Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 330 Regretful Tang 3

Chapter 330 Regretful Tang San

One year later, Hanhai City.

Hanhai City is located at the westernmost end of Douluo Continent. It is one of the largest port cities on the entire west coast. It is located at the sea and land transportation hub, so commerce is developed and the city is very prosperous.

Its wide and tall east city gate is the most important throughput between the city and the inland areas. Caravans of all sizes line up to come in and out here every day.

Bring the land specialties that Hanhai City lacks and sell them, and take away the rich marine specialties from Hanhai City and sell them. The profit from the price difference is extremely huge, which is enough for the merchants to overcome the long journey and the risks involved.

At the end of the queue, a small caravan of dozens of people had just arrived.

On the last carriage, a black-haired young man with a stern face jumped down from it. Looking at Hanhai City in front of him, he did not show any obvious shock like others.

Compared with Tiandou City, there is still a clear gap between Hanhai City, but it is much more prosperous than Soto City. You can tell the difference just by looking at the height of the city wall and the bustle at the city gate.

Seeing the black-haired young man jump out of the car, the steward of the caravan quickly ran over with a smile on his face, "Third Young Master, you woke up at the right time. We have just arrived at Hanhai City."

This third young master was not a member of their Houtu caravan, but a lone traveler who joined halfway.

The gold soul coins given by the other party were not much, but he was physically strong, carried a big sword wrapped in a cloth strip, and had a cold murderous aura on his body. At first glance, he didn't look like someone to be trifled with.

The most important thing is that the guard captain can feel the soul power of the other party who is not weak, and there is no bad record of being wanted. He can help him if there is any trouble on the way.

The steward was very kind to the third young master along the way and even arranged a couch on the carriage for him to rest. Fortunately, the journey went smoothly.

It's best if everything is fine. Although there is no use in having sex with the other person, the steward's attitude towards the third young master has not changed at all. After all, he makes money by being peaceful when he is away from home.

"We have been really lucky along the way. The mainland is in chaos right now! Not to mention the evil soul masters are wreaking havoc, a new empire has been established over at Wuhun Palace, standing side by side with Tiandou Xingluo..."

"I have walked this road more than ten times. In the past, it was easy to say. At most, bandits would collect some tolls. Now when you go out, you are likely to encounter an evil spirit master..."

"I started taking risks this year because the remuneration from my business trip quadrupled. I thought that if I made enough money at once, I could buy a house in my hometown of Houtu City, get married, and live a stable life."

"Third Young Master, what are you doing in Hanhai City? It's not safe even for soul masters to go out now."

Steward Wang Quan looked over curiously. It would take quite a while to queue up at the city gate. The agreement between the Third Young Master and the Houtu Chamber of Commerce would not officially expire until they entered the city.

He didn't mean anything else, he just thought that if the third young master wanted to return to the inland like their Houtu Chamber of Commerce, and the time was similar, he would take him with him.

After all, the other party is a soul master, and for their small caravan, the escort team only has one soul master, two great soul masters and four soul masters.

Moreover, the captain of the guard specifically told him that although the third young master had never shown his martial soul or soul ring, he had estimated along the way that the other party's soul power level was definitely not lower than his.

That is at least the soul master. If there is one more soul master on the road, the safety will be improved a lot. Even if the third young master is not charged for his travel expenses, it is acceptable to give him some gold soul coins.

Despite the steward's enthusiastic wooing, the third young master's slightly rough face remained cold. Seeing Hanhai City arriving, he no longer had the intention to continue talking to the other party.

You don't even need to queue to see the civilian passage on the other side, you can just leave the caravan and enter the city from the other side without looking back.

Looking at the other party's back, the steward's face froze, then he shook his head and was not angry. He had not seen anyone since he had been out for five or six years.

Naturally, you should try your best to make friends with those who are destined to you, and you will have a long memory to stay away from those who are not destined to be connected in the future.

. . .

Tang San touched the divine sword behind him, and had no desire to communicate with the manager who was not even a soul master. Although his treatment along the way was considered top-notch in the entire small caravan, it was not comparable to him. Comfortable.

Now he just wants to go to the city quickly and find a good restaurant to have a good meal, and then find a high-end hotel to wash up and rest for a few days.

He had been running around all this year, and of course the opportunity was good. Tang San touched the "King's Power" he had lost and was very satisfied.

After obtaining the artifact inherited from the gods, he recovered his physical injuries and also started the Shura Nine Exams. He finally felt the protagonist treatment he had been waiting for.

However, despite the joy, there are still some shortcomings.

Even though he was reborn in the blood pool of Hell Valley, his soul power was greatly increased, he also changed into a face that was more handsome than before, and he even recovered from the sequelae of twitching in his hands.

However, his lack of eunuchs has still not been completed, and his abolished Blue Silver Grass martial spirit has not been restored at all. Recalling the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit cast by A Yin, Tang San couldn't help but feel like a knife was in his heart. After returning to Haotian Sect and carefully looking through the books in the library, he finally learned that above the Blue Silver Grass was the Blue Silver King. Above is the Blue Silver Emperor.

The Blue Silver Emperor is no less inferior to the Clear Sky Hammer spirit! ! ! It’s just gone!

With a top-level control system in one hand and a top-level attack system in one hand, coupled with the Tang Sect's hidden weapons and God of Death domain, he should be an invincible template at the same level.

