Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 332 The vicious biting dog

Chapter 332 The vicious biting dog

In the early morning, facing the rays of the morning sun, Tang San stared closely at that ray of purple spirit, completing the homework of the Purple Demon Eye that he must do every day.

When the sun rose, he exhaled a breath of turbid air and stood up.

"This progress is too slow." Tang San stood up and sighed, his face full of melancholy.

The fourth realm of the Purple Demon Eye is the overall view, the microscopic, the mustard seed, and the vast. He can enter the general view in one year and advance to the microscopic in ten years. But to enter the mustard seed realm, there is no hope without a lot of hard work.

If you only rely on the Chaoyang Purple Qi you collect every day to practice, you will only be able to reach the Mustard Seed state in your lifetime.

He watched the last miscellany of Xuantian Baolu and learned that there were only a few people in history who had broken through the mustard realm, and they were all centenarians who were dying.

"I don't know how the Patriarch Xuantian who created the Xuantian Treasure Record reached the highest level recorded." Tang San secretly cursed, couldn't some key steps have been deleted?

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, let's focus on the Shura Ninth Examination."

When Xuantian Kung reaches the highest state of Three Flowers Gathering, it is probably similar to that of Peerless Douluo among soul masters. After completing the Nine Tests of Shura, one can become a god in one step. Tang San still knows which one is more important.

Apart from anything else, he has been practicing with the Shura Blood Sword on his back day and night. Not only has he exercised his body, but his consciousness has also obtained a lot of fragmentary information from this sword.

One of them was his deposed twin martial souls. Being dethroned by the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit was an eternal pain in Tang San's heart. Especially after realizing the power of the clear purple spirit ring of the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit, he felt a little regretful.

If he had endured a little longer and added soul rings to Soul King or even higher soul power levels, wouldn't he have been able to achieve a completely black ten-thousand-year soul ring?

But the destruction of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass spirit is irreversible, because it is a ban from the deepest source of the Blue Silver Grass bloodline, and the Blue Silver Emperor's control over all Blue Silver Grass people is not something that even God can change.

However, just because the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit cannot be restored does not mean that Tang San's twin martial spirits cannot be restored, and the martial spirits are not necessarily limited to Blue Silver Grass.

The great power that the gods can exert with the help of the divine position is not only the simple destructive power, but also incredible powers, such as granting soul rings, increasing the life of the soul rings, and increasing the soul power of the soul master. . .

Each item is a subversion of the soul master's cognition. Similarly, it is not a bad idea to replace Tang San with a new martial soul.

It may be very difficult for other soul masters to operate because they only have one soul slot. If they want to have twin souls, they need to open up a second soul slot. This depends on their talent.

But Tang San was different from other spirit masters. He originally had twin martial spirits, but one spirit was destroyed.

The martial soul has been abolished, but the twin martial souls are still there. If you just replace the martial soul, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Shura Blood Sword also released information about god-level martial spirits. God-level martial spirits are more powerful than top-level martial spirits and are also the highest-quality martial spirits in the world.

Apart from anything else, in terms of innate soul power alone, the innate soul power of a god-level martial soul is level 20 beyond the full innate soul power.

Because god-level martial arts are related to gods, they can slightly break through the limitations of the world. The quality of the martial spirits themselves is also the best among top martial arts.

The sacred angel martial spirit of the Spirit Hall is a god-level martial spirit, inherited from the Angel God.

Poseidon Island also has a god-level Poseidon martial spirit, inherited from Poseidon.

And God Shura, who is stronger than them, naturally has a corresponding god-level martial spirit, named Shura.

If Tang San performs well enough in the subsequent Shura God Test, he may not be unable to obtain the Shura Spirit as a reward, and replace the discarded Blue Silver Grass Spirit with a god-level spirit.

However, because god-level martial arts are already the limit allowed by the world, and are even a little marginal, the god-level martial souls of all gods are at about the same level.

The so-called god level of Shura Blood Sword means that it is related to gods, but does not really have the opportunity to break through the limitations of the world and reach the realm of gods with martial arts alone.

Of course, Tang San didn't know this detail, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care much. He just needed to make sure that the Shura Spirit was the highest-grade spirit.

In this way, he might be able to take revenge on Wuhun Palace before he becomes a god, and even feel more confident. It would also be good to let Wuhun Palace become his stepping stone to becoming a god.

Although Tang San couldn't clearly know the content of the next divine test from the Asura Blood Sword, he knew clearly that God Asura was the god of killing.

The test for the God of Slaughter is naturally more brutal and dangerous than the tests for other gods. The first few tests are just preparations. After that, if Tang San didn't go through a bloody storm, he would never be able to ascend to the throne of Shura.

God Shura has no intention of letting go of this. He does want to raise a dog, but he also wants to raise a vicious dog that can bite people.

Otherwise, after he leaves, how can the other party obtain enough benefits from the other four god kings?

The first few tests were just to improve Tang San's foundation. After Tang San was accelerated to level 70, the difficulty of the divine test would skyrocket.

