun Palace, it can only be thrown away. After all, Bibi Dong's situation still needs to be carefully polished, plus the necessary preparations before the ceremony, which will take at least ten or eight years.

To be honest, Bibi Dong's talent is already outrageous. She has a chance to hit the source of energy in just a few seconds, but she is much stronger than him.

His first two lives combined lasted at least two hundred years, so he was also the youngest group of demon saints in the history of Yuan Zhen Realm.

Even according to Guang's idea, there was no need for Bibi Dong to be anxious. It would be better to polish half a armor more.

If you break through early and lack accumulation, you will easily fail and die. Even if you are lucky enough to pass, the foundation will not be strong, and it will take more time to make up for it.

This is not about breaking records by playing games. There is no benefit in rushing to break through. Even if you succeed, you will be ostracized by the world.

Bibi Dong also agreed with this. She did not have the psychological baggage of being too young to become a god in history, because the path she wanted to take was not the path to inherit the divine throne.

And except for the uncertain factor of God Shura, her current strength is already at the top of the Douluo Continent, and she does not need to worry about potential threats arising from her own lack of strength.

"By the way, how do you plan to deal with the god-level Tang Chen?" Bibi Dong turned around and asked. She could already feel that Qian Daoliu was already on the way to the Pope's Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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