According to his father Tang Hao, he is the direct bloodline of A Yin, so there is a high probability that Blue Silver Grass will awaken into the Blue Silver Emperor.

The reason why he didn't awaken early was that Tang San speculated that it might be because his body was too weak when his martial spirit awakened.

He still clearly remembered the difficulty of summoning the Clear Sky Hammer spirit for the first time. If another spirit was like the Clear Sky Hammer, his body would probably be overwhelmed.

On the contrary, there is no pressure on the Blue Silver Grass martial soul because it is weak. When his soul power level and physique increase, the Blue Silver Grass will naturally awaken.

As for why the Blue Silver Grass failed to awaken, when Ah Yin personally destroyed his Blue Silver Grass Spirit, he could clearly feel the pure life energy in the core of the Blue Silver Grass Spirit.

The source of preventing that life energy from spreading outward is precisely his animal soul ring.

It is precisely because the animal soul ring he absorbed is of high quality and has a long lifespan that it is difficult for the life energy of Bluesilver Grass to flourish.

Damn it, Yu Xiaogang, a bastard who misled others, tricked me. Why did he believe the other party’s bullshit soul master theory? As expected, there are unknown hidden dangers in absorbing animal soul rings by plant-type martial spirits!

After realizing it, Tang San's hatred for him was like a surging river, and the regret in his heart was like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

In short, his top control-type martial spirit was hopeless, and now Tang San had to accept the fact even though his heart was cut.

A year ago, he was the only one who escaped from Wuhun City, and all the other contestants and entourage died.

According to Wuhun Palace, it was the subsequent Blood God disaster that caused huge casualties in Wuhun City. Not only all the contestants died, but tens of thousands of the natives of Wuhun City also died.

The culprit was Tang Chen, who inherited the throne of the Evil God. The other party inherited the Blood God's throne in the Slaughter City. He not only broke the Cholera Continent of Evil Soul Masters released by the Slaughter City, but also attempted to destroy the soul master world.

Fortunately, Wuhun Palace had to make enough sacrifices to seal the opponent away in Wuhun Mountain.

This matter was caused by a joint conspiracy between the Shangsan Sect and the Xingluo Royal Family, so the Wuhun Palace first destroyed the Qibao Glazed Sect, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and the Xingluo Royal Family, and then destroyed the Haotian Sect's mountain gate half a year ago.

Naturally, Tang San and the Haotian Sect were absolutely opposed to this, but His Highness Wuhun's hand was too dark and ruthless. The other three families were considered dead, and the dead could not speak out. . .

Not to mention that the evil god's disaster was witnessed by tens of millions of people in Wuhun City.

And whether it was the Tiandou Empire, which had a new emperor who was dedicated to revitalizing military affairs, or the Xingluo Empire, which was succeeded by the Xu family, even most of the casual cultivating soul masters acquiesced to Wuhun Palace's statement.

After all, all the gates of the Haotian Sect were wiped out, and a third elder died. It is said that only one titled Douluo, Tang Xiao, escaped and hid in the darkness with a few direct members.

Moreover, the newly established Wuhun Empire did not choose to expand and attack the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire after integrating the surrounding principalities and kingdoms.

Because although Blood God Tang Chen's problem was temporarily solved, the evil soul master's disaster would bring disaster to the entire continent.

In addition, the Wuhun Empire was newly established and suffered heavy losses due to the sealing of Tang Chen, so it did not choose to expand rashly.

The Xu family of the Star Luo Empire was busy appeasing various soul master families and stabilizing the empire they had just taken over. They were extremely busy dealing with the evil soul masters alone, let alone the stupid thing of seeking revenge from the Spirit Hall.

After all, it was the Dai family that died, so what did it have to do with the Xu family?

The same is true for the Tiandou Empire. The newly appointed Emperor Xue Qinghe announced that his younger brother, the Fourth Prince, and his uncle Xue Xing had teamed up with the nobles to poison the previous Emperor Xue Ye in an attempt to rebel and ascend to the throne, but he foiled the plot.

The current Tiandou Empire only cares about three things: expanding the army to improve the status of generals, encircling and suppressing evil soul masters, and purging civil servants and the nobles behind them.

The three major empires all made the same choice, to exterminate the evil soul masters, stabilize their internal political power, and recuperate to prepare for war.

As for Tang San, after returning to Haotian Academy to tell his uncle Tang Xiao the unfortunate news that the Wuhun City operation failed, he was assigned a special mission to go to the ruins of the Killing City to explore the truth of the matter.

The fall of Tang Hao and the Fourth Elder sounded the alarm for Tang Xiao, a smart man with an extraordinarily vigilant mind. Not to mention the fact that his grandfather Tang Chen inexplicably turned into a god and caused havoc in Wuhun City and was sealed after his disappearance made him even more worried.

He chose to let the third elder take over the power of the sect and stay at the gate of the Haotian Sect, while he took part of the direct descendants of the Haotian Sect into hiding.

The special mission assigned to Tang San was just a plan to separate him from Haotian Academy and Haotian Sect to prevent accidents.

According to the intelligence feedback, the Killing City was the source of a series of events, so Tang Xiao followed his vague feeling and arranged for Tang San to go there to do the mission.

(End of this chapter)

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