Evil soul masters, soul beasts, and even Wuhun Palace are all assessment targets!


After breakfast, Tang San felt that he was almost rested, so he went to the pier to inquire about matters related to going to Poseidon Island.

After all, he had no chart, no boat, and couldn't sail a boat or even swim. Of course, swimming is not troublesome to learn, but in the vast sea, swimming skills can only help people avoid unnecessary dangers, but cannot directly swim across the sea.

For Tang San, the only option was to take a boat if he wanted to reach Poseidon Island. The dock for the boat was not in the city, but he had to go straight out from the west city gate.

From the city to the dock, this road is undoubtedly the smoothest and widest. It is even paved with large flat stone slabs, which shows that Hanhai City attaches great importance to maritime trade.

Correspondingly, both sides of the road were also extremely busy. Pedestrians and vehicles were coming and going on the road, and Tang San could smell the fishy smell in the air.

It was obvious that those vehicles with roofs were carrying seafood.

Tang San's legs and feet were not fast because he was carrying the Shura Blood Sword on his back.

Even if the current Shura Blood Sword only weighs 1%, it is still not something Tang San's current physical fitness can bear on a daily basis. He must run the Xuantian Technique at all times to keep his daily actions normal.

But carrying this big sword is not without its benefits. The gangsters along the way chose to stay away after seeing the big sword behind Tang San, and did not choose to attack because of Tang San's tender face.

When they arrived at the dock area, the sailor who was questioned by Tang San also behaved very kindly.

"You mean Poseidon Island? There aren't many boats to go there. A ten-day voyage isn't too far, but the sea areas you pass through are not peaceful. Especially the area around the Demon Whale Sea area needs special attention to avoid."

"Also, I suggest you take a larger merchant ship, one that can carry a few hundred people. As long as you put in more money, it won't be a problem to reach Poseidon Island along the way."

The sailor pointed at the three large ships in the distance, "Anyone like Dingyuan, Hanhai, or Zhulang will do."

Seeing some hesitation in Tang San's eyes, the sailor waved his hand without hesitation and added, "You will know if what I said is true or false if you ask more on the dock."

"There are only a few large merchant ships that go to Poseidon Island. Other small merchant ships will not go there to trade. You are just one person. There is no need to charter a small merchant ship to go there."

And it's not safe. The sailor didn't say the last word. It was already in his temper to say this.

As for the fact that there were many small ships in the dock area part-time in the pirate business, he would not be stupid enough to say it directly, and the other party would not benefit him.

Tang San, who was always cautious, naturally did not listen to the sailor's words, but asked a few questions at various places on the dock.

Some didn't know Poseidon Island at all, and some were unwilling to talk to Tang San. In the end, the first sailor was the most honest one.

In the end, Tang San also confirmed that the information given by the other party was correct. There were really only two ways to get to Poseidon Island, follow a large merchant ship, or charter a small merchant ship.

The treatment and experience of small merchant ships are better. After all, the person who charters the ship is the sponsor, and the captain naturally tries his best to meet the reasonable requirements of the sponsor.

The treatment on a large merchant ship is much worse. There is a bed on board and basic three meals a day. The advantage is that it costs relatively little (and is safer).

After carefully looking at the three large ships, Tang San went to the Hanhai first. Not only was this ship the largest, it also looked the best.

The hull of the entire dock is made of wood, but there are many metal protections on the Hanhai that are stronger, and it is said that the ship owner has an official background in Hanhai City.

"Those who take the boat, go over there and look for the steward, the fattest one over there." The sailor in question skillfully pointed the direction to Tang San and turned to leave.

There are not many people taking the boat to Poseidon Island, but there are always a few on each trip. Yesterday, a man and a woman reserved the best seats.

Speaking of which, the purple-haired beauty is so beautiful, as beautiful as the sea witch in the legend of the sea.

However, no one on the entire ship dared to speak randomly. The captain summoned all the crew members yesterday to recognize their faces, and a respectful expression appeared on his usually extremely proud face.

I heard from other people that the two young-looking men and women were probably soul masters, and their soul power levels were extremely high. They were probably soul kings, or even soul emperors.

As for the Soul Saint and the Soul Saint, they are not blind. Even if those two faces have good looks, they cannot be so outrageous that they can rejuvenate them.

The Hanhai is very large, with a lot of cargo and sailors, and many duties.

In addition to the captain, there are also the first mate, second mate, third mate, boatswain, steward, soul master guard captain, chief cook, and doctor.

The sailor was referring to the steward responsible for entertaining tourists on the Hanhai. Regarding Tang San's request for boarding the ship, the steward impatiently gave him two standards.

The same Datong shop and three meals as the sailors, no walking is allowed, 150 gold soul coins, and a deposit of 50.

A small single room of 5 square meters, three meals with meat, walking within a designated area on the deck is allowed, 600 gold soul coins, and a deposit of 200.

If you have other needs, you can appeal to him or the waiter, but you will have to pay extra!

"Isn't there a better room?" Tang San frowned. He could accept the price, after all, it was a 10-day voyage, but the conditions sounded too